Friday, March 31, 2023

Down to the River

 Slave slept fitfully the rest of Saturday night / Sunday morning, haunted and horny in equal parts contemplating the proceedings in an adjoining tent.  That plus Scott's foam sleeping pad wasn't nearly as comfy as the inflated number that he and Mistress were sharing. 

As dawn broke over Havasupai Gardens, I was up snd getting our breakfast provisions together. Mistress emerged briefly, on her way to the surprisingly clean facilities at the camp ground. On her way back she gave me a brief big and kiss.  

"He's got some 'morning wood' for me to take care of Slave... this could take a little while....."

The morning coffee service was delayed as I waited patiently for the commotion in their tent to die down. It was hard to ignore the rustling and Mistress's barely stifled moans and labored breathing as she clearly enjoyed that "wood".  Finally, when things settled down again, I mustered the courage to interfere.

"Are you too ready for coffee?"

"Go for it, slave."  

That was Scott, earning a "Yes, Sir....."

Water boiled, I mixed their brews (Mistress gets decaf) and handed them through the flap of their tent. What I was able to see were two barely covered bodies, reclining in post coital bliss. It seemed Scott's meaty paw was still lingering amidst Mistress's damp, clean shaven folds. 

I was also pleased to see that our new inflatable sleeping pad survived the onslaught. 

"Thanks, Slave....", Mistress and Scott responded in near unison. 

 I suspect the two new lovers were tempted to linger longer, maybe for a round 3, in their toasty tent, but the trail called. Soon they emerged, Mistress in shorts for the trail, but with a warm jacket to handle the morning chill.  I boiled more water for additional coffee and then some oatmeal. When Scott headed off to the facilities, Mistress shared a little more about her night....and morning.

"I'm going to be a little tender down there today, Slave.....Scott was pretty ravenous last night. And again this morning....."

" Awww.....Poor Mistress...."

"I guess there is a price to pay for my 'free pass after all'".

"More cock riding?"

"That....and him from behind for a while this morning....."

By then Scott was back. We stowed the food again, and loaded light packs with some water and snacks for the trail. 

Scott led the way down the trail. Within an hour as we walked deeper into the Canyon and the sun rose over the rim, temperatures rose and we shed layers. Mistress was fetching in her shorts and clingy top, drawing admiring gazes from both Scott and her slave.  All that sex seemed to add a little more sway to her stride.  

Dramatic vistas unveiled before us.  Within about 2.5 hours we finally found ourselves on the banks of the Colorado River.  Instead of the winter like conditions on the rim, it was Spring down here.

It took us another two hours to walk east along the River to Phantom Ranch, a rustic collection of cabins and lodges where hikers who win the lottery can actually spend the night sans tent. We stopped at their canteen for some lemonade and snacks before turning around and heading back up the trail. In contrast to the snow and ice encrusted rim, the Canyon's base was all cactus and blooming cottonwoods. 

Through the day, the trail had been busy. Some younger, fitter hikers were determined to make the rim to river and back again marathon all in one day.  Others had spent the night at Phantom Ranch and were on their  return trek. Some were cruising, others struggling. We could take a more leisurely pace over our 14 mile round trip, finally returning to camp around 5 pm.  And while there were a few scattered PDAs between Scott and Mistress along the trail, all of us were primarily focused on the journey. It wasn't until we settled down at the picnic table at our campgrounds that  conversation refocused on kink.

Slave had whipped up some more freeze dried meals - some sort of chicken stew concoction - not so bad. We all sipped some tea, resting our fatigued legs.  Then Scott launched into a new topic.

"So in scanning your blog on Friday night, I noticed something about 'switch day'?

"Yeah.  We put that in the contract to create a little 'balance of power'," I responded, wearing my lawyerly hat. 

"And there were some photos of Molly bound, and with a riding crop?"

"Mick liked to post photos like that.... they always seemed to get a rise out of our readers...", Mistress added. 

"And how did you respond to that, mistress? Getting bound and cropped isn't very Mistressy."

"Hmmm..... it was hot. Before this whole Mistress and slave thing, Mick was more into that sort of thing, and I must say it was a turn on for me."

"She once told me there was a college boyfriend who liked to tie her up and fuck her."


Apparently I was sharing a little too much.

"Is that true?"

" was my first intro to that sort of thing.  And it was pretty exotic for college sex."

"Interesting.....maybe we explore a little of that tonight before we head in different directions tomorrow morning "

To be continued..... 

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