Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mistress Tests Her Slave's Memory

Dear Mistress,

You have my cock very well trained by now. Once an hour or so goes by after my last release with you, it seems that any physical contact between it and your soft skin, makes it begin to tingle and go full. This presents a problem when we sleep the way we both like, me pressed against you in our “little” double bed. My tingling cock woke me again this morning, so I had to role over and, eventually, climb out of bed in these pre-dawn hours. Might as well do my homework and leave you to your beauty rest, before we take the surly teens back up for more skiing today.

Last night I got to dance with you at that nearby roadhouse, where we enjoy watching the locals do their two-step twirl to the steel guitar. It was hard to miss the cowboys admiring you, Mistress. We had a long, enjoyable evening drinking wine and eating enchiladas with our Texas friends.

We both were tired when we headed home, and I assumed it was one of those evenings when we would “wait until morning”. After all, we had some very satisfying activity in the morning, and again during our rest time after our ski day. Shouldn’t twice a day be enough?

You were wearing your black tights under those tight velvet pants, finished off with some black cowboy boots. Sort of a sexy Annie Oakley of she had ever discovered her Domme side.

After I finished some end of day tasks, I came into our room to find you stripped down to the tights and a black strapless bra. Nice. Sexy.

I stripped down to my briefs, and we found ourselves squeezed into our narrow walk-in closet, where I was hanging up my pants and jacket, and you were stowing your boots. You had an intriguing look on your face. Was your mind on an email you had checked? Maybe, that was just my imagination. But mischief now was clearly on your agenda.

Suddenly, I found myself pressed against you, your back to the wall, and we kissed deeply. I like the feel of you through those tights, and my hand could not help but slide between your legs. You seemed damp and squishy, Mistress, and you sort of melted into me when my hand did that.

I asked you why this sudden change of trajectory. I thought our plan was to “pass” until morning. Instead of answering, you slid your fingers into my shorts, and laughed at how hard I was becoming.

We kissed some more in the closet, our fingers doing their work, before we headed for bed. So much for our plan to “pass”.

I like it when you keep those black tights on for a while. And while I stroked you through them, you on your back, me at your side, you wondered out loud how what it was that seemed to turn us both on about your desire to submit to another man.

“Let’s talk about it while you make me come”, you directed.

So we talked as my hand did the work you had directed. You mentioned my posting from back in November, about the qualifications and exploits of a prospective part-time Dom. Someone who would do the things that a well trained Slave just can’t do, when it comes to scratching that submissive itch that you had discovered.

As my fingers slid over you, first slowly and then with more urgency, the panel of your tights began to soak through, and the scent of your arousal began to cloud my brain. Of course the friction of my cock against your thigh contributed to that clouding. But despite my obvious mental impairment, you insisted that I recite from memory the little shopping list from that posting – the one that your prospective Dom unearthed as he researched your candidacy for submission.

I doubt I was able to do a very good job, but here is the list again, in case you want to test how well I did last night as we both drove each other crazy:

If E has really vanished for now as a source of amusement in your life, we need to consider finding you someone else with sufficient imagination, physical attributes and commitment who might indulge your occasional need to surrender control better than this humble Slave. Though I do will gladly act as a surrogate as best I can, particularly on our Sunday mornings, it’s pretty obvious that I can’t be trusted in the full time Dom role in your life. Plus it’s so very nice to be your Slave. Who would want to give up a role of a lifetime? (think Jason Alexander here).

Finding the perfect part-time Dom for you will not be easy. But the effort in itself might be fun. And there is no deadline.
Here are some of the attirbutes to consider, from my observations of your psyche and desires, though I am probably blending in some qualities that would turn me on to hear about or observe should HE be found. You should feel free to edit or add as you see fit:

1. He would be in the 40-60 age range, well educated, handsome, taller than 5’ 10”.
2. He would “get” you, be interesting to talk to, with musical tastes ranging more towards Neil Young or Classical than Prince or Rap.
3. He would be willing and able to interact with you on a regular basis, either by phone, email, or text, and would arrange for you to meet him in person at least every few months, if not more frequently.
4. He would demand your total submission to him when in his presence, requiring you to address him as “Sir” or “Master”, in person or on the phone.
5. He would administer spankings with his hand or a hairbrush to put you in the proper frame of mind for such submission, or to punish you if you get out of hand or impertinent.
6. He would tie your hands, and make you kneel to suck his cock.
7. He would tie you to the bed or other objects, to give him ready access to your delicious body.
8. He would be so attracted to your lovely body and charming personality that you could tell, despite his stern demeanor, that he was dying to take you the moment he laid eyes on you.
9. He would take you whenever and however her desired – whether over his desk, or in the middle of the night, when you were fast asleep.
10. He would make you kneel and play with yourself while he was “working” on more important matters.
11. He would make you beg for the privilege of coming, but not always give you what you beg for.
12. You would be so compelled by his authority that whenever you heard the chime of a text from him, or saw an email pop up from him, your cunt would go liquid.
13. He would establish rules for you when not in his presence, involving times when you could or could not touch yourself. Or requiring you to email him what you were thinking when you touched yourself at his direction.
14. He would call from time to time and demand that you touch yourself during the conversation, though he would not always give you the permission to come.
15. If you please him and he decides to make you his part-time slave, He would want to put his mark on you, either through a discretely placed tattoo or piercing.

Am I missing something? Is anything on the list not what would help you scratch that itch, Mistress?

In reviewing the list, it’s obvious I missed a few items in our frenzy last night. At some point you said “I want to feel your hand on my skin”, so I helped you strip off those now soaked black tights, and began anew on you. We both seemed to be dragging out the process as you built to one of those mega-orgasms involving sobs, tears and a total emotional surrender to the moment.

Through the tears you said, “Fuck me, Slave”, and I did, in no rush to finish the job, just enjoying your warm cunt, your labored breathing, and the texture of your neck and shoulders pressed against my face. When I finally begged you for permission to come, you were generous, and I exploded into you, my desperation finally brought to a merciful end in waves that seemed to last and last.

Glad we did not stick with Plan A, Mistress.

Your devoted slave.

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmmm hella list, that!!! the squishy when seeing a text or email is one I so relate to, as a new subbie myself. He texts and I'm wet. as simple as that.

    he's not one to place restrictions all that much, maybe because we've not yet met in the flesh, so to speak (wink) but he did have me on restriction last week in preparation for our meeting that got postponed due to the blizzard. And I had to "earn back" the right to O by texting him a valid set of reasons. So i wrote the most ...salatious, submissive post of my life, over 4 text messages...and earned an o. Which he oversaw and sent texts to...encourage my playing. O.My Gawd. The most powerful orgasm of my life. That man.

    Yes, that's a definate qualification!

    thanks for the wonderful posts...i'm lovin' them!

    ps i'll be offline until Monday...wife is on vacation in about 30 minutes...pout. I'll miss my computer time w/friends...like you two! enjoy each other!
    as if you need me to tell you that, lol!



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