Sunday, April 27, 2014

Shelter From the (Blog-o-sphere Shit) Storm

Recently, one of our blogger colleagues had to abandon her long running blog due to a "security breach". She had a cyber stalker who she needed to throw off her trail. The details are not relevant, but she recently re-emerged in the blog-o-sphere as "Fury" (presumably she's pissed) and has to start all over again building her followers and renewing old acquaintances. (Her new blog is on our blog roll for you discerning readers).

This reminded me of an important public service that UCTMW  would be happy to provide for any of you sex bloggers who suddenly find yourself without a home. Several years ago we had concerns about a similar security breach: someone had been introduced to us, and then was  tipped off about our on-line shenanigans . We were concerned that she might blow our cover. So  we shut off access to this blog, thinking "big deal. Who will miss us? And what will we miss?"

But as it turned out, it's hard to go cold turkey when you have built a community on line like this. So we got creative, brought in Donna our Senior Correspondent and her husband Bill, our Director of Security, founders of the SBPP (Sex Bloggers Protection Program) and created an alternative blog:
Mistress and Slave on the Lam.

We found shelter far from River City in an over the top designer Yurt in Whatthehellitstan, where Mistress could tether her Slave to a tent poll while cavorting on our double wide bed with some of the locals.

The only trouble was the distinctive odor of the  dried yak dung used in the fire pit to keep the yurt warm. But you can get used to that after a while, particularly with enough burning incense. As I recall, the WC even came for a visit and developed a relationship with the Yaks in an adjoining stable that was - shall we say -- not exactly within the bounds of conventional sexual practices. But when in Whatthehellitstan....

The old blog and all of its accessories has remained dormant for some time, but that alternative universe is always available in the case of an emergency. The folks at google tell me it still gets some pageviews even now.

 So "Fury" or any other sof you out there in need of a quick exit strategy from your current blog.... or maybe an exotic holiday from your everyday submissive or dominant drudgery, just give us a quick email. All we need to do is air out the yurt, re-stock the fridge with local delicacies, and turn over the password.

The only hassle is feeding the Yaks. It's amazing how many calories they consume everyday.


  1. LOL...and for a moderate fee, we won't tell a soul where you're hiding...slick one, Mick.


  2. That's a mighty cute yak. Was that one WC's fave?

    And you guys are seriously sweet to consider loaning it out to the desperate in their time(s) of need.

    (and yes she was pissed)

  3. It's sad when that happens, and it's hugely unsettling. Glad tho, mick and Molly have an escape plan already in place. :)

    Aren't Yak's a bit on the smelly side?


    1. Yaks definitely are an acquired taste, Mouse.

    2. Molly, mick, et al,

      By some odd or glitchy oversite your blog wasn't added to our blog roll. Fixed it -- again offering apologies for the error. Although mouse doesn't comment much your blog is a high point of her day!


  4. WC here

    Well your right about that

    Yaks are an acquired taste

    But you know what they say about whereeverinthefuckingstan

    Its the place where the men are men and the Yaks are nervous

    The Yak hunter



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