Sunday, August 16, 2015

Time for a "Cuckold Pride" Movement?

Mistress and slave have had a relatively low key weekend, though the nest has been a little too crowded.

How crowded you ask?

The recent grad’s boyfriend has been hanging around. Actually, I’m not sure he’s ever left.  They’ve been squirreled away in her room. I’m not sure I wanted to know the answer to the “briefs or boxers” question about him, which I learned yesterday morning as I was drinking my coffee and he cut through our living room on the way to the bathroom. 

Having all this company in the house is definitely cramping Mistress’s style:

“I don’t like having to worry about whether I’m properly dressed just to go down to check the laundry, slave.”

I don’t like Mistress having to be properly dressed either. I like her improperly or not dressed at all. But then some of you are already asking yourselves “Why would a Mistress be doing the laundry…. isn’t that the slave’s job?”

But today’s blog is really about a recent slur that is giving us “loud and proud” cuckolds a bad name. The New York Times last week reported a new slam that Rush Limbaugh and other Tea Party types  are using to label politicians they don’t consider sufficiently conservative:


Here is a brief description from Salon:

 “Cuckservative,” you see, is short for a cuckolded conservative. It’s not about a Republican whose wife is cheating on him, but one whose country is being taken away from him, and who’s too cowardly to do anything about it.
OK, that’s gross and sexist enough already, but there’s more. It apparently comes from a kind of pornography known as “cuck,” in which a white husband, either in shame or lust, watches his wife be taken by a black man. Lewis explains it this way: “A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor.”
White supremacists have reinforced the racial intent of the “cuckservative” narrative. To that end, Walsh quotes one of their more prominent voices, Richard Spencer:
“The #cuckservative meme doesn’t make any sense without race. It’s all about race…What’s powerful about #cuckservative is that it is call for a racially conscious politics—and not the kind of shot-gun spray muckraking that Johnson specializes in.”

Hmmm….. so a “#cuckservative” is the sort of politician who doesn't have the "courage" stand up for the right of South Carolina to fly the Confederate Flag, or a white cop to put a bullet in the head of guy who had no front license plate?  And if you expanded Medicaid in your state, or aren’t trying hard enough to bust labor unions, well I guess that makes you a #cuckservative too.No doubt re-invading Iraq, and bombing Tehran is on the "to do" list of those using the #cuckservative hashtag. And you must be a #cuckservative if you married a Latina, or don't support rounding up and deporting 11 million illegal immigrants.

Of course, they have the kink that they are converting for their political ends a little off: you can be a cuckold if your wife is having sex with a white guy too, can’t you? If not, then I guess I’m not a real cuckold, and shouldn’t be offended by this latest Limbaughism.  But then maybe they’ve inserted the “white woman / black cuckolder” requirement to avoid adding conservative God Ronald Reagan to the #cuckservative smear. Wasn’t Nancy doing it with Frank Sinatra?

Before these racist “wacko birds” (as John McCain would call them) completely misappropriates the “cuckold” label as a political perjorative, we need a “cuckold pride” movement to reclaim the suddenly tarnished label and honor it for the kinky,  sexy, Mistress enobling state of marital bliss that it can be! 

Does someone want to design the bumper sticker!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Slave Exceeds Expectations.

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it was an unusually active Thursday on the sex front.

Of course, there was the traditional wake-up sex rituals in the UCTMW Executive Suite before Slave headed off to work. Worship first as Mistress read the blog, then she indulged me as we tried to suppress our vocalization in order not to disturb our daughter sleeping acriss the haul.

Then there was Mistress's post-lunch dessert at my office. She stopped by after a lunch meeting for some worship.

"I don't have much time, slave.... so be quick about it....."

I happily complied, sliding her "throne" against my door. Laying down an absorbent towel to protect the upholstery from her abundant juices, then applied my tongue to the task at hand.  She seemed content with the outcome.

Don't you like those yellow toes?

Then, at the end of the day, after I rode my bike home, I surprised Mistress with a request that she consider allowing me to fuck her yet again, after emerging from the shower. 

"Really, slave?"

"I''m all fresh and clean, Mistress."

I know a lot of my cuckold-pals on the blog-o-sphere would be shocked at the temerity of an uppity slave who asks his Mistress for sex twice in one day.

But I've learned 0ver the years that if you don't ask, you're unlikely to get!

In this case, Mistress was very indulgent, if a little surprised that her slave had the energy to do it again after a busy work day.

It's nice that after all these years I can still surprise!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

When Does Fantasy Sharing Cross a Line?

You'll be happy to know that poor slave's long dry spell ended yesterday morning --

"You seemed to be horny, slave" was Mistress's comment once the dust settled in the UCTMW Executive Suite.


Hopefully we can get back to a more rational sexual schedule now that my older daughter is heading back to the East Coast.

But today's edition is not an opportunity for me to whine about 2 consecutive days without sex, but about a text dialog Mistress was having with her "relief pitcher", K who is back in town and trying to get back onto Mistress's schedule.

We were sitting at our swim club at the end of the day, and Mistress was checking her texts and emails after taking laps for about 30 minutes.

"I thin K is annoyed with me Slave....."

"Why's that Mistress? Because you've not invited him over for a nooner?"

"No.... he's been sending me texts describing all these sexual fantasies he has about women at his office.... what he wants to do to the lady in the tight pants, and so on.  I told him the only sexual fantasies I want to hear about should relate to me....."

"That makes sense, Mistress..... maybe he has sexual fantasies, but can't he at least  tailor them to you?"

"That's what I think.... but he says I'm the only one he can share this stuff with.... I suppose that's true."

Of course, K could get his own sex blog if he feels a need to share.  But I am old school.....keep your fantasies about other partners to yourself. And if sharing fantasies are part of your seduction routine,  at least make it sound like they are about the object of your efforts of seduction.

Not that slave ever has fantasies about anyone other than Mistress.

Any thoughts, dear readers?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Dry Spell

Here at the UCTMW World HQ, slave has had a bit of a dry spell compared to our normal sexual hijincks. 

Monday Mistress had one of those ridiculously early morning meetings that foreclosed our normal "wake up" sex. 

Monday night one of my older daughters made an unusual cameo appearance, bedding down in the bedroom next to us. The combination of a later night airport pick-up and an early delivery of said daughter to an MD appointment, shut us down again.

Then last night Slave was recovering from some heavy drilling in my mouth at the dentist office. Fortunately, I was able to perform a couple of worship sessions for my impatient Mistress, one while she was catching up with the exploits of the Cuckolder, who has re-emerged in the bedroom of his lover, Janice. She read his blog from my laptop as I used my tongue and lips (one side of my mouth still a little numb) to provide her with a little extra stimulative accompaniment to get her over the top. 

"I wish he'd add a little more detail, Slave....."

I'm not sure if that was more of a comment on my oral services, or Marc's entry, but it's clear we've both got to up our game.

After Slave was done with his "work", I noticed that Mistress was responding to some text messages. I try not to pry in these matters, but she disclosed she was communicating with her "back up" lover, K. 

"He's back from his trip from Alaska, slave.  He wants to get together...."

Of course, the problem is that with our daughter home, there really isn't an assurance of privacy here.  And K has some privacy issues at home too.  

"I told him we can meet for a drink next week, Slave."

Mistress's frustration with Jay's own scheduling issues clearly has her looking for other options.

Sounds like we all have to up our game. 

But the good news is that it's a new day at the UCTMW World HQ. I have a feeling my dry spell is going to end this morning.