Monday, April 6, 2015

Mistress's Busy Weekend

On our Saturday afternoon bike ride, Mistress made a surprising confession.

"I'm actually sexed out, Slave...."


"Think about it Slave.... Sex with you Thursday morning. Sex with Jay Thursday night. And again Friday morning. Then with you again Friday afternoon.  Then Friday night with Jay again. And Saturday morning too."

Ah yes. Friday night.

Jay joined us for dinner, then sidled into bed with Mistress in the UCTMW executive suite. That left Slave in our daughter's bed, where our two cats seem particularly annoyed that the house's social order had been so grievously tossed on it's head. 

I could hear a little bit of conversation and giggling next door, but what was up was unclear.

In the morning, when Mistress came downstairs to ask me to make some coffee for her "guest", she gave me a brief after action report.

"Jay loves to see me use the hitachi on myself, Slave..... so there was that, and a little sex afterwords before we went to sleep."

Mistress and Jay holed up in their room for another hour or two.... it sounds as if the Hitachi was out and humming again between Mistress's thighs.... and then the three of us walked up to a local greasy spoon for a late morning breakfast.

Then old Mick did some field slave work in our yard, while Mistress and Jay took a romantic walk around our old neighborhood.  Jay headed back to his house early in the afternoon. And that's when we took our bike ride.

"All sexed out, Mistress..... does that mean it's an abstinence day for me?"

Hopefully I didn't sound too sulky.  I was a tad horny after all. It had been nearly 24 hours, since I had scrupulously followed the "no touch rule" laid down before bedtime on Friday night.

"Oh.... don't worry, Slave.... I'm sure we can work something out after our Saturday afternoon nap....."


  1. Wow. Diane has some catching up to do in the orgasm department, even if it's just to look respectable when it's time for the final tally!

    sissy terri

  2. Mick, loving that description of the week, and especially Friday night! You in the side bed, Hitachi blazing away next door. Especially liked you doing yard work while the Couple went for a lovely stroll! sara e

  3. There has to be some measure of pride in the idea that you've worn her out. Okay, so you received help, but as a submissive to my lovely woman, I know I'm secretly smiling inside when I hear her confess that she's sore and might even need a break from sex...


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