Monday, January 2, 2012

Mick Needs Some Shopping Tips.

Mistress was unusually insatiable yesterday.... the marathon session to ring in the new year had fried this aging Slave, but my cock was called into service one more time early yesterday morning, when Mistress woke and paged me to join her in the executive suite. Fortunately, my Pavlovian response to Mistress's lush body. heavenly skin  and heady aroma kicked in once I slid into bed next to her, overcoming my bleary eyes and befogged New Year's morning head.

And somehow, she wan able to intrance me sufficiently to  forget that it was our Switch did that happen?  I think it was a little bait and switch on her part. At first we had to move quickly for our wake-up sex, because of plans to go to the gym for an early am spinning class.... But once I had delivered a few orgasms, one with the Hitachi still sitting beside the bed from the night before.... our plans had changed, and we decided to go for a bike ride in the unusually spring like weather here in River City.

Clever, Mistress, very clever.

After our bike  ride, we hunkered down into some household tasks. I dismembered our Christmas tree, while Mistress worked at her computer to handle some work overhang. Then I visited my cranky mother. We regrouped in the Executive Suite for a little power nap, before I headed with our daughter downtown to watch our Pussycats back themselves into the Play-offs, through an assortment of fortuitous events that suggested Jesus had missed the exit to Denver. 

This strange set of developments could set up the mother of all cross blog wagers if the UCTMW home team ends up playing the All Mine home team in round two.  I'm all ready considering the stakes.

Because the game had been shifted to late afternoon, the cute Co-Ed and I did not make it home until around 8 pm. Mistress had a glass of wine in hand, and had made her signature chili to warm us.

But she did have a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Did I miss something, Mistress?"

As my questioning proceeded, I discovered that Mistress had put her trusty Hitachi to use one more time.

"There it was, plugged in next to the bed, Slave.... it was hard not to put it to proper use."

One thing we did discuss yesterday was the need to acquire a new "accessory" for Mistress's strap-on. Actually, maybe two. You never know when an additional Slave might come along, and I guess it would be a little tacky to share.

As you can see from the attached illustration, our's is a little shopworn. And there's another problem.

"I think you're ready for something a little more substantial, Slave.... you've skated along with the trainer size long enough".

We had gotten a big pink one as a promotional consideration from Eden Fantasies a few months back, and while it worked well when Mistress deployed it on DiDi during that wild and crazy "Home Cumming Weekend", its a bit too soft and flexy for my tighter little aperture.

So here is the question..... are there any suggestions from our readers on where to look and what to look for when I follow Mistress's directions to find something more worthy of her strap-on?

Please let us know.... 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Greetings From Our CEO

The Ol' Slave is  a little bleary eyed here at the UCTMW World HQ this New Year's Day morning. 

Our New Year's Eve consisted of a tranquil dinner with some friends, and a resolution to be in bed well before the big bright ball dropped. Consistent with those plans,  we had taken good care of our New Year's Eve sex by some gratifying  action  before leaving home at around 8 pm....

But....things got a little out of control as we settled into sleep, Mistress was still wearing those tricked out black tights of hers, and my dumb assed cock, sliding against her shapely ass, suddenly developed a mind of it's own.

"Press it into me, Slave", suddenly turned into "what is that back there, Slave.... are you getting hard for me."

I tried to play dumb, my brain telling me I was a little too tired and tipsy to do what my cock apparently considered to be on the agenda.  And it was certainly within Mistress's prerogative to pat it on it's little head, tell it to get some rest, and come back in the morning.  But, for reasons she will have to explain, Mistress was in the mood to take advantage of my weak and excitable flesh.

So what was going to be a good night's sleep turned into a marathon of  indulgence here in the Executive Suite, the details of which are as bleary as my morning head. 

I can recall Mistress using her molten lips to make sure I was suitable rigid for her, then riding my cock to several bed quaking cums. 

Then I was on top of her, getting oh so close when she stopped me at the edge....

"Get my hitachi, Slave.....I think I want that now...."


I fished it from its hiding place, and deployed it until Mistress was shuddering and sobbing with another mega-cum. But that only seemed to make her want her cock even more, and it seemed we fucked long into the night, with Slave in that "wanna cum, wanna stop, can't stop, can't cum" state of suspended sexual agony for what seemed like forever....

All of this crazy was fed by some strange fantasy we were both riffing on about a local restaurateur that has been flirting with Mistress lately. I won't go into the details, but it had to do with Mistress training him to be a suitable Slave.

Rest assured, at some point the agony / ecstasy cocktail finally spilled loose, with Slave begging for release, and Mistress giving her generous consent.

"Good way to start the New Year, Slave...."

I agreed of course. But the old line "that which does not kill you will make you stronger" also came to mind.
Now, here is the New Year's greeting Mistress wrote to share with all of you yesterday afternoon, before all this crazy started:


Happy New Year, Kinkster Family

As we cross into 2012, we celebrate our third New Year with UCTMW. (And bear with me, as this is a kind of a sappy and serious entry.) First, thanks to each of you for reading. Mick started this blog as a tribute to me and it has become part of this community in which we all exist. He rarely misses a day and I look forward to my morning read.

As you are each aware, I rarely write for UCTMW. I spend a large % of my workday writing and communicating. During my down time (except to Mick, kids and some special friends,) I tend to “shut down” the communications channels. Those of you who talk to Mick lots (Donna), know that I rarely make that phone appearance. I do adore you…just maxed at times.

We continue to enjoy the fun, play, banter and charge that is a result of this universe. On a real-life note, while Mick and I have been madly in love from May 1988 (and we did connect quickly – but I am that kind of action-oriented cuss—as some of you also know) and have had a highly healthy marriage (on all levels) – we did enter some challenged territory. Some in which he says we were never close to the edge – but I felt pretty off-balance.

We made some rash and necessary changes. I often have joked that we should really write a book about “how to save a marriage and why sex matters” and take it on tour. This would require our coming clean in public (and embarrassing our kids and parents) but frankly there is nothing that sounds more interesting to me.

It is true that Mick does not see others. If he has an itch – he is to ask my permission and then we will decide. I am ok with it as long as we are honest with one another. And it is true that I get to do whatever I want. Know though that (while I have exercised my rights) – I am careful and picky.

You have each – in your own sexy and smart ways – improved the quality of our lives. I am proud to be 48 and still at it  -- with little chance of stopping any time soon.

Remember that life is short and nothing is for sure. Enjoy and Happy New Year.



Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing Out the Old....

It's been some time since Mistress and Slave soldiered through the last week of the year at our respective offices - parts of the skeleton crews than hang in there until the bitter end. And I can't really complain. Life this week was nice and slowly paced, giving me time to catch up on some of those tasks you put off, and then  put off some more.

By yesterday, I had even run out of those tedious things to do. And since my Contract forbids engaging in the "hands on" work activities of the type our WC distracts himself with at the UCTMW Mountain Zone branch office, I was grateful for a little diversion. Mistress, our cute C0-Ed and one of her  Co-Ed  friends decided to join me for lunch. All three of them seemed of a kind, - with black boots, tights or leggings. So naturally I had to take a picture of my "booted babe" lunch companions.

(B, my colleague who has a bit of a crush on Mistress, had a sad hangdog look on his face when he saw my lunch company and was unsuccessful in wheedling an invitation to join us.  Maybe next year, B!)

After lunch, Mistress took the girls on a little shopping expedition in River City's compact middle American downtown, while her Slave went back to work.  But by around 3 or so, she sent the Co-Eds on their way, and stopped back at my office for an early departure. Hell, I was one of the last folks in my office by then.

Now, since we were heading home, it probably made more sense to wait until we were in the friendly confines of our CEO's Executive Suite for a little hanky panky.

But why wait?

"How about a little last of the year office worship, Mistress?"

"Good idea Slave.... and since I have those special tights on, I don't even have to slide off a boot."

Mistress settled into her throne, pressed against the door to assure a little privacy. She spread those delightful thighs, in their black tights .... it was enough to make even a jaded Slave squirm. If only old B knew what was going on just a few doors away.

I hesitated just a moment, to take a fetching photo, before "digging in".

After a few minutes of devotion, Mistress thighs were pressing against my cheeks, her boots draped over my back and she was moaning through a nice quaking cum.

"Mistress, with those tights and boots, you could make a Slave out of just about anyone."

"She had a pensive look for a moment.

"Do you really think so, Slave?"

Friday, December 30, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Eats Out.... and In.

Here in River City, Slave spent a good chunk of the day in his hard steel cock cage, after our wake-up sex, during which the heft of my cock was  re-enforced with the hard steel ring gripping me, quite literally, by the  balls. While Mistress and I were off in different directions for most of the day, she spent a fair amount of time teasing me about my "locked down" status via text message and phone call through the day. 


It wasn't until about 8:30 pm, after Slave suffered through a 4th Quarter collapse by his alma mater in an inconsequential bowl game, and Mistress returned from the gym, that she found the time to retrieve the key. 

I'm not sure how  guys like Tammy,  who are caged up for days on end handle it. Fortunately, there was a carnal reward at the end of this particularly discomforting rainbow.  But rather than focus on that, let's hear from our Senior Correspondent on how their week has been going:

What a great day!

It isn't even noon yet and it has already been a good one.

I was reading the blogs I enjoy every morning when I came across this picture, and it really turned me on!

I love tribal tattoos, and whether it was that, or the way the woman is being held down (I do so love that, too), I found it quite stirring.

And my sweet Bill was the grateful recipient of my horniness being all stirred up. I went back to our bedroom, flipped back the sheets and gave him a very nice blowjob, if I do say so myself.

The characters In a book I was reading last night were really into BJs. Some of their techniques seemed interesting, so I decided to work them into my BJ repertoire. This morning seemed a good time to give a few of them a try.

Adding some twisting of the hand on the upstroke, vigorous nibbling and humming while switching back and forth between the frenulum and balls, then focusing on head-sucking and swallowing with a distinctive rhythm and then pulling back just enough to stick the tip of my tongue into his slit, and my man was moaning in no time. He really, really seemed to enjoy it!

He enjoyed it so much that he gave me two spankings as we finished up. The first was bare handed, and it left my buns warm and rosy. I thought we were done, but I should know by now not to assume anything with Bill, and as we stood by the dressers talking about our plans for the day, he reached into a drawer and pulled out a crop. My hands were placed so that I was balanced against the wall with my butt sticking out, and a good cropping ensued. So nice.

You may be thinking that I am about to stop, but no!

We drove into a small town over a mountain or two to check out a gym that has recently started up. Lo and behold, this place is neat. It is open 24/7, with camera surveillance, lights and music always on. Each member is given instruction on the equipment, a key to the gym, and you can work out whenever it suits your schedule. Any piece of equipment you might want is there and the price is less that half of what Bill paid for a gym membership to a chain gym twelve years ago. No kidding. This looks perfect for Bill.

And then...the owner has also just opened a martial arts center nearby. I have a green belt in Taekwondo that I earned many years ago in my wheelchair, and I have been looking for something that would help me retain my balance and strength while up on my crutches. The new martial arts center will be offering Tai Chi and the Master is willing to work with the crutches. Woo-hoo!

But wait, there's more! And no, I am not selling Ginsu knives.

We decided to have breakfast at a bagel place we had heard about from a couple of people. We had been told this little place had New York bagels. Right. Anyone who has had real New York bagels knows that they are extraordinary, a culinary mystery and masterpiece. When toasted and plastered with cream cheese...WOW! Sadly, we have never found that same level of texture or flavor outside of NY.

We pulled into the lot of this little hole in the wall  bagel place, and had to hunt for a parking spot. As soon as we opened the door, BAM! the aroma was right. Coffee wafted on the air currents and toasted goodness assaulted our noses. The cases were stuffed with all kinds of luscious looking bagels and bialys and the refrigerated glass case had big bowls of different types of cream cheese. Could it be? Could it possibly be? YES!!! 

I make quite a bit of noise while enjoying sex and Bill had a hard time not laughing this morning, since I was making some of those same noises while eating my luscious bagel.

So I ate two wonderful things before noon. Not a bad start to the day, guys!