Thursday, December 17, 2009

24 Long Hours

Dear Mistress.

My weekly abstinence day has gotten increasingly challenging to complete. I am not sure whether that’s because you have gotten better at teasing and frustrating me as the day progresses (you certainly have); or because you have gotten me conditioned to receiving at least 2 or 3 opportunities for release most days. So when I start the day knowing that I need to last 24 hours or more….well it is (literally) hard.

Yesterday was a good example. The night before (Tuesday evening) you were indulgent, allowing me to fuck you around 11 pm, after we watched some TV. I knew you were tired, but somehow coaxed you into a final session for the day, knowing that I was facing a day without. I probably deserved your rejection based on my manipulative, guilt-tripping behavior. But you sensed my mounting desperation and allowed me the privilege (though you must admit I made sure you were pleased first).

When I woke, I did my homework. Writing about our adventures always gives me a bit of urgency for you, and its worse when I know that it will not be fulfilled. But as you read my email for the day, you allowed me to suck on your cunt and then came for me after you put the computer down. I do enjoy how your belly quakes a bit as I go down on you, when you giggle at my little attempts at humor.

I took my shower, but when it came time for me to put my cage on, I had a problem. It seems the width of my cock (not hard, just full) simply would not fit into its little container. Now it always has worked before. Crazy. You saw my struggle, and the little abrasion from the day before, and decided to grant me a day-off. But as you weighed my options, you weighed my cock and balls in your soft hand, compounding the problem.

(Later in the day I did some research on a more comfortable and durable stainless steel model. I need to take measurements this morning so its here when we get back from our holiday).

But as we shall see, the absence of the cage may have made this abstinence day worse, rather than better, for me.

The girls were off to their exams, and I was getting ready to leave for work. You were in a short black robe. No undies, as is your morning way.

As we kissed goodbye, you took advantage of my missing cage to toy with me through my pants, and I quickly sprang to life. You ran a finger gently along my shaft, amused by the response you were getting. Tease.

So I rebelled a bit, pulling you into our family room. The leaves are down from the tress now, and from its perch you can look down into the parking and driveway area of the nearby school. We could see the parents and children coming and going, but they could not look up to see you pushed faced down over the table where we usually have dinner. As I applied a few spanks, I asked you to consider the likelihood that your new friend, Sir, might enjoy spanking you into submission, should you survive his screening process (and he your screening process). That seemed to settle you down into a more docile frame of mind. You were quite wet as I spread your legs a bit, rubbing you not as gently as normal with my fingers, and you bucked against me, on the verge, it seemed.

This is where I made a mistake. You were so available, and I was so un-caged, that I dropped my pants and slid my very hard cock into you from behind, very, very slowly. The angle was just perfect for you to take me in that way. You seemed surprised at my impertinence. But I heard no protests as I mentioned that Sir would probably make you beg to come under these circumstances, and might not be so generous with his permission.

Of course I knew I had no permission until the day ended. Its always a little harder for me to come as I enter you this way, so I was not too concerned. But I slid in and out of you ever so gently to keep my ardor under control. You came hard once that way, and then again as I simple pressed into you, moving side to side, not wanting to leave the warmth my cock had found there, or to abandon the vision of you bent against the table, arms extended in front of you, so content and incredibly attractive.

But of course, ultimately I had to pull away, and get to work. The drive and the rest of my morning was a torment, with your scent lingering on my fingers and my cock and balls still full and tingling. Argh.

You were in meetings downtown most of the morning and for lunch. So We just exchanged a few tests, with lines like: “frustrated, mistress”, “as you should be, Slave” or “still tied up, Slave” and “Provocative”(me). I thought about what a text would be like if you were really tied up some afternoon by Sir.

Around 2 p.m. you appeared in my office. You had on that relatively short dark brown cashmere dress, with dark brown tights and suede boots. I am sure you got a few looks and comments on your walk up the hill to see me. As we kissed you reached for me with your well manicured fingers and asked how my abstinence day was going. My cock was all too responsive, betraying the fact that it was not going well.

You sat in your “throne” (the chair I pushed against the door), and I knelt to bury my face between your legs. I always like that moment when I get to peel down your tights to boot tops and find how wet you already are, mistress. When you had your fill, you indicated for me to stand in front of you, and reached again for my cock. It was firm, and got firmer as you had me drop my pants. As my colleagues walked past my closed door, you pulled me into your warm mouth and proceeded to taunt me with your soft tongue and lips, fingers cupping and stroking me. You were driving me crazy. And the thought of Sir’s apparent interest in directing this sort of activity made it all the harder to keep my vow of abstinence.

It was at this point that I really missed my cage.

You had mercy and allowed me to zip back up, then were off to battle the crowds at the Mall. I was left to ponder how I was going to make it until midnight.

At home that evening we were able to fit in a dusky bike ride in the upper 30’s air. Bracing and a nice distraction from my “ordeal”. When we got home, you allowed me to worship you on my knees, but spared me any further teasing. A relief.

After helping the teens with some further exam prep, we went to bed a little later than normal. As we watched the last episode of “Californication”, I rested my hand between your thighs, teasing out your little patch of fur a bit, and enjoying the way your hips squirmed oh so slightly in response.

The TV off, you suggested we read a bit. I think you were teasing me. But I suggested that at least I should be able to play with you a bit, even though I was still quarantined.

You said “tell me a story and you might get a reward”. So as I slowly worked your cunt with my hand, I spun a story for you. I won’t share the details, but suffice it to say it speculated about Sir’s training techniques.

As I spun the tale, you worked my cock gently with one hand and, and took your time to build to one of those shuddering orgasms that please me. But when you were done, you acted as if it was time to sleep, leaving me more desperate than ever. I asked for permission to enter you, but you reminded me that it was not yet midnight. But we negotiated entry without permission to come. I flipped you onto your stomach, an approach that makes it easier from me with those “limitations”.

The story grew more elaborate and graphic as I slid into you from behind. You had your head resting on your arms, hair fanned across your shoulders as I slowly worked in and out of you. I knew your mind was somewhere between me, and the protagonist in my story. But that is what “story time” is all about. And you had 2 or 3 shuddering orgasms as I enjoyed your soft warm passage while I was challenged to contain my own release.

By now I think I had drained you Mistress, so reluctantly pulled away to lay next to you. We settled into a spoon like embrace trying to find sleep. Of course you like the feel of my cock against your bottom as we drift off, and it feels very nice there. But the embrace so deep into abstinence day was very frustrating.

You had given me permission to take you during the night if need be. But, sadly for my own self respect, I only made it until around 11 pm. Still, 24 hours of abstinence. Not terrible. But not up to the standards you expect of me. I hope Mistress does not wake up disappointed.

I really can’t describe the pleasure of entering you then, knowing that I did not have to hold back. At that point I was in no hurray. So we went into overtime. When I finally asked for permission to come, and it was granted, my howl of delight probably frightened the cats.

And all this recounting of the tale has made me want you again.

Love, your Slave.


  1. hot are you two??? I'm loving your stories, your notes to each other (and sitting back as silent observer is such a naughty, voyeuristic thrill...)

    Excellent work! I'll be back (terminator voice!) But really, I will!


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