Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mistress Entertains her Lover at Home While Slave is Out of Town

Slave is hunkered down here in DC at a professional conference. It's one of those big convention hotels with maze like corridors,  and naturally there are lots of other meetings and events going on at the same time.

Last night as I returned from dinner I noticed that this morning there is something here called the "National Catholic Prayer Breakfast". Well, as you may have noticed from random remarks here over the months, Slave was raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through College.

But this crowd apparently is not the sort of Catholic crowd I was raised around - at bingos, or in a big assed college football stadium. No, these folks are the ban birth control and abortion crowd, who have got louder and louder in recent years. (Also the variety that seems to shelter pedophiles, but then that's a whole other rant, isn't it?)

I noticed this sign for an obscure college I'd never heard of:

You can bet I won't be praying for these folks this morning as they try to deny contraception coverage to their female employees.

But, as you can see, Slave doesn't have the content for a proper sex blog here in my lonely hotel room.

On the other hand, I did get an update from Mistress on her evening at home with J.

She called me at around 11 pm, to report that J had just left and she was headed to bed. Because of a very early business meeting he was unable to spend the night.  But it sounded like things were hot enough to tide Mistress over until we get together here at the hotel this evening.

"We had some food, watched MadMen, then, well .... that's when the sex part began, Slave."

"Any details you want to share with our readers, Mistress?"

"Let's just say things started downstairs before they resumed upstairs, Slave...."

"Oh really?"

"We broke in the breakfast table, for one thing?"

"Hmmm..... you were actually on the table?"

"I was Slave .... on my back.... but he was standing."

"Wow.... now that's impressive...."

It will give me something to mull over the next time I eat my corn flakes there.  Fortunately, it's an old farm table, with thick sturdy legs. 

"I hope you got your fair share of cums last night, Mistress."

"Not to worry, Slave...."

Unfortunately for me, there was no waiver of the "no touch" rule.  Her Slave will be amply desperate for her tonight. I'm hoping her plane gets here on time so there will be some opportunity for a little sexual relief before we head to dinner.

Otherwise it could be a long night.

We did get a couple of questions yesterday from 'Nilla and AIsha asking if J can be categorized somewhere on the Dom - Sub continuum. While I will defer to Mistress for a more definitive answer, I think it's fair to say that their endeavors have been more conventional ( if rather athletic) than kinky,  Though it seems J has enjoyed it when Mistress has tied him to the bed in his love shack.

We'll just have to see how this develops.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In Transit

Another morning at another airport.... it's a routine that Slave has been able to avoid over the last few years, but still filled with annoyance from the all too familiar dulling routine of the security line and all the rest.  It's no fun  sliding out of bed before 5 am when Mistress is there, all warm and cuddly.

Fortunately, we got in some "quality" time yesterday.... a little lolling in bed and slow and tasty wake up sex.  Then, at the end of the day, some worship before a bike ride. A nice dinner at home, then some drawn out love making before bed time.

It will have to keep me going until Mistress arrives to meet me in DC on Thursday evening, because the "no touching" rule is in effect until then.

Mistress does have some plans of her own this evening though, which she reminded me of as she teased my desperate cock last night with her warm and tender lips.

"Are you looking forward to the taste of your other cock Wednesday evening, Mistress?"

"Ummmmm...... I suppose I am Slave....."

She and J have some plans this evening.... he'll be coming over for the evening, helping to warm Mistress's bed in her Slave's absence.  A little change of pace from Mistress favorite relief pitcher is in order.

And Slave will stew in his solo hotel room tonight in our nation's capitol, looking forward to my own relief Thursday evening. 

Unless I can find a Secret Service party to glom onto ....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lazy Slave

Slave rolled over in bed this morning, with Mistress's arm draped around me. It was time to get up if I wanted to compose a proper blog.....

"Maybe I'll skip the bog this morning, Mistress.... too tired, and too cozy in here...."

"Fine by me, Slave....."

As it turned out, the extra time in bed was well spent.

It gave me more time to graze at the delta of Mistress's luscious thighs.

It gave me more time to take my pleasure from her slowly and passionately, making sure she had a bonus cum or two before I begged for my own permission.

And it even gave us both more time to loll in bed, reading the paper and catching up with the enws of the day before we hit the shower.

And since Slave has to be up and out very early tomorrow to visit our nation's capitol, well might as well enjoy a little extra time in bed with Mistress when the opportunity presents itself, right?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pleasure Deferred, but not Denied.

While J slept in a little later, Mistress had joined me in that short, sexy, silky cream colored robe on our living room couch, reading the morning papers. Her legs spread a bit allowing me to gaze longingly upon those clean shaven folds, and even fondle them a tad.

Truth be told, I was longing to partake of them, press my face and nose there to taste the mingled aromas nesting there.  But we were in a bit of "Ms. Manners'" no man's land.

"Is it polite to have sex with your wife while her lover is still here, upstairs lingering in bed?"

"I'm not sure Slave..... I mean what if he woke up and wandered in while we were making love.... "

"I agree that could be a little 'awkward', as the teens would say...."

Well, maybe we'll get there someday.... but not yesterday. And I do think Mistress enjoys making her Slave squirm a bit too.

Instead, I everted to my "field slave" persona, and went outside to do some pent up yard work, while Mistress went back up stairs to "wake up" J.  About 40 minutes later he came out in the yard, at Mistress's direction, to fetch me for breakfast. 

It was a leisurely meal, sitting around our sun drenched table. Mistress had whipped up some scrambled eggs with goat cheese, impressing her lover with her domestic skills, no doubt. 

"I didn't know you cooked, Molly", he noted, in awe.

Slave snickered to himself at that one.

And Slave was happy to make J some coffee to go with it.  Afterwords, I adjourned to the back forty, literally "clearing brush".

"I will leave you two to your own devices....."

About an hour later I came back in, as J was preparing to leave for a round of golf with some friends. Mistress was still in that revealing robe, though I did notice that one of her lovely breasts was lurching out at an amusing angle when I came upstairs to strip out of my now sweaty "field slave" attire.

Not long after, Mistress escorted J to the door.... then returned to the arms of her now rather horny and sweaty Slave.

"Since you're so sweaty already Slave, maybe we should go for that bike ride before we fuck?"

"Your wish is my command, Mistress."

It was a beautiful day here, so the bike ride made perfect sense, particularly before it got any hotter.

And afterwords.... well it was with great pleasure that Slave was able to nosh on Mistress's clean shaven folds, with all those flavors mingled together for a perfect storm Sunday sundae of delight.

Once she had shuddered her way to a series of cums courtesy of my lips and tongue, she teased and tormented her cock with those crafty fingers, until I was desperate to fuck her.... I mean it had been since Saturday afternoon!!!!

Fortunately, she was not too tuckered out from her night (and morning) with J.

"Of course you can fuck me now, Slave."