It's "Father's Day" here in the United States. (Is that something celebrated in Canada and in the other countries where so many (at least dozens) of you start your day with a dose of UCTMW?)
Mistress and Slave celebrated last night in a briefly emptied nest, with our cute Co-Ed out on the town with some friends. For the 2nd day in a row, Slave's work-a-day cock got to pitch a "double header", if you add in our traditional wake-up sex, and add in the pre-dinner session that helped be wash away the gloom of visiting my dotty mother in the hospital. Then there was a romantic dinner out in our little secret garden, and a romantic French movie downloaded for viewing in our finally unpacked and cozy living room.
All in all, a great way to celebrate Father's Day - with no kids lurking to mess up the adult fun.
Of course, there wouldn't be a Father's Day, if not for the trusty penis, a device that has warded off obsolescence through both the industrial revolution and the digital age, at least up until now. I mean, without that primitive but unique piece of equipment, Hallmark would have a bleak June every year!
Yesterday morning, as Slave was getting dressed, Mistress was lingering a bit longer in bed with her laptop. I heard her giggling and raised an inquiring eyebrow.
"There's a funny article on penis size here, Slave...."
Naturally I asked her to forward it for potential blogfodder.
Study Shows Women Prefer One Size Penis for Everyday, ANother for One Night Stands
For this thinly sourced study, (no pun intended) the researchers made a variety of penis models using one of those fancy new 3D printers.
However, many past studies
have relied on images, or used terms such as "small,"
"medium" and "large" when gauging women's penis
preferences, and these terms may have different meanings to different people,
Leung said. The new study, on the other hand, is the first to use 3D printed models,
which meant women could physically handle them, Leung said.
(This is a big technological advance from the days of the "plaster casters", the 60's era groupies who made plaster casts of rock stars penises -- "collect the entire set of Herman and the Hermits" -- but I digress.)
Women also were asked to handle the model penii and tell researchers which one they would like for "everyday" use and which one would be more appealing for that special fling. It turned out that women liked a slightly broader model for that one night stand than from their ready steady lover or husband.
This fits in well with the notion that Slave has a suitable "work-a-day" cock, wheras Mistress is always on the lookout for that more colossal "special occasion cock", like the one our hard working Western Correspondent (self)reportedly has available.
In a second part of the new
study, women were given one of the penis models and allowed to examine it for
30 seconds. They were then asked to pick that same model from a bin of 33
models, either immediately or after completing a 10-minute survey (to allow
time to pass).
After completing the
10-minute survey, women tended to overestimate the size of the penis they had
previously examined, the study found.
This finding may be
reassuring to men who are self-conscious about their penis size,
the researchers said.
"For men who are considering
surgery to increase their phallus sizes, maybe they do not have to after all,
if women tend to overestimate" the size of a penis they've seen, Leung said.
This is certainly good news on Father's Day. The thought that a woman can experience your cock, and then, later on, think it was actually bigger than it really was has to reassure Fathers everywhere.
But the bad news may be in the form of an article Donna forwarded yesterday, about a product designed to replace the cock all together. It's Called the LovePalz.
(Check out the video in the link.)
The product is designed for all you lovers who interact remotely. Wifi friendly, one device, "Zeus" , acts as a faux vagina, with an airbag that grabs onto your cock and holds on for dear life. The companion, "Hera" is a faux cock, that pumps into the female partner's lady bits. Supposedly the wifi enabled interface allows partners on far sides of the planet to simulate sexual intercourse, with the grip and/or stroke rate matched as the partners engage of video chat or phone sex. ("Fury", we're thinking of you here!)
This huge new technological break through could make "regular" sex completely obsolete in just a few months, with only a few dinosaurs like Mistress and Slave still having sex the sticky and sweaty old way.
And even I am a little concenred. Combine the "lovepalz" with google glass and Mistress could be having sex with Gabriel Byrne every night, rather than me!
But it's not sure how "lovepalz" accommodates a woman's need for a bigger "special occasion" cock every now and then. Does it come in small, medium, and super size me?