Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Back in the Cage

Slave played a little prank on our readers on Friday, portraying Mistress as turning a new leaf when it came to perpetual cage time. At least one of our readers "blew the whistle" on what was an April Fool's Day deception.

But there was a kernel of truth to the little tall tale told.

Mistress has pointed out that slave seemed to have completely shirked "cage time" in recent months.

"So many excuses slave...."

So we've agreed to a new protocol which I started yesterday.

If I'm not riding my bike to work, then it's cage time.

That way I have an incentive to get some exercise. Only bad weather, or maybe the need to use my car for a mid or post workday engagement, should be a good excuse for avoiding my cage.

So yesterday, after our wake up sex with my steel ring already in place, Mistress seemed pleased to shut my little lock in the morning and send me off to work in a more "high security" state of dress.  From time to time she would text me--

"How is my caged slave doing?"

So she seemed much amused by my status.

And when I got home, before collecting my cute little grand kids for a dinner engagement, she was happy to inspect my lock and then spring me loose for the rest of the evening.

So at least there was no "overnight" cage duty.  Being sprung loose made me all the more earnest as I provided some pre-dinner worship.

Today-- well it's barely 30 degrees out. But should be sunny.  Sounds like a good day to ride my bike!

1 comment:

  1. i wish my cage time was dependent upon the weather. But then again, it rarely rains here.

    sissy terri


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