Saturday, November 5, 2016

Tights Fetish Nirvava

Mistress and slave are still on our EuroJunket, having covered three countries over the last three days. We slogged thru the trenches in Loraine, spent a final night in Brussels, then toated our daughter down to Spain for a weekend of art and pinxos.

But the constant distraction for slave has been the preference of so many European women for tights, whether for work or a night out.

Brussels has a growing bike culture, and my head was turned more than a few times by lovely ladies rolling by - day or night - in short skirts and dark tights.

Theree were tights in the train stations:

And more tights in window displays:

Fortunately,  Mistress also got into the mood in the evenings for dinner:

Turns out the ladies of Basque Country have gotten the memo:

And while I've run into this movie star in the tiny grocery near our SW hideaway, she's usually in jeans, not dressed like in this window here:


Hopefully I won't get run down by a Tram while gawking!


  1. Mick, I always wear tights in the cold but I really haven't ever considered them sexy. It's so interesting to know that you do - and I realize that you aren't alone... but I'm still having trouble thinking of them that way. Tell us more please?

  2. I'm with Mick, the trend is great. It seems that many restaurants' "dress code" is now black shirt and black tights. That's all.

  3. Tights season in our section of the desert southwest is a short season and getting shorter every year because of global warming!



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