Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cougar on the Prowl

Sorry to leave you hanging friends.... but there was no time yesterday for a full "read out" on Tuesday's dinner with David here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Here is the quick briefing, which Mistress might want to add to in the days to come:

David arrived at around 6:45 pm, a bottle of white in hand, showing excellent social skills.

He's about 5'11', in good shape, with the 4 day beard look. Casually dressed, and not at all uncomfortable in meeting Molly's "old enough to be your dad" husband.

Slave can tell within minutes of his arrival that Mistress is charmed.

Definitely a click.

In advance, Mistress had warned me that David was a little nervous. He was not only meeting a prospective lover, but also his older husband.

No doubt,  he had calculated the odds of "What if he's a jealous pyscho" , and they probably were not de minimis in his mind.

So we had rehearsed a little dog and pony show in the event that the cehmistry between the two of them was clear, all to be accomplished before Slave had to focus on a 7:30 pm conference call and dinner prep.

We settled into the living room, Mistress and Slave sipping wine. David a beer.

I sat in a side chair. Mistress and David were side by side on the couch.

I could tell that things were going well as we talked through some common interests - the Grateful Dead , Skiing - when it became clear Mistress was sidling ever closer to him, hoping for a casual touch, with accompanying spark.

That's when I launched into my 5 minute synopsis.

Our marriage. Slave's brief betrayal. Our reconciliation, but on much stricter terms. The contract. Mistress's right to choose other lovers, female or male.  Our discovery that the whole cuckold thing was very hot for both of us.

Amazingly, it all seemed quite natural to him.

At some point during all this, Mistress's hand had settled onto his leg, as she added some poignant details to the narrative.

Then it was time for me to do my call, and start dinner.

"Now Slave.... no rush..... do not serve dinner until at least 8:30....."

"Yes, Mistress...."

She was making it clear.... there would be some "getting to know you" time, and Slave was not going to abbreviate it with an early dinner bell.

As I futzed around the kitchen, just down a short hall from the living room, it was easily determinable that the two of them had adjourned upstairs after a brief but undoubtedly torrid engagement on the couch.

I made sure not to rush dinner.

But as 8:30 approached, Mistress announced a slight change of plans from the top of the stairs.

"Give us another 20  minutes or so, Slave...."

"No problem, Mistress...."

By the time they re-emerged, Mistress was out of the dress and black tights she had been in earlier, and down to a black, short nighty. No undies, of course.

It seemed that the "getting to know you" had gone well.

And just to be sure, they re-adjourned upstairs for another hour or so as Slave cleaned up after dinner.

David left at around 10 pm, Mistress insisting on a kiss at the doorway. He had no scruples about accommodating her as I sat there, having said goodbye from the couch. Indeed, he seemed to enjoy cupping her ass in his hand as he ravished her mouth.

Afterwords, Mistress allowed me to worship before bed time. But she deferred my own release until morning.

"I'm a little tired Slave....I hope you understand."

"Of course, I do..... I take it the 'interview' went well...."

From how damp her clean shaven folds were, I think I knew the answer.

But just to make sure her first impression was correct, Mistress has arranged for  a follow up interview with David on Sunday afternoon, while Slave is at the Pussycats' next scheduled humiliation against the WC's  Donkeys.

"I told the cute Co-Ed I'll bring up her winter coats, maybe take her to lunch.... then meet David at his house."

Nothing like a woman who won't take being an "NFL widow" sitting down.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Western Correspondent Pinch Hits

Mistress was a little on edge today about our dinner tonight with Cougar Bait #2, David, with whom she's been flirting and having some hot phone sex with for the last few days.

"I'm a little nervous Slave.... he's gotten me going remotely, but what if we don't hit it off... maybe he's a geek... or maybe he'll think I'm too old?"

As she primped this morning, Slave had to consider that, at least in part, she was dressing with her new prospective lover in mind. And Slave gets a special kick out of Mistress in her tights, particularly necessary as the cold weather from the Super Storm settled over River City. So I had to snap the picture to the right to share with all of you.

Now we are home, while Mistress and David are sharing a little "getting to know you time" after the dinner I fixed up for the three of us.  And since it could be a late night, and we have an early morning here, we've called on our notorious Western Correspondent to come out of semi-retirement and share some of his goings on on the Eastern slope of the Rockies.  

Those of you who are anxious to see how Mistress is progressing through Cougar Week will have to come back Thursday morning for an update on tonight's adventure:

Well I spoke to my friends Mick and Molly today and They asked if I would writer a blog post for tomorrow as they thought the might have a late night because their new prospective cub/boytoy David is cumming for dinner.

I told Molly about a lady I’ve gotten to know at my gym and she thought that  UCTMW’s readers might be interested

She is about 50 years old and she kindly took me to lunch one day

We had worked out together a few times and she was very fun and funny

And she kept staring at my package and ass the whole time

Of course I was checking her out too!

One day she was doing vertical leg presses in shorts with no underwear 

Both Tim our trainer and the WC got quite a view of her clean shaven folds and puckered rear entrance

Timmy says E!! you have to wear underwear

I don't give a shit she said smiling at me

The WC was very impressed and interested

I asked Timmy what her deal was and he said she is married to some doctor but she has been fucking around for years

She has been a client of Tim's for years

And she has been asking a lot of questions about you 

All of which led to our lunch


She is defiantly a fellow kinkster 

Turns out she has been to the Scarlet Ranch too..... and not with her husband........

She says "I don't know why he stays with me I haven't fucked him in years"

See Mick I used quotes!!!!!!!!

Anyway she asked about my past and was very interested in my years in the mountains and all the crazy shit that went on there

But then she starts talking about 50 shades of grey

Really? I said as my ears perked up

Do you like getting your bottom spanked???????

She arched her eyebrows and  looked at me and said ...  as a matter of fact I do....


Oh yes

What else do you like?  The inquiring WC asked

I like to masturbate.....


Yes I keep a pocket rocket in my car and a Hitachi under my bed


Yes my daughter thinks her mom is a freak cause she is always finding sex toys around the house


Yes I am always horny


Is your dick as big as it looks in your shorts??????

How big does it look??????


Well I have a friend named Molly who thinks it is big

Who is Molly??????

Well that’s a long story..........

Oh well I don't care about her anyway but do you want to have lunch again


When she hugged me goodbye she grabbed my package

Yep it’s good

We have not had lunch again but maybe later this week

So in summary

While not the kinkstress that Suzanne, Molly and Donna are

She is a kinkstress nonetheless!!!!!!!!

So the WC has a quandary,

Be a good boy or not????????

What do the loyal UCTMW readers think?

The always horny but on the fence,


Cougar Week Kick-off

Mistress shared a nice sushi dinner with Matt, last night. I had a political meeting to cover at dinner time, but she was able to text me an update as we covered plans for GOTV.

"Very nice guy, Slave."

"But is there a hotness factor?"

"I can work with it."

"You are very creative, Mistress."

I got home first, and Mistress made it home by around 9 pm.  She stayed long enough to linger over some sake and get to know the guy she'd been texting with and talking to for several days. She had made a point of not rushing into this one. And I suspect Matt was impressed with Mistress in her black dress, boots and tights.

(I know I was impressed as she headed off to work yesterday morning.  Slave has a fetish for those tights, and this was the first day of tights season, as temperatures crashed in River City.)

I got a brief update.

"He's very nice. Funny. Grounded. Pretty attractive, with the shaved head look."

"Was he comfortable with the age difference, Mistress?"

"No problem there. He said I look younger than a lot of women his age...."

"Did he try to kiss you Mistress?"

"He gave me a hug.... He's a gentleman though, and will not push it. He said he wants to see me later this week if we can, but with this schedule? ... not sure that's going to work."

Indeed, he asked Mistress to text him to assure she'd gotten home safely, which of course she did.

"So does he deserve a return engagement?"

"I think so, Slave....."

In the meantime, as Mistress was getting ready for bed, she was hearing from her other supplicants.

"K wants to talk, Slave.... it's late and I'm tired, but maybe I'll tell him for a little while."

She chatted with K as I tended to a few household tasks that Mistress noted needed handling.

He's the 42 year old, Engineer, divorced, who has an out of town girl friend. Mistress was impressed with his photo, and plans to meet him for drinks on Thursday.

"He's says he can't wait until Thursday Slave.... but he seems.... complicated. We'll see.

She slid into a black nightie, and then looked again at her I-phone.

"Hmmm..... David wants me to send him a 'hot' picture, Slave.... "

She took a seductive pose across the bed, and handed me her phone.  I clciked a few poses, which she sorted through and texted off to David.

Soon her phone was ringing.... David.

They chatted a while, more about his job and plans for him to join us for dinner tonight than anything explicit. Mistress made it clear that her dutiful husband was there beside her as she chatted. David understands the whole arrangement.

This evening should be interesting.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Another Prospect for Mistress's Cougar Week Collection

AS we head into Cougar Week, Mistress is feeling a little stressed.

There's David, her would be Dom, who woke her with a text Sunday morning that started "god morning, my little concubine".  That led to a giggle, and was a nice little prelude to our morning sexual engagement, that began with Mistress on her tummy, the Hitachi thrust between her legs from behind.  After a thrashing cum with an assist from modern technology, Slave fucked her from behind for a while before flipping her over for a suitable denouement (with her permission, of course).

Of course, she got a good morning greeting from Matt too. He's the earnest suitor, who's been sharing cute photos of his kids, and will be sharing sushi with her this evening.

The weather has gotten cold and damp here this weekend, so we headed off to our gym for some exercise, then came home to watch the end of the movie we started Saturday night. But when the movie was over, Mistress noted another message from David.

"He wants me to call Slave..... I think he wants to engage me in some more phone sex...."

So Slave dug into the New York Times, while Mistress took that seductive body up to the Executive Suite. She came up for air about an hour later, "refreshed", and suggested I join her upstairs as she dressed for a walk with one of her female friends.

But before she dressed, she took this photo  to share with David, via text. I like those perky nipples!

"So how did that go, Mistress?"

"Nice, Slave.... he seems to want me."

"No doubt .... And were there any rituals he's indulging in with you?"

"I'm to call him Master, Slave. and he calls me his little sex slave."

"Well, he's definitely picked up on that little kink."

She also announced there is a change of plans for her Tuesday date with David. Instead of meeting him at a local restaurant, she's invited him over to our house for dinner.

"I told him you're a great cook, Slave. He's anxious to meet you. Sounds like we have a lot in common, including politics. Of course, he knows about our 'arrangement' that OK?"

Who am I to object?  Sounds like Tuesday will be an interesting evening at the UCTMW World HQ. I'd better plan my menu.

And now there is a third candidate.

He popped up in Mistress's Ashley Madison in-box late last week, and a combination of his profile and hunky photos piqued Mistress's interest. He's also 42, like Matt. An Engineer for a large local company. Divorced, but with a girl friend in a different time zone.

"Am I crazy to interview another one, Slave?"

"Well who knows.... the first two could be busts.... nothing hurts to conduct proper due diligence ... cast the nest as wide as possible."

Yesterday afternoon we headed up to have dinner with our cute Co-Ed, taking Mistress's mother along with us. And while David, who lives in the same small town, lobbied Mistress to drop by at his house on this little trip, she demurred, figuring it might be a little hard to explain that little detour to her Mother.

Imagine it: "Mom.... I need to stop at this guy's house for about 30 minutes to test for 'chemistry'. Do you mind waiting with Mick in the car?"

But she was fielding a barage of texts (0r in David's case, 'sexts') from her three 'cougar bait' suitors as we drove up and back to the charming college town, with Mom in the back seat.

Once we had dropped her mother off, Mistress announced that Cougar Bait # 3 wanted to talk. But so did Matt. Priorities?

She elected to talk to the guy she had not yet talked with - Kevin. I watched a bit of the Broncos game on TV, as she adjourned to our living room, chatting with him in the dark for at least an hour.  She joined me back upstairs at around 10 pm.

"So what's the verdict, Mistress...."

"Definitely a contender, Slave .... I told him we could meet for a drink after work on Thursday."

After some end of the day worship, Mistress and I turned off the lights and settled into bed. She will need her rest for the week ahead.