Sunday, May 8, 2016

Paint It Black

Slave has been left to his own devices here in the heartland, as Mistress and our youngest "Domme in training" graze their way through one of Europe's capitols this weekend.

You will  be relieved to know I followed Mistress's instructions to the T (or would that be "O") twice: once Friday evening and again on Saturday morning, not wanting to get punished for failing to discharge those dangerous natural juices.

As Mistress warned: "I don't want you running around all horny on your own this weekend, Slave...."

What a wise and benign Mistress. So many others would have simply locked me up and given some trusted neighbor the key in case of an emergency. Or had me use one of those numbered locks that Diane is partial to.  But if I had been locked up I would not have been able to ride my bike, as I did to work on Friday, and then again on Saturday.  What good is a slave who does not remain cardiac hearty to best serve his Mistress?

And I realized that despite her sight seeing with our daughter, Mistress still had me in the back of ehr mind when she texted me this photo apparently taken in a shop window this morning:

Last night I did go out to listen to some music at a local watering hole.  Mistress made clear that I should be caged for the occasion, and I even sent her a "snap chat" to demonstrate my compliance with her wishes.

But let's get to the subject of today's illustrations.  On Friday I posted a photo of Mistress in a fetching white get up.  But all of you know that Mistress usually sticks to basic black.  She even left one of her lacy black nighties, resonant with her perfume, natural and otherwise, to fuel my sanctioned "touching" this weekend. I went back through the moldy photo archives here at the UCTMW World HQ and found some choice examples or her preference for black.

Enjoy!  I know I enjoyed thumbing through this collection!


  1. Amazing. You'd get punished for not discharging your juices and i'd get punished for doing it. Actually, i'd probably get more than just punished. And those photos are providing plenty of temptation right now...

    sissy terri

    1. it's a tough job, but someone had to do it.


  2. She is right by having you discharge those juices! Glad you got to ride (a bike, ahem!). Do you have to send Her pics of your "spillage"? :) The perfume is a nice touch. So is looking at Her... just lovely! sara


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