Thursday, April 17, 2014

HNT: Flash Back Thursday

Those of you on Facebook likely have noticed the gimmick of posting old photos of family, friends, or particularly oneself on "flashback Thursdays". The "selfies" from kindergarten, high school or college are particularly cute, or narcissistic, depending on your point of view.

And of course there's long been "HNT", here in the sexblogosphere. Yesterday Sin commented that photos are what really drive page clicks, not fabrications by lady sex bloggers, noting that smutty Instagram or Tumblr pages seem more popular than blogs these days. I've even placed a few of them on our blog role here at UCTMW. My favorite is Temptation Row, which collects steamy BDSM photos from a variety of sites, paired with cheeky comments from an English author who also writes smutty little BDSM novellas and stories she sells on Amazon.  Check her out. (Maybe Donna can do a review?)

I'm still waiting for Sin and Suzanne to post some "selfies", like we have done here over the years. But it may be a long wait!

But in the spirit of combining HNT and Flashback Thursday, here's a little flashback of Mistress in some cute undies that by now have probably seen better days:


  1. WC here

    Very very HOT picture Molly!!!!

  2. Guess you need something now that tights season has passed!



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