Thursday, June 17, 2021

More Cage Time for Mick?

 In recounting Mistress's adventure with K last Friday night,  I failed to include a few sordid details.

First, Mick was required to spend some relatively rare "cage time" while Mistress was out. The same policy applied when K came by for that introductory dinner on the prior Tuesday evening.  Fortunately, Mistress was in a benign mood when she returned from her "ordeal" and before collapsing into a deep sleep, she authorized me to unlock and remove my cage.

I know, some of you would describe this as too permissive, but, fortunately for me, Mistress is compassionate about slave's comfort level.  Or maybe she just wanted to make sure her beauty sleep was not disturbed by a tossing and turning slave.

Whether Mistress will ratchet up slave's cage time in the weeks to come remains to be seen. But I can expect it when she and Mistress get together. 

Another item I failed to mention is that K has a submissive inclined partner with whom he shares an "open" relationship.  He mentioned to Mistress that she sometimes likes to join in his play with another woman. She's been out-of-town for a few weeks, but Mistress assumes we will have a chance to meet her and get together at some point in the future.

That certainly raises some interesting prospects for kinkiness as this relationship develops in the future. 

Finally, as we discussed the evening's activities, Mistress confirmed that she not only enjoyed K's oral attentions - leading to at least one orgasm - but also applied her own oral skills to K's exceedingly large cock. 

"It was a real challenge,'s so BIG!"

Fortunately, Mistress tender lady parts seem to have recovered from her Friday Night with K.  She's been generous enough to allow Slave an all access pass every morning since then.  Let's hope that policy continues!


  1. Mick, it seems like your desire for kink is getting the better of your critical thinking skills. This asshole sexually abused your wife. Your wife had to ask him to take a break (translation: stop, you're hurting me) multiple times. He fucked her so hard that she was hurting for three days. Any man that does that kind of thing will do it again because nobody will call him out. Is seeing your wife hurt like that after a 'date' with this asshole what you want? You can bet it will be as bad or worse in the future and this was just a preview.

    Just in case you think I'm troll that's just out to bust your balls: I am a long time reader and have been following your blog since 2009. I'm genuinely concerned for your wife's health.

  2. Hello mick , I know as a cuckold slave my owner / wife Mistress Margo does date all the time and she is a size queen and it just so happens she is BBC only, now she has had all night love making dates where she was really getting pounded by one of he favorite lovers he is 12 inches and very fat it’s a huge black cock but my Mistress was so hot to feel it stretch her beautiful pussy and I witnessed it in person he really gave her a ride and in the morning after , when I cleaned them my Mistress was very sore, I was able to ask her on the way home if your so sore why did you let him keep pounding away on you , she laughed and said it hurts so good , and you know what I'm masochist I knew just what she meant she has hurt me and pleasured me at the same time and even though I was very sore especially when she did CBT but I had an orgasm at the same time so then for a week I felt like she hit me in the balls with a baseball bat , but I still believe if she did did it again I still let her do it but actually I’m in a TPE so I have no safe words and my limits are what Mistress Margo says they are and I’m at her mercy so it’s not up to me so yes she can hurt me anytime she wants anyway she feels like it and I’ll do it I trust that she won’t really hurt me to bad but if she does well that’s tough for me that the price I might have to pay I love Mistress Margo I worship her she’s more then a wife or just dominant sex partner she holds my life in her hands she’s my goddess she’s my religion she’s my everything she owns me , I will never tell her what she can do to me I would never insult her that way it’s too disrespectful to her she holds the power not me thank you and sometimes it does hurt do good slave cc


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