Friday, March 2, 2012

Revisiting the UCTMW Employee Handbook

Yesterday, on the drive home from work, Mistress was flashing some black tights and boots, distracting her loyal chaufeur a bit as I dodged and weaved through rush hour traffic. It was so unfair.... I wanted to focus on sliding my hands up those firm and well exercised thighs, but the traffic required more attention than usual.

Mistress noticed where my eyes kept darting.

"You know Slave.... it's almost spring. Soon the tights will get packed away until fall. "

"No problem, Mistress.... those legs look mighty fine naked."

Mistress is not much for pantyhose of the conventional kind. Either it's black tights or naked legs for her.

"But I'm awfully pale.... need to get a bit more tan for naked leg season, Slave."

It seems early for that, but the sun will come. And at some point, the traffic ground to a short halt, allowing me to pull out my I-phone and snap a shot of those lovely legs to share (maybe I should rotate hot shots on her AM page to keep the drooling masses amused?)  In any event, you can see how a slave can get distracted. 

At home we went for a twilight bike ride - the sun had been out all day and temperatures were in the 50's. Afterwords I made sure Mistress was suitably worshipped.

"Am I a little gamey down there, Slave?"

"Just the way I like it."

After dinner, we spent a little time sorting through Mistress's AM applicants -- the culling was a little cruel, but you have to do what you have to do.

"Am I being too superficial, Slave", she asked as a brief perusal of one applicant's "private showcase" left him in the dustbin of history.

"Well it's sort of like the admissions process at some Ivy League school, Mistress... a lot of potentially great candidates get left behind."

Of course, some were easier to cull than others. As an example, if your "handle" was derived from a brand of farm equipment, or you liked to use the word "ur", that might be a quick way to end up on the cutting room floor.  Under age 37 also seemed to be a hard line. And for the most part, 120 miles distance seemed a disqualifier -- though there was one guy from Canada who's photo seemed to leave Mistress agog. He remained on the list.

Slave was just taking orders in my role as recording secretary.

We even prepared a little spread sheet with the names, locales and key characteristics of the prospects that Mistress found tempting. By the end of the evening she had responded via email to a select few, asking for a little more information.

We will keep you updated -- sort of.

Amidst all this we did get a call from one of our far flung staff members,  asking for a refresher course on our employment policies.

To be clear, unlike many employers, we have a more "permissive" attitude when it comes to relationships between employees and officers here. With so few employees, we fall below the threshold where those pesky federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination and harassment come into play. And since most of our employees are out of state, it seems unclear whether even our home state's laws apply. So our policy on sexual harassment is a little "sketchy".

As a general rule, we do not have any hard lines when it comes to creating a "hostile working environment". We figure this is a god damned sex blog! If you aren't comfortable talking about sex, being subject to sexual taunting, propositioned, or seeing hot photos of the Publisher laying around, or posted by the coffee pot, then maybe you should look for a job at Reader's digest.

AS for Quid Pro Quo harassment -- the type where getting ahead at work is conditioned on responding favorably for requests for sexual favors - we figure who would turn down a come on from our Publisher, anyway? Plus, she's pretty darn selective.

And of course, since the Executive Editor is strictly accountable to the Publisher, and has to wear a cock cage at all staff meetings or "retreats". So he poses little threat of demanding a blow job in return for a raise, doesn't he?

Nor do we have a policy prohibiting "Fraternization". That's the kind that says employees may not have "personal" relationships with one another, usually designed to avoid a sexual harassment claim down the road, when one party or another decides it's time to move on to the next hot secretary or purchasing manager.  In fact, considering our ongoing need for "blog-fodder", a little sexual hi-jinks behind the file cabinet could well be an inspiration.

Of course, we would prefer employees to do that sort of thing without charging their sex toys and lubricants to the company credit card without pre-approval.

And this is one employer that will not have a religious or conscientious objection to including birth control on our generous (if high co-pay) health insurance plan. There's nothing more annoying than having to pay a temp during someone's long pregnancy leave!

Have I made all that clear, staff?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HNT / Her Inbox Runneth Over

For those of you who were concerned about poor Mick's long, wrenching, nearly 40 hours of abstinence, that problem resolved itself around 8 pm last night, and quite nicely I might add. Mistress compounded my desperation by instructing me to insert my "device" (the aneros), which took old Mr. work-a-day cock to Dev Con 4 in no time. But I made sure to worship those clean shaven folds first before humbly asking for permission to fuck her.

But today's blog is not about that (or the hot early morning sex we had already today .... still adjusting to Euro-time I suppose), but about the rather impressive results that hot little picture to your right had on Mistress's Ashley Madison in-box yesterday.

AS you my recall, Mistress had listed herself on AM several weeks ago in her ongoing attempt to recruit that perfect part-time Dom / Cuckold collaborator that has so far eluded us here at UCTMW. (See the original posting to the right among our "most popular" blogs.) Maybe we just have "All Mine" envy, but the search has been a little frustrating.

Anyway, back to AM.

Mistress's original post was sans photo. And although a few emails and "admirers" popped up over the last few weeks - including one or two worth investigating further, the pickings had been relatively slim.

"Too many short guys, Slave....and guys who can't spell....."

I had suggested posting a discrete but alluring photo as a little extra "honey", and while Mistress was away she gave me to go ahead.

So I posted the photo above and .... Cowabunga....

Mistress first noticed the "hot legs" effect yesterday afternoon, as a colleague drove her car back from our flat state capitol, and texted me.

"It's stunning, Slave.... they just keep coming."

I flipped open my lap top to confirm.

"No, you're stunning, Mistress... you need a full time social secretary to vet these for you."

"That's your job, Slave...."

So... last night, after the hot reunion sex, as Mistress lay by my side, I helped her cull the maddened herd.  By then there were about 350 messages in her in-box. Some were these lame "You have an admirer", solicitations for a response. Some offered "keys" to their private photo array. Lots of naked, muscular torsos to be seen. Rock solid Abs must be popular with the AM crowd.

Others were more personal messages, some with a little substance... other's with the rather uninviting "want to chat".  They came from as far as London (England, not Ky.) and Park City, Utah. But most were in our neck of the woods .... give or take an hour or two.

Mistress applied some crude screens.... no one under 5'10'' ... no one with cock shots in their "private portfolio". No Tea Partiers.  And please, no photos with your wife or significant other.

But even then, the task was rather overwhelming. She updated the profile to make it clear what her selection criteria were .... the minimum height.... well educated and read... she's not here to be your therapist. And please, no Tea Partiers.

We wonder if that will slow the flow.

The most interesting thing to watch was how Mistress screened folks based on photos. It was hard for me to tell what she considered to be "attractive" or "ugh".  But a lot of folks did not make her "cut" based on physical appearance.

"Am I too superficial, Slave?"

"No... you know what works, and what doesn't. But I do have a concern.... if my face popped up.... the oldish guy with no hair on top... would on end up in the dust bin at AM?"

"Of course not Slave.... you're still very handsome...."

She gave me a little kiss, to confirm her ongoing affection. 

More on all this later, dear readers.  I have some deleting to do over in Mistress's overflowing in-box.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Home Alone

Poor Mick.  All alone here at the UCTMW World HQ last night, as Mistress was off on a short business trip in our ever so flat state capitol. 

Of course, Mistress took suitable security measures.  Yesterday morning, before some particualrly early wake-up sex, she made sure I slid the hard steel ring of my cage over my cock and balls, ready for the cage lid to be locked on tight through the day.

"I like the extra had cock I get with that ring on Slave.... just a little bonus for me before I close the lock tight."

(Of course, it's a bonus for me too.... my cum (with permission of course) always is a little harder to get to and oh so more dramatic when it arrives with that steel ring clinging tight at the base of my "package".)

So with Mistress's "work-a-day" cock all secured away, we were both off to work. Me to my normal drudgery and she up the highway.

From time to time we would text or talk, of course. And she'd have a little fun with my status for the day.

"How's the cage, Slave?"

"Tight, Mistress."

So while she dined with an acquaintance last night, her Slave had dinner with my daughter and  two cute grandsons. When I got home, I did get a call from Mistress, who was in a merciful mood.

"Slave, would you like to remove your cage now?"

Uhhh, yeah.

She directed me to the hiding place for the little key, and listened to me as I sighed with satisfaction as I worked it off those sad, shriveled parts. 

She had a grateful Slave on her hands.

But not one who would abuse his freedom.  I am well accustomed now to the "no touching" rules here at the UCTMW World HQ.  I don't need a cage to enforce that regime.

Why not save all that pent-up sexual demand for Mistress when we are reunited later today?

I'm already fixated on the idea of the upcoming worship session this evening.....


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mistress

(Wherein the UCTMW media empire makes it's play for a Bl-Oscar)


(Roll Credits. Collect Awards. After Party!)