Sunday, February 2, 2014

Raucous Weekend at the UCTMW World HQ

Before I get onto the subject of today's blog, it's worth reaching back to Friday's post about recent fashion trends on the grooming and maintenance of the female "thatch". In response to my question about her lover Jay's preference, Mistress made it very clear:

"Oh, Jay definitely likes things clean shaven down there Slave.... I'm sure he'd be against anything that would cover me up...."  Mistress made it clear that Jay likes to spend time grazing the clean shaven folds every bit as much as her Slave does.

Comments from Donna and Sin also suggested their preference for "de-forestation". I'm wondering if that has something to do with "guidance" on the subject they have received from Bill and Bid Bad?

On the other hand, Suzanne, who comes from a more fashionable metropolitan area, seemed to suggest that she goes for the "landing strip" approach. I can imagine her lover Jay needing the help of those fancy flashing red lights to guide him home after a long night at a Patriot's game. But where does the de-icing station come in? Is that Tammy's job?

We were in no need of de-icing here in River City this weekend. First, the seemingly endless cold snap broke and we actually got back into the 50's yesterday. Plus, with the nest finally emptied out for the weekend, we had a lots more time and space to indulge....

There was some "end of the work week" sex Friday evening here, with no plans to go anywhere.

There was pre-gym sex on Saturday morning, followed by a "warning" from Mistress that there would be some raucous afternoon sex when we got back from our respective missions to visit with our mothers.

Sure enough, after a little late afternoon nap, Slave was instructed to retrieve Mistress's harness and related supplies.

"I normally give you a cropping before your ass fucking, Slave.... but you've been pretty well behaved lately...."

Well that was a relief.

Having coached me into the proper position, Mistress proceeded to let loose on my tender bottom, taking me con mucho gusto. Once she had her fill, she shed the harness, and instructed her Slave to insert my aneros, as a little reminder of what had just transpired. I was then allowed to fuck her in the more conventional way.  I did my best to make sure she was "given" as well as I had received a few minutes earlier.

And yes, by the time the dust settled, it was pretty darned raucous.

Today we are avoiding any social interactions other than our own company.... the Super Bowl will be on, for sure, but no gathering of friends for Mistress's chili this year. We've had more than enough of other folks clogging up the nest for the last month or so. Of course, in loyalty to our Western Correspondent, I'll be pulling for the Donkeys. But I don't think PFM will put up 30 against the stout Seahawk defense.... I'm calling it 24-17, Broncos.

Good luck, Miguel!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Unfortunate Personal Grooming Trend

Slave had been out a little later than I like on Thursday evening, leaving Mistress to her own devices. It was a dinner out with my two older daughters and two cute grandsons. Always fun, but it had dragged on a little too long after a hard work day.

So I was glad to slide into bed with Mistress. It was not long before my head was beneath the sheets, grazing on those sweetly fragrant clean shaven folds, until Mistress's quiver and moan of delight told me that my work there was done.

Then we both turned to the New York Times, with Slave reviewing the latest developments in DC and the Middle East, and Mistress paging through the style section. It was there Mistress found this article:

Below the Bikini Line - a Growing Trend, which reports on the waning of the waxing phenomenon in NYC and LA, where celebrities like Lady GaGa, Gweneth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz are now reporting that "the bush is back."  Some argue that the "Au Naturale" look is more mature and feminine. Others say that all that waxing and razoring is painful and irritating to tender places. To further document the trend, reference is made to this mannequin recently seen in a Manhattan American Apparel Store, in desperate need of a weedeater:
The article also mentions a photographer who had her Instagram account cancelled for posting this rather modest photo with her lady curls peeking out:

But here at the UCTMW World HQ, I am hoping that Mistress does not become a slave to this new fashion trend. With all the time I spend with my face planted firmly between her thighs, I much prefer the feel, flavor and navigational ease of the clean shaven look. And, at least to me,  it's certainly visually appealing too. Though I suspect that could vary depending on the package hidden beneath the fur.

I suppose a Slave's concerns are of secondary consideration though. If Mistress found it annoying or irritating to maintain that look, it would certainly be her prerogative to return her forest to its natural state. What standing would I have to complain?

But let's hope she resists the impulse to fall into line, and maintains her current status, which hides nothing from her admirers.  In fact, I'm wondering what her lover Jay has to say on the subject.

Maybe this is one of those times it's comforting to live here in the heartland. I am reminded of that comment, oft attributed to Mark Twain, that he'd prefer to be in River City when the world comes to an end "because it's always 20 years behind the times...." Let's hope the same applies to this new re-forestation trend.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

River City Freeze Out

Well as warned, Mistress stuck by her "threat" to keep her Slave on lock down yesterday. After some stress relieving wake up sex with that hard steel cock ring in place, Mistress made sure I was locked up tight before I headed off to work yesterday morning.

"Your cock was particularly hard this morning Slave.... that ring does seem to make you a little more desperate to cum."

She's right about that I might add.

Adding insult to my "cruel fate", it was sub zero here yesterday morning when I went out to start my car. We've been on a Cold snap that has closed schools for three days in a row here. 

"What if that steel cage has the same characteristics as a frozen steel pipe when you stick your tongue to it, Mistress?"

"Ugh. that wouldn't be good would it, Slave...."

Of course, she did not fall for that line, since the cage was at room temperature, at least for now.

Mistress did arrange to have lunch with her Slave at a local Vietnamese spot, though we met out of the office, so there was no opportunity for worship. Then she was off for the rest of the afternoon, which ended with her rendezvous with her lover, Jay, who had been relieved of child care duties for just a few days.

She made sure to text me when she was off, then later when they headed out for dinner.

"I hid the key, Slave....."

Drat. There went my plan to pop that hard steel cage off when I got home.

Not that I would abuse my privileges.  I am a stickler for that "no touch" rule, after all.

Slave was stuck going to some boring political fundraiser downtown, trundling through the cold, a little concerned that my cage's temperature might drop to an uncomfortable level. But I doubt the boring lawyers and Judges I had to chat up for an hour or so had any idea that the guy they were talking to was on lock down, so to speak.  (If they had, maybe it would be considered as a new sentencing alternative for certain categories of offenders).

Once home, my evening was rather dull, reading the paper and catching up on some TV episodes in the DVR bank. And Mistress did not exercise her "sleepover" option, getting home at around 10:45 pm, looking relaxed, if a little tired.

She only shared a few details.

"He likes to do me with him standing up and me on the bed Slave.... he's been working out, so it's all very.... physical.  .... And I did a lot of cock riding too....."

"Lots of cums, Mistress?"

"Oh yes, Slave.... lots."

No wonder than Mistress had her fill for the evening. And she keep her tights on, because of the cold, so there was no tasting opportunity. But she was very kind to spring me from that cage. At least it was warm inside, so no parts adhered once she produced the key and unlocked me.

And I have a good feeling she will be more indulgent this morning when I wake her from her well earned slumber.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Back in the Cage

With our cute Co-Eds finally back on campus, Mistress seems determined to throw off the shackles of restraint and get back to a more rigorous sexual regime here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Slave had a very early meeting yesterday morning, which eliminated our chance for our usual wake-up sex, but Mistress did stop by my office after her lunch meeting, all dolled up in those hot black tights and boots for some mid-day worship.  It was particularly cold here yesterday, so the tights and boots were not just fashion statements.  Hopefully, she came away satisfied after the energy expended wriggling out of one leg to make her clean shaven folds available to my hungry lips and tongue.

Then, last night, she reminded be that it would be a cage day today for me, since she will be "out late". Jay's son is away for a few days, giving them a rare chance for dinner and a carnal desert back at his house.

"I don't want you getting tempted into trouble while I am out Slave."

Moi? trouble? I guess she's skeptical about my adherence to the no touch rule.

So despite this sub-zero weather, Slave has that hard steel cock ring on already this morning, which should provide Mistress with a little extra thrill when I slide back between the sheets at the appointed hour for me to wake her up this morning.