Friday, February 15, 2019

Q. and A. for Molly and mick

Yes, we confess. It's been a little vanilla this winter in the Collins household, compared to years past. Mistress has a no active lover to distract her, which has left Mick without a whole lot to write about. We still have out almost every day "wake up" sex going, which puts us ahead of most married couples these days, regardless of age or demographic group.

And that's not counting the regular worship in the afternoon, and/or those extra digitally induced orgasms Mistress acquires while we lounge on our couch in the evening watching the latest on Netflix, or maybe episodes of "Victoria". Heck, it's clear we have more sex than Vic and Albert did, and they had all those kids! But I suspect our readers don't really want a "sex blog" that focuses on our everyday sexual routines, let alone TV reviews.

But when we get questions.....  that gets slave to fire-up the keyboard  and break this blogging draught  So here goes:

Q. Are you still switching for 2 hours every Sunday?  If so would either of you like to reduce or increase that frequency?

We still "celebrate" switch day, which was called for in our original contract, but rarely for as much as two hours.  Switch Day activities typically involve slave "torturing" Mistress with her Magic Wand vibrator, culminating in Mistress "begging" her slave for permission to cum. After this ritual, Slave is entitled to "have his way" with Mistress.  Always gratifying.  This usually happens after lounging in bed for a while with the morning papers (yes, we still get the Times and the local rag delivered to our door, a throw back to an earlier age.... supplemented by the Washington Post on the web.). After our sexual rituals, there's usually time for a bike ride, then a late breakfast, with Mistress cooking her highly stylized scrambled eggs. (Slave does the cooking the rest of the week).  So that's what "switch day" has evolved to.  It's a very satisfying ritual. and at least from Mick's POV, there's no need to extend it to other days of the week, or additional hours.

In the past, there might have been a little bondage during the big Magic Wand tease, or some cropping.  Older entries here would reveal that history.

Mistress says she has no need to add to our supplement our switch day activities. (Heck, she gets off pretty easy, doesn't she?)  But maybe our readers (or this questioner) would like to make some suggestions to "spice things up".  Consider the comments section our "suggestion box".

Q. In what way does mick express his subjugation to and admiration of  Molly? In what way would either of you like to see that change?

Here are a few ways in which mick tries to express his subjugation and admiration:

  • Daily orgasm inducing worship.
  • Asking for permission to cum when we have conventional sex.
  • Admiring facebook posts referring to the "lovely Molly" on our vanilla facebook pages.
  • Willingly submit to her occasional use of the riding crop to remind me "who's boss" and / or as consequences for a  faux pas. 
  • Willingly submit to the occasional "pegging", another reminder of "who's boss."
  • Wearing a cock cage when Mistress is meeting a lover, or has some special concern about who I might be encountering during the course of my day.
I suspect Mistress would like her slave to wear that cage more frequently, but relents when I whine about how uncomfortable it can be, particularly on a cold day, when my "junk" gets all tight and wants to hide from the low temperatures. 

Mistress adds that she should probably be wielding the crop and ass fuck me more!

Q. How would you describe your ideal Bull Dom relationship?

While Mistress has had several lovers since we embarked down the cuckold path some years ago, it's fair to say none of them have been of the "Bull Dom" type.  Most have been her age or younger, and there have been several "one offs" ( for various reasons such as bad chemistry or freak outs), and others that lasted months or even years. But none really got the concept of cuckolding in the sense of dominating the wife and / or the subtle or unsubtle humiliation of the cuck.  Most either didn't get why some married guy would let someone else have access to h is hot wife, or simply saw me as a peer who shared at least one thing in common. 

Our whole fascination with the cuckold concept arose from some interactions Mistress had with an old college beau who found her on facebook.  There was talk of spankings and bondage between them that got both of our motors running. But nothing came of it. When that guy "ghosted" after Molly said "put up or shut up", I wrote a "want add" for a "Part Time Dom" that would describe a fantasy relationship. Here's the link:

Of course, this description is fantastical.  The tricky part in any relationship (cuck or vanilla) is discovering mental and physical chemistry that can lead who knows where. Mistress is a busy girl who, in the real world,  would not have the time and energy for all that communication and engagement described in the "ad".  But the concept is hot, isn't it?  

At the least, a "Bull Dom" relationship would require someone who can establish that mental and physical chemistry with Mistress, and then use his own imagination, skills and powers of persuasion to convince her to surrender to her more submissive impulses. For slave's part, I would certainly enjoy witnessing it happen. But it could be quite a challenge, which may explain why that mythical "Bull Dom" we have sought has never materialized.  But a Hot wife and her submissive hubby can dream, can't they?

Hope this answers your questions, dear reader!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

House Showing

Miss us?

We've been laying low here in the cold, damp River City winter. After about 3 weeks at our SW hideaway for the holidays, work obligations forced us back here for fun times with polar vortexes and, now, endless gloom and rain. Yuck.

Which may explain why our old house here is on the market. Mistress and her slave are hoping to shift our base of operations out west in the year to come, and getting rid of an 120 yr. old home here is the first step.

But why would readers of our blog about male submission and cuckolding care about a home sale?

Let me explain.

We've been on a bit of a cold spell when it comes to finding Mistress a "side dish".  We gave up on OK Cupid a while ago, after a long spell of less then compelling suitors. Mistress did have lunch with her old stand by Jay last week, and it seems he is interested in resuming their "affair".  But Jay has a tendency to disappear on Mistress for no apparent reason, usually because he can't handle the notion of sharing her with her sub-hubby. Mistress is undecided on whether to reopen that door.

So fast forward to Sunday afternoon.  Mistress and slave were lolling in bed with the Times, after a brisk morning bike ride in sub-freezing temps and flurrying snow.

Our front bell rang. Slave still had his pants on, so I was the one who trundled down the stairs to open the door.

Outside, in accumulating snow was a tall,  slender fellow.  He introduced himself as a tenant in the large house next door, who saw our "for sale" sign, and wanted to arrange for a showing.  His name was Carlos and it turns out he teaches Spanish at the nearby University.

After consulting with Mistress, (who remained in bed), we arranged for Carlos to come by at 4 pm on Monday.  Mistress would show him the house.

When I arrived home from work on Monday afternoon, Mistress had some positive news..... and reviews.

"He seems very interested, slave.  Loved the house. Turns out he's recently divorced, and needs a larger place than his current apartment, so his teenaged daughters can sleep over from time to time....."

As Mistress went on it became apparent that the interest was mutual.

"He knows [a parent of one of our daughter's best friends], who teaches in the same department at the University.....I loved that accent....about my age, he's originally from the Basque region of Spain....."

"Did you tell him we've been there, Mistress?"

"Of course.  I also showed him where we hide the key in case he wants to come back and look again when we're out....."

Clearly, Mistress is the trusting type. At least for certain types of guys.

Ad she continued gushing.

"He's about my age..... what a shame we didn't meet him sooner.  He's definitely my type, slave.  About my age.  and kind of hot....."

"If only...."

"But I guess we can't do anything about it now, at least until we work out whether he wants to buy our house."

"I suppose so Mistress....I can give you his email, in case you want to arrange for a more intimate follow up  showing......"

"Hmmm...... I'm sure he'll want to come back for another look, slave....."

Apparently Mistress's bucket list includes a Latin Lover. Who knew?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Home for the Holidays

It's been some time since we posted here. A few of you have asked "what's up, Molly and mick?..... where are those frequent updates.... anything wrong in UCTMW world?"

Well, things are just fine.  While Mistress does not have an active "cuckolder" in her life, we've still got our almost every day sexual action going, keeping the home fires burning in a way that likely exceeds what happens in most marital beds for couples younger than us.

So why no cuckold action?  It's not that we've turned the page on that.  Mistress remains open to the notion of an extracurricular lover.  But she is selective, as she should be. Quite frankly, the on-line sources like OKCupid and Collarspace have turned into cold trails here. And it's hard to find someone willing to plunge into someone else's marriage in the fashion we prefer who has the physique, conversational skills and enough macho spark to peak Mistress's interest.

It's something we talk about from time to time.

Example: Mistress goes to a local Y to swim laps, now that the cold weather has come to the heartland.

"There are a few guys who swim who seem to flirt every now and then, slave....."

"Hmmm..... go for it Mistress......"

Then there was this from yesterday.....

"I talked to Jay today,  slave.... its been a while......"

"How did that go, Mistress?"

"He seems good.  He even asked if I would consider "hanging out" with him again sometime."

"Hanging out?  What does that mean?"

"I think it means having sex again, slave.'

"So what did you say?"

"I told him I was open to the idea if he wasn't going to get pissed off at me again.,,,"

"Did he really get pissed off?   Or just mysteriously go off the map?"

"I suppose that was it, slave.  He tends to disappear just when things are warming up again".

Our theory on Jay is that he likes spending time with Mistress, but then gets cranky about the idea of "sharing" with her husband, explaining why he has occasionally gone dark on her just when things seem to be going well.

Is this a common problems for practitioners of cuckolding or "open marriages"?

We've just started watching a new Netflix show titled "Wanderlust", a 6 episode mini-series starring Toni Collette, about a suburban English couple who stumble into an "open marriage" arrangement and realize it can provide a much needed spark to their own sexual relationship.  But, as with us, they also discover that not every sexual partner wants to know that his married affair-partner is doing it with her/his spouses knowledge and encouragement.

For most guys, maybe they see the whole thing as a "reverse-cuckold" that makes them squeamish.

In any event, it turns out we can be quite happy and sexually active without an active cuckolder involved.

We hope all of our readers are happy and active too!  Enjoy the holidays!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Mistress's Endurance Test (Pat II)

Mistress has been filling me in on the details of her Wednesday afternoon delight with Jimmy over the last few days, typically as we engage in our own less physically demanding coupling -- after all what's the point of a good cuckolding if it's not fuel for subsequent passion for the cuckold-or and her cuck?

Here are some highlights:

"How did things get going, Mistress?"

"Well we talked for a while downstairs, slave.... then we came up here (to our bedroom).  I guess we messed around for a while with our clothes on....."

"And how long did that last, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm...... I suppose it wasn't too long before our clothes were off....."

"Did he do the unwrapping, Mistress?"

"I suppose he helped me, slave....."

Bu now slave was unclothed himself, and Mistress had wriggled out of those lacy undies she had worn for Jimmy, allowing me to suckle those tender clean shaven folds.

"You really did it four times?"

"Yes. It was almost too much for me, slave.  I'm sore down there."

"What about the cock, Mistress....."

"I guess that's the problem slave.... it's big. Not overly long big like JJ's was. But thick. Very thick. I could barely fit it in my mouth....."

(Of course, that opened up another line of inquiry. Sort of like when Bret Kavanaugh told all those Senators how much he likes beer. Did Mistress enjoy Jimmy's cock as much?)

"So did you like sucking his cock, Mistress?"

"I did slave. And he seemed to like it too."

By now, Mistress was getting closer to another orgasm, with the help of her slave's tongue, but I was taking it easy, in light of all that use / abuse...."

"Did you ride that cock, Mistress?"

"I did.... but not right away. He's kind of a take charge guy in bed.  When I first offered to get on top he said ....'no. you're staying right there' and kept on fucking me from on top....."

You get the drift here....Mistress was thoroughly fucked by Jimmy for a a couple of hours on Wednesday afternoon, while her "poor" slave was off at work, cage locked in place over here work-a-day cock. And while I was not allowed an "all access pass" that evening, due to tender folds, Mistress has been very indulgent since then, including a twofer yesterday afternoon, before I got to watch my alma mater take on our rivals from the west coast last evening.

But I  came back to this question. "He really was able to do it four times?"  This was all the more amazing since Jimmy had expressed a little insecurity about his ability to perform in a message sent only a few hours before their rendezvous. Was that real? Or was he simply trying to reduce expectations so as to exceed them later?

"Yes. Four times. And not with a whole lot of rest in between. It was almost too much for my parts, slave...."

As someone approaching 68, I should be happy to be able to perform once a day, and sometimes twice. But I don't think I've ever been able to do it four times in two hours. So hats off to Jimmy. (Which raises a question I forgot to ask about that ever so thick cock.... cut or un?)

What does the future hold with Mistress and Jimmy? It's not clear whether Mistress will indulge a re-match. Though his subsequent texting suggests he's interested.

"The jury's still out on that slave.  He's so much younger. I'm really not used to being the "grown up in the room".

Stay tuned.....