Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Meanwhile....back in the land of Molly and mick fan fiction!

 While Mistress was enjoying a night out with her new lover K, we continued to hear from her suitor up in Utah.  Whether we will ever see him in person is far from certain.  But he clearly has spent some time stoking his own imagination over what might be, and then putting it in correspondence to her.  Here is the next "chapter" of his musings!

I sit on the sofa with my good girl molly, our arms intertwined, our hands clasping each other as she leans her pretty head on my shoulder. We are happy to be together again after some time apart. I lean over, inhale deeply and smell her hair... she looks and smells beautiful. At my direction, she spent several hours earlier today preparing herself for our dinner date. Per my instructions, she had cuckold mick drive her first to the nail salon where he waited obediently as his wife got her nails done, knowing full well it was for her date with me tonight. Then just as I instructed, cuckold mick drove his wife to the hair salon where her beautiful hair was done up just the way I like it. Again, the cuckold  obediently waited in the hair salon as he watched his wife getting prepared for our date. 


Molly and I both enjoy making the cuck take an active and even humiliating role in his wife's preparation for our dates, to put him in his place, as he brings his wife to get her nails and hair done, as he waits patiently, and then pays for her beauty treatments. Although Molly is beautiful to me even without such preparation, I enjoy knowing she is doing as I instructed her to do, that she is taking the time and making the effort to look even more beautiful for me, and that the cuck is doing his part as our obedient slave boy to get his wife looking even nicer for our dates and our time together. Cuckold mick feels the humiliation of such obedience as he drives his wife to her appointments, knowing full well she is doing this for me, not for him, and as he then watches her preparation for our date. His humiliation is fueled even further as he pulls out his credit card to pay for his wife's preparation... as he knows it is all being done for her time with me... and that it is all being done per my instructions.


As we sit together on the sofa, my girl  looks absolutely ravishing ... as she always does. We both feel a deep peace and satisfaction, knowing that she truly has become my girl, my very good and pleasing girl. She tells me she is so happy I could be here with her tonight, especially because was waiting all week to hear from me... and that she is so glad we could get together tonight for dinner... and more. At dinner, as Molly and I sat close together with cuckold mick on the other side of the table, he told me he was glad I could be here with them tonight, because his wife was growing a bit irritable and impatient  this week, and how she was harsher with him than usual... but he knew it was an expression of her growing concern at not hearing from me... and her growing impatience at not being able to see me... and her growing desire to be with me. 


Both Molly and cuckold mick know better than to complain about my not reaching out to her this past week.  I typically  talk with her several times a week, but this was a busy week for me, so I didn't. 

Part of me also realized that it would be a good lesson in patience for Molly, so I did not make the extra effort to reach out to her. In addition to it being a good lesson in patience, I knew it would also be a good lesson in appreciation for her... as well as for cuckold mick... for both of them to appreciate even more what I bring to the table.. or to the bed as the case may be... as I take the beautiful molly as my girl and take control of both of them as my good and obedient and pleasing couple.


My cock is still aroused, though a bit more relaxed now than it was in the car ride home, as molly showed me how well she remembered her training about how I like her to lick my balls and suck my cock. I love the way her tongue feels as I tell her to not miss a single spot, and she doesn't. I love the way she obeys when I tell her "Ass up" and how her ass looks as I pull up her dress and pull down her panties. The pink lacy panties she knows I like so much. I like her in pink or red or black panties, and she never disappoints, either in her obedience to my preferences or in how beautiful her lovely ass looks and feels to me.... I love the way her tongue feels as she licks with such purpose and devotion... and I love how her mouth feels around my hard cock as she does her best to show me her devotion. 


As we both sat  on the sofa together, cuckold mick pleased both of us when he crawled over to our feet and asked us, as he has been trained to do, if he could remove our shoes. I love the mischievous and satisfied look in Molly's eyes when she sees or hears her husband doing exactly as he has been trained or told to do... especially those things which make it so clear to all of us what a good boy he has become for us.


"Remove Molly's shoes first, good boy, in the manner you have been trained," I respond to cuckold don's question. 


As he has been trained to do, cuckold mick replies "Yes, Sir",  lowering his head to his wife's feet, kissing each shoe reverently before slowly and carefully unbuckling each of her lovely high heels. I always like how my girl  looks in high heels, so elegant, so refined, so beautiful, and oh so sexy. After cuckold mick removes his wife's  heels, and places them neatly together to the side, he places his palms on the floor on each side of her feet and lowers his head to just above her feet, waiting for my command to begin worshipping his wife's feet... which one to start with... and how I want him to worship her feet.


I make him wait awhile as I glance over at molly  and squeeze her hand. As I look into her eyes, we smile at each other, then I say two words to the cuck , "Left. Kiss." He obediently begins kissing her bare left foot, and as he does, I begin kissing her beautiful lips as I pull her close to me. As she feels her husband's lips on her feet, she feels mine on her mouth, and my tongue as I pull her close to me and begin exploring her tasty mouth, exploring it fully and forcefully, making it clear  that she is mine. I enjoy making her feel like the queen she is as her obedient husband kisses her left foot, and I enjoy making her feel like the desired slave girl she is as I claim her mouth forcefully and pull her to me, squeezing her full breasts softly at first, then harder and harder. The passion of the moment  guides the movement of my tongue,  lips, and  hands. My cock grows instantly as I begin to take physical possession of her lush body,  sense her surrender and hear and see her growing arousal... her moans... her thrusting... her responsive tongue and hands as she grasps my arms and reaches down to feel my hard cock... all showing me, and showing her obedient husband, how thoroughly excited and happy she is to be in my presence once again.


--- to be continued ---


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Responding To Advice from A Reader

 One of our readers recently commented about his concerns about Mistress's post-pandemic lover.  The guy we are calling K.

He expressed his view that K had "sexually abused" Molly with his large cock, causing her to ask for "breaks" as the evening proceeded.

I took his concerns seriously and asked Molly what she thought. 

"It was not sexual abuse, slave....yes...his cock is big....very big.....but when I asked for a break he always followed my lead....we never started up again without my go ahead....."

When we both met with K before their first "date" he was pretty clear (and reassuring) about his desire to get Mistress's consent if any when any action were to proceed. No "safe words" were involved.  Just a simple "slow down", "stop" or "let's take a break" would work.  And that's how Mistress described their Friday night get together last week. 

The same with "contact play".  He told us he preferred to simply use his hand to spank, as opposed to implements like crops, so he could better measure the response of his "subject".  Mistress described the spanking he administered as particularly squirm inducing. 

Yes, Mistress's lady parts were "tender" for several days after an evening interfacing with one of the largest cocks she's experienced...ever. Part of that may have been because for the preceding 18 months or so she's had to make do with her slave's "work-a-day" cock.  So some stretching was bound to happen. The involvement of a condom may also have added to the irritation. But Mistress rejects the notion that "sexual abuse" was involved simply because K has a super-sized cock to deploy.  And all those orgasms made for a night to remember. 

"But one thing is clear, slave...I'm not going to be able to do it with him more than once every 2-3 weeks."

Recovery time will be needed. 

Of course, whether and when Mistress gets back together with K will be up to her, and her alone. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

More Cage Time for Mick?

 In recounting Mistress's adventure with K last Friday night,  I failed to include a few sordid details.

First, Mick was required to spend some relatively rare "cage time" while Mistress was out. The same policy applied when K came by for that introductory dinner on the prior Tuesday evening.  Fortunately, Mistress was in a benign mood when she returned from her "ordeal" and before collapsing into a deep sleep, she authorized me to unlock and remove my cage.

I know, some of you would describe this as too permissive, but, fortunately for me, Mistress is compassionate about slave's comfort level.  Or maybe she just wanted to make sure her beauty sleep was not disturbed by a tossing and turning slave.

Whether Mistress will ratchet up slave's cage time in the weeks to come remains to be seen. But I can expect it when she and Mistress get together. 

Another item I failed to mention is that K has a submissive inclined partner with whom he shares an "open" relationship.  He mentioned to Mistress that she sometimes likes to join in his play with another woman. She's been out-of-town for a few weeks, but Mistress assumes we will have a chance to meet her and get together at some point in the future.

That certainly raises some interesting prospects for kinkiness as this relationship develops in the future. 

Finally, as we discussed the evening's activities, Mistress confirmed that she not only enjoyed K's oral attentions - leading to at least one orgasm - but also applied her own oral skills to K's exceedingly large cock. 

"It was a real challenge,'s so BIG!"

Fortunately, Mistress tender lady parts seem to have recovered from her Friday Night with K.  She's been generous enough to allow Slave an all access pass every morning since then.  Let's hope that policy continues!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Mistress's First Night With A New Lover

 Mistress made it home at about 11 pm Friday - way past our typical mountain west bedtime. And she was very tired.

"I'm exhausted slave....."

"Poor Mistress".

From her fashionable purse she pulled out a plastic baggie. No, it did not contain  a used condom.  But a necklace I had gotten her years ago from a local craft jeweler.  It was in tatters.

"Things got so raucous, and, well, I forgot to take this off.  Somehow amid all the hot and heavy it just broke.  But I think I got all the beads." She already was thinking through where to take it for repairs.

She focused on removing her makeup, and we quickly headed to bed.

"I'm even too tired - and sore -- for any worship tonight slave.  Raincheck in the morning?"

"Of course, Mistress."

It took her several days to share much of the details of her first night with a "sidedish" in about two years. And it was quite a story. 

She arrived at around 6:30 pm, and K eased into things with restraint and courtesy.

"He made a light dinner for us, and we sat out on his patio, nice views, and just talked.  I heard about his girlfriend who sounds interesting....they have an open relationship. She lives there part time. But I must say the house looks more like a single guy's  pad than one for a couple...."

"So after dinner.....?"

"After a drink and dinner and conversation,  he suggested we go inside."

Mistress had left the house not sure about whether she would actually have sex with K on what amounted to their first "date" (not counting that dinner on Tuesday night with the three of us). But apparently K had a manner that persuaded her to shed any remaining inhibitions.

"So what happened then...."

"Inside he pressed me against the wall....pulled my arms over my head....held them there... and kissed me...."

"Is he a good kisser, Mistress?"

"Very good slave...."

"Then he told me from that point forward I would call him 'Sir'....."

"How did that work...."

"I did my best, but forgot sometimes...."

"And then?"

"He spanked me slave... for not calling him 'Sir' or if I laughed at something he was doing....."

"And how did you react to the spanking?"

"It was hot, slave....very hot."

"So how did he get you out of your dress....."

Mistress had left the house in a long swirling tie-dye dress that showed lots of back.

"It took a while....he just pushed it up and had me that way for a while, just taking my parties off....."

"This was in his room?"

"yes...and by the way....he had some red rope hanging from the wall of his bedroom. But I told him no rope the first time.  I needed to get more comfortable first."

But let's not digress.

"Did he make you come, Mistress?"

"Oh yes.  With his tongue....he likes that unlike some guys.  With his fingers.  And with his very big cock."

"How big?"

"Bigger than any I've had before slave....that's why I had to ask him to take a few was .....well almost too big....."


"Oh there were a few... him on top. him from riding his cock, which seemed to be the most comfortable for me."

The next morning, Mistress indulged her slave with some worship and wake up sex.  But she was clearly tender from the "abuse" she suffered at the hands of her new dominant lover. I've tried to go easy in our sex, knowing she could just as easily shut me down until she was fully recovered. In fact, it seemed to take at least 3 days for her to recover from the tenderness caused by that huge "bull" cock.

Where does this go from here?

Seems they are both interested in a return engagement, though it may take a few weeks for that to happen due to competing travel plans.

But at least we know there is a cuckolding life after COVID! And with a dominant lover to add extra spice.

"Did you enjoy submitting to him, Mistress?

"Oh yes, slave....."

Friday, June 11, 2021

Date Night for Mistress

 This is not one of those fan fiction posts!  No....this is for real.

After a long pandemic-induced draught, Mistress is actually going on a "date" tonight with a local gentleman we met via fetlife.  He in his mid-40's, tall, fit and definitely of the dominant persuasion.

We had him over for dinner earlier this week.  He was polite and respectful.  Over drinks, the conversation focused on common interests with Mistress, which involved lots of outdoor activities - from biking to hiking to downhill skiing. 

As we ate dinner, we touched a bit on our past experiences with other lovers for Molly, and mick's odd cuckold turn on.  We even mentioned that we had a "contract" that allowed Mistress to have "side dishes" of her choice. No one mentioned that slave was actually wearing a cock cage for the occasion. In time, possibly. 

Mistress was intrigued, and attracted.  But K was not pushy, asking for a hug (but nothing more) before he headed home. He told Mistress to talk it over with me before deciding whether to pursue things further.  Of course, that was Mistress's call.

And the call she made was to let K know she was ready to take "the next step".  That involves a Friday night date tonight, we Mistress flying solo over to K's house on the other side of our sleepy little town.

"But if I do that what will you do, slave?"  

"Well there's always the NBA playoffs on TV."

"Whatever you'll be doing, slave,  one thing is for'll be back in that cage on Friday night."

Thursday, June 10, 2021

At Home with Molly's Bull (Fan Fiction cont'd)

 Summer weather has arrived here in the high desert, and life is getting back to "normal" in small ways and big ones.  We've finally been able to return to the two-stepping dance floor at our local watering hole, where music survived last summer, but dancing was verbotten as part of COVID restrictions.

We have also dipped our toes into the cuckold lifestyle, hosting a potential suitor for Mistress's attentions on Tuesday night.  Things initially seem promising.... more details later.  

But in the meantime, here is a continuation from the "gentleman" from SLC who aspires to take charge of the Collins household and spins a nice fantasy about how that might come to pass:

There is something quite erotic to me about knowing that you are both turned on by the type of relationship I am describing to you... most recently about me maintaining a firm hand over both of you... including not allowing cuckold mick to penetrate his wife's married pussy, mouth, or ass with anything other than his tongue, unless he is specifically granted permission to do so... which would only come... maybe... after my good girl  requests it. 


Of course, it is not totally necessary that cuckold mick be turned on by something for me to want to put it on the menu, so to speak, of what we will enjoy together. It is more important to me that my beautiful girl molly find something arousing, but even that is not necessarily a prerequisite for me to include something on the menu.

I think you know me well enough by now to know that if I know my girl molly is turned on by something, then that something will be much more likely to be something I have us enjoy together... but as I said it is not a prerequisite for me to enjoy your service in various ways.


It is also good to know you are both also turned on by my description of the beautiful molly giving herself to me fully, not only physically in the ways I tell her to, but also emotionally and mentally. I do find the idea of stepping into your marriage and taking control of molly’s body, mind, and heart quite erotic, arousing, and powerful. Not to mention very satisfying in every way. 


Speaking of which, after cuckold mick performs his chauffer duties flawlessly, which I am sure he will if we wishes to be included in our evening activities, as we return to your home, he opens the car door for Molly and me. As we exit the car and walk arm in arm to your front door, cuckold mick walks ahead of us and opens the front door for us and holds it open as he welcomes me into your home, even as I walk in through your front door arm in arm with his lovely wife ... who is now very worked up and horny after serving me so well in the back seat of the car as her husband drove us around town the scenic way in order to give her more time to show me what an eager and talented cocksucker she is for me... because she wants very much to please me. She knows that her obedience is an important part of pleasing me, so she was a very obedient girl indeed in the car as I directed her to suck my cock and also to thoroughly lick my balls and cock in the ways I have trained her to... even as I pulled up her dress, pulled down her panties, and spanked her lovely ass hard as she sucked me... mmmm oh myyyy... Molly has clearly learned  how to suck my cock so very, very well... what a good girl she has become for me. A very talented good girl, with a gorgeous ass which I always enjoying turning pink and then bright red... whether we are in a car, out hiking in the hills, in your own home, or any number of other places.


Molly is not the only one all worked up and horny after her service to me in the backseat of the car... indeed all three of us found the car ride home extremely erotic and arousing. As we enter your home, cuckold mick closes the door behind us and immediately removes all his clothing and kneels, as he has been trained to do in this situation, to help put himself in a proper submissive and obedient cuckold mindset. After he strips and kneels, showing me he has remembered his training well, he receives the appropriate commendation from me for his obedience. I then turn to my girl Molly and ask her "Your husband has become a very good boy for us, hasn't he?" To which Molly replies with a smile and a laugh "Oh yes Sir... I have made it very clear to him how important it is that he obey you... and I am confident he will do exactly that!" 


I smile at that and walk molly to the sofa. We sit down together, and I see that Molly was correct about her husband's obedience, as he crawls over to us as he has been trained to do and asks us if he may removes our shoes. Molly smiles and looks at me as her well-trained husband, the man she married, kneels before us in total obedience. I can see from molly's smile, from the twinkle in her eyes, and from the way she grasps my arm, takes my hand tightly in hers, and leans into me with her head on my shoulder, that she is thoroughly enjoying her husband’s obedience... and his humiliation as he kneels before the man who has so clearly stepped right into your marriage and captured his wife's heart... and her beautiful body as well. 


To be continued…..