Slave finally is back in River City after four days away from my loving Mistress. And while poor Molly had plenty of action with her lover Jay on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, she even went without any sexual action for nearly 48 hours until my return on Tuesday evening.
"I can't believe you left me alone with a broken Hitachi, Slave....."
Clearly that was a dereliction of duty. I should have planned some redundancy in the event of an equipment failure. I'm sure they must have a back-up on that international space station, just in case.
Harry Haversacker asked the other day whether I had followed the "no touch" rule on my sojurn to the east coast. While I know some of you probably are skeptical, the truth is that I "toughed it out", so that by Tuesday evening the earth definitely moved for Slave by the time I had finished worshiping and settled into the "all you can eat" buffet that Mistress generously provided amidst her clean shaven folds.
By last evening things had settled back to normal here at the UCTMW World HQ. As we relaxed in bed after a long work day, Mistress mentioned that Jay was texting.
"He misses me Slave.... we're going to meet for lunch tomorrow, though I think it will be a real lunch, not a 'nooner'. "
Every now and then Mistress needs to be wined and dined by her lover.
"And he wants to know if you've gotten me a new Hitachi.... he likes to watch me use it on myself, slave."
"Tell him Amazon confirmed shipment.... it's on the way, Mistress."
I guess I should have ordered two, just in case.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Thursday, April 30, 2015
No Place Like Home
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Mechanical Failure Mars Mistress's Date Night
Slave continued his East Coast trip Sunday, moving from the rarified air of one of the nation's most elite Universities to the comparably meaner streets of the City of Brotherly Love. I'll be here for another day before finally heading home to the welcoming arms (and folds) of Mistress.
Fortunately, Mistress was able to amuse herself in my absence in the arms of her lover, Jay. She's a little nervous that one of my oldest friends and his wife saw her and Jay walking to dinner Saturday night. But I'm sure that any curiosity readily can be papered over. (She assures me they were not observed sucking face, or worse on the sidewalk).
She did mention that by Sunday morning she was feeling like the proverbial filly that was "rode hard and put away wet".
"I'm exhausted Slave... there was sex before dinner.... then he woke me up in the middle of the night for more sex.... then there was sex this morning...."
Sounds as if Jay definitely rose to the occasion in his role of filling in during my absence. When you're a "side-dish" who is 13 or so years younger than a Husband-Slave you have the advantage of saving that pent up energy for short and intensive bursts when called to the stage. Sort of like our local Cuban "closer" who steps onto the mound in the 9th inning every few days to rocket the ball over the plate at 110 mph or so.
In any event, Mistress sounded Sunday like a woman who was well satisfied with Jay's clutch performance. Hopefully it will tide her over until Tuesday night.
But there was one problem.
"The hitachi crashed and burned Slave.... it only works at high speed now."
"Oh no, what happened, Mistress?"
"Well you know how Jay likes to see me do myself with the hitachi. He says it's really hot. But when I got it out, the lower speed setting wouldn't work..... "
Poor Mistress. she does prefer that lower speed. High speed seems too intense for those sensitive lady bits. But I suspect for that one command performance, Mistress gave one up for the team. so to speak.
Plus now I know what to get her for Mother's Day. Maybe I should get an extra one for Jay's house too?
Fortunately, Mistress was able to amuse herself in my absence in the arms of her lover, Jay. She's a little nervous that one of my oldest friends and his wife saw her and Jay walking to dinner Saturday night. But I'm sure that any curiosity readily can be papered over. (She assures me they were not observed sucking face, or worse on the sidewalk).
She did mention that by Sunday morning she was feeling like the proverbial filly that was "rode hard and put away wet".
"I'm exhausted Slave... there was sex before dinner.... then he woke me up in the middle of the night for more sex.... then there was sex this morning...."
Sounds as if Jay definitely rose to the occasion in his role of filling in during my absence. When you're a "side-dish" who is 13 or so years younger than a Husband-Slave you have the advantage of saving that pent up energy for short and intensive bursts when called to the stage. Sort of like our local Cuban "closer" who steps onto the mound in the 9th inning every few days to rocket the ball over the plate at 110 mph or so.
In any event, Mistress sounded Sunday like a woman who was well satisfied with Jay's clutch performance. Hopefully it will tide her over until Tuesday night.
But there was one problem.
"The hitachi crashed and burned Slave.... it only works at high speed now."
"Oh no, what happened, Mistress?"
"Well you know how Jay likes to see me do myself with the hitachi. He says it's really hot. But when I got it out, the lower speed setting wouldn't work..... "
Poor Mistress. she does prefer that lower speed. High speed seems too intense for those sensitive lady bits. But I suspect for that one command performance, Mistress gave one up for the team. so to speak.
Plus now I know what to get her for Mother's Day. Maybe I should get an extra one for Jay's house too?
Hitachi Magic Wand
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Ivy League Kink
Slave spent the day yesterday with one of my older daughter, touring that legendary Ivy League campus in northern Jersey where F Scott Fitzgerald and Bill Bradley once prowled. It's a beautiful campus and appealing town, filled with earnest students and faculty and no doubt very expensive homes.
Meanwhile, Mistress was back in River City. It sounds like she had a busy day herself, capped off with a sleepover with her lover Jay.
We were only able to trade a couple of texts and talk briefly at around 8:30 last night.
"Jay came over around 5:30, Slave... and now we're walking up the street for dinner."
"Hmmm.... that was three hours ago", I thought to myself.
"Have you been busy, Mistress...."
She giggled.
"Yes, SLave.... we have been busy...."
I suspect they let loose in our bed, knowing there was no sleeping slave in the room next door to "disturb".
Later last night I got a text before we both headed to bed.
"Ugh. I think we saw your friend Bob up on the street last night, Slave...."
It was what we had discussed, the chance Mistress would run into someone we know when out on her Saturday night "date".
"Don't worry, Mistress... no big deal.", I responded. There are plenty of explanations for a night out with another guy that we can come up with if need be.
On our tour yesterday we stopped by the University Art Gallery. It was a rather impressive collection that would endow more than a few major colleges or Universities, no doubt contributed by some very flush alums.
That $100 Million Monet on the wall? Oh, just something we didn't have room for when we "downsized" in Palm Beach.
But one picture in prominent display did catch my eye as being a little beyond the button down Ocford, top sider norm:
I guess even Ivy Leaguers can have a rich fantasy life.
Meanwhile, Mistress was back in River City. It sounds like she had a busy day herself, capped off with a sleepover with her lover Jay.
We were only able to trade a couple of texts and talk briefly at around 8:30 last night.
"Jay came over around 5:30, Slave... and now we're walking up the street for dinner."
"Hmmm.... that was three hours ago", I thought to myself.
"Have you been busy, Mistress...."
She giggled.
"Yes, SLave.... we have been busy...."
I suspect they let loose in our bed, knowing there was no sleeping slave in the room next door to "disturb".
Later last night I got a text before we both headed to bed.
"Ugh. I think we saw your friend Bob up on the street last night, Slave...."
It was what we had discussed, the chance Mistress would run into someone we know when out on her Saturday night "date".
"Don't worry, Mistress... no big deal.", I responded. There are plenty of explanations for a night out with another guy that we can come up with if need be.
On our tour yesterday we stopped by the University Art Gallery. It was a rather impressive collection that would endow more than a few major colleges or Universities, no doubt contributed by some very flush alums.
That $100 Million Monet on the wall? Oh, just something we didn't have room for when we "downsized" in Palm Beach.
But one picture in prominent display did catch my eye as being a little beyond the button down Ocford, top sider norm:
I guess even Ivy Leaguers can have a rich fantasy life.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Mistress Fills Her Weekend Dance Card
Slave is heading off to the east coast for a few days on Saturday morning. I will be visiting one of my older daughters, and attending a conference in the City of Brotherly Love. While I'm hunting down cheese steaks, Poor Mistress will be left to her own devices (including the hitachi?) while I'm gone.
How will she handle the loss of my food preparation efforts?
Or my more... intimate.... services?
Mistress has been working on that.
"So Jay is really going to spend the night here Saturday night, Slave."
"Well I'm glad to hear that, Mistress. I wouldn't want our bed to be chilly while I'm gone."
In fact, Slave feels much better knowing she will be in good hands and well fucked when I'm not here to perform my marital (and contractual) duties.
We talked about what happens if they are out to dinner in the neighborhood Saturday evening, and run into some of our friends. We agreed that they would avoid any PDA's and have a "cover story" for any curious friends wondering where devoted hubby is while Mistress dines out with this "other guy".
Of course, honesty may be the best policy. How about: "Mick is away, so it's a chance to spend some quality time with my 'side-dish'."
Mistress did remark on the unusual nature of her Saturday night plans. In the past she's spent the night at Jay's house. But he's rarely spent the night here....
"It will be a little odd with him here overnight and you not in the other bedroom, Slave...."
Honestly, I couldn't tell you which scenario is odder -- Slave in the kid's room while Mistress sleeps with her lover, or Slave out of town while Mistress sleeps with her lover. But either one is hot, don't you think?
At least Slave will know that Mistress is well taken care of, and adding to that cum count, even while I am off on my brief tour of Jersey and Philly.
How will she handle the loss of my food preparation efforts?
Or my more... intimate.... services?
Mistress has been working on that.
"So Jay is really going to spend the night here Saturday night, Slave."
"Well I'm glad to hear that, Mistress. I wouldn't want our bed to be chilly while I'm gone."
In fact, Slave feels much better knowing she will be in good hands and well fucked when I'm not here to perform my marital (and contractual) duties.
We talked about what happens if they are out to dinner in the neighborhood Saturday evening, and run into some of our friends. We agreed that they would avoid any PDA's and have a "cover story" for any curious friends wondering where devoted hubby is while Mistress dines out with this "other guy".
Of course, honesty may be the best policy. How about: "Mick is away, so it's a chance to spend some quality time with my 'side-dish'."
Mistress did remark on the unusual nature of her Saturday night plans. In the past she's spent the night at Jay's house. But he's rarely spent the night here....
"It will be a little odd with him here overnight and you not in the other bedroom, Slave...."
Honestly, I couldn't tell you which scenario is odder -- Slave in the kid's room while Mistress sleeps with her lover, or Slave out of town while Mistress sleeps with her lover. But either one is hot, don't you think?
At least Slave will know that Mistress is well taken care of, and adding to that cum count, even while I am off on my brief tour of Jersey and Philly.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Cum and Go
After some wake-up sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite she had a series of meetings all about town, and a big traffic accident that shut down the expressway made it all the more complicated.
"Jay wanted me to come by at lunch time --- he must miss me slave -- but I told him there was no way."
Poor Mistress.
It's not like her to pass up a nooner.
At the end of the day, we had plans to take one of my clients out for dinner at a swanky new downtown restaurant.
Fortunately, Mistress made it to my office with just enough time for a little "stress relief".
She had some rather kinky shoes on, and was able to slither out of her black panties for me. All Slave could do was kneel and get to work.
The resulting cum seemed to take the edge off a busy day for her. Then it was off to dinner. I doubt our guest was able to detect the scent of Mistress's musky juices that covered my face.
office worship
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Flash Back Tuesday
Last night my laptop downloaded some new software from Apple, including a new "Photos" app. Poking into it's new features, I was confronted by a collection of photos that would overstuff my current 20MB "cloud". Should I delete some of these old photos, I asked myself?
Poking into a few of the dozens of "albums" I started stumbling across all those photos I've snapped of Mistress in various states of dress (or undress). It made me wonder whether I really want all those photos in the "cloud". And also, what happens to a digital photo collection once someone "moves on" (either to a new computer, or to the hereafter). If our currently cute co-eds ever have to sort through the junk that there dearly departed Dad or Mom have left behind, will it include pictures of "mommy" sunbathing in the nude, or tied to a bed with an hitachi at the ready?
I deleted a few of the redundant shots, but it just seems wrong to relegate to the cyber trash bin some of the more alluring photos of Mistress we have shared with our readers over the years. So maybe we need occasional "flashbacks" to stoke our mutual prurient interests?
Here is one to share, Mistress primping before we headed to our one and only dungeon outing with Aisha, down river from River City. It may not be tights season now, but one can fantasize!
Poking into a few of the dozens of "albums" I started stumbling across all those photos I've snapped of Mistress in various states of dress (or undress). It made me wonder whether I really want all those photos in the "cloud". And also, what happens to a digital photo collection once someone "moves on" (either to a new computer, or to the hereafter). If our currently cute co-eds ever have to sort through the junk that there dearly departed Dad or Mom have left behind, will it include pictures of "mommy" sunbathing in the nude, or tied to a bed with an hitachi at the ready?
I deleted a few of the redundant shots, but it just seems wrong to relegate to the cyber trash bin some of the more alluring photos of Mistress we have shared with our readers over the years. So maybe we need occasional "flashbacks" to stoke our mutual prurient interests?
Here is one to share, Mistress primping before we headed to our one and only dungeon outing with Aisha, down river from River City. It may not be tights season now, but one can fantasize!
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Catching Up for Lost Time.
When Slave pulled into our driveway Friday afternoon, Mistress was home from her "nooner" with her lover, Jay. I found her in our side yard, catching some sun while participating in a call with a client. She was in shorts and a sports bra, ready for our planned late afternoon bike ride. Although I was certainly desperate for some sexual release, I was also desperate for some exercise after three days of too much sitting on my aging ass. Mistress had decreed that there would be some exercise before nookie. And Mistress knows best!
After a nice ride on a warm sunny Friday afternoon, we soon found ourselves in bed. Mistress considered showering first, but then that would deny her Slave the chance to savor all the accumulated flavors of her busy day.
Mistress was certainly "ripe" as her slave settled in betwixt her firm but smooth and sensuous thighs for some much delayed worship. And as I applied my eager lips to their task, she filled me in on some details of her time in the sack with Jay earlier in the afternoon.
"I guess you could say it was pretty typical Slave.....lots of oral, both ways, lots of cock riding, and of course him standing at the side of the bed and fucking me with my legs up..... I guess you could call it a quickie, but with Jay an hour is 'quick'....."
In the meantime, my tastebuds were certainly picking up the tell tale residue of all that fucking ... a salty, creamy concoction that was blended together as Mistress enjoyed what must have been at least 4 or 5 cums just a few hours earlier.
Of course I was happy to add at least one or more to her count before she finally allowed her slave to let loose in what seemed like a rather explosive discharge of all that pent up sexual energy. Three days is a long time for this pampered house slave.
"Boy, you were horny, weren't you, Slave?"
No doubt.
Since Friday afternoon, we've been catching up for lost time, with some energetic wake up sex before we took another bike ride, and then some late afternoon fun after a day out in our yard.
There's no place like home!
After a nice ride on a warm sunny Friday afternoon, we soon found ourselves in bed. Mistress considered showering first, but then that would deny her Slave the chance to savor all the accumulated flavors of her busy day.
Mistress was certainly "ripe" as her slave settled in betwixt her firm but smooth and sensuous thighs for some much delayed worship. And as I applied my eager lips to their task, she filled me in on some details of her time in the sack with Jay earlier in the afternoon.
"I guess you could say it was pretty typical Slave.....lots of oral, both ways, lots of cock riding, and of course him standing at the side of the bed and fucking me with my legs up..... I guess you could call it a quickie, but with Jay an hour is 'quick'....."
In the meantime, my tastebuds were certainly picking up the tell tale residue of all that fucking ... a salty, creamy concoction that was blended together as Mistress enjoyed what must have been at least 4 or 5 cums just a few hours earlier.
Of course I was happy to add at least one or more to her count before she finally allowed her slave to let loose in what seemed like a rather explosive discharge of all that pent up sexual energy. Three days is a long time for this pampered house slave.
"Boy, you were horny, weren't you, Slave?"
No doubt.
Since Friday afternoon, we've been catching up for lost time, with some energetic wake up sex before we took another bike ride, and then some late afternoon fun after a day out in our yard.
There's no place like home!
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Mistress Can't Wait....
After three days of scrupulously subscribing to the "no touch" rule, you can bet that slave is more than a little anxious to be reunited with Mistress in the UCTMW Executive Suite. I am wrapping up my conference in the Steel City (you can see how closely I'm paying attention), and will soon hit the road for the 5 hour journey back to River City.
Last night I pined for Mistress at a gritty local sports bar, watching the locals moan and groan through a Stanley Cup play-off game as their Pens took on the Rangers. I'm not a big hockey fan, but was amused that when the Pens finally scored in the 2nd period, the chant broke out "shots on the house". The bar tender was not persuaded.
When I talked the Mistress this morning, explaining how desperate I was to a break my long chaste nightmare in her arms this evening, I was hoping for some similar sentiment.
Like, "I'm sure I'll be horny for you too, Slave...."
But instead she let it drop that she'd be heading to her lover Jay's house for some noontime nookie.
"It's been a long draught for me too, slave. And I think Jay misses me."
So as I drive west towards the heartland, I'll be thinking of Mistress starting without me, no doubt getting a royally good fucking.
"Will you have any energy left for me, Mistress?"
"Awww. Poor Slave. Are you sulking. I thought you liked to worship after Jay's has his way with me."
"Of course I do, Mistress...."
"Ohhh, don't worry. I'll save a little energy for you too, Slave."
Typically, I can wait until morning after Mistress has one of those mid-day and highly athletic sex sessions with her lover. But I'm not sure I can be so patient today.
Last night I pined for Mistress at a gritty local sports bar, watching the locals moan and groan through a Stanley Cup play-off game as their Pens took on the Rangers. I'm not a big hockey fan, but was amused that when the Pens finally scored in the 2nd period, the chant broke out "shots on the house". The bar tender was not persuaded.
When I talked the Mistress this morning, explaining how desperate I was to a break my long chaste nightmare in her arms this evening, I was hoping for some similar sentiment.
Like, "I'm sure I'll be horny for you too, Slave...."
But instead she let it drop that she'd be heading to her lover Jay's house for some noontime nookie.
"It's been a long draught for me too, slave. And I think Jay misses me."
So as I drive west towards the heartland, I'll be thinking of Mistress starting without me, no doubt getting a royally good fucking.
"Will you have any energy left for me, Mistress?"
"Awww. Poor Slave. Are you sulking. I thought you liked to worship after Jay's has his way with me."
"Of course I do, Mistress...."
"Ohhh, don't worry. I'll save a little energy for you too, Slave."
Typically, I can wait until morning after Mistress has one of those mid-day and highly athletic sex sessions with her lover. But I'm not sure I can be so patient today.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Poor Mistress....
Slave has definitely been derelict in his duties these last two days.
I've had to go to a rather tedious professional meeting in Steel City, leaving Wednesday morning, and not returning until Friday until dinner time.
This has left Mistress bereft of the services her slave typically is expected to provide.
I had to slide out of the bed and hit the road early yesterday morning, so it would have been rude to wake her for morning worship, let alone our traditional wake up sex.
Last evening we talked. She was heading to a "networking" event with some professional women.
"Hmmmm, Mistress. Maybe one of them will hit on you. That might be fun."
"That would be in interesting change of pace, Slave. Sometimes I do get tired of all that guy baggage. You all have so many needs for me to deal with. Women can be simpler...."
Sadly, when we checked in later that night, Mistress was home alone, no closer to some sexual attention than beforehand.
"They were pretty much like me, Slave.... no one hit on me. I did pass on the post event trip to a bar that I was invited too...."
Well that might have been a missed opportunity.
Today she was downtown near my office, for another meeting. The following text conversation ensued:
"Downtown, Slave.... and no worship. Poor me."
"I am definitely in default of my obligations, Mistress."
"You are, Slave".
Tonight she was hoping that her lover Jay might provide some hot companionship. But, sadly, he has child care duties that make him unavailable. Instead, she's meeting a female friend at a local bar restaurant. It can also me a bit of a meat market. So I suppose there is a chance that someone will catch her eye.
But if not, poor Mistress may be without sexual services for two nights in a row. That hasn't happened in some time. And I have a feeling Slave will be held responsible.
Maybe she'll make me set up a "cuckold calendar" service, as Terri does for Diane, over at "A Married Sissy". That way I'd have responsibility for keeping her sexually satisfied even when I am out of town.
I suspect she will be tempted to deploy her favorite power tool tonight, if only to take the edge off.
As for me. My instructions are clear.
"Remember Slave. No touching. If I'm not getting any, why should you. I expect you to come back here very horny on Friday."
I don't think that will be a problem.
I've had to go to a rather tedious professional meeting in Steel City, leaving Wednesday morning, and not returning until Friday until dinner time.
This has left Mistress bereft of the services her slave typically is expected to provide.
I had to slide out of the bed and hit the road early yesterday morning, so it would have been rude to wake her for morning worship, let alone our traditional wake up sex.
Last evening we talked. She was heading to a "networking" event with some professional women.
"Hmmmm, Mistress. Maybe one of them will hit on you. That might be fun."
"That would be in interesting change of pace, Slave. Sometimes I do get tired of all that guy baggage. You all have so many needs for me to deal with. Women can be simpler...."
Sadly, when we checked in later that night, Mistress was home alone, no closer to some sexual attention than beforehand.
"They were pretty much like me, Slave.... no one hit on me. I did pass on the post event trip to a bar that I was invited too...."
Well that might have been a missed opportunity.
Today she was downtown near my office, for another meeting. The following text conversation ensued:
"Downtown, Slave.... and no worship. Poor me."
"I am definitely in default of my obligations, Mistress."
"You are, Slave".
Tonight she was hoping that her lover Jay might provide some hot companionship. But, sadly, he has child care duties that make him unavailable. Instead, she's meeting a female friend at a local bar restaurant. It can also me a bit of a meat market. So I suppose there is a chance that someone will catch her eye.
But if not, poor Mistress may be without sexual services for two nights in a row. That hasn't happened in some time. And I have a feeling Slave will be held responsible.
Maybe she'll make me set up a "cuckold calendar" service, as Terri does for Diane, over at "A Married Sissy". That way I'd have responsibility for keeping her sexually satisfied even when I am out of town.
I suspect she will be tempted to deploy her favorite power tool tonight, if only to take the edge off.
As for me. My instructions are clear.
"Remember Slave. No touching. If I'm not getting any, why should you. I expect you to come back here very horny on Friday."
I don't think that will be a problem.
Hitachi Magic Wand,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Lunch Flirt
One of the fun parts of Mistress's contractual right to play the field is that she can share with her slave the occasional flirtations that most hot spouses probably engage in, but have to keep underwraps to avoid the more traditional spousal jealousy backlash.
Example: yesterday Mistress had a lunch "date" with a guy she had dated all the way back in High School. They reconnected when her Mother (the Dowager Domme) mentioned that she had run into Peter at some business function. Mom must have made some comment that Peter seemed to be doing very well for himself and was looking good. And that he'd like to here from Molly.
(Hmmmm. Do you think DD got so deep into Mistress's emails that she figured out that she has permission to cuckold her husband/slave? Was this a hook-up? Now there's something to contemplate.)
Well Mistress couldn't help but look him up on facebook. And make the reconnection. Leading to their lunch date. When I asked about him she said they had met in some sort of high school ski club, but he went to a different high school. They dated some, but Mistress had a more permanent relationship in her neighborhood. So, she asserts, they never really had sex.
"Just messed around a little, Slave....."
Nothing like some hot but frustrating teenaged make out sessions. I imagine that the time bombs of unfulfilled teen hormone fueled lust are still ticking away inside both of them.
So here they are, more than 30 years later, meeting for lunch in the local hipster neighborhood. I was definitely curious about how things would go. She checked in with me after she headed home.
"He was pretty hunky, slave.... "
"Did he flirt, Mistress....."
"You could call it that. He certainly mentioned several times how great I looked.... "
So will anything come of this? She described it all as a delicate dance. He's married. And knows that Mistress is too. But of course they didn't get into the subject of her special privileges.
"It's hard to figure how to say 'I have permission' even if you are interested in someone, slave...., without being too obvious."
Mistress does not like to be the one who makes the first move in this sort of thing.
But she did mention they had traded a couple of texts after their lunch.
Whether anything comes of it, I suppose it never hurts Mistress to know that hunky guys from her past are still drooling over her after all these years.
Example: yesterday Mistress had a lunch "date" with a guy she had dated all the way back in High School. They reconnected when her Mother (the Dowager Domme) mentioned that she had run into Peter at some business function. Mom must have made some comment that Peter seemed to be doing very well for himself and was looking good. And that he'd like to here from Molly.
(Hmmmm. Do you think DD got so deep into Mistress's emails that she figured out that she has permission to cuckold her husband/slave? Was this a hook-up? Now there's something to contemplate.)
Well Mistress couldn't help but look him up on facebook. And make the reconnection. Leading to their lunch date. When I asked about him she said they had met in some sort of high school ski club, but he went to a different high school. They dated some, but Mistress had a more permanent relationship in her neighborhood. So, she asserts, they never really had sex.
"Just messed around a little, Slave....."
Nothing like some hot but frustrating teenaged make out sessions. I imagine that the time bombs of unfulfilled teen hormone fueled lust are still ticking away inside both of them.
So here they are, more than 30 years later, meeting for lunch in the local hipster neighborhood. I was definitely curious about how things would go. She checked in with me after she headed home.
"He was pretty hunky, slave.... "
"Did he flirt, Mistress....."
"You could call it that. He certainly mentioned several times how great I looked.... "
So will anything come of this? She described it all as a delicate dance. He's married. And knows that Mistress is too. But of course they didn't get into the subject of her special privileges.
"It's hard to figure how to say 'I have permission' even if you are interested in someone, slave...., without being too obvious."
Mistress does not like to be the one who makes the first move in this sort of thing.
But she did mention they had traded a couple of texts after their lunch.
Whether anything comes of it, I suppose it never hurts Mistress to know that hunky guys from her past are still drooling over her after all these years.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Slave Takes the 2nd Shift.
Mistress seemed to enjoy herself Friday night.
After some wine and cheese with her lover Jay at the UCTMW World HQ, we headed over to a cute little hipster bar / bistro near our house. It's one of those places with the big Bourbon collection, and tapas style plates to keep your tummies full. The joint was hopping when we got there, so we grabbed three adjoining seats at the bar - with Mistress in the middle of course.
Occasionally I could feel Mistress's soft right hand caressing my thigh as we chatted amongst ourselves and with the owner / bartender. And I suspected - Mistress later confirmed it - that her left hand was simultaneously stroking Jay's thigh too.
River City is one of those small towns where it seems everyone knows everyone. The bartender went to high school with my oldest daughter. Next to us at the bar was an older couple - she knew Mistress's Mom (the Dowager Domme) and her husband taught at my older kids High School and knew me through work.
I suspect to all these folks, it just seemed like an long married couple sharing some drinks and a little food with a male friend (If they didn't catch Mistress fondling Jay's thigh). But for Mistress it was a chance to go public with her husband and lover -- she seemed as pleases as punch sandwiched betwixt the two of us.
After our dinner and drinks it was probably only about 9:30 pm when we got home. But as far as Mistress was concerned, it was "bed time". Unlike the prior Saturday, Jau said he had to get up and out relatively early, for a golf game.
Mistress seemed OK with that, as long as she could sleep in.
"Don't worry, Mistress" said to them both, "I'll take the 2nd shift...."
Jay laughed.
"I think I know exactly what he means".
I headed off to bed in one of the cute Co-ed's rooms. Mistress and Jay shut the door to the "Executive Suite". And while I could hear some murmuring at various times during the night, I must say I slept well. Apparently I missed some very satisfying middle of the night sex, as Mistress reported later to me.
"Lot's of cock riding slave..... I'm surprised you didn't hear us."
I made Jay some coffee at about 7:30 am and he and Mistress spent some more time in our bedroom, behind closed doors, with him heading off to golf at around 8:30 am.
With the cuckolder gone, it was Slave's turn to join Mistress in bed. She was still on a sexy nightie, sans undies.
"Did you miss me, Slave?"
I'm sure I mumbled something in the affirmative, although I was probably more focused on worming my way betwixt Mistress's thighs, savoring the flavors of her middle of the night sexcapades. Ultimately, Slave was rewarded for his patience with some robust wake-up sex before we both drifted back to sleep for awhile.
The sad part is that with Jay's son back in town this week, and our own daughters camping out here over the summer, the prospects of any weekend sleepovers of this type will dim for a while.
But I do think Mistress had enjoyed the pleasure of being attended too by both of her lovers these last two weeks.
After some wine and cheese with her lover Jay at the UCTMW World HQ, we headed over to a cute little hipster bar / bistro near our house. It's one of those places with the big Bourbon collection, and tapas style plates to keep your tummies full. The joint was hopping when we got there, so we grabbed three adjoining seats at the bar - with Mistress in the middle of course.
Occasionally I could feel Mistress's soft right hand caressing my thigh as we chatted amongst ourselves and with the owner / bartender. And I suspected - Mistress later confirmed it - that her left hand was simultaneously stroking Jay's thigh too.
River City is one of those small towns where it seems everyone knows everyone. The bartender went to high school with my oldest daughter. Next to us at the bar was an older couple - she knew Mistress's Mom (the Dowager Domme) and her husband taught at my older kids High School and knew me through work.
I suspect to all these folks, it just seemed like an long married couple sharing some drinks and a little food with a male friend (If they didn't catch Mistress fondling Jay's thigh). But for Mistress it was a chance to go public with her husband and lover -- she seemed as pleases as punch sandwiched betwixt the two of us.
After our dinner and drinks it was probably only about 9:30 pm when we got home. But as far as Mistress was concerned, it was "bed time". Unlike the prior Saturday, Jau said he had to get up and out relatively early, for a golf game.
Mistress seemed OK with that, as long as she could sleep in.
"Don't worry, Mistress" said to them both, "I'll take the 2nd shift...."
Jay laughed.
"I think I know exactly what he means".
I headed off to bed in one of the cute Co-ed's rooms. Mistress and Jay shut the door to the "Executive Suite". And while I could hear some murmuring at various times during the night, I must say I slept well. Apparently I missed some very satisfying middle of the night sex, as Mistress reported later to me.
"Lot's of cock riding slave..... I'm surprised you didn't hear us."
I made Jay some coffee at about 7:30 am and he and Mistress spent some more time in our bedroom, behind closed doors, with him heading off to golf at around 8:30 am.
With the cuckolder gone, it was Slave's turn to join Mistress in bed. She was still on a sexy nightie, sans undies.
"Did you miss me, Slave?"
I'm sure I mumbled something in the affirmative, although I was probably more focused on worming my way betwixt Mistress's thighs, savoring the flavors of her middle of the night sexcapades. Ultimately, Slave was rewarded for his patience with some robust wake-up sex before we both drifted back to sleep for awhile.
The sad part is that with Jay's son back in town this week, and our own daughters camping out here over the summer, the prospects of any weekend sleepovers of this type will dim for a while.
But I do think Mistress had enjoyed the pleasure of being attended too by both of her lovers these last two weeks.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Another Cuckold Friday Night
Mistress and Slave were back in bed together last night. And while she allowed me to salve her well used clean shaven folds with my tongue before we drifted off the sleep, she was probably wise to require a day of abstinence from her horny slave. After all she'd had a busy sleepover with her lover.
Between laps and licks I asked her to share a little detail of her night out.
"Well there was sex when I got there..... he likes to take me standing with me on the side of the bed. And boy did he fuck me hard, Slave......"
"What did you guys do for dinner?"
"Well after all that sex, I'm there naked on his couch, wrapped in a blanket. It seems I'm naked there a lot, doesn't it? Well, it was hard to imagine getting dressed again to go out for dinner, so Jay went out to pick up some Indian food...."
"And after dinner?"
"More sex slave.....he does like it when I am the one doing the oral stimulation...."
"You slept in though?"
"I did. I was tired. I don't think I woke until 8....but Jay's an early riser. He must have been up exercising at 6:30 am. He woke me with a cup of coffee. naked. and with a very hard cock."
At this point, Slave doubled down on my devotion, and Mistress had one more cum to top off her day.
I'd better take my opportunity for some fun of my own this morning. Because, well, tonight may find me sleeping with the cats again.
"Jay accepted our invitation to come over here tonight, Slave...."
I expect there will be drinks, dinner, and an early bedtime for Mistress and Jay in the UCTMW Executive Suite.
"I figure we should take advantage of his availability while his son is out of town, don't you agree, Slave?"
Who am I to argue when Mistress invites a lover to share her bed.
Between laps and licks I asked her to share a little detail of her night out.
"Well there was sex when I got there..... he likes to take me standing with me on the side of the bed. And boy did he fuck me hard, Slave......"
"What did you guys do for dinner?"
"Well after all that sex, I'm there naked on his couch, wrapped in a blanket. It seems I'm naked there a lot, doesn't it? Well, it was hard to imagine getting dressed again to go out for dinner, so Jay went out to pick up some Indian food...."
"And after dinner?"
"More sex slave.....he does like it when I am the one doing the oral stimulation...."
"You slept in though?"
"I did. I was tired. I don't think I woke until 8....but Jay's an early riser. He must have been up exercising at 6:30 am. He woke me with a cup of coffee. naked. and with a very hard cock."
At this point, Slave doubled down on my devotion, and Mistress had one more cum to top off her day.
I'd better take my opportunity for some fun of my own this morning. Because, well, tonight may find me sleeping with the cats again.
"Jay accepted our invitation to come over here tonight, Slave...."
I expect there will be drinks, dinner, and an early bedtime for Mistress and Jay in the UCTMW Executive Suite.
"I figure we should take advantage of his availability while his son is out of town, don't you agree, Slave?"
Who am I to argue when Mistress invites a lover to share her bed.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
HNT: Mistress Stops for Worship Before a Night With Her Lover
First, there was slave worshiping her in the morning. As I plied her clean shaven folds with my tongue and lips I suspect she was anticipated her upcoming night with her lover Jay,
Fortunately, she was in a beneficient mood, allowing me to take my own pleasure in said folds before her cock was put on lock down for the day.
"Make sure to give me the key Slave... for safe keeping. If you're good I'll let you know where I've hidden it tonight."
"Yes, Mistress."
Her plan was to head over to Jay's house around 5 pm. But she had a downtown meeting at lunch time before her agenda turned to entirely pleasure. And that meant there was time for a little office worship to take the edge off her mounting anticipation. As you can see, tights season is over, but Mistress hasn't abandoned those boots just yet.
Mistress breezed into my office with a teasing "Hello, Slave....."
I went into worship mode. Closing the door. Sliding Mistress's "throne" against it. Then draping a soft absorbent blanket over the otherwise scratchy upholstery. Mistress smooth bum deserved no less.
And as I slid to my knees and went on task, I was certainly conscious of my caged cock. It took a great deal of mental discipline to keep things in check, particularly with the thought that the next cock to pleasure Mistress would not be my own.
Mistress seemed to enjoy my attention. But soon she was off to her meeting, and then on to her Lover's "nest" for an evening of private passion.
I did get a text from her last night.... "Lots of sex slave.... and Indian carryout."
Before my bedtime (I suspect she had already spent a lot of time in bed), Mistress called and gave me my parole.... telling me where I could find the key.
"But remember Slave.... no touching."
"Yes, Mistress."
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Mistress Has Plans . , ,
Mistress has been catching up on her sleep these last three nights. It was a busy weekend after all, and tonight she has another sleepover date with her lover Jay.
And she made clear yesterday exactly what she has in mind, as she anticipated her night away.
"It's good sex with Jay, slave. Very good."
That's the sort of talk that gets a distinctive "rise" out of a well trained cuckold husband.
And with Mistress planning to spend the evening out, Slave knew he had a responsibility to ask about extra security measures.
"Should I wear the cage tomorrow, Mistress?"
"Well of course Slave.....I don't want you to succumb to temptation while I'm away for the night."
So Slave is up early, making sure that the hard ring of my cock cage is in place. But I am hoping that there will be a little action up in the UCTMW Executive Suite before Mistress's work-a-day cock goes into lock down mode.
And she made clear yesterday exactly what she has in mind, as she anticipated her night away.
"It's good sex with Jay, slave. Very good."
That's the sort of talk that gets a distinctive "rise" out of a well trained cuckold husband.
And with Mistress planning to spend the evening out, Slave knew he had a responsibility to ask about extra security measures.
"Should I wear the cage tomorrow, Mistress?"
"Well of course Slave.....I don't want you to succumb to temptation while I'm away for the night."
So Slave is up early, making sure that the hard ring of my cock cage is in place. But I am hoping that there will be a little action up in the UCTMW Executive Suite before Mistress's work-a-day cock goes into lock down mode.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Mistress's Busy Weekend
On our Saturday afternoon bike ride, Mistress made a surprising confession.
"I'm actually sexed out, Slave...."
"Think about it Slave.... Sex with you Thursday morning. Sex with Jay Thursday night. And again Friday morning. Then with you again Friday afternoon. Then Friday night with Jay again. And Saturday morning too."
Ah yes. Friday night.
Jay joined us for dinner, then sidled into bed with Mistress in the UCTMW executive suite. That left Slave in our daughter's bed, where our two cats seem particularly annoyed that the house's social order had been so grievously tossed on it's head.
I could hear a little bit of conversation and giggling next door, but what was up was unclear.
In the morning, when Mistress came downstairs to ask me to make some coffee for her "guest", she gave me a brief after action report.
"Jay loves to see me use the hitachi on myself, Slave..... so there was that, and a little sex afterwords before we went to sleep."
Mistress and Jay holed up in their room for another hour or two.... it sounds as if the Hitachi was out and humming again between Mistress's thighs.... and then the three of us walked up to a local greasy spoon for a late morning breakfast.
Then old Mick did some field slave work in our yard, while Mistress and Jay took a romantic walk around our old neighborhood. Jay headed back to his house early in the afternoon. And that's when we took our bike ride.
"All sexed out, Mistress..... does that mean it's an abstinence day for me?"
Hopefully I didn't sound too sulky. I was a tad horny after all. It had been nearly 24 hours, since I had scrupulously followed the "no touch rule" laid down before bedtime on Friday night.
"Oh.... don't worry, Slave.... I'm sure we can work something out after our Saturday afternoon nap....."
"I'm actually sexed out, Slave...."
"Think about it Slave.... Sex with you Thursday morning. Sex with Jay Thursday night. And again Friday morning. Then with you again Friday afternoon. Then Friday night with Jay again. And Saturday morning too."
Ah yes. Friday night.
Jay joined us for dinner, then sidled into bed with Mistress in the UCTMW executive suite. That left Slave in our daughter's bed, where our two cats seem particularly annoyed that the house's social order had been so grievously tossed on it's head.
I could hear a little bit of conversation and giggling next door, but what was up was unclear.
In the morning, when Mistress came downstairs to ask me to make some coffee for her "guest", she gave me a brief after action report.
"Jay loves to see me use the hitachi on myself, Slave..... so there was that, and a little sex afterwords before we went to sleep."
Mistress and Jay holed up in their room for another hour or two.... it sounds as if the Hitachi was out and humming again between Mistress's thighs.... and then the three of us walked up to a local greasy spoon for a late morning breakfast.
Then old Mick did some field slave work in our yard, while Mistress and Jay took a romantic walk around our old neighborhood. Jay headed back to his house early in the afternoon. And that's when we took our bike ride.
"All sexed out, Mistress..... does that mean it's an abstinence day for me?"
Hopefully I didn't sound too sulky. I was a tad horny after all. It had been nearly 24 hours, since I had scrupulously followed the "no touch rule" laid down before bedtime on Friday night.
"Oh.... don't worry, Slave.... I'm sure we can work something out after our Saturday afternoon nap....."
Hitachi Magic Wand
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Heartland Hospitality (Cuckold-style)
Here at the UCTMW Mistress has had a busy "Holy Week".
Holy Thursday night was her sleepover with Jay.
And all three of us celebrated Passover / Good Friday with dinner out, and Mistress returning Jay's hospitality here at the UCTMW World HQ.
Fortunately, Mistress persuaded her slave to skip out of work a little early on Friday. I mean, if Congress gets a 2 week Easter vacation, how could it hurt if I left work at 3:45?
That gave us about an hour in bed before Jay arrived. Mistress even sprung me from my cage (she had directed me by text from Jay's bed to "cage-up" before heading to work). That allowed her slave some late afternoon delight before her lover arrived.
As I laved her clean shaven folds with my eager tongue, she gave me a brief update on her evening / morning with Jay.
"It was maybe the best, most raucous sex ever for us slave.....before dinner, then after dinner too."
"And what happened, Mistress?"
"Oh the usual.... lots of cock riding.... him fucking me with my legs up at the side of the bed....and of course him spending lots of time with his face between my thighs....."
"And what about you, Mistress..... did you get to suck his cock?"
"Of course, Slave..... Jay really loves that....."
Once Mistress was pleased with my own worship, she gave me a little 'show and tell', sucking her work-a-day cock and then riding it with abandon to another cum. After the dust settled, Mistress shared a little more about her morning in Jay's "love nest".
"We weren't planning on morning sex.... but when he joined me in the shower.... and., well, one thing just led to another....."
'Well that's a surprise, Mistress....."
By then it was time for us to dress and get some wine and cheese ready for Jay's arrival.
The three of us chatted in our living room for a while, with Jay and I grousing about the political scene as Mistress, seated on the couch next to him, coyly added to the conversation as her lovely bare feet rested in Jay's lap, seemingly teasing his cock through his chinos.
If Jay felt uncomfortable about this PDA in front of his lover's husband, he didn't show it. But neither is Jay the sort of stereotypical alpha cuckolder who relishes the humiliation of his lover's cucked hubby. Instead we have a peer like relationship when we all get together, giving Mistress the pleasure of having two eager to please lover's in one room.... sort of a double date without the extra lady.
And of course it can be fun to tease Mistress about the nature of our relationships with her.
As we sipped wine, the talk turned to politics and 2016. Mistress predicted Jeb Bush will be the next President. Jay and Mick put their money (somewhat reluctantly) on Hillary. Mistress said we should have a bet that both of us have to pay off if she turns out right.
"But what should the stakes be?" she asked.
"Double orifice sex?", I quickly suggested.
Jay nearly choked on his red wine.
Mistress protested.
"Yuck....I think one orifice at a time is just fine, slave "
"How about a trip..... with both of you....," she countered.
Not a bad concept.
As the evening progressed, the three of us enjoyed our "Seder" at a local hipster Taco joint, complete with music from a local Zydeco band. Jay insisted on sitting across from Mistress, with me next to her in a booth. The arrangement may have prevented Mistress from fondling Jay's thigh through dinner (or the reverse). But they did get to hold hands a bit between munching tacos and sipping tequila and beer.
Of course the tricky stage of the night was sleeping arrangements.
Jay seemed a little nervous about sharing our bed with Mistress with me in the house. As I said, he can be a tad squeamish about exercising his cuckolder rights when his lover's hubby is around.
But Mistress can be very persuasive. It didn't take her long to make sure her slave was safely tucked into bed next in one of the cute Co-Ed's rooms.
"Sleep tight, slave..... and remember, no touching....."
"Yes Mistress...."
I suppose I should add that when she slipped away, back to our room, she had on a very hot turquoise thong and lacy black bra.
It seemed that Jay was in for a treat.
Holy Thursday night was her sleepover with Jay.
And all three of us celebrated Passover / Good Friday with dinner out, and Mistress returning Jay's hospitality here at the UCTMW World HQ.
Fortunately, Mistress persuaded her slave to skip out of work a little early on Friday. I mean, if Congress gets a 2 week Easter vacation, how could it hurt if I left work at 3:45?
That gave us about an hour in bed before Jay arrived. Mistress even sprung me from my cage (she had directed me by text from Jay's bed to "cage-up" before heading to work). That allowed her slave some late afternoon delight before her lover arrived.
As I laved her clean shaven folds with my eager tongue, she gave me a brief update on her evening / morning with Jay.
"It was maybe the best, most raucous sex ever for us slave.....before dinner, then after dinner too."
"And what happened, Mistress?"
"Oh the usual.... lots of cock riding.... him fucking me with my legs up at the side of the bed....and of course him spending lots of time with his face between my thighs....."
"And what about you, Mistress..... did you get to suck his cock?"
"Of course, Slave..... Jay really loves that....."
Once Mistress was pleased with my own worship, she gave me a little 'show and tell', sucking her work-a-day cock and then riding it with abandon to another cum. After the dust settled, Mistress shared a little more about her morning in Jay's "love nest".
"We weren't planning on morning sex.... but when he joined me in the shower.... and., well, one thing just led to another....."
'Well that's a surprise, Mistress....."
By then it was time for us to dress and get some wine and cheese ready for Jay's arrival.
The three of us chatted in our living room for a while, with Jay and I grousing about the political scene as Mistress, seated on the couch next to him, coyly added to the conversation as her lovely bare feet rested in Jay's lap, seemingly teasing his cock through his chinos.
If Jay felt uncomfortable about this PDA in front of his lover's husband, he didn't show it. But neither is Jay the sort of stereotypical alpha cuckolder who relishes the humiliation of his lover's cucked hubby. Instead we have a peer like relationship when we all get together, giving Mistress the pleasure of having two eager to please lover's in one room.... sort of a double date without the extra lady.
And of course it can be fun to tease Mistress about the nature of our relationships with her.
As we sipped wine, the talk turned to politics and 2016. Mistress predicted Jeb Bush will be the next President. Jay and Mick put their money (somewhat reluctantly) on Hillary. Mistress said we should have a bet that both of us have to pay off if she turns out right.
"But what should the stakes be?" she asked.
"Double orifice sex?", I quickly suggested.
Jay nearly choked on his red wine.
Mistress protested.
"Yuck....I think one orifice at a time is just fine, slave "
"How about a trip..... with both of you....," she countered.
Not a bad concept.
As the evening progressed, the three of us enjoyed our "Seder" at a local hipster Taco joint, complete with music from a local Zydeco band. Jay insisted on sitting across from Mistress, with me next to her in a booth. The arrangement may have prevented Mistress from fondling Jay's thigh through dinner (or the reverse). But they did get to hold hands a bit between munching tacos and sipping tequila and beer.
Of course the tricky stage of the night was sleeping arrangements.
Jay seemed a little nervous about sharing our bed with Mistress with me in the house. As I said, he can be a tad squeamish about exercising his cuckolder rights when his lover's hubby is around.
But Mistress can be very persuasive. It didn't take her long to make sure her slave was safely tucked into bed next in one of the cute Co-Ed's rooms.
"Sleep tight, slave..... and remember, no touching....."
"Yes Mistress...."
I suppose I should add that when she slipped away, back to our room, she had on a very hot turquoise thong and lacy black bra.
It seemed that Jay was in for a treat.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Q. Should you wear a steel cock cage in a thunder storm?
Slave's day started inauspiciously --
(Well, not counting the hot wake-up sex before Mistress put me on 'lock down' in my cock cage for the day).
I got to spend some quality time at the City Impound lot, tracking down my mother's 2001 car. Somehow her "aide" (Mom's in a nursing home) had appropriated a car she was only supposed to use for runs to the MD or grocery, and had an altercation with a truck. She left the scene and the car behind, and the car was towed. After talking my way onto the lot, Slave got to tour all of the trashed cars in River City, just as a major thunderstorm hit town.
What passed through my mind? Would lightning be drawn to the steel cage locked around my work-a-day cock? If so, Mistress would be very disappointed. If I had looked more closely at the weather report, I suppose I would have opted for that plastic CB-6000.
Slave ended up soaked. And Mom's car was not worth salvaging. I did have to go home to change my soaked clothes, and got to witness Mistress showering and trimming her clean shaven folds in preparation for her big sleepover date with Jay.
"I hope you won't miss me too much, Slave..... I don't get to do this too often."
No, she doesn't. Jay normally has a son at home, cramping his ability to have a married lady guest sleep over. The last time was for his birthday, back in November.
Slave stayed occupied, having my cute grandsons over for dinner. And Mistress kept me updated, with texts like.....
'sex here first slave.... then out for dinner....."
She did call me after she had dinner, and as slave was settling into our chilly and lonely bed. And one thing she did was tell me where the key was hiding, allowing her slave parole from the cage for the night.
"Miss you slave..... I'll be here until 11 tomorrow morning.... will give you a call."
And with Jay's son away, she's made plans for him to come over and join us for dinner tonight. I wonder if there will be another sleepover, this time on our bed? Mistress has been vague about what their plans are this evening.
I'll be heading to work myself soon, with the image of Mistress sleeping in with her lover.
No doubt there will be even more sex this morning. At least I know Mistress won't be falling behind on the cum count, Terri, even without my assistance.
(Well, not counting the hot wake-up sex before Mistress put me on 'lock down' in my cock cage for the day).
I got to spend some quality time at the City Impound lot, tracking down my mother's 2001 car. Somehow her "aide" (Mom's in a nursing home) had appropriated a car she was only supposed to use for runs to the MD or grocery, and had an altercation with a truck. She left the scene and the car behind, and the car was towed. After talking my way onto the lot, Slave got to tour all of the trashed cars in River City, just as a major thunderstorm hit town.
What passed through my mind? Would lightning be drawn to the steel cage locked around my work-a-day cock? If so, Mistress would be very disappointed. If I had looked more closely at the weather report, I suppose I would have opted for that plastic CB-6000.
Slave ended up soaked. And Mom's car was not worth salvaging. I did have to go home to change my soaked clothes, and got to witness Mistress showering and trimming her clean shaven folds in preparation for her big sleepover date with Jay.
"I hope you won't miss me too much, Slave..... I don't get to do this too often."
No, she doesn't. Jay normally has a son at home, cramping his ability to have a married lady guest sleep over. The last time was for his birthday, back in November.
Slave stayed occupied, having my cute grandsons over for dinner. And Mistress kept me updated, with texts like.....
'sex here first slave.... then out for dinner....."
She did call me after she had dinner, and as slave was settling into our chilly and lonely bed. And one thing she did was tell me where the key was hiding, allowing her slave parole from the cage for the night.
"Miss you slave..... I'll be here until 11 tomorrow morning.... will give you a call."
And with Jay's son away, she's made plans for him to come over and join us for dinner tonight. I wonder if there will be another sleepover, this time on our bed? Mistress has been vague about what their plans are this evening.
I'll be heading to work myself soon, with the image of Mistress sleeping in with her lover.
No doubt there will be even more sex this morning. At least I know Mistress won't be falling behind on the cum count, Terri, even without my assistance.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Mistress Schedules a Sleepover with her Lover
Here in River City, Mistress is still trying to figure out how deeply her mother, the Dowager Domme, delved into her emails.... Did she see those photos of her slave in his cock cage? Did her eyes bulge and mouth water at the sight of the WC's special occasion cock?
We have been invited over to her house for dinner on Sunday. Maybe slave can pull some sort of stealthy snatch and analyze maneuver on the lap top in question while Mistress distracts the DD, based on tradecraft learned from watching too many episodes of Homeland? Or should I just drop said laptop in the back yard pond?
In the meantime, life goes on here at the UCTMW World HQ. While work takes up a good amount of our time, Mistress at least has the freedom to exercise her contractual privileges. Tonight she has scheduled a sleep over with her lover, Jay. His son is away this week, which allows for significantly more scheduling flexibility.
And when Mistress is away, special security measures are also in order.
"It's a cage day for you tomorrow, Slave....."
"I understand, Mistress....."
I already have the hard steel ring on, ready to mount the cover, and have Mistress snap the lock closed when she's done with her cock this morning.
Fortunately, it's not a real chastity day, since Slave will have a chance to have some "bon voyage" wake up sex with Mistress this morning, before she "steps out" for the evening.
I really am pampered, aren't I?
We have been invited over to her house for dinner on Sunday. Maybe slave can pull some sort of stealthy snatch and analyze maneuver on the lap top in question while Mistress distracts the DD, based on tradecraft learned from watching too many episodes of Homeland? Or should I just drop said laptop in the back yard pond?
In the meantime, life goes on here at the UCTMW World HQ. While work takes up a good amount of our time, Mistress at least has the freedom to exercise her contractual privileges. Tonight she has scheduled a sleep over with her lover, Jay. His son is away this week, which allows for significantly more scheduling flexibility.
And when Mistress is away, special security measures are also in order.
"It's a cage day for you tomorrow, Slave....."
"I understand, Mistress....."
I already have the hard steel ring on, ready to mount the cover, and have Mistress snap the lock closed when she's done with her cock this morning.
Fortunately, it's not a real chastity day, since Slave will have a chance to have some "bon voyage" wake up sex with Mistress this morning, before she "steps out" for the evening.
I really am pampered, aren't I?
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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