Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Caged And Missing Mistress

Slave is safely caged and languishing in a hotel room on our nation's capitol tonight, longing for Mistress's embrace. Sadly,  Mistress is back home, still pissed (and properly so) about my indiscretions.  I am waiting for her good night call, after she spent an evening with an old high school friend, quaffing Margaritas.

We remain on the road to recovery (I hope) though I have a lingering fear that I may find the locks changed when I return to River City on Sunday after a visit with my daughter.

And yet.... before leaving town we had a few more days of very hot reconciliation sex, draining the swamp that represents my dwindling supply of an old guy's "natural juices" reserve.  At least this brief separation will allow a period of rejuvenation.

Part of the "hotness" included furtive mutterings about how she should be on the lookout for a more robust cock, that would allow her to keep me caged on a long term basis, while still fulfilling her own "needs".

One thing we did earlier this week is meet with a a tag team of therapists (one male, one female) who can help us work through Mistress's concerns about her slave's fidelity.  It was our first session, a sort of "getting to know you" discussion about our history together and the problem that cropped up in recent weeks.  But Mistress and I have privately discussed how far our "full disclosure" should go....

"So should I tell them I'm wearing a cock cage, Mistress?"

"Why is that relevant, slave?  Let's not lose focus!"

"What about the whole cuckolding thing?"

"I don't think we need to go there just yet, slave....."

Of course, she's right.  If we "open the kimono" that far, the two therapists will be so focused on selling the movie rights to our tawdry story that they will be no help at all to us!

It's a shame we can't find some therapists with more of a "kink friendly" bent. Any rcommendations, dear readers?

At the very least, I'm counting on our Western Correspondent to prescribe something more practical to help Mistress get her slave back in line. (or at least get her off while I am out of town).

But here's the good news: Mistress has allowed me to remove the cage overnight, as long as I put it back on in the AM.

"But no masturbation, slave....."

That is clearly not a problem.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Mistress Cracks Down

Apologies, dear readers,  for not being more diligent with our postings here.  Mistress and Slave have been on holiday for the last three weeks, and our daily skiing and sex routines made the time go pretty quickly and without incident.....until last Monday.

It was Monday, 6 long days ago,  that Mistress discovered that her husband had been an idiot. I had been  communicating with someone she had asked me to cut off from contract several years back.  No, slave was not "cheating" in any physical sense. But Mistress rightfully concluded that I had been dishonest with her. We've spent the last week putting things back together, with slave humbly making every effort to get back into Mistress's good graces.

We've also had some very hot and frequent "make up sex", which is the best kind, isn't it?

One thing is clear, Mistress will have no patience for back sliding by her slave and has laid into my ass on a daily basis with a belt she gifted me from one of her trips to Africa.  That sort of daily punishment has been therapeutic for both of us.

She's also laid down some more rules that involve much more frequent cage time.

"You're wearing the cage every day when not in my presence, slave....."


As for cuckolding, well that may be handled differently.

"From now on, you're not going to be involved if I decide to have sex with someone else, slave...."

"How do you mean, Mistress?."

"I'm not necessarily going to tell you,  is what I mean.  Maybe there will be nights when I just don't come home....."


She's also been speculating on who to have sex with, with an eye to someone who I would find particularly humiliating.....

"Maybe M, your former law partner slave.....I think he's always fancied me.  Plus he's taller than you. Bigger hands might mean a bigger cock....I might find yours no longer so appealing."

Rest assured much of  this talk has occurred between the sheets, and fueled some rather intense fucking these last few days.

Mistress has also been in consultation with our Western Correspondent, who seems to have played a moderating influence on her wrath.  WC, maybe you should contribute some thoughts on how Mistress should discipline her slave in the months to come?

With this crack down in effect, I suspect there will be some more "blog-worthy" moments to share with our readers in the weeks to come.

So there's that.....

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Would You Trust Mark Zuckerberg with Your Cockshot?

"So the old boyfriend sent me a cock shot, Slave,"

"Hmmmm...... what was that like?"

"Funny, I don't recognize it. I guess I wasn't all that focused when I was only 20...."

Apparently Mistress's small liberal arts college did not offer "Comparative Male Sexual Organs 101".

"Maybe he's had a transplant. Traded up for a larger model?"

"I suppose.  Here, you take a look....."

She tilted the face of her I-phone in my direction, giving me a glance at a relatively slender male body, reclining, his seemingly large cock stretched flat across a seemingly flat belly.  It made me wonder.... was it erect, or not? Mine would be poking upward if erect. Ah well. I guess every one is a little different, isn't it.

"Did he send you that by text, Mistress?"

"No .... facebook messenger....."

"Hmmm..... not sure I would trust facebook with something like that. It's probably already in Steve Bannon's in-box.  Maybe even Putin's."

"I agree, slave..... a little odd."

"So what did you tell him about his picture, Mistress....."

"I said it looked hot slave....."

I suppose one has to say something like that, if only to keep the tease alive. I mean, you can't really say...."I've seen better", or "I don't remember it looking like that back in the day."

Friday, March 23, 2018

Long Distance Tease

Mistress and slave have escaped to our SW hideaway for an extended "spring break". While we might typically expect snow out here in the Sangre de Christo mountains this time of year, we found our local ski area still stuck in what has been a winter long draught.  Fortunately, enough fake snow has been made to keep the ski season alive. And we've been spared a nasty string of cold and snow back in River City.

On the sex front, we've been enjoying our typically robust daily diet. Nothing too kinky, but very satisfying for this old, pampered house slave. In fact, our sexual diet raised a few eyebrows one evening last week when we were enjoying some music from friends.  Mistress described her conversation with two other women on our way home:

"Somehow we got into whether some mutual friends ever had sex, and I said that we have it every day. I guess I was a little tipsy....."

"How did they react to that?"

"Joanne said, 'everyday!?", like she couldn't believe it...."

"I guess we are a little extraordinary on that front, Mistress..... I may get more action than any semi-retired guy in America....."

"You are lucky, slave....."

On the cuckolding front, we are on a bit of a dry spell.  The guys who have been served up through slave's search efforts have been not up to Mistress's justifiably exacting standards.  I will have to go back to the drawing board. But our upcoming travel schedule will make that a challenge. The cuckold quest  may have to be back burnered until August.

In the meantime, Mistress is continuing her own back burner tease of that former college boyfriend.

"He shows up on my facebook feed every week or so slave. Now he wants some semi-revealing photos."

"Are you going to bite, Mistress?"

"Maybe.  Can you help me find some?"

I agreed, and came up with a few to select from.  She scanned her options and asked me to forward two .  Here they are:

One of her in some colorful undies I gifted here not long ago.

And another, of her sunbathing here last summer.

She must have sent them off to former boyfriend, because later last evening she provided this report.

"He thinks they were hot, slave. But now he wants something 'frontal'".

"Are you going to accommodate, Mistress?"

"No way ....."

Always leave them wanting more.