Friday, September 6, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Listen but No Watching?

 With a single exception this was the game plan at the Molly and mick manse in River City: Mistress would sometimes have a sleepover "guest".  Her devoted slave would occupy our daughter's room next door (by then the  daughters had flown the nest). The walls were thin.  I was typically caged, to avoid any unsanctioned self abuse as I listened in to their enthusiastic coupling.  One thing became all too obvious: Jay (and the occasional "other") could induce much more enthusiastic sounds from Mistress than I could with my "work-a-day" cock. Was she exaggerating her responses for my benefit? Could be, but I doubt it. 

Our typical husband / wife sex, still a daily morning ritual, was more gentle and loving. Yes, Mistress would be lavished with a few cums/session.  Still is.  But there was/is no athleticism involved. No rhythmic slaps of flesh on flesh, and endless moans from Mistress. Of course, all of this listening in could be enticing, exciting and frustrating for a caged slave.  

But once the lover de jour went on his way - typically after I served him coffee in the morning - slave always got his turn, even though Mistress was frequently tuckered out and tender.  

She was and always has been an indulgent Mistress. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Summer's End

 After a long and restful summer here at our SW hideaway, Mistress and slave took a trip back to River City over the Labor Day Weekend.  Now we're back for a few days before heading over "the pond" for a long trek.  Our living room is filled with back packs and the clothes and gear we need to organize for our next adventure.

Last night we spent the evening at a local haunt for what will likely be our last out door music event of this fading summer.  Mistress got all gussied up in her boots and a short black shirt, as you can see from this photo. It's a shame the bar / restaurant was only populated by the usual Tuesday night suspects. Sadly,  no one was there worth Mistress exercising her flirtation chops. 

But all that alluring leg was not wasted on me!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Flirting.

 Mistress knows she's entitled to flirt with whomever, whenever.  Here in our small town there aren't the same opportunities available to her to meet and flirt with a stranger, let alone an attractive, well endowed  one worthy of her charms. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Day at the Hot Springs

 Mistress and her devoted slave spent the day yesterday at a nearby hot springs resort, perched beneath a ridge once populated by hundreds of native people, who have only left behind thousands of shards of their colorful pottery.

It seems Mistress will never outgrow her desire to bask in the sun, something her Mediterranean complexion accepts with tolerance.  Me, not so much.  But I am happy to indulge her desires in this and so many other ways.

The hot springs excludes kids, but always has a robust crowd of mostly middle age to older customers, many covered in exotic tattoos.  I had to smile as a few heavily inked guys in the their 30's and 40's wandered past Mistress, their eyes unsubtly lingering on Mistress's delicious legs and bottom.  Not bad for someone getting closer to her Medicare years! 

It reminded me of a story Mistress told me from a trip to the Springs last summer, with her Mom (the Dowager Domme) and her sister.  They spent the night in a cozy cottage, and She got up early for some lap swimming. At pool side she was chatted up by a younger man - cute she reported - who seemed interested in learning more about her "situation".  Sparks were beginning to fly, she said. Then . . . her mother and sister arrived, impatient, wanting to get their breakfast.  Sadly, contact info was not exchanged and she never spotted him there before they departed.

But at least she was willing to explore. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: So is Your Hubby Really OK With This?

 Not sure that Mistress ever said exactly this to any of her lovers.  But I suspect there was always a conversation that went something like this:

"So is your husband really OK with this?"

"Yeah.  He is. He says it turns him on. And we always have hot sex when I come home after one of these nights."

I suspect they all had different reactions to this.  Maybe some were a little jealous.  If they had developed feelings for Mistress, the thought of her coming home to be reclaimed by her cuck was probably a little annoying. But most just shook their head, and, hopefully, knew they had lucked into a pretty sweet deal. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mistress Hears from A Long Lost Suitor

Strangely enough, after my post last week about Mistress texting with her suitors, she had heard from "E", one of the guys who kicked off our adventures in cuckoldry about 15 years ago. She dated E in her college days at a small liberal arts college in Michigan. He went on to become an attorney, and, as I recall it all, he got in touch with her back in 2009 or so.  They began to text and he soon was reminiscing about how hot she was and what he'd like to do with (and to) her so many years later, if he only had a chance.

Not surprisingly, he was married, and Mistress generally avoids getting involved with married guys, even though it was in the early days of her "hall pass". And yet?
Here was a guy she knew from the "old days".  They'd had sex "a few times" in her Junior year. And as their texting back and forth proceeded, there were undeniable sparks flying. I remember her reading me some of those texts.  He clearly had the Dom thing going.  "he wants to spank me, slave." And how did that make her feel?  "It's hot, slave...."
Sadly, not much ever came of it.  He claimed to have  reasons to come to River City for business, but it never quite happened.  Ultimately, Mistress wrote it off to just some horny guy remotely rekindling a college romance, but not willing or able to make anything happen IRL.

Now, years later, suddenly they were back in touch. The trigger was Mistress's realization that E (who she still sees on Facebook) was also friends with one of her Facebook friends here near our SW Hideaway. "He says he still wants to spank me". But her past experience with E back in 2009 makes her think it's all BS.  If he never made it down to see her when we lived in the heartland, what are the odds of him actually showing up here, or arranging to meet her somewhere convenient for her.  
"Plus he's still married, slave.  Just to someone else now."  
Seems to close that door, but I do think it gives her a little thrill to know there's someone out there itching to spank her. 


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Texting with Her Lovers

 One of the hottest things about our more active cuckolding days was when Mistress had an active cyber flirting life with her lover(s) du jour. 

Maybe she was just texting with a work colleague, or her sister, but it was fun to speculate that she was texting with J or M or one of her other "friends with benefits". Were they setting up a date, were they reminiscing about their most recent encounter.  Was she getting instructions on how to edge herself at a time and location he determined?  The possibilities in the mind of her loyal cuck were endless. 

Sometimes she'd give me an update about what her lover was saying to her.  Sometimes she'd ask for advice on how to respond. Other times, she'd just smile laschivously at a message when her I-phone chimed.  I did my best to resist asking who she was texting with.  My favorite response, if I did: "None of your business, Slave. . . "

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cucks in the News

 If you've been following this blog, whether for a decade or just for a few months, you know this is where  "Cucks" can feel they have a safe place to relish sharing their hot wives, partners or significant others with whoever might catch their  lustfully roving eyes. We wear the label "cuck" with a certain kinky pride!

Sadly, for some the word "cuck" has become a slur, particularly in the world of right wing politics. 

Earlier this week a group of celebrities  rallied in a well subscribed zoom call under the name of "White Dudes for Harris", in support of the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, who could become the first female President. The call, which featured  "dudes" like Bradley Whitford, Mark Hamill and various Bridges bros, drew in nearly 100,000 participants and raised a few million dollars for the Harris campaign.

Of course, this "White Dudes" cyber get-together  took direct aim at former President Trump's core support among white male voters.  

Don't mess with their base! 

So it was no surprise when MAGA world responded with their typical overheated outrage, led by Junior:

 MAGA World's instinctive response to any guy who might support a strong female candidate for POTUS is to question their masculinity, and likely have wives forced to find a real (presumably MAGA) man to satisfy their sexual needs. 

But a lot of  willing "Cucks" proudly share our wives to provide them with additional sexual gratification and actually get off on it too!  Maybe we really should form a "Proud Cucks for Kamala" group of our own?

This is not the first Trumpian effort to alienate strong women and the men who love them.  What about the quote from VP candidate J.D. Vance, disparaging "childless cat ladies" as miserable losers unworthy of elective office.  He and Trump have doubled down on the notion that there must be something wrong with a woman who loves her  cat,  but who has not (yet) reproduced.  This from the same team that believes they can tell women they should not be allowed make their own decisions about whether to carry a pregnancy to full term. 

In the MAGA world view, the only proper role for women appears to be to stay home and raise the kids.  God forbid women might exercise some degree of sexual freedom outside their marriage, even when their loyal hubby gives them a free pass.

Of course, as proud parents with two cat nurturing daughters who have not (yet) brought any grandkids into our world, i.e., "childless cat ladies", we  take personal umbrage against Vance's disparagement of our daughters. Whether or not they chosoe to reproduce, they are wonderful citizens of the world as far as we are concerned. Heck, we love our cat too!

But this made me wonder: How does Vance feel about childless dog guys? Like this one:

They seem to have been given a free pass. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Cuckolding PDA's

 Back in River City we were always pretty discrete about Mistress's extracurricular relationships. Both she and I had fairly high profile jobs in those pre-retirement years. We didn't need rumors about Mistress caught "fooling around" in public with someone other than her hubby.

But that didn't mean that she made no "public appearances" with her lovers.  She and J (her longest relationship) would often meet publicly for dinner or lunch, then retreat to his house or ours for  more intimate activities.

Of course, I always knew when and where they would be meeting for one of these "dates". Usually they picked a site closer to his home out in the 'burbs, where they would be less likely to encounter one of our friends or colleagues. I stewed at home or work while she was meeting publicly with a lover. But it was easy  to imagine they might be seen by someone who would raise an eyebrow or two. And could they really resist the tell tale body language of lovers- some hand holding, intimate touches, simmering eye contact; maybe an under the table grope or Mistress's wandering foot under the table.

Would someone ask "Why is Molly Collins having dinner on a Friday night with someone other than her husband"?  

As far as I know, no rumors ever flew about her back in those days.  But who knows..... 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Ask Mick: What's the Policy on "Self-Abuse" at UCTMW World HQ.?

Earlier this week, one of our legions (actually dozens) of current readers asked an important and timely question about  corporate policy at the UCTMW World HQ: Does Mistress allow her devoted and pampered house slave to masturbate?  

Please keep in mind that for the most part this is a hypothetical question. We are rarely apart and have sex almost every day, typically in the morning. What's better than wake-up sex? The exception might be a morning when we are getting up and out extra early to go on a long hike, or a drive to the airport. At my age, one cum a day is more than my reproductive system demands or needs. With that level of frequency, who needs to masturbate? (Other than our long since retired Western Correspondent, who used to buy lubricant in 20 gallon vats). 

But the question comes at an atypical time.  Mistress is off with an old friend for two nights at a nearby hot springs spa. Slave is home alone,  tending to the cat. It's now been nearly 48 hours since we last had our normal wake up sex! That' my longest dry spell in years! 
In the past, Mistress might have ordered me to wear a cock cage during any period when we are apart, particularly if I was going out, as I did last night, attending a local concert. At the very least, she would have reminded me that her policy was "no touching. Slave". So, cage-less and unrestrained,  feeling unusually liberated this week. In theory, I have license!

And yet..... maybe it's my age,  or a sense that a little frustration might make our reunion sex this evening  all the more thrilling, but so far I have exercised a little self discipline. 
Who da thunk! 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mistress Gets 2 Days at the Hot Springs

Mistress and a friend are spending two days (and nights)  this week at a nearby Hot Springs / Spa with an old high school classmate.  It's really just a short drive from here, but in an exotic SW setting.  Nice restaurant. Cozy Bar. Plenty of sunshine. Lots of guys with bodies covered in exotic tatoos.

Last year she went there with her mom and sister. I recall her telling me that she got up early one morning to go swimming and ending up being chatted up by a hunky younger guy, only to be interrupted by her impatient family members, who were anxious to go to breakfast. 

"It might have gone somewhere if they hadn't been so rude, Slave."

So back here at home, minding our cat, I can't help but speculate about whether she might end up flirting with one of those guys hanging around the hot tubs this week.  

Somehow, I don't think her friend would be too judgmental. What' the point of a hall pass if you don't get to use it every now and then. 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Cut Off by the Bull?


None of Mistress's lovers over the years  seemed to mind that she and her Cuck continued to have a robust sex life, regardless of her activities with her various "side-dishes". Indeed, her extracurricular sex life seem to pour a powerful accelerant onto our own sexual activities. 

Why didn't any of her "bulls" ever try to crack down on us? My guess is they were not really bulls.  Just nice guys who figured they were lucky to have their occasional chance to "get lucky" with a hot babe who's husband seemed crazy enough to grant her a hall pass.  I suppose some real "Bulls" out there might have been a tad more controlling.  

Or are guys like that really creations of cuckold fantasies, not actually found in the wild?  Thoughts....

Friday, July 19, 2024

Stick to Sex, Mick!

 With all the crazy, divisive and depressing   shit going down in the world of politics these days,  kinky blogs like this one should probably remain a politics free zone where  reds and blues can find steamy  common ground. 

Of course, in MAGA world the notion of willful cuckolding and male chastity as  lifestyle choices is, no doubt, considered un-American! But that doesn't mean the likes of  Eric Trump and Tucker Carlson don't have a cock cage  shoved to the back of their sock drawers. So I would not be surprised if more than a few Trump supporters have read this blog from time to time.

Hope I am not too deeply offending them by posting the above photo of the new GOP VP candidate, a guy who claims to have grown up in humble circumstances not far from our Midwestern hometown, went onto get a couple of Ivy League degrees, make lots of venture capitol cash in sinful San Francisco and now lives in a mansion only blocks from where we lived for many years before bailing out to our SW hideaway.  He's clearly going for  phallic symbolism in brandishing the type of gun used just a few days ago to take a pot shot at his new running mate.

I'm sure he likes the thought that a lot of MAGA babes out there were wondering if what he packed in those tight jeans somehow mirrored the length and rigidity of that macho assault rifle he brandished.  My own suspicion is that guys who need to flash long guns typically come up short in their own hardware. 

No doubt  MAGA world was supposed to be so impressed by this contrived image of hyper-masculinity that it would forget he is just another one of those overeducated elitists rolling in dollars that they might otherwise despise. 

I wonder if in reality JD's lovely wife actually has a little key on a necklace around her neck that may or may not unlock a tiny pink cock cage as he barn storms the country in the days to come? 

In this photo, maybe she's explaining that she won't be back to their convention hotel suite until early morning because she'll be getting together with a certain someone with a much larger cock. "Don't wait up cucky"!  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Friend-to-Lover Zone?

 Over the years, we sometimes discussed whether to draw a friend- maybe one of mine, one of hers, or a mutual friend - into our little web of cuckolding.  There were a few potential candidates, folks we had met the "normal" way, at work, on chair lifts, maybe at a local music venue or in community activities.  Mistress has been tempted a time or two. But ultimately she  backed away to avoid the risk of compromising a friendship. Or maybe out of fear of rejection?

Once you  explicitly offer to have cuckolding sex to a friend or acquaintance,  it's hard to go back to regular old bonhomie. 

Curious to know if any of our readers have had more success in expanding the "friendzone" to something more.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Is it Clean Up Only After the Other Guy Comes?

 One of our readers asked if Mistress ever shared with her lovers that her seemingly normal hubbie was required to conduct "clean up" operations after  they made love.  Good question.  

As far as I know, she shielded her lovers from the kinkier side of our relationship.  They were not privy to the blog, on the assumption that they would not want to know that she was "kissing and telling" about her adventures with them.  Of course, when we did make a reference to her partners it was always anonymous.

The names were changed to protect the guilty?  Or were they the "innocents" that Mistress was exploiting to tittilate her husband?  Yeah, it's complicated.

Likewise, they did not know about my cage, or that I partook of their remnant juices when she returned to our marital bed (or when they left it, as the case might be.)

There was one occasion when we participated in a sort of threesome with a very well endowed lover.  It was a one off, because, well, he was a little strange personality wise.  So no return engagement. 

And although he was well endowed and seemed able to pound her in perpetuity, he never actually came!  Strange, but apparently it happens, even to guys with enormous cocks. The flip side  of erectile dysfunction.  Forever hard? 

So when slave worshiped Mistress's clean shaven folds before, during and after that lengthy and encounter, at his direction, was that really clean-up?  Or was it simply a seemingly endless tag-team driving Mistress to multiple cums?  Eventually she insisted on "No Mas!"

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Clean Up by the Cuck

 Mistress always seemed befuddled when slave insisted on some oral worship after one of her assignations. "Shouldn't I shower first, slave?" For some reason I always enjoyed the flavors in her yet to showered clean shaven folds.  

Go figure.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: When the Cuck Is Making Dinner

 Back in River City, we would often entertain Mistress's lovers.  Occasionally we might interview a new "prospect", someone we might have found on one of the matchmaking sites. We'd all be sitting in our living room, the middle floor of our home there. Mistress and her potential "date" would sit on the couch together.

If things seemed to be going well, I would typically make myself scarce, head downstairs to our lower level kitchen and make us some dinner or snacks.  Dawdling was in the game plan. 

During these moments I'd imagine what might be happening upstairs.

Was Mistress smitten?  


Would the guy get all dominant and make a move?

How would Mistress respond?

It was a buzz, particularly if Mistress made sure that her work-a-day cock was under her lock and key.

Typically, not much happened on these initial get togethers. More often than not, the candidate fell short of  Mistress's discerning standards.

But a Cuck could only hope.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: When the Cuck is Put in His Place.

 Over at the "Big Bi-Bull" (see our blog roll) you can read about a cuck who is "disciplined" when the Bull has a sleep-over and takes care to discipline a cuck who "misbehaved" on a couple's vacation.  Looking forward to a full report on how that unfolded.

Can't say that sort of thing ever happened when Mistress was exploiting her "hall pass". Most of her lovers were a bit younger than her and substantially younger than me. I suspect they were a tad intimidated by my more mature and accomplished status and showed far more deference than I deserved.  It certainly would have been interesting, and not a tad hot, to be confronted by a Bull determined to show me my place in the threeway pecking order. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: A WIfe and Her Cuck Walk into a Bar. . .

 The other night, Mistress and her slave dropped by at a local restaurant with a lovely U-shaped patio bar. We sat down  at the bar, ordering drinks and snacks and enjoying the early summer weather at sunset. Mistress was looking her best, dark hair flowing, a colorful above the knee dress showing off her firm, tanned, bare legs, accented by some stylish black cowboy boots. 

Then I noticed a solo guy across the bar. Probably late 40's, early 50's.  Handsome in an aging hippie sort of way, with a well trimmed beard. He had a small plate and a beverage in front of him. After a while it became apparent that he was eyeing Mistress with a certain sort of interest.  Mind fucking?  or just curious?  Hard to tell.

I quietly mentioned to Mistress that the guy across the bar was giving her the once over. She just giggled, said I was "imagining it."  Sadly, nothing happened.  My guess was that  the guy found Mistress intriguing, but "spoken for", and  was not so forward as to wander over to us and chat Mistress up. 

He probably didn't recognize us for what we actually were: a hotwife and her submissive hubbie. 

So what do our readers suggest as the best way to handle this sort of circumstance? Should I have offerred to walk home and leave Mistress alone at the bar to see what might happen? Should I have tried to draw the guy in for a three way conversation?  

Monday, July 1, 2024

CUckold Meme of the Day: The Cuck's Role.

 That was the only sort of "threesome" held in our household. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Tips for Hot Wives

 The cuckold dynamic thrives on taunting the cuck about the appeal of other men.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: The Morning After

 Mistress never made it with any of my or our friends.  We always tried to keep her adventures discrete and distinct from our "normal" lives.  Curious of any of our readers have gone in that direction.  We do have a friend here who we've speculated about as a potential partner for Mistress.  But a number of reasons have kept us away from that.

As far as the "morning after", I was always happy to serve coffee in bed to Mistress and J when there was a sleepover.  Crazy turn on form me. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

CUckold Meme of the Day: Tips for Hotwives

 Mistress has hit all of these recommendations for good hot wifing except the shaving.....not sure she trusted me with the razor, probably for good reason. But I am sure her lovers have enjoyed her clean shaven folds.  In fact, she went fully shaved down there  when one of her prospects required her to reduce her fur to a "landing strip".  

"I think I got carried away, Slave", when she showed me the result of her efforts to comply with his "demand".  Since then I've always had the privilge of worshiping without getting errant hairs stuck on my tongue or in my teeth.  Another bonus of being a cuck!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: When the Bull takes Charge.

 Mistress decided when her slave would, or would not, be caged. But she has always been pretty indulgent. Never had one of her lovers get involved in those decisions. Missed opportunity?


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

CUckold Meme of the Day: Who's she texting?

In the days when Mistress had a lover or two (usually one on the front burner, and maybe a couple more on the back burners), it was always a bit of a turn-on when I'd hear her text chime go off, or see her texting with one of those sly smiles on her face.  Maybe while I was making dinner, or we were both sitting in the sun on our patio.  It might even happen while we read in bed before going to sleep at night. It took some discipline not to sneak a peek at her screen. Or ask her "who's texting?"  More tittilating was to speculate she was sexting with one of her "side dishes", or setting up a "nooner". 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Size Matters.

 Brings to mind Mistress's last lover, who, sadly moved away shortly after they hooked up.  She came home tender and sore.  "It was so big, slave." Clearly a lot bigger than her slave's "work-a-day cock". 

But did it make you come? "Oh Yes. A lot."

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Nocturnal Audio Emissions

 Reminds me of nights when I "slept" in the guest room while Mistress entertained her lover J in the room next door. In the morning I was happy to serve coffee to Jay before he headed back home, usually after one more round with Mistress. To his credit, Jay never got smug or condescending toward the cuck. Though I think he was mystified why I would allow another guy access to my uber-hot wife.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Ask Mick--- responding to a reader 's chastity question

 Despite desperately looking for content, it's surprising that I've not latched onto the gimmick that the Washington Post and other media outlets have used to fill pages-- the shop worn "advice" columns.  They started, I suppose, with "Dear Abby", and now feature a broad collection that includes "Ask Amy" at the Post, or "Social Q's" at the New York Times. 

So in the absence of any hot cuckolding action here to recount, and my being a little too lazy to do more Molly and  mick cuckold fiction, let's try responding to a reader question from yesterday:

Q. What's the longest you've worn the chastity device you have? Is the device comfortable for long time wear? Have you considered getting a new device? What are your thoughts about handing the key to your device to your wife's lover?  


A.  Well A, that's a few questions but  I am happy to give them a shot. 

  • My best recollection is that the longest I have worn a "chastity device" aka "cock cage" is about 24 hours. And it's been a while since I have worn one at all. Mistress Molly always pampered her house slave, and usually succumbed to my whining about it being uncomfortable, particularly during sleep when an errant woody pops up. Ouch.  
  • We have tried a few devices, starting with the good old plastic model, and trying some metal cages. While some are more comfortable than others, there is typically some chafe where the ring encrciles the scrotum. They can also be a bitch to put on, particularly in cold weather when contraction makes it hard to slide those balls into the hard metal (or plastic) ring. ( A warm shower on a cold moring sometimes helps!)
  • Since we have drifted away from chastity play, I've not shopped for a new one in years. We typically only used them when Mistress was off with a lover, or when she decided she did not want me to go solo to a social occasion without assurance that I would not "get into trouble".  (Of course there was no real threat of that, but the mind game was always fun!).
  • Of course, the fantasy of a dominant "Bull" demanding control of Mistress's key to my cock cage is a hot one.  What cuck does not imagine a circumstance where his wife's "Bull" demands exclusive right to vaginal sex with the cuckoldress? And what better way to take the temptation away than by controlling the key to the beta husband's cage?  So far, no one has ever asked for the privilege. I don't think Mistress ever let her lovers know that her cuck was caged.  The "Sara Girl" Blog (it's on our blog role) has an ongoing story line about a husband and wife who let her out-of-town lover take possession of the key for months at a time. A very stimulating hypotthetical, isn't it? But it hardly sounds practical for a long term arrangement, though.  What if there is a medical emergency? Or you need to take a plane ride and your cage is metal? I suspect the TSA has seen that sort of metallic image on their screening device before, but how humiliating?  (Then again isn't caging cocks all about humiliation?)
In preparing to answer this question I went exploring for images to illustrate our cage collection, and stumbled onto something that might actually solve many of the practical problems arising should a lover require control over a cuck's cage. Or, in the alternative, if the wife was too much of a pushover when it came to responding to a caged cuck's whining. What if a cage could be unlocked remotely, say in the event of an emergency, or if the "Bull" was a long distance lover who got off on the idea of controlling the timing and frequency of a married couple's ability to enjoy a conventional sex life?

New technology now allows a blue tooth controlled cage in the form of the "cellmate 2":

Imagine a controlling lover who can remotely hold the keys to a cuck's cock cage. Molly would not have to deal with Mick's whining that the cage is too tight, or chafing, or hard to sleep in. "Out of my hands, slave.  Take it up with HIM."  Yikes. 

But there's more.  The Cellmate 2 has a "shock" feature that allows someone with the electronic "key" to deliver a "cock-shock"  either on an "as needed" basis, or at regular pre-set intervals. Double Yikes.  Promotional material even suggests using the shock effect for your caged cuck's alarm clock. 

Hopefully Mistress won't ask for one of these for an upcoming birthday or anniversary present. I can't say "no" to her, can I?

Thanks for the questions Anonymous!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Broken Cuck?

 While the thought of one of Molly's lovers aspiring to "break" ol' Mick has a certain erotic charge it's never really happened on my watch. Maybe I'm already "broken in" to the extent I have always been polite and accommodating to her other sexual partners. 

Serve coffee in the morning after a night of hot sex?  Check. Make dinner in the kitchen as they make out in the living room? Check.

But no one ever demanded that Molly impose longer term chastity, let alone surrender the key. (Admit that's been a fantasy turn on that has fueled more than a few of our daily couplings).

Maybe the cast of characters she invited into our marital bed were just too damned happy to be there, that the thought of being the dominant in a cast of three never occurred to them?  Why upset the apple cart?

Or maybe as the mature professional in the room, I seem a little too intimidating to most guys who might otherwise have put their mark on a "beta" of lesser gravitas. 

And these days, in our charmingly small mountain town, it seems impossible to find a safe and sane sexual partner for Molly, dominant or not. What's cuck (or cuckoldress) to do?

Friday, June 7, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: First Date Anguish

 This husband would think: "just share all the kinky details when I 'worship' your damp folds when you get home".

Friday, February 16, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: What She Brings Home

 After a date, or when her lovers went home after a sleepover, my privilege was to graze through her clean shaven folds and sample the scents and flavors left behind. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: House Guest

 Reminds us of all those nights (or mornings) when Mistress "entertained" lovers at our home, and her cuck served dinner, drinks and morning coffee. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: a Cuck's Post- Date Duty

 Coming home late at night from a date with one of her lovers, Mistress was often way too tired to allow her Cuck/slave to have my way with her.  But was never  too tired for my tongue.  If I did a good enough job she might unlock my cage.

Monday, January 29, 2024


 As Mistress and her cuckold/slave languish in blissful retirement here at our SW hideaway, the world moves on, particularly when it comes to kink.  When we stepped into the world of female led relationships and cuckoldry way back when this blog was launched in 2009, we thought we were groundbreakers.  But now.... so much more mainstream.

Poly and cuckold lifestyles are becoming ho-hum.  Example: a recent New Yorker article titled How Did Polyamory Become So Popular? which reviews some recent books describing how widespread the phenomenon of spouses "opening up" their marriage has become.  Example:

 What are all these open couples, throuples, and polycules suddenly doing in the culture, besides one another? To some extent, art is catching up with life. Fifty-one per cent of adults younger than thirty told Pew Research, in 2023, that open marriage was “acceptable,” and twenty per cent of all Americans report experimenting with some form of non-monogamy. 

One of the books highlighted is "More", the memoir of Molly Roden WInter, a  Brooklyn wife describing she and her hubbie's sexual adventures in an open marriage while juggling jobs and parental duties.  

One passage describes how the couple  began their sexual adventures. In a huff, Molly goes for a walk  while hubby watched the kids, and stopping at a local pub.

Inside, she meets Matt, a younger man who buys her a few rounds of I.P.A.s. The description of him is generic: tall, jeans, hair. Their conversation is devoid of even the slimmest fragment of witty banter. This is a lust born of deprivation and desperation. She gives Matt her number, and by the time she’s home he’s sent her a text message, which Stewart spies. It turns out that he’s turned on. Matt becomes the couple’s marital lubricant. In bed, Stewart imagines that Matt is probably somewhere “thinking about what he wishes he’d done to you,” he tells his wife, before brushing his fingers across her panties. Roden Winter is riveted: “ ‘Fuck me’ I say, for perhaps the first time in our married life.”

That brings to mind how we stumbled upon the heat of cuckoldry here at UCTMW.  We had decided to enter into a Mistress / Slave contract and this lazy Slave searched for on-line forms to  avoid "reinventing the wheel" (a lawyer trick). One form specified the  Mistress's right to freely use her body with other partners. Of course, the slave had no such rights.  As I typed that language into the contract, there was that tell tale sign of arousal.  Turns out the thought of free lovin' also turned on Molly.  And off we went . . .

When I pointed out a review of "More" to Mistress, she quickly ordered it up on her Kindle.  Molly is a quick reader and she gave me a thumbnail review on a chair lift last week.

"We could have written that book, slave....."

"How so?"

"She had a lot of the same ups and downs we did.  Some fun along the way, but also a lot of hassle and angst....all those 'interviews' of guys who turned out to be duds. Getting 'ghosted' every now and then.  And worrying about whether the kids would find out."

"Did her kids ever find out?"

"At some point their son figured out something was going on.  The husband had to explain."


"Luckily we didn't have that problem."

That we were aware of....

Mistress's adventures occurred - for the most part - while our kids were off to college or living out of town. That was not the case for the Brooklyn Molly, as this passage from the NY Times review describes:

"Winter is at her home in Brooklyn. She has just had sex with her boyfriend while her two children sleep upstairs. Her husband, Stewart, consented to her tryst, but feeling guilty, she dashes naked into the kitchen to text him: Don’t worry, she writes, “he has nothing on you as a lover.” But instead of texting her husband, she accidentally sends the message to her boyfriend, who leaves in a huff, and later breaks up with her. Winter, devastated, begs her husband to come home to comfort her."

My Molly had several lovers share the marital bed with her, but never with our kids in residence. Way too risky. And I was usually in the house, other than those times when a lover dropped by for a  morning quickie after (or just before) her caged cuckold headed off to work.

 I reminded Molly that there was a big difference between the couple in "More", or typical polyamory, and what has gone on at UCTMW.

"Big difference.  Her husband had his own female 'side-dishes'. 

"True slave.  She seemed to resent that he was having more extracurricular fun than she was."

" I guess that's the advantage of keeping a husband  caged?"

"So true, slave. So true."

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Clean-Up in Marital Bed

 Another flashback: Brings to mind all those times when the cuck had the chance to gently salve Mistress's clean shaven folds after a long and "stressful" sleepover with one of her lovers. If I did a good job, Mistress might even unlock her work-a-day cock.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day

 This makes the cuck flashback to those nights when Mistress's lover slept over and I served coffee in the morning. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Kinky "Curse"

 After a long and emotionally draining mission on family business to Europe through Christmas, Mistress and slave have been hunkering down at our Southwest Hideaway these last three weeks, spending some time on the ski slopes and avoiding too much socializing here in our small high desert town. A typical day   features our daily "wake up sex", mornings on our nearby ski hill, lunch at home, afternoon "nap time" with our cat, usually topped off with some oral worship for Mistress. 

That leaves plenty of evening time for us to kill, typically in front of the TV, fire blazing, catching up on some of the movies and streaming series we had missed while away. Yes, kind of boring, but also comforting after too many weeks on the road.

One of those is a Showtime Series called "The Curse" starring Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder as two married do-gooding, if delusional, real estate developers gentrifying a very real town -- Espanola, about an hour down the highway from us.  It's fun to see a series using locales that we drive past regularly.  The script is snarky and satirical. The background actors sure seem like the cast of colorful oddball characters we see in these parts everyday.

What we were not expecting was a hot and kinky sex scene in the first episode that teases out some cuckold and humiliation fantasies you don't normally see in the mainstream media. The set-up was a scene of Fielder taking a whiz, brandishing  what by any stretch of the imagination is a remarkably tiny male tool. (Mistress's reaction: "Yuck. Gross".) Then there was an uncomfortable  conversation between the husband and his father-in-law, where it comes out that the wife had discussed the husband's "tiny cock" with her family.  The Father-in-law  confesses he has a comparable issue,  and advises to "embrace" his shortcoming and "Be the Clown".

The action quickly shifts to the couple's bedroom.  Stone is lying back on the bed, in the throws of sexual passion as her husband, on his knees, works away with what seems to be the sort of Magic Wand slave often deploys on Mistress.  Hubbie is wanking away with the hand not wielding the Hitachi.  

As they simultaneously come to their orgasmic threshold, Stone repeatedly  invoke the name of  the absent (possibly imaginary) "Steven" who is apparently the third party "Bull" who's imaginary cock is  fueling their mutual masturbatory frenzy.   Yikes.  This was not previewed in the series trailers! 

This should be a link to the actual scene. (You can also search for it in Google images with the terms "The Curse Masturbation scene").

Not sure many "vanilla" viewers figured out what the hell was going on here. But for those of us with a little familiarity with the world of cuckoldry - whether "IRL" or simply in the fantasy realm, "WOW."

Afterwards, as the credits ran, Mistress and I unpacked what we had seen.

"At least my 'work-a-day' cock is not that small Mistress...."

"At least", slave. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Morning Has Broken?

Or is it Morning IS Broken? Hate to dredge up an old Cat Stevens song, but I was searching for some catchy way to kick off yet another re-boot of the UCTMW blog. And for those of you concerned, yes, Mistress and slave's wake up (morning) sex is still a daily ritual here at the SW hideaway.  But, sadly, there has not been much kinky or cuckold sex going on here at the hideaway. We spent a little too much time in Europe last year with our lovely daughters. And we are still confronted with the problem finding suitable playmates here in our small high desert town.

Not for lack of trying. We still have a profile on Collarspace, and a seemingly dormant profile on Fetlife.  But not much action.

There was one couple who responded to our Fetlife post a while back.  She was about Molly's age. He was about 10 years younger and purported to be a "Dom".  Mistress seemed potentially smitten by him at first. There was a meet over drinks encounter, then a laid back dinner at our house, where the wife expressed what we took to be an expression of interest in moving forward. And while we had never gotten involved with a couple, slave was willing to "take one for the team". But the husband seemed to fade into the background as she took the initiative going forward. It seemed she wanted to get into Molly's pants. Bottom line, it never panned out. 

More recently we got an overture from a guy on Collarspace from a nearby town who seemed age and interests compatible with Mistress. But when we agreed to exchange photos via gmail, all we got were dick picks. 

Yuck! Mistress does not judge potential partners (solely) on the dimensions of their tool. Turns out he was also married and needed to keep any relationship hush hush.  That would never work for Mistress, who is too experienced to want to play "hide-and-seek".

But then came another candidate from that same nearby town who put himself forward. The profile seemed to have potential until you came to the age line.

"Slave, he's half my age.  Younger than our two kids. That would never work".  And who is the lowly cuckold to question Mistress's judgment?

But then....that last candidate persisted.  Maybe it doesn't lead to anything smutty, he proposed, let's get to know one another.  That led to a chain of emails where he shared some of his interests and experiences, and the cuck reciprocated.  This youngster also demonstrated a clever turn of phrase and healthy sense of humor, something I know Mistress always appreciates as much as skills under the sheets. (Heck, how else did she end up with me?)

He asked about our experiences and interests, and I was candid.  I was also curious about how he got into the whole cuckold thing.

"I have been involved with couples before. I was introduced to the lifestyle in college when a girl came on to me. I knew she had a boyfriend, so I asked what the deal was and she explained. I've always had dominant tendencies, particularly in the bedroom, so it came naturally to me. From there I didn't always seek out couples, but often had an eye out and have had a few dynamics (though, like you, it has been a little while). She had a wild streak, he was on the submissive side. He was basically along for the ride. It was an excellent learning experience and jumping off point for bigger and better adventures for me."

Now that was a surprise to me.  I always thought the whole cuckolding thing popped up when more mature married couples decided to spice things up.  It was hard to imagine that as a college age guy I would get off on sharing my girl friend. And yet, I have noticed some fiction out there focusing in college campus cuckolds. Who knew it really happened?

When he pressed us on more details on our own experiences, I took the easy way out and pointed him to this blog, though it had been dormant for a while.  He seemed to enjoy and had some interesting reactions. 

"It's intriguing to read a blog written by clearly educated people. I find it easier to connect with similarly educated, intelligent, and curious people.

"For some reason I am (pleasantly) surprised by the amount of power exchange in your blog. Somehow I got the sense that you were not as into that sort of thing. It is definitely up my alley. The pinned list of wants for a part-time Dom describes me to a T (except I'm short a few years, but we've established that)."

Of course, Slave is easily flattered when someone takes a shine to our collective works here at UCTMW. And I was intrigued by some of his perceptive follow up comments. Like these:

"I was additionally surprised to find a level of "forced bi" play in your blog posts. I'm not sure why you guys struck me as more buttoned up initially.

I love forced bi dynamics for the same reason you guys do, or at least professed to in the posts I enjoyed last night. I am not attracted to men in any way, but find exerting my dominance over both hotwife and cuckold extremely erotic. Sharing a tender moment with the wife while cuckie cleans our juices off my cock, laughing with her as we make "him" prepare me for her, and seeing her face twist as I have her administrate a particularly cruel torment on my behalf are all some of my favorites."

As the conversation progressed, I told him all this had gotten me interested in re-booting the blog, and would he mind us sharing some of these communications with our "massive" devoted readership. (If you are still out there!) He agreed and even proposed some terms and conditions, including some rearrangements on the masthead, indexing upgrades and "Not to push my luck too hard, but I think it's only right that Mick only be referred to as "the cuckold" or some variation thereof (e.g. cucky, cucklette, sissy, etc.) from now on."

All that seemed reasonable to "the cuckold" and a reasonable price to pay for the inspiration to relaunch the blog, which, has always been a helpful accelerant for Mistress and her cuck's wake up sex.

We even mulled over what to call "him", on the blog seemed to agree on "Nascent Bull" (NB) reflecting both his age, his experiences  and his aspirations. 

Of course, the jury is out on whether Mistress will ultimately stick to her initial judgment that  he is "way too young". It's her call on whether to open that door, or keep it closed. But at the least, all this might lead to some interesting blog posts. 

Curious to hear from any readers still clicking on this link to know what they think about the potential "young dom" tames "cougar hot wife" scenario.