Friday, October 5, 2012

Shut the fuck up

Hello friends!
 Mick and I are on the road and not likely to post much this weekend. We are visiting European sullen teen and she wants to stay in the hotel with us. There will not be much to blog about. On a related note, the sordid tales of Mick, Molly and Jay likely have come to an end. Our Jay has not turned out to be as interested as All Mine's J in a relationship with a married couple.

I have been involved with Jay for seven months. As you have read it has been a fury of great sex and great bike rides. He has always had reservations about being involved with a married woman. He is pretty traditional. He did meet me on Ashley Madison -- so I am not sure what he thought he was going to find there. So into the relationship we went.

Jay also liked Mick as he loves to rant about politics and sports too. He never could wrap his brain around a guy who was willing to share his wife or the wife that could balance two men (what can I say -- lots of energy and many talents?) (Who knows?)

Early on he dove in. Gave me a key to his house. Asked me to leave "things" there to make overnights easier -- encouraged lots of time together. And I did. I forwarded business to him (not something that I recommend -- as I have never been good at mixing business with pleasure -- kind of wrecks the pleasure.) (lesson learned on this one -- so if you are out there and want to be involved with me-- let's talk about work a little -- but only a little and let's not work together!) (or if you want to work together, let's not have sex please.)

Summer was a challenge. I was busy with the kids and with work. We didn't see each other as much. Mick and I travel as much as we can. Things were strained. And since that time Jay has decided to have his son move to town and move in with him -- and I commend him for this. Not easy.

So here we are. Things have waned some. Don't get me wrong. When we see each other -- we still have great sex and enjoy each other's company. However, Jay has told me that he feels that being involved with a married woman is not good for him. He has asked if we can "hang out" every once in a while but not get serious.

Ok, so this was the part that sent me reeling. What? I am married. Never asked for serious and guess what -- I never planned to show up at your place with a suitcase. And I never asked for a key. SO shocker-- I'm getting my stuff and returning the key. That was met with "slow down Molly and don't be dramatic." Yea, surprise I can be a drama queen too. Does that surprise any of you?

As this conversation continued (digressed) and I listened and became stunned -- I finally said "shut the fuck up." Come on dude -- this is all too weird and I didn't' get into this thing to feel badly -- in fact -- I won't.

For Jay's sake, I am proud of his decision to raise his son and that needs to be his focus. In terms of "us"-- maybe from time to time we see one another -- who knows? And I am joining a women's cycling group cause there are others to take those sort of rides with.

So, I am taking some time out of the saddle and then might look for my next prospect. Strangely, Mick and  I have gotten used to this lifestyle.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Technology Blog

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we clearly need a better qualified CTO. I've been wearing that hat for a few months since the departure of Francois for a tour of duty as a chef in the French Foreign Legion, most recently on the Libyan front. But I think I got snookered into wasting some of our technology budget.

You may recall about two weeks ago a report that my classic black Apple Mac Book had "died". This was confirmed by a so called "Genius" at our local Apple Store, which  is now the mecca of choice for sleazy guys to park at demo computers trolling internet dating sights, who don't want their wives to go through the "history" on their home computers.  Yuck!

Anyway, the Genius took my lap top to the bowels of the store, and came back 20 minutes later with a look on his face resembling an undertaker trainee at an Arkansas funeral home. He explained that the condition of my 4 year old computer was "grave" and the problem was "inscrutible", at least by the collection of other geniuses assembled in their triage center in the back of the store. Of course, I could elect to send it into the "shop" for an indefinite period of time for a more detailed diagnosis. At a minimum charge of $280, not including any necessary repairs.

Did I want to throw that money away today?

Well, I guess not. Slave left the store with a flashy new lap top.

But somehow I had doubts. I liked my classic. Maybe an extra laptop would be nice to have. So I brought it to a local independent computer shop. A week later my computer is back, looking and acting brand new. They explained that Apple was offering a free new "face" to replace the cracked trim on my old model (no one told me that at the Apple store!)  They sold me a new battery, which I probably needed after 4 years. And they removed some RAM I didn't really need from a defective RAM slot.  Total charge: $140 for what looks like a brand new Black classic.

Lesson: Don't rely on the Apple Store to fix your computer once the warranty expires!!!!

And don't you like the way I dressed this "sex blog" up with a hot shot of Mistress with my black classic!

On the home front, Mistress has to make an overnight trip up north for work today.

I'm sure going to miss her company in bed, and watching tonight's big debate. Of course, Mistress has taken precautions to make sure i don't "misbehave".

"You're in that cage today, Slave...."

Indeed. I've already smushed into my ring, and will be going upstairs shortly for a little "bon voyage" sex before I head to work and Mistress hops into her car for the drive north.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It seems that fall arrived here in River City overnight.

Our Sunday had been spent out on our deck, reading the Times and soaking up some summer like sun. But by the time we were ready to head home from work Monday, planning on a twilight bike ride, dark, cool clouds were filling the sky, and rain was coming on.

It was fitting that Mistress had been pulling out her fall / winter boots over the weekend. Can peek-a-boo tights be far behind?

But back to our evening.

Slave was getting cold feet about riding in the chilly weather. But I hate to sound like a wimp.

Luckily, Mistress blinked first.

"Maybe we should cancel the ride, Slave...."

That left us with an open dance card, and I had a good idea how to fill it.

"Why don't we just crawl into bed for a while before dinner, Mistress?"

Hearing no objection, that's how our dinner began. There was some time to absorb the evening news and MSNBC ranting, then Slave turned off the TV, we set aside our laptops and burrowed deeply into one another's chilled bodies, gathering our shared bodily warmth and kindling it into some pre-dinner sex.

Nothing fancy, but very satisfying.

It was the highest and best use of an empty nest.

Unfortunately, the rest of the week is not shaping up quite as nicely.

We have a political event to attend this evening, and tomorrow Mistress has an overnight business trip, leaving Slave alone to watch the big debate.

"Be prepared to wear that cage while I'm gone, Slave...."

"I figured as much, Mistress."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Afternoons in the Sack

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it's been a rather laid back weekend.

We did go to a "dinner party" Friday evening, for a "surprise" birthday party for the wife of an old friend. He was organizing the dinner, and did it at a very leisurely pace. After about two hours of foraging through the diminishing apetizers and consuming too much scotch, beer and other substances, Mistress and Slave were fading fast, and the huge beef tenderloin he promised to feed a group of 11 was still wrapped in butcher paper.  The event was beginning to take on the feel of one of those "dinner parties" I attended back in the early 1970's at someone's squalid off-campus home, when "eating" involved psychedelic mushrooms.

At one point I lost track of Mistress, and feared maybe she had found a bedroom to nod off in. Not that such an eventuality would have bothered me. I just wanted to join her. Ultimately, I found her curled up on a couch in the living room, chatting with J, who seemed amused when I mentioned that I was afraid Mistress had passed out from fatigue and/or  hunger.

Later, as Mistress and I chatted with a couple around her age, she had a rather amusing candor mishap. Somehow the conversation had turned to sleeping habits. How much did she and the other couple get and need.  After hearing that the husband in the other couple was a stay up late guy, compared to the wife's go to bed early approach, Mistress made their jaws drop:

'We go to bed around 10:30.... I sleep 'til 7 or so, then Mick wakes me up for sex every morning."

I'm not sure the wife wanted to hear this.

"John would kill for me to have sex with him every morning."

Later, Mistress reminded me that I am a lucky Slave.  True. Not many 61 year olds get nearly as much action as I do.

But as it turned out, Saturday was not going to be one of those mornings. Mistress had an early business meeting, and we were both a little weary from our Friday night excesses. (We did finally get to eat that tenderloin, but not until around 10:30 pm).

But we made a "date" for reuniting in the executive suite around 2 pm, and that's where we stayed until heading out for  dinner at around 7:30 pm. It was luxurious to spend the entire afternoon in bed... some napping.... sex..... reading.... college football. Even some off line debating with Sin via email over Mideast Policy.  I mourned a little bit for Suzanne and Jay over at All Mine, who were at  a high scoring game broadcast here. Unfortunately, Jay's alma mater succumbed in the end to yet another red neck team. It's been a bad week for them when it comes to their local teams, though they seemed to have made up for it in other  ways.

This morning I woke a little early, since we nodded off at a reasonable hour, and noticed this article  rebutting Rush Limbaugh's recent rant on alleged shrinkage of penis sizes over the last 50 years, which he attributes to the rise of "Feminazis".  The author, a faculty member at Indiana University, debunks his theory, with some well researched information on how the measurement of penis sizes is hardly a reliable science. One thing she points out is that penis size can vary, in both "real" and "apparent" perspectives, depending on the health, girth, and randiness of the subject. And whether the measurement is done by the "subject" or a third person.

No mention is made in the article about whether the advent of cock cages has had an impact on cock sizes. I wonder if Rush considered that?

I've been instructed to wake Mistress at 8 am for wake-up sex, and will be sure I hit my mark, since she has some plans for the rest of her morning.

As it turns out, this morning  Mistress has an opportunity to do a little cock size comparison research of her own. She mentioned her plans to be yesterday afternoon.

"J wants me to  come over for a bike ride tomorrow morning , can I trust you to behave yourself while I'm gone?"

"Of course, Mistress...."

I have plenty of little tasks to take care of here, and I suspect by this afternoon, Mistress will have her fill of cock, as well as some intevening exercise.

Somehow I expect her to be in the mood for another nap.