Friday, October 11, 2013

1,000,000 Page Viewers Can't Be Wrong

Or can they?

We've been edging closer to that number for several weeks. So now we're there. More than a Million page views here at UCTMW over the last almost 4 years of blogging. That includes 1260 posts. And I'm not including that brief but silly life we spent over at our companion blog Mistress and Slave on the Lam.

Molly and Mick are in a much different place than we were when we began this silly enterprise back in November 2009:

More secure in our relationship, at least so it seems to me. Kids out of the nest (though one returned last night for a little fall break R & R).

Mistress has a few extra extracurricular lovers under her belt.... that have created opportunities to amuse and entertain here.

Slave is a little grayer, and a little closer to hanging up his business suits and eagerly moving onto the next phase of life.

We've enjoyed making some new friends here in the blog-o-sphere, seeing friendly competitors or "staff members" come and go, or shift into their own new phases.

And it's fair to say we have down shifted here.... We're not doing the daily entry thing that kept all those page views piling up for several years. Our blog was therapeutic for Mick and Molly. But the therapy seems to have worked, and is not nearly as necessary as it was back in 2009 when we kicked things off here.

How long will we keep at it? That's not clear. Maybe as long as it's fun and mutually entertaining.

In the meantime, I may go out and look for a a sparkly gold tuxedo.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

HNT / Long Day in the Cage

Fortunately, Slave was able to overcome the effects of cooler weather, and get that hard steel ring to seat properly yesterday, containing my cock and balls through coffee brewing and wake-up sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite until Mistress was able to put my on full lock down before sending me off to work.

And it was a long day..... morning in the office.... a lunch time lecture to a group of about 50 fellow professionals down the street.... back to the office.... pick up some snacks and beverages for a reception Mistress and I were hosting for a candidate for public office at the end of the day.... back slapping.... schmoozing.... etc, etc.

Fortunately, Mistress had time to stop by my office for some "private time" before the candidate and our guests arrived.

"How's the cage, Slave?"

"Tight Mistress.... it is a little odd being up there in the front of a crowd, trying to sound all cool and professional and charming .... flipping through my power point... but knowing I've got that steel contraption on too...."

"Do you think anyone could tell?"

"Not that crowd, Mistress.... my guess is they'd never even consider the possibility."

There was just enough time to squeeze in a little pre-reception worship behind my closed office door. You know the drill..... Hopefully our guests could not detect the sweet musk of Mistress's clean shaven folds on my face. And I doubt they even considered checking for a lump of hardened steel below my beltline. They may have been too distracted by the fact that the candidate's zipper was at half-mast in a rather ill fitting suit....

How do you tell someone who's running for state office that his fly's not firmly in place? But I guess it's better than saying "Hey Pal.... your cock cage is showing."

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cage Malfunction

A cold front that followed that Biblical rain that squelched Glamor Boy's aspirations for a fourth quarter comeback on Sunday put Slave into some dangerous territory yesterday morning.

Mistress had asked me to wear the cage on Monday, but we had an early wake up call, and I was a little groggy when I went down to make the coffee. I forgot to bring my little steel ring - the base of my cock cage- for all that early morning squishing and cramming required to get my balls and dick through the aperture.

On cold mornings, it's necessary to do this important preparatory work when things are still all loosy goosy down there, because a little cold weather triggers some sort of natural defense mechanism, making that fleshy sack that contains the "family jewels" shrivel and contract.... nature wanted to keep them warm apparently. And once that contraction occurs.... well the squishing and smushing into that ring becomes impossible. There's very little to gran onto, push and pop into the ring

So that was the problem Monday.... Slave forgot and by the time he remembered, nature had done it's work and it was too late.

Mistress did not take it too badly.... "OK SLave.... tomorrow then....."

Tuesday morning I remembered my task, got the ring mounted properly first thing while the coffee was brewing. I was prepared to treat Mistress to one of those particular firm cock's contained by my ring. But the trip to the driveway to get the morning paper must have been my undoing. When I arrived upstairs for some hot wake-up sex I discovered that one recalcitrant ball had figured a way to retreat back through the tight ring.... apparently it was offended by the cold weather and took shelter.

And believe me, you don't want to try to have sex with one ball in and the other cramped somewhere nasty .

I described my plight to Mistress.....

"Hmmm..... OK, Slave.  We don't want you to hurt yourself....."

So I took the ring off and tried to please Mistress as best I could.

Last night Mistress made it clear that today was definitely a cage day. The ring is already on tight. I may have to wait until after wake up sex, and the cover is securely in place before I go out and get the paper.

Three strikes, and my ass may be out.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Glamor Boy Skulks Back to the Coast

Slave returned home from today's game very wet, but gratified that my prediction of the inevitable outcome was finally confirmed. And while I expected the Pussycats to emerge victorious, I must say that even I did not expect that the Boy Wonder's 50 + game streak of TD passes would come to an end at the hands of the lowly Pussycats.

Of course, you have to give Suzanne credit. She too must have come to the conclusion that her Patriots' undefeated record would not survive a trip to River City. Otherwise she and her loyal subjects would have taken my offer to join us here for the game, and post some intriguing stakes on the outcome.

You do have to admire Tom Brady though. He strides onto the field like an executive trying to convince skeptical analysts that his stock is a bargain, and struck a particularly  alluring figure in those pink accessories worn this week in honor of the Breast Cancer Awareness. But he looked particularly cute on his ass, after those four sacks and numerous other QB "pressures" he had to endure. And after all, he does get to go back to the babe who some speculate regularly deploys a strap-on to keep him in line.

On the drive home, Slave got a chance to listen to "Hoodie"s" so called press conference, that lasted all of two minutes, one for each field goal his offensive juggernaut was able to muster. He's a man of few words. It makes you feel for the guy.... after all these years he should be spared the cruel indignity of having to play games on the road, and/or in the rain!

Fortunately, Mistress was here when I got home. After peeling off my sodden jeans, and confirming that my I-phone had not shorted out, we adjourned to the bed for some R & R. She seemed to enjoy my enthusiastic  worship, almost as much as she did her run-in with her favorite power tool this morning, Those pre-game rituals can't be ignored, and certainly paid off for our Tigers.

My only regret was that Suzanne, Jay and Tammy weren't here to "enjoy" the game, and pay-off on the bet they dodged.

Who knows, maybe we'll meet here again in the play-offs,  and they will run out of alibis.