Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Does Sex Make You Prettier?

How Having Sex Makes You Prettier

In lieu of actually blogging, I thought I would toss this out there: an article I noticed that describes how lots of sex can enhance one's outer attractiveness. And all of this seems to apply to my beloved Mistress, who is, even as I type, getting a nice beauty rest, though I am not sure whether her ability to sleep long and hard most nights has anything to do with the worship she received last evening in the executive suite here at UCTMW World HQ.

But how does this apply to guys, one has to wonder?
Well, it hasn't given me long and bushy hair. Slave's lid is increasingly sparse these days, which seems something that is inherited rather than keyed to my sex life.

But I do think I look relatively spry for a guy who just turned 63 otherwise. I am truly a pampered house Slave.

But how does this theory of sex related youthful appearance apply to you poor guys who's Mistresses subscribe to long periods of abstinence, maybe cock cage enforced?

Do you start to develop premature lines? Droopy skin? Hair loss? premature dementia?

Maybe someone needs to do a study.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Yuletide Blitzkrieg

Things have been quiet on these pages over the last few days because Mistress and Slave have been too harried to engage in much more than maintenance sex..... Slave even had an unscheduled abstinence day on Monday, what between Mistress having to wake up early for one of those crazy 8 am meetings that only old guys with no sex life schedule, and a busy daytime and evening schedule that got us home later than normal.

I suppose we were a little overoptimistic when we decided to take that long weekend at our SW hideaway, and then plan to head back there for the holidays  this coming Friday. That left us with about 11 days to finish up our year's work and cram in all those familial and social holiday rituals that are the cost of doing business for children, parents, grandparents, friends, etc. Over the weekend alone our older cute Co-Ed passed through the house before heading off for a holiday with a friend and her family to the South, and my daughter and cute grandsons came over for dinner and an early Christmas celebration.

So it seems like since last Tuesday we've been on an endless cycle of present wrapping, dinners, lunches, and work related meetings that won't end.


Luckily, Mistress was able to stop by my office yesterday afternoon, after she joined a luncheon I have each year for some of my long suffering clients. There was even time for her to wriggle one leg out of her black boots and tights so I could perform a bit of mid-afternoon worship, the door closed to my potentially nosy colleagues bustling up and down the hallway. With my head pressed between those firm thighs, it seemed to be the first moment of the day Slave could relax and contemplate what makes life special, rather than just hectic and crazy.

And as she sat in my office working on her computer as I caught up on some emails between social engagements, she also checked in with Jay. It seems they have a final "lunch" scheduled Thursday before we hit the road for our year end trip to the SW. 

I'm sure Jay will appreciate an appropriate holiday celebration with Mistress too.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Slave Put on Hold

Mistress and Slave did finally make it home after a long travel day on Monday, finally hitting the pillows back at the UCTMW World HQ at around 2 am on Tuesday morning.

So it should be no surprise that when Slave struggled out of bed to get to work a few short hours later, wake-up sex was not the first order of business. I figured I would let Mistress sleep in. And by the end of a long work day on Tuesday, the energy level was also a little low, though no so low that I forgot to worship Mistress's freshly shaven folds.  At least she deserved some attention by then.

Wednesday morning was a bit of a repeat. Slave was ready for some action before climbing into the shower, but Mistress was fast asleep when I came upstairs after soaking up some coffee.

I figured it would be rude to wake her. Later she called me at work to reassure me that she would have been happy to indulge her Slave's carnal needs.

"But you were asleep, Mistress.... It would have been like date rape or something...."

But what I had overlooked yesterday morning was that Mistress had arranged a lunch date with Jay, her back on again "side dish". Sure enough they ate out (down the street at a local chile joint) and then "ate in".... back here at the UCTMW World HQ.

"I wasn't sure he'd have time Slave..... but.... well, I think he missed me...."

No doubt.

All this action, combined with my "long" period of abstinence  had gotten Slave more anxious to climb into the sack with Mistress when I got home from work.  But there was more...

"our cute co-ed says she's coming home to drop some things off in 15 minutes, Slave.... so no sex just yet....."


So instead of a Mistress starter, Slave was whipping up some gnocchi for the three of us last night.  But the filling dinner and a glass of red could not deter me once the little darling headed back to campus.

Mistress was very obliging, even though I have a feeling that an hour in bed with her athletic lover at lunch time probably had her a little tuckered out.

Now that is devotion.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mistress and Slave Diverted

It seems that whenever Slave foolishly books our flights through Colorado there is a foul up.

I deserve to be punished, don't I.

On the way out there was a 6 hour delay due to a snow storm in Donkey land.

Then today, we were doing fine, heading to Colorado Springs. We even saw some beautiful wild horses, grazing at the side of the road. Maybe that was an omen that we should slow down and admire the beautiful views, the way those horses  were.

But as we approached Colorado Springs, the little automated voice for United kept calling that our flight from COS was delayed. By the time I turned on the rental car, it was so delayed that there was no way we were making our connection in Houston to River City.

Not to be deterred, I talked the United rep to book us on a direct flight out of Denver later this evening. But how to make that 92 mile trip to DIA?

I remembered that UCTMW Enterprises has a leased Hummer used by our western correspondent to suss out fast breaking stories of prurient interest to our world wide readership.

Mistress was immediately onto it via text with the WC/

Could he bring the UCTMW Hummer down I-25 to rescue us?  There was plenty of time.

But the news was not good.

As the WC tells the story, the UCTMW Hummer is in the shop being "detailed". Apparently a drum of his high end lubricant burst in the back seat during the recent cold snap.

"He says it's quite a mess, Slave."

No doubt. But that got me wondering ..... Why is UCTMW also paying for that heated garage for the Hummer if the sucker's parked out in sub-zero weather with a drum of overpriced lubricant? Late night at the ranch?

So we were forced to rent a car, and make our own way up I-25. Now we're waiting for another delayed flight, but at least no connection to make. If only all the shops weren't filled with all that PFM stuff!