Sunday, September 15, 2013

Humping Completed

As shown below Slave did lots of "humping" over the last few days, and with no help from our MIA Western Correspondent. Of course Mistress needed plenty of humping, along with plenty of worship over a few days of unusually cloudy skies that cut into her naked sunbathing time. 
And then there was that cord of wood to  hump into neat stacks under our portal. As you can see we are now ready for the "end times". Or at least several Long cold winters locked away inside our cottage with mischief on our minds. 


  1. Mick,

    I'll be the first to admit I don't know anything about stacking wood but....

    Is the intent of this picture to 1) impress your readers by the amount of work you had to do, 2) elicit sympathy from us or 3) inform us that it was a pretty easy job to accomplish?

    Quite frankly it doesn't look like much work; something you could have easily done while in the confines of the cage and with little irritation.

    The very pampered,


  2. Suzanne it took me about 3 hours of leaning iver lifting and hauling, a good bit of which was in the rain. I was left with a sore back and a case of wood humpers elbow. But the good news is that if the WC had shown up he'd be filing a whole new round of WC claims based on this sort of exertion.

    The barely pampered,

  3. I was always taught to keep the wood pile away from buildings. And judging from my woodpile, it is good advise. Termites, snakes and mice love my firewood pile.

  4. Don't forget spiders. Spiders love wood piles. Sorry for picking on you Mick, but the anonymous poster above is correct. Woodpiles need to stay away from buildings. I had a shed that I leaned my firewood against. Two years later, I had to repair termite damage on the shed where the wood was stored.

  5. WC here,

    Don't worry about the peanut gallery Mick,

    There is no problem stacking the wood aginst the building in your location

    After all you don't want to have to go humping through the snow to get wood when there is humping to be done inside the UCTMW southern office.....

    The humpless,



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