Monday, May 25, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Business Trip.

She was on another business trip with her boss.  This time to the Big Apple. Her text messages had him on edge all day .... and into the night:

9 am - "just landed slave....he upgraded me to first class so I could sit with him and talk about our presentation."

9:15 am - "did he flirt?"

9:17 am -- Hmmmm..... depends on what you call flirting....his leg against mine....hand on my arm a few times.... gotta go now, getting in cab.

1 pm -- "How's it going?"

1:45 pm - "pretty busy.... presentation went well. heading to lunch with him and some folks from NY office."

5 pm - "Hi slave.... checked into hotel.  Meeting him for dinner at 7. Going to shower and get changed. "

5:15 - "who's going to dinner with you?"

5:17- "just me and him.  He wants to try this new 4 star place in SoHo.  sounds expensive.  Told me to dress up do do it right....."

5:19 - "really....what are you wearing?"

5:20- "that short black dress you like, and I picked up some other things at Saks this afternoon after lunch."

5:21 - "what things?"

6:30- "You like?"

6:31- "WTF?"

6:45- "Gotta go, slave.  He just texted that the car service is here for us.  Don't wait up for me.  he said we may have to meet in his room tonight after dinner to prepare for our meetings in the morning.  Hope the cage isn't too tight.  XXX. Your Mistress."

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Cuck Chat

Mistress had her first conversation with her potential suitor back in River City yesterday.  She's been exchanging emails with him for several weeks, and he even contributed some fiction to our blog a few weeks back.  But this was the first conversation, done over one of those conferencing apps we have all been using too much these last few weeks.

Of course, Mistress was a little bashful in this first conversation.  She was out on our patio, hardly fully clothed. Not the sort of attire one would normally associate with a Zoom call. 

"How do I make sure the camera's not on, slave?", she murmured as the tried to log into the call.  Fortunately, she found the write on screen button the push as the connection was made, sparing her new friend the sight of her bronzed breasts. 

I made myself scarce during her call, figuring they both deserved some privacy during their call.  It went on a bit longer than I had expected, nearly an hour.  After, over some breakfast burritos I picked up down the street, she gave me a brief update. 

They had shared some stories about their careers, and a few mutual contacts.  And dabbled, apparently, in the potential for meeting when we return to River City later in the summer.

"He says this whole cuckold thing is a real turn on for him, slave....."


Of course, not all guys get the idea of sharing. 

I did wonder if he knew that Mistress was so under-covered during their call.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Following Orders

Some weekday mornings they would arrange a "date", in our bed, timed to coincide with my departure for work.  Typically I would greet him at the door before I departed, maybe hand him a cup of coffee before he proceeded upstairs for some early morning nookie.

But today was different.  The night before he texted me:

"Mick, this is how I want her when I arrive....."

I showed her the text, 

"Is he serious?"

"Seems that way, wouldn't want to disappoint him, would you."

"Do you really want me to do this.... tie you to the bed, spread eagled on your tummy?"

"Sounds pretty hot to me....", she said raising an eyebrow. So this was going to happen?

She was cooperative the next morning as I tightened  the ankle and wrist cuffs, and even moaned a bit as I stretched her a little farther than comfortable.  I even took some liberties with her clean shaven folds with my fingers.

"Already wet, Mistress?"

All she did was shake her ass a bit, squirming for me.  But I knew it would be wrong to let her cum.

I'd leave that to him.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Size Matters

She'd come home late from her first intimate date with her new lover. The guy she'd met through work.  As we cuddled in bed she unspooled her after action report.

"It was so big, slave ....."

"Too big?"

"Well, not quite too big. I mean, it fit, ultimately, but I told him to go slow at first...."

"And did he?"

"he was patient with me at first, and then, well, he just went for it.  He said I was very tight for a married woman."

"I take it you took that as a complement?"

"Of Course,,,,,"

"So did he make you cum with that big cock of his?"

"What do you think?"

"More than once?"

"Oh ... yes...."

When we made love the next. morning,  after her lady parts had some time to rest, I knew that even. with my best efforts my "work a day" cock would never quite feel the same to her again.