Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Switch

It was fortuitous that Mother's Day (as always) fell on the UCTMW official switch day. It gave me the opportunity to "treat" Mistress to some pre-bike ride bondage. Her wrists cuffed behind her back, and ankles cuffed together too.

A few spanks to sensitize her tender parts. And then whipping out her favorite power tool.

Slave was clever. With her ankles cuffed tightly together, Mistress had some issues with spreading her legs to make sure the big bulb of her hitachi was positioned properly.

"That's frustrating, Slave.... it's so close but...."

"Aww, poor Mistress."

Nothing like a little Mother's Day tease and denial.

Not to worry. After a while I coaxed Mistress up onto her knees, giving her a better chance to enjoy the special thrills only her power tool can deliver.

She seemed very satisfied once the dust settled.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Relief at Last

On Friday night, Slave had one of those interminable firm dinners up in our boring state capitol. Happy Hour Reception.  Dinner. Small talk with folks I see most work days anyway. Then a lame "comedian" to conclude the night. It must have been around 10 pm before I was able to wander back to my hotel room. And as the evening progressed I noted that Mistress had not texted me, not even once. It led me to conclude that there was "mischief" going on down in River City, and Slave was in the dark about exactly the sort of mischief I was missing. 

I knew she was meeting some lady friends for a drink down in our hipster neighborhood. Were they just chatting? Or had Mistress been chatted up my some stranger at a bar, one thing leading to another? With her full contractual privilege to play at her own whim, Slave's curiosity was peaked. And after a whole 36 hours without any "action", Slave's cock couldn't hep but twitch a bit on the walk back to the hotel at the thought(s) of what Mistress was doing on her night out on the town.

The mystery was solved around 10:30 pm when my phone rang back in my hotel room.

"Hi Slave..... did you miss me?"

"Of course, Mistress....."

"After drinks with the girls, I decided to stop off at J's for a little 'night cap'."

It turned out to be a reverse "booty call", with Mistress dropping by to check in on her sometimes lover after his son had gone off to bed.

"It was just a quicky, slave."

So it turned out Mistress got a little action to take the sexual edge off, while Slave was all hot, bothered, but nonetheless obediently following my "no touch" protocol.

Ouch. Mistress provided some selective details of  her multiple cum encounter, which got  Slave all hard and horny. How Pavlovian. But it would still be another 14 hours or so before I was reunited with Mistress in her Executive Suite.  I did my best to focus on the NBA playoff game before drifting off to a fitful sleep.

Saturday morning I stayed at our retreat only so long as seemed required to show my face, then slipped out the door around 10 am or so for the 2 hour drive home. Mistress was out running some errands, and I unpacked. But it was not long before we were in bed together. Mistress had her suitable for spring time yellow thong on to taunt me -- it made me wonder what she had worn for J. Soon I was down between those lovely thighs, tasting the sweet and fragrant juices (and maybe a little left over remnants of the night before?) that fuel my addiction.  I will leave the rest to your twisted imaginations.

Is there anything better than reunion sex?

This morning, I am looking forward to a 2nd round, and will need to consider some special kinky treat for Mother's Day.  Hope all of you Mothers out there will have as many opportunities to orgasm as I plan to give the mother of our cute Co-Eds!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Dispatch From the Flatlands

With the days winding down before the end of the school year and the re-infestation of our empty nest, it was a particularly bad time for my firm to call one of those bi-annual "retreats". Whatever your business, I suspect many of you have  been exposed to one of these dreary navel gazing sessions where multiple offices and generations come together to lip synch platitudes about improving customer services, better training for your staff, blah, blah, blah.

Even worse, since all of the activities clearly exclude spouses or significant others, I am ensconced in a pretty nice hotel room on our state's oh so flat state capitol, and Mistress is on her own in River City. Sadly, my screening efforts on AM have yet to provide her with a worthy consort to warm her bed, and worship her clean shaven folds in my absence.

I suspect I deserve to be punished.

While I was not required to wear my cage, I've followed her orders:

"No touching, Slave."

On the 2 hour drive up here yesterday afternoon, I did check in with Donna, our Senior Correspondent. I can report that she is proud that her son is graduating from Medical School in the coming weeks, and that she has plans to attend the ceremony in the Big Apple. So beware all of you NYC kinksters : there will be a randy lady rolling through town shortly. Be prepared.

She also let me know that she had a solicitation from a  South Carolinian "gentleman" via FetLife.
"He wants to spank me, Mick". Not only that but Bill recently gave her a "spanking skirt". I'm not sure what that it, but it's bound to be put to good use should Donna take up this generous offer. We're counting on more details Donna.

Last night I did join several of my colleagues at a local restaurant that Mistress and I have enjoyed over the years. In fact, sitting there enduring some tedious conversation over my roasted beets and Branzino I had a flash back to a more compelling evening there more than 20 years ago:

It was when Mistress and her Slave were still flying below the radar screen... we had to be discrete since we were married to other people at the time. But this was an out of town "business trip" for both of us, so we planned a romantic dinner at this same restaurant. Anyone who saw us might have asssumed we were just  two work colleagues, enjoying dinner on the town. Or maybe a lobbyist cajoling a public official over some pasta and wine.  

But under Mistress's sexy mid-thigh length dress, she was wearing one of those butterfly style vibrators, like this:
It was not the high tech kind now available, with wireless remotes.  So I had to sit next to her at a banquet style table. surreptitiously sliding the remote at the end of a wire into my pocket. Dirty older man that I was, I enjoyed tormenting my hot young lover with little or longer blasts of vibration, making her squirm at my whim. If I recall correctly, Mistress came at least once during that meal, but I can't remember whether it was during desert or the entree course.

I suppose that was a time when this Slave was playing the dominant partner.

How times have changed, Mistress.

Very much looking forward to getting home tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ashley Madison Follies

As a somewhat experienced user of Ashley Madison, Mistress is well attuned to the fact that the odds of finding the "right fit" are pretty minuscule. But the fun part is getting an under the rock look at the freak show that passes for this gauzy on-line meat market of horny guys and "gals" (yes some men use that term on their profile to refer to the women of their wet dreams).

As Mistress's corresponding secretary, it's my job to cull the riff from the raff, and see if any potential "sidedish" can come close to meeting Mistress's exacting standards. The process is (very little) hit, and (a whole lot of) miss.  Nevertheless, Mistress does have a lunch set up for next week with one prospect, more likely, in our opinion, to turn more into a potential business connection than a roll in the hay. And we will both have dinner next Wednesday with another prospect who seems to get the cuckold dynamic that Mistress and her loyal Slave enjoy.

But the rejects are really more interesting. Here are some examples:

Cheater Town. There is a ex-urban town near here --  lets call it "West Lionel" for these purposes -- that seems to have a disproportionate  number of guys on the make. It's one of those "new" communities that sprouted along side an interstate over the last 20 years, with every conceivable fast food restaurant franchise and big box retailer you can imagine. Lots of sprauling subdivisions and abutting strip centers, and vestigal hospitals that branched out from the mother ships where the suburbanites are afraid to go because they have to drive through "the ghetto" to get there. Would it surprise you to know that their Congressman is the Speaker of the House?

In any event it seems to be chock full of "attached males" ranging from 28 to 55, and all of them seem to be clamoring for Mistress's attention. Setting aside the guys from the DC area and South America who were clogging her inbox last week, I would bet 1 in every 4 supplicants is from "West Lionel". Is there something in the water out there that sends guys into the purgatory of "loveless marriages",  or gives them some need to exploit their "very oral" propensities outside their own bedrooms?  Has AM launched some type of door to door marketing campaign out there to get these lonely and horny married guys to sign up in droves?  And if Slave opened his own AM page as a test, would I find a bunch of equally unfulfilled married ladies from West Lionel looking to unlock their inner sluts between the time they drop little Johnny off at the middle school and stick the casserole in the oven for dinner? 

Lovable Losers. Despite the warning in Mistress's profile that she does not respond to "winks" or lame emails like "how's your day, sweetie?", it's amazing how many guys try that approach anyway. Maybe it's because they are not confident in their spell check skills, one of the things Mistress has pointed out is a way she sorts contenders from pretenders. So those winks just get deleted, but sometimes Slave can't resist clicking on the profiles to see the "man" behind the cheap cum on. Here is a good one:

Preferences and encounters I am open to:
I love to eat pussy an fukn married women is such a turn on

What really turns me on:

a nymoho wife or two sisters mom daughter anything kinky an cheating lol

What I am looking for:

being naughty toys (dp) um love a wet bj. i love eating pussy an making women cummmm

For a moment I thought this might actually be the WC, based on the absence of punctuation. But then I realized that even he can spell "nympho".  And the profile shot of this skinny dude from Kentucky convinced me that it was not Miguel.  But I am still wondering if he's had much luck finding a mom /daughter combo to him a "wt bj". Maybe he needs to focus his hunt on West Lionel, where the women may have a lot of spare lunch hours available for that sort of fun.

Recognizable "Civic Leaders".  Then there is the guy who you actually know. In response to a request to see Mistress's "private showcase" (no face included), I usually scan the guy's profile to see if he meets the minimal standards Mistress has laid out - age, height and weight appropriate, reasonably articulate, yadda yadda. Here's one that met that initial screening:

Preferences and encounters I am open to:

Conventional Sex, Sensual Massage, Kissing, One-Night Stands, Extended Foreplay/Teasing, Gentleness, Cuddling & Hugging, Nothing Kinky, Likes to Go Slow
I believe no one person should have to be everything for another. It’s natural for someone to feel a powerful sense of attachment to a long term partner, while experiencing romantic love for somebody else and at the same time, feeling sexually attracted to a diverse range of people.
I would like to try exploring different dynamics with you — sexual, emotional, psychological and spiritual.

What really turns me on:
Confidence, Discretion/Secrecy, Petite Figure, Disease Free, Good Personal Hygiene, A Professional/Well Groomed, Sense of Humor, Muscular/Fit Body, Girl Next Door, Not Possessive, Stylish/Classy
interest in world affairs, arts & culture.

Some of these items are just "box checking". But there is a little bit of original prose in there that seemed acceptable enough to give him a better glimpse at Mistress and see what he might have to offer if given a chance.

So this morning when I clicked on the photo he sent back, I just about did a spit take with my morning latte. "FarmBoy500", is actually a guy we know who runs a large local civic institution. He's this unctuous weasel Mistress and Slave refer to as the "Undertaker" because he has that overly smooth and condescending manner that one associates with the guy looming at the back of a funeral home, mentally counting the dollars as the family and friends grieve. Even worse, we were both pissed off at the guy from a remark he made to us years ago at big civic Christmas Party, suggesting that Slave must have been having some side dishes of his own while Mistress was working out of town. Nasty. 

As I recall, he was a Minister in a prior life. Maybe his use of the word "spiritual" in his profile  was a tip-off I should have picked up on? It brings to mind some Bad movie from the 50's where the local minister is cleverly transitioning members of the ladies auxiliary into a tryst in the rectory after evening prayers.  

Fortunately, the photos he's seen of Mistress give him no idea of her identity. But now we know something about the "undertaker" we never wanted to know. What do we do now.