Sunday, March 7, 2010

Need your guidance: To cage or not to cage?

Mistress is going to the Big Apple Tuesday morning. She will be going to a Board meeting, mixing with some potentates from the media and education world. No doubt there will be powerful and charming men for her to flirt with. She will be back Wednesday night.

Meanwhile Slave has his own duties: working and riding herd over the surly teens.

But here is the question for you lurkers and commenters out there: should Mistress lock her Slave's cage and keep the key with her?

Or should she trust her Slave with an unharnessed cock?

Of course, Mistress reserves the right to make this call, but she would like some advice ... let us know.


  1. I say lock it up, that's why we have them. It will be good for you.

  2. Can I be the voice of reason?

    Perhaps lock it -- but leave the key someplace -- for instance in an envelope that she signs her name over the opening before sealing -- this way she'll know it hasn't been opened -- you'll have the temptation of having it close -- but you'll have the protection of being able to get out if there's an emergency



  3. Clearly locking the cage’ll make Her slave long for his Mistress even more.
    As for trust, I know I’m much too weak to be trusted.
    If being locked up without a key scares you, an emergency key carefully sealed to avoid improper usage is a good suggestion.

  4. I had to smile... because I had about the same situation eight weeks ago. It never occured to me to ask... I was happy that my Mistress locked me up and took the key with her. When she came home, she told me that another key was hidden in our appartment - for emergency cases. She hasn't unlocked me yet... (i tryed to open it when she was gone)


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