Sunday, March 19, 2023

Molly's Late Night at the El Tovar


As Mistress and Scott walked up those stairs at the El Tovar,  Slave wandered back into the cold, damp night, following the icy side walk along the Canyon's rim. Back in our Cabin at the Bright Angel Lodge, the  room was cluttered with back packs, luggage, and outerwear, a  staging area for our trek the next morning  into the 4500 foot deep Canyon. 

Of course, my mind was buzzing about what Mistress might be up to back at the El Tovar, enjoying her "nightcap" as she checked out her new friend Scott's room. It didn't help when I got a text,  no doubt sent surreptitiously - maybe as she 'freshened up" in Scott's bathroom.

"No touching, slave!"

Now typically, she would not have to remind me.  When she went on prior "dates" Slave was caged and she kept (or hid) the key.  But this time the cage was back home.  (Much to the "Boss's disappointment). She clearly had not planned ahead for any cuckolding opportunities during this road trip.

"Yes Mistress".

After fiddling with my pack a little (needed to make sure the 'traction devices' were close at hand), I figured I might as well get some sleep while Mistress had her private  time with the hunky, younger Scott. But it wasn't easy to clear my mind of pervy speculation about what she might be up to, or to follow that "no touch" directive...but I must have drifted off, woken only by the sound of low volume conversation outside the cabin door. Mistress's voice. Sounding a bit flirtatious.  Scott, deep voiced and serious. Then some silence ... (were they kissing?),  before some apparent "good nights....see you tomorrows".  Then the electronic lock clicked, the door swung open and Mistress slid into the room, pressing the door closed behind her. 

Wide awake now, I sat up....


"I bet you're dying of curiosity, Slave."

It's hard to be subtle at moments like these.  

"So what happened Mistress....was there any hanky panky? Did you let him fuck you?"

"Yes. And No. Let me get ready for bed and I'll share some details with my curious cuckold."

Mistress's night time rituals can drag on, but by now it was about midnight, and Mistress knew she needed some sleep. Finally, she slid into bed  next to me, decked out in a silky black nighty. 

"I'm sleepy, slave...."


"OK...." She was teasing big time now."I'll share some highlights.... First, very nice Suite, with an amazing view-- if it wasn't dark and cloudy that is.  Big four poster bed....nice little love seat for enjoying a night cap. Lighting was low. All potentially very romantic."

"So did you make your move, Mistress? Or did he?"

"Let's just say we relaxed on that loveseat. I had a Sambucca. He had a single malt - neat of course."

"I'm really not that focused on your beverage selection Mistress....but on that hanky panky...."

By now I was nestled up against Mistress, who had shed her undies, her bottom pressed up against her increasingly agitated "work-a-day" cock.

"I can tell what your nasty little mind is focused on.  But you should know that Scott is a gentleman. One of the first things he said, after our drinks arrived, was about you."


"He wondered why any husband would allow his very attractive wife to go unescorted to another man's hotel room...."

Of course, a good question.

"So what did you tell him...."

"I asked him if he ever heard that some husbands were turned on at the thought of their wife  getting involved with other men.... that you were one of those guys, and that as a result I had a "free pass" if I came across someone I found attractive."

"And he said...."


"That was it?"

"Well the conversation then turned to whether I considered him to be one of those guys I found attractive....I responded that he certainly had potential, but the jury was still out."

"So you gave him a sort of green light".

"I suppose I did.  But I think  we were sending mutual vibes all through dinner. Didn't you?"

"Hard not to notice, Mistress."

So then he asked  about our experiences doing this sort of thing. I gave him a few details, and even told him about the Blog.  He took note of the title, so maybe he'll do more research before we meet up in the morning."

"Yikes. a lot of content there, Mistress, about both of us....But cut to the chase....what happened?

"Well after we talked through all that, he seemed to get the concept. 'So your husband gets turned on when you get frisky with another guy and tell him about it afterwards? And he's not going to be pissed off or get crazy if know...."

"No, in fact it'll drive him crazy with lust for me. For a wife with a husband like that it can be a 'Win/Win'. I get to flirt .... or maybe more... with an attractive guy and he showers me with sexual attention when I share the smutty details."

"So if we don't do something here, right now, we'll really be letting him down?"

"Absolutely. He'd be soooo disapointed."

"By now my hand was lingering on one of his muscular thighs, Slave...and well, It was about then that the kissing began ....I really can't remember who leaned in first. And then we both got a little handsy...he's a good kisser....and knows what to do with his hands. Ultimately we ended up stretched out on  that big four poster bed....a long sexy make out session.  And though I was tempted, and he clearly would have....we left it at that for the night. No fucking.  I must have made it clear that was not a 'first date' thing for me. And he was a gentleman about it, walking me home when I mentioned it was getting late and I needed my sleep."

"Did he make you cum, Mistress...."

"Yes, Slave.... with his fingers...."

"And did you.....?"

"No Slave.....but I think I left him wanting more.... there will be two nights with the three of us down at Havasupai Gardens. Could get spicey, huh?"

By now Slave was pretty darned horny himself. But Mistress left me wanting more that night, too. 

"Slave, it's late now, she said, giving her cock a little affectionate pat, but nothing more. "We need some sleep.  That's  just going to have to wait until morning.  Scott and I agreed we'd all meet at 10 am at the trail head.  The rain is supposed to stop by then."

And that's where we'll stop for today's installment.  More to come.


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