Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mistresss Gets a Nostalgic Spanking

Mistress and Slave had a lovely Vietnamese dinner in Georgetown last night, then took a long walk back through those romantic lanes that transport you back to the Gilded Age, or the days of Presidents Cleveland and McKinley.

But as we strolled through those gaslight lanes, we reminisced about a trip we shared to our nation's capital more than 20 years ago. We were in a different world then (as well as different marriages), and it was long before your writer became the slave in this relationship. George H.W. Bush was President, and we were all trying to keep track of those thousand points of light.

In fact, when we walked these lanes on that occasion we were playing a bit of a sexy bondage game: Mistress wore some solid police handcuffs, behind her back, with her black raincoat tucked over her shoulders.  It seemed like a hot little adventure at the time, and does even now.

On the same trip, Mistress recalled, I used a wooden hairbrush to redden her lovely 20 something bottom.  Just talking about it got the juices flowing.  Then I remembered in the morning it would be our "Switch Day".

"Do you happen to have a hairbrush with you, Mistress?"

"Uhhhh..... yes, Slave..... I believe I do."

So this morning, I lavished some oral attention on Mistress's clean shaven folds as she caught up on the blog.  But I left her short of satisfaction once she put the computer down.

"Why did you stop, Slave?"

"Where's the hairbursh, Mistress?"

She seemed a bit taken aback, but confessed that it was in the bathroom.  I fetched it, returned to the bed, and insturcted her to slide over my lap.

"You're really going to spanke me with that thing, Slave?"

"For old times sake, Mistress."

I must say she squirmed delightfully, and stifled the cries of "agony", as I proceeded to redden that delightful bottom.  Of course I broke up her punishment with some slow and devious strokes with palm and fingers, so that by the time I put down the brush, it hardly took me long to use my fingers to give her a nice little pre-fuck cum, all while she was still lying across my lap.

Mistress takes her medicine well. Better than me, I might add.  And don't you like the red glowher brush left "behind"?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dispatch from DC

We've spent a lot more time in bed than on a typical trip to DC. Both of us had been burned out from work and travel, so the time with a hotel room at our disposal and not much on the schedule these last 24 hours has been a respite for us.

Of course, it's also given Mistress and Slave plenty of time for "two-a-day" hanky panky.  Nothing like waking from a good night's sleep, or a late afternoon nap to get both of us in the mood. This afternoon I enjoyed using my teeth to tease and torment Mistress's nipple while my left hand sliding between her thighs slowly brought her to the edge and kept her there for a while until she came, gasping with relief.  It was only then that I was invited to fuck her.  And who was I to turn down the invitation?

We have done some sightseeing while we were here, including walking past the White House last night after dark with my daughter.  Then, this morning we joined the masses for a glorious tour of the White House grounds.  It's the "garden tour" weekend, and we were lucky to be here for it. As it happens, J rang up Mistress to say hello, just as we were walking past the White House putting green.  And since J is a mega-golfer, she asked me to take a photo and text it to him.

"It's strange that they would hit golf balls so close to the White House, J. I mean couldn't they break a window?"  Simultaneously, J and I  both explained to her the difference between putting and driving the ball. As you can tell, Mistress has spent lots of time on the golf course.

We had lunch at a sunny cafe near the White House, then returned to our hotel for some more reading, snoozing and sex.  Tonight will be low key, the two of us walking over to Georgetown looking for Vietnamese food.

We'll make sure we are in bed early, with nothing to do beyond lounging in bed until check-out time. 

Hope all of you are having an equally restful weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Thankfully, Mistress's plane was on time arriving here in DC, giving us plenty of time to "catch up" in our hotel room before dinner at one of our favorite restaurants anywhere.

I think Mistress was a little stunned at how quickly Slave shed his clothes and assumed a pseudo-seductive position on our bed.  But it did not take me long to coax her into joining me. While Mistress had plenty of sex with J on Wednesday night, I believe she was sympathetic to my sad and horny plight. It would not take long for her work-a-day cock to resemble one of this City's notable monuments.

Soon my face was buried in those clean shaven folds, as I savored the flavors and scents I had been desperate for during my 36 hours or so of celibacy.  (Though I surely wasn't tempted in her absence to sign on with the right wing Catholics camped out in the Hotel lobby yesterday morning for their big "prayer breakfast", which looked just like any other big political fund raiser but for the smattering of nuns in full regalia. My guess is these weren't the same nuns slapped down the other day by the Vatican for being too caring for the poor and too soft on gay marriage).

Things developed nicely over the next few minutes after Mistress had a choice starter cum. She was pleased to allow me to fuck her with both energy and vigor, and, in response to my questions, fill me in on some of the other more exotic uses she and J had put to the furniture in our TV room.

Whether you call it a "hassock" or a "footstool", apparently there was enough room on it for Mistress to get on all fours and be taken by her "relief pitcher" from behind.

"But after a while, we did adjourn to the bedroom, Slave....."

I was more than content with the comfort sex unfolding for me here in DC, and soon Mistress gave me permission to cum..... Ahhhhhh.

And we just repeated the sequence again here this morning, after a very good night's sleep cuddled close and tenderly.

Now we're up and heading out..... me to the end of my rather tedious conference, and Mistress to some meetings with some movers and shakers.

But it looks like our schedules will have us back together here by around 3:30 pm.  I don't think we'll be wondering what to do.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mistress Entertains her Lover at Home While Slave is Out of Town

Slave is hunkered down here in DC at a professional conference. It's one of those big convention hotels with maze like corridors,  and naturally there are lots of other meetings and events going on at the same time.

Last night as I returned from dinner I noticed that this morning there is something here called the "National Catholic Prayer Breakfast". Well, as you may have noticed from random remarks here over the months, Slave was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through College.

But this crowd apparently is not the sort of Catholic crowd I was raised around - at bingos, or in a big assed college football stadium. No, these folks are the ban birth control and abortion crowd, who have got louder and louder in recent years. (Also the variety that seems to shelter pedophiles, but then that's a whole other rant, isn't it?)

I noticed this sign for an obscure college I'd never heard of:

You can bet I won't be praying for these folks this morning as they try to deny contraception coverage to their female employees.

But, as you can see, Slave doesn't have the content for a proper sex blog here in my lonely hotel room.

On the other hand, I did get an update from Mistress on her evening at home with J.

She called me at around 11 pm, to report that J had just left and she was headed to bed. Because of a very early business meeting he was unable to spend the night.  But it sounded like things were hot enough to tide Mistress over until we get together here at the hotel this evening.

"We had some food, watched MadMen, then, well .... that's when the sex part began, Slave."

"Any details you want to share with our readers, Mistress?"

"Let's just say things started downstairs before they resumed upstairs, Slave...."

"Oh really?"

"We broke in the breakfast table, for one thing?"

"Hmmm..... you were actually on the table?"

"I was Slave .... on my back.... but he was standing."

"Wow.... now that's impressive...."

It will give me something to mull over the next time I eat my corn flakes there.  Fortunately, it's an old farm table, with thick sturdy legs. 

"I hope you got your fair share of cums last night, Mistress."

"Not to worry, Slave...."

Unfortunately for me, there was no waiver of the "no touch" rule.  Her Slave will be amply desperate for her tonight. I'm hoping her plane gets here on time so there will be some opportunity for a little sexual relief before we head to dinner.

Otherwise it could be a long night.

We did get a couple of questions yesterday from 'Nilla and AIsha asking if J can be categorized somewhere on the Dom - Sub continuum. While I will defer to Mistress for a more definitive answer, I think it's fair to say that their endeavors have been more conventional ( if rather athletic) than kinky,  Though it seems J has enjoyed it when Mistress has tied him to the bed in his love shack.

We'll just have to see how this develops.