Thursday, April 14, 2016

HNT./ Missing Mistress

It's been a busy week for both Mistress and slave. And now I am off in our nation's capitol while Mistress has been left to her own devices back in River City.

"Maybe I should have made you wear the cage, slave...."

I suppose I should have asked before I left down.  But at least I have been following the "no touch" rule, looking forward until tomorrow evening when I will be reunited with her.

In the meantime, at least I can electronically page through my collection of provocative photos of Mistress and share a couple with our devoted readers.

Here's one from tight's season. It's the only thing I miss once sprng finally arrives.

But then this view of Mistress's un-tighted legs isn't so shabby, is it?

And finally, how about a photo of Mistress in some of her colorful under-garments:

I hope some illustrations will at least give me a pass until I can provide some more substantive blog-fodder for our devoted readers.


  1. Those photos absolutely get you a pass, at least from me. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Mick,

    i myself will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks. The cage comes along. Yes, maybe you should have asked.

    sissy terri

  3. Oh, how i'd love to worship Mistress in the car... She is so lovely! sara


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