Friday, June 27, 2014

SW Hideaway or Bust

Mistress and Slave are buzzing through the "Show Me" state now, headed west for two weeks of R & R at our SW hideaway. We have our mobile wi-fi humming and the back of the wagon stuffed with items that will help us un-stuff the UCTMW HQ and over stuff our hideaway.

You will be happy to learn that Mistress's sometimes lover Jay threw her a brief but "muy caliente" bon voyage party at his house yesterday am, before she had a lunch meeting with some German businessmen that coincided with the World Cup game.

As for the encounter with Jay, which came not long after our traditional "wake-up" sex, Mistress reported that it was "a quickie".

"But we must have felt a need to cram into our 45 minutes all of the things we usually do in 90 Slave....sucking, fucking from above, behind, and wherever...."

"Sounds like you used your time efficiently, Mistress...."

"We did, Slave ... and he said that my butt seemed even firmer than the last time....maybe it's the  swimming I've been doing?"

"Could be Mistress.... but you've always had a firm butt...."

Before we headed to bed, Mistress had a flirtatious conversation with Jay, where they rehashed some of the mornings activities. Sort of post-game analysis, but a little hotter than on ESPN.  When she slid into bed next to me, I was most anxious to worship her well exercised clean shaven folds.

"It's been a while Slave.... I doubt you can tell I was with Jay this morning...."

I came up for air briefly....

"Hmmm.... you still seem a little damp down here Mistress..... were you toying with your folds when chatting with Jay....?"

Mistress issued her standard denial.

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