Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Case of the Missing Hitachi

Here at the UCTMW World HQ, Mistress was diverted from her normal work day for a good chunk of the afternoon, even as slave was ‘slaving away” at the office.  It was one of those "lunches" with her lover, Jay. By the time I got home, Mistress seemed quite satisfied.

“It was the typical, slave….Jay spent a good deal of time lavishing me with his oral attention. Lot’s of cock riding too.”

After I showered off the residue of a bike ride home on a steamy spring day, She allowed me to feast on those well utilized folds, giving me a taste of the creamy residue that Jay left behind. I suspect she didn’t really need the cum that was the by product of my devotion, but it couldn’t hurt right?

“Jay did ask if the new Hitachi has arrived, Slave….”

“Got here today Mistress…. I’ll bring it home tomorrow. Just in time for Mother’s Day…..”

Speaking of Hitachis, the WC has given us a post responding to my request for more info on  his suspicion that his teenage daughter pilfered the magic wand he and his wife B have become so fond of:

Yes it is true our Hitachi started disappearing a couple of years ago

It would come back and then disappear again 

Finally it just went away


I bought another one.......

Now apparently both ladies are happy

And if they are happy so am I.....

Got to keep the gals happy!!!

Well not to beat a dead horse 


I am getting sick of the pot reporting

Nebraska and Oklahoma are suing Colorado over pot

The fuckers want to take it away from us

So much for states rights GOP.....

The "supreme court"(lower case) asked the justice department today to comment on the suit

We have had virtually no problems with legalized pot

You almost  never smell pot cause it is illegal to smoke in public

And the peeps obey the law!!!

Plus most people are eating it in edibles instead of smoking anyway....

The cops hate it cause they can't do the civil confiscation of alleged drug property 

For their own use

The private prison system hates it cause they will lose profit making prisoners

But for all of us here 

We say

What took so long?

I didn't use pot for 30 years cause it was illegal

And I have I   had a career to  protect

But I love the option to get high on Friday night instead of a couple of beers

Pot is so much better for you than cocktails or opium pain killers

Trust me on that one!


Broncos just drafted a pot smoker

And no one around here batted an eye

Cause it is just not an issue around here

Even the republicans here love it

Tax revenues are up 

Incarnations are down

WTF America?   

The drug war has been a disaster!!!!! 

And for the readers of Mick and Molly

The pot store I go to

Has incredibly  hot women who shop there !

No shit!

Hot coeds, hot moms, hot business women

And the WC loves to chat then up!!!

And they are very friendly  too....

Believe me my friends 

You should push for legalization in your states too

Whether you want to imbibe or not

Time to end this silly probation once and for all

The new pot head advocate


1 comment:

  1. i know it sounds strange, but i get very jealous if someone else pays oral attention to Diane. More so than "you know what." Was worried there for a minute, thought the Hitachi was actually missing and could not be found!

    sissy terri


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