Wednesday, February 14, 2018

V-Day Eve Cuckolding

Here in River City, Mistress and slave will be celebrating V-Day with some wake-up sex this morning, and a trip to Mistress’s favorite ice cream parlor after work this evening. Mistress has a sweet tooth for the ages, and slave knows that it is a direct channel to her heart (and other body parts!)

Slave must admit that I am particularly horny this V-Day morning. After the cuckold tease here last night. 

While slave was dining with his cute grandkids, Mistress had plans to entertain her new prospect, S.  As I was cooking a meal to go, she was laying out a platter with some cheese, crackers and raspberries and taking it upstairs to our living room.

As I was pulling down our driveway, S was pulling up. He gave me a polite wave as we passed in the street. No doubt he’s still a little confused about the guy who gives his wife a “free pass”, with a twinkle in his eye.

I told Mistress that when I got home I would chill in our lower level so as not to interrupt her mojo if things were going well.  No doubt they heard me opening the door down below, because Mistress called down to me that they were “just talking.”  Nevertheless, I let them continue on, catching up on some Olympic downhill.

At some point Mistress called me up, and I sat with them for a bit. S had “loosened up” to the extent that he was now sitting next to Mistress on the couch. He clearly seemed more relaxed with the both of us, compared to that dinner about 10 days ago when he was more in “job interview” mode.

It was getting later now, so slave excused himself, heading back downstairs. Things quieted down after that, suggesting that more than “chit chat” was going on. About 30 minutes later, Mistress was down the stairs, showing S to the door. We then headed up to our bedroom.

“So what happened there, Mistress?”

“Some pretty hot making our, slave…..I think he was disappointed when I cut things off….”


“He wanted me standing up, and there was some kissing, a little fondling through my clothes…. That sort of thing.” 

(BTW, I think he kept his shirt on, unlike the couple to the right.)

“So how was it, Mistress?”

“Good slave…..he clearly knows what he’s doing…..”

“That’s always important.  Did he leave you squirming, Mistress?”

“He did slave… how about some worship?”

Slave can take a hint, so made sure Mistress did not have to go to sleep with an edge to cut.  On the other hand, I was left hanging, despite a rather attentive cock.

“It won’t hurt you to wait until morning, slave…..”

“Of course not, Mistress….”
In the meantime, our would be Olympic Correspondent is still off task>  Here is his latest from the road, somewhere in the south Pacific:

Sorry I missed your call boss, I was getting a massage from this gorgeous little Chinese lady


But I did get your bothersome message on my phone

Yes its true that the $32,000.00 bill you received did not include all the cost of the trip, as you correctly point out that was just for the airfare for me and my (plus 1)

BUT I have good news!

Turns out that they have this thing called "scalping shit on the internet" web sight

Who knew?????????

I was able to unload our previous investments as follows:

1)  Mens downhill tickets         (paid $200 each and sold for $1,750.00 each)  I could go on and on but trust me I made plenty!  Remember we bought tickets for 23 events!

2)  And the honeymoon suite we bought at the Four Seasons................  Holy shit!  You wont believe what I sold that for

3)  Best of all told me that all the money would be returned to my Visa Card!!!!!!

        Let me be perfectly honest with you boss.................  I am a little embarrassed to tell you that I may have padded my expense account a little bit

        I confess that I bought a plate of peanut butter sandwiches for cute little bunch of waifs in Samoa.............They were so  adorable

        Nevertheless please deduct $21.43  (including tax and international fees) from my expense account.       I feel better 

And boss could you please wire transfer that extra cash?   Getting a little short out here.....

Yours truly as always boss,


It looks like that massage was fun, WC. I'll get moving on that wire transfer. Hopefully, you won't mind being paid in bitcoin.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

An Aborted Journalism Mission while the Cuckold Plot Thickens

Here in River City, Mistress and slave have a busy evening planned.  I am bringing dinner over to my cute fraud kids. And while the Cuck is away, Mistress will….. well it’s not clear what will happen. As the next step for her and S, she’s invited him over for some wine and/or beer and cheese. They will much, chat, and (presumably) let nature take it’s course.

“When are you going out, slave? “

“A little before 6, Mistress.”

“That should work, ‘the dude’ (her tentative label for S ) should be coming at 6.  I picked up some cheese at Trader Joe’s, so we’ll just hang out here and see what happens.”

While it went unsaid, I suspect Slave will be in his cage, speculating about what might be developing in our living room as I read a book to my granddaughter after dinner. 

In the meantime, it seemed I shamed the WC to get off his barka-lounger, leave that big barrel of high end lube behind, and head off to cover what’s left of the winter Olympics on the Korean peninsula. But it seems his progress has been limited:

 OK OK OK Mick........Now boss.......take a big breath and go to your happy place

Now it is true that you did see a $32,000.00 expense for a first class ticket to Korea via Honolulu, Perth, New Zealand, Samoa and a beautiful little private island in an undisclosed South Pacific location.  

You will be very pleased to learn that I (and my plus 1) completed the entire trip except for the last leg to South Korea

We heard that the journey to the Olympic site was brutal with people expected to fly "economy air" AND long land journeys in "public transportation"

My plus 1 said "Listen if Mick is going to be so cheap then I will not come with you on that retched trip and you know you can really see the events much better on TV

I got to thinking "you know WC she is right you can see it much better on TV and I can cover more events for the good of the mighty UCTMW

So for the good of the company I rescheduled us back to that pretty little private island


Now its true that it costs a little more than the original trip ($11,574.89 to be exact)

But...............I now will be able to cover way more events!!!!!!!!!

Hope this finds you well boss, we have a Hulu-hoop lesson scheduled in half an hour but then plan to promptly adjourn to the TV room to go to work for the mother company

Your always hard working 

Foreign Correspondent  

I’m very disappointed, WC. I was counting on you to cover the women’s downhill, and your fellow Coloradan Mikala Shiffrin. And maybe get some inside dope on Kim’s hot younger sister. She seems to have a Domme-ish quality that deserves further examination of the type that only your style of semi-Gonzo journalism can provide.

The let down,

Mick Collins. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Our Olympic Reporter Is MIA.

Here in River City we had a chilly damp February weekend. We somehow survived with lots of time in bed, including a “two-fer” Saturday where Mistress tested her aging slave’s sexual stamina.  Thankfully, I passed the test with flying colors, so maybe she’ll keep me around for a while. Not that I need to be the sole source of her sexual satisfaction.  She has scheduled another get together with S for Tuesday evening, when I am joining my daughter and cure grandkids for dinner. 

“What’s the plan, Mistress?”

“I think I’m just going to invite him to hang out here, slave.”

“Well that should be a good test to see of he’ll make the first move?”

Of course after that kiss the other night, which Mistress admitted was  a turn on, my guess is he’s got it in him.  But we shall see.

In the meantime, we have this post from our Western Correspondent, reminding us of his cutting edge sports “reporting” at the last Winter Olympics:

Well it is the Winter Olympics again

Last time I was hanging out with Vlad,   Pussy Riot and Cossacks

All on Mick's dime, or so he said!!!

He was pissed when I turned in my very reasonable expense account

I still remember the eye bulging outrage he had at a modest expense to rent a Cossack horse for $5,000.00 to go to the party to watch the Cossacks whip Pussy Riot.

Why......... you would think I just robbed Fort Knox rather than pursing a breaking story,   come on boss.... give me a break this time

Nevertheless, here is my report:

Colorado rocks, this local kid from Dillon won the slope style and he is only 17 years old!!!    The Colorado ski racers and jumpers are expected  to do well as are the boarders and bombers.

Breaking News!  

Las Animas county in Southern Colorado reports the highest sale of Pot in the state?

Colorado officials appear baffled too, as nobody lives in Las Animas county

One republican state lawmaker was overheard saying "Maybe its the wild horses down there,,, you know the NRA has a good plan to shoot them all with AR 15s with 100 round mags!

Others speculated that it could be citizens from the states south of Colorado venturing into Colorado  to purchase horse meat.

We may never know the truth as the Denver Post is clearly fake news

Meanwhile boss I got to tell you a secret...............   I'not really in South Korea.......

Nope........ too chicken to go

Mexico is cool......... I can deal with bad hombres

But Mike Pence is in Korea ..............  the broken broken down old WC is not going there!

Good night from Craig Colorado!

The glad he never has to meet Mike Pence


Thanks, WC. I’ve been to Animas Co. You need lots of THC to get thorough the day there. But my guess it’s folks driving over from Kansas to keep themselves going back in the bible belt.

But I am a little disappointed you are not covering this year's Winter Games. At the least, while there may be no Cossacks to cover, you could keep an eye out for costume malfunctions on the ice!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Cage Night for Slave

If last night was a "date night" for Mistress, it was also (and not coincidentally) a cage night for slave.

As a commenter noted yesterday, Mistress did not indulge the notion of  a "free range" slave while she was out on a dinner date with her latest prospect - S.

Of course, none of this disrupted our basic routine here at the UCTMW World HQ. There was some hearty wake up sex yesterday morning, featuring some robust cock riding on Mistress's part. Both of us got home by about 4:30 pm' leaving time for a short nap and some worship before slave scrunched his "junk" into that new cage of mine.  Mistress was busy primping, leaving the house at around 6:30 pm for her dinner engagement. My competitive juices were stoked by her visage: all in black, including the tights that always get my motor running.

"How do I look, slave?"

"Hot. Mistress. I'm sure S will be impressed."

Slave was then off to my evening's engagement -- joining my daughter and her kids at a 2nd grade musical performance. fortunately the cage is comfortable enough to tolerate a 3 year old bouncing on my lap.

Mistress's plans for after dinner were up in the air.  Would she be bringing S home? Or was it a chaste dinner, and home early?  The jury was still out on whether there was an attraction worth kindling.

I was heading home, and texted Mistress at around 8 pm to give her a heads up.

"I'm still at the restaurant, slave...." was her terse response. I responded that I would chill in my lower level "office", leaving the living room open for her and S should they choose to stop here at the end of the evening.

Settling in in front of the TV for some Daily Show deferred viewing, slave stewed in his caged juices for about 90 minutes, without and word from Mistress.  She finally arrived home a little after 10 pm, sans S.

"So how did it go, Mistress?", I said after a greeting kiss.

"Good, slave..... he's a nice, interesting guy. A lot more interesting than the rest of the guys we've spent time with lately....."

"But you didn't bring him home...."

"No. I told him I needed to get up early tomorrow, and I do.  But he was a little disappointed. He clearly could have stayed out longer with me....."

Clearly, Mistress is taking this one slowly, which is prudent.

"Any chemistry, Mistress?"

"Well he did kiss me. In the garage after we left the restaurant....."

"And how was that, Mistress?"

"It was good, slave....."

Mistress was clearly playing her cards close to the vest. But the message was that the green light is still on with this prospect. (Hopefully that garage kiss didn't go like this: Oops.)

"He reminded me that we have lunch set for next Thursday....but he said he'd really like to get together before then."


"I told him I would look at the schedule and see what I can do....."

We were upstairs in our bedroom by now. Mistress noticed the key to the cage in our bookcase.

"So how was the cage slave?"

"Tight, Mistress".

And it had gotten a little tighter in the last few minutes as I heard about Mistress's date night. Mistress handed me the key, the signal that I could take off my cage.  But I have a sense that if things continue to heat up with S, there may be more cage time in my future.