Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Executive Retreat

With a house full of Co-Eds, Boyfriend, and visitor from across the pond over the last few days, Mistress and Slave spent more than a few hours holed up in her Executive Suite. It gave me a good opportunity to do what I do best - graze amongst those silky clean shaven folds. And Mistress was more than generous when it came to opportunities to fuck her.

Sunday morning, Slave deployed Mistress's favorite power tool, figuring she deserved a respite from my avid lips and tongue.  It seemed that it took her no more than about 60 seconds to "power on" and over the hill once I applied it as intended.

"It's so efficient, Slave."

So true.

And later in the day, when the neighbor's obsessive power vac-ing drove us from our deck, we retreated again, with Mistress directing me to insert "your device", that little aneros, to provide her with a particularly firm cock for her amusement before we headed off to a graduation party for the daughter of a friend with our children and the one remaining guest in tow.

Last evening after a long work day and a stop at a political event, we got home at around 7 pm, with plans to hunker down and watch "Mad Men". We walked into kitchen bedlam: the Co-Eds had decided to make dinner for themselves at home (good - better than another night at Chipotle). But the bad part was the disaster zone that was disguised as our kitchen.

"Let's just hide upstairs, Slave...."

I grabbed two glasses of wine and followed her upstairs, leaving the chaos behind.

There we were, barricaded in the executive suite one more time..... what to do?

No doubt our daughters think we are incredibly boring

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Never Trust a Woman With an Assault Rifle in a Bikini

Slave made it home late Friday afternoon, and the breaking of my long streak of sexual abstinence occurred at approximately 7:30 pm Eastern time here at the UCTMW World HQ. It had actually been since Tuesday morning, in retrospect, because of some ridiculously early wake-up and get home times last week. Hopefully the coming week will be much better.

Both of out daughters have house guests this weekend. The older Co-Ed's boyfriend is here, but they've been keeping a low profile, with one night spent at a friend's house closer to the fun night life. And last night, they went out to dinner and got home after the old farts went to bed. If there was some bed sharing it happened while we were sleeping, because I noticed he was in the fold out bed solo on our ground floor this am.

Hopefully no one was too awoken by Mistress and Slave enjoying their first wake-up sex in here Saturday morning.

Mistress did "confess" that whilst I was out of town she spent some time over at her former lover Jay's house drinking some wine out on his desk while his son entertained himself inside.

"There was a little making out again Slave, when he walked me to my car.... but that was about it."

Jay seems a tad confused about how to handle Mistress.

But today's headline is not about Mistress, of course. It's about a woman who caught our eye last weekend, when news broke that some Texas man, former Army, had been arrested for sending threatening letters laced with ricin to the President and the Mayor of NYC.  At the time there was a link in the article to their respective facebook pages and we were amused to see their rather strange predilections laid out for all the world to see and "like". He was into guns and "freedom". She claimed she was an actress with roles in "The Walking Dead"and other bad TV shows. But what caught our attention was this photo of her:

This and other photos on her page had a very dommish look to them.

"Do you think she gets powder burns on her cleavage, Mistress?"

"Not sure, Slave...."

And I wonder how accurate you can fire off a few dozen rounds wearing those heels. Let's hope the recoil is not too intense.

We don't shoot much here at UCTMW, relying on Bill our Director of Security for any "wet work" of that type.

The story at the time was that Shannon Guess had gotten suspicious of her husband's activities, and contacted the FBI when she read about these nastygrams that threatened bodily harm if either the President or the Mayor stopped by to pick up his arsenal of firearms.

Now the story is that she's been arrested for framing the husband, and father of her 5 kids, even going to the trouble of planting a few extra castor beans (from which ricin is derived) in his trunk. And, even worse, it turns out that no one at "Walking Dead" ever heard of the lady. "Producers Never Heard of Ricin Suspect"

If the government really is snooping on our facebook pages as some now claim, they clearly weren't paying close enough attention to this lady. Or maybe they just got distracted.

At least I'm hoping that this photo provides a little fodder for the WC now that he's on the long road to recovery from the excesses of World Masturbation Month.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Desperately Awaiting Reunion With Mistress

We've been pretty quiet here the last few days because Slave has been off to our nation's capitol visiting   one of my older daughters who is leaving her current job for further life adventures.  They gave her an amazing send off, and she was nice enough to let her parents participate.

I'm lucky to be a guy who gets to see and watch a child do amazing things.

Before leaving town early Thursday morning Mistress and Slave had a particularly stressful 24 hours or so, so our normal dosage of sexual release was missing. Yes, I made sure to worship Mistress Wednesday evening after we got home later than normal, but there was none of the post worship fucking that usually follows.

So, by now, its been more than 2 days since the normally pampered Mick has the proper discharge of pent up bodily fluids. I know.... you're all feeling sorry for me....

Before I left, Mistress and I had the "cage talk". She would have liked to have me securely locked up here. She knows that in my earlier days, there was more than one babe here in the hothouse of our nation's political life that I was accustomed to calling on after a busy work day for a little nooky.

But that was many years ago. Slave's cleaned up that particular act.

It was also before there were metal detectors in airports and all these official buildings. And yesterday I was definitely in high security country. They even did something funny with my I-Phone at one entrance. Maybe they thought I was a spy?

Can you imagine what those guys would have done if the alarm went off as I passed through the metal detector and their wands found a big lump of steel wrapped around my privates?  I'm not sure my daughter would have been amused.

Mistress pondered whether  I should bring my cage, to put on and take off when security was not an issue.

Ultimately she gave me a pass. But it does make me wonder if I should get a plastic device for back-up on such occasions.

So Mistress simply imposed the no touch rule, which, despite some folks' scepticism, has been rigorously followed.

I just hope my flight gets out of here on time this afternoon, because I am already desperately anticipating this evening's encounters with Mistress once I finally get home.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Western Correspondent MIA?

Despite the fact that his seminal work here on such matters as ass fucking still continues to draw clicks at UCTMW, we've not heard much other than the occasional snide comment from our Western Correspondent lately.

(In fact, this post about Slave Positions from the WC is the all time leader here, with more than 7100 views; this one about taking a lady's behind comes in 3rd with more than 6200 views.)

This led our Senior Correspondent Donna to speculate that there may be some concerns about Miguel's health, as shown by this cute little e-card she just passed on:
But at least we know that if this is the WC's excuse for not sharing much of late, it's not because he's been doing too much keyboarding.