Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cuckold In Chief?

Last week the Trump regime celebrated it's first anniversary. It also was struggling to control the growing scandal about the pay-off of a porn star who was tattling about her affair with the President-to-be while his wife Melania was caring for their new born. Reports were that Mrs. Trump was "blindsided" and pissed. She cancelled plans to join her husband on that junket to Davos, heading to Florida instead.

And when the time came to post on her Instagram account in the anniversary of the inauguration, she didn't show us a photo of her dancing with her super-sized husband. No.  Instead there was this photo of her with a hunky Marine more her own age. Though he had his hat on, I'm guessing he didn't have a combover or dye his hair orange.

We know that the President and his Slovenian wife maintain separate bedrooms. And she bided her time before actually moving into the White House, Was that because of the POTUS's habit of wolfing down burgers in bed, while gorging on FOX News sycophants? Or is it because she has a collection of real, vigorous men to keep her bed warm?

Let's hope that smile on her face reflects what is really going on behind closed doors in the White House residence.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

When CNN Writes About Cuckolding, Does That Make it "Fake News"?

For those of us bitten by the "cuckolding bug", there is a certain validation when the mainstream media (MSM?) starts writing about it, and even endorsing it as a main stream kink (MSK?). But when CNN - POTUS's 'fake news" boogychannel - is doing that sort of reporting, what are we to think?

Last week CNN posted a story titled Cuckolding Can Be Positive for Some Couples, Study Finds. No doubt some heads exploded, maybe even in the White House.

The article was triggered by a study that focused on cuckolding again gay men, but includes what amounts to a green light for those of us enticed by the fantasy of our spouse in the arms of another.  In fact, the article, suggests that "acting on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound."


ยท        Here are some highlights from this "breaking news" reporting from the President's least favorite "news" outlet:

(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner. 
But, according to a recent study by David Ley, Justin Lehmiller and the writer Dan Savage, acting on cuckolding fantasies can be a largely positive experience for many couples, and hardly a sign of weakness.
References to cuckolding appear in literature as early as the 13th century, usually in the form of male characters who fear that their child has been sired by another man during an act of infidelity. Today, however, cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some men, who get aroused by the idea of their romantic partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else. Women also share this fantasy, but less so than men. 
"This fantasy has been around as long as marriage and sexuality," said Ley, whose book "Insatiable Wives" addresses cuckolding in heterosexual couples. "But we're hearing more and more about it these days, and more people are rejecting the social stigma against this fantasy."

Indeed, the numbers suggest that cuckolding, or at least thinking about it, is more common than you might imagine. For his forthcoming book, "Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help Improve Your Sex Life," Lehmiller surveyed thousands of Americans and found that 58% of men and about a third of women had fantasized about cuckolding. 

Of course this raises a question: if women are also fantasizing about cuckolding, is the fantasy about their male partner having sex with another woman; or about them having sex with another guy, with the knowledge of their husband?  Now that's an issue for CNN to follow up on.

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The article also focuses on the root causes of the cuckold fantasy:

And the emotions surrounding seeing your partner with someone else can add to the turn-on, explained Savage. "It's not cuckolding if there isn't an element of humiliation, degradation or denial," he said. "Our erotic imaginations have the ability to turn shame lemons into delicious kink lemonade."

Of course, the article is not a total green light for married ladies to go in search of a lover to fulfill their husband's (or their own) cuckolding fantasies. It can be positive, but not for the faint of heart - or insecure:

As a sex therapist, one of the more intriguing findings from this study involves the impact of cuckolding on relationships. 
"Overall, our research found that for the most part, cuckolding tends to be a positive fantasy and behavior," said Ley. "It doesn't appear to be evidence of disturbance, of an unhealthy relationship, or of disregard for one's partner." But there's an important caveat, added Lehmiller. "We found several personality factors that predict more positive experiences acting on cuckolding fantasies. For those who have a lot of relationship anxiety or abandonment issues, who lack intimacy and communication, and who aren't careful, detail-oriented planners, acting on a consensual non-monogamy fantasy could very well be a negative experience," he said. "In other words, not everyone who has a cuckolding fantasy should think about acting on it."

One has to wonder whether the cuckolding fantasy has taken root in the "residence" at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Could it be that Melania actually gets off on those stories about her husband paying off porn stars?  Or, on the other hand, did Melania pass on that trip to Davos so she had some privacy to cavort with her tennis instructor at Mara Lago? 

Maybe CNN can turn their investigative reporters loose on that story line.

Friday, January 26, 2018

More From Our Western Correspondent's Mexican Junket.....

Here in the heartland, Mistress and slave are still digging out from a backlog of undone work tasks. Although we haven't completely given up on the "seeking cuckolder" front.  We have arranged to me with a potential suitor on Tuesday evening. Fortunately, our Western Correspondent has shared a little more information about his trip with long suffering wife B to that swingers destination south of the border.....

Well boss I will write some more about that trip

One afternoon B and I were in the roof top pool for sunset and I was leaning against the pool bar and B was standing next to me 

The bartender started spreading a towel on the bar and I realized something was going to happen so I steered B away from the bar

I didn't want to get roped into any peer pressure induced hyjinks not of my choosing!

The pool was packed shoulder to shoulder, water about waist high

Think of a packed after work cocktail party, but in a pool and every body is naked......

A beautiful lady climbed up on the towel and got on her back

The bartender poured chocolate syrup on her nipples and crotch and even put a cherry right on her clit

The two men accompanying her proceeded to lick it off

Was your dream dessert Mick!

Anyway, B saw what was happening and said "thanks for moving me, no chocolate for me" 

This British very distinguished British guy in his 60's, with a huge dick BTW, deadpanned in a heavy British accent

"Quite sensible as chocolate has no vitamins or fiber atol" ................perfectly timed

Everybody totally cracked up especially my wife, he could have charmed the pants right off B

Except she wasn't wearing any......

There was a charming German couple Franz and Sylvia and the wife was a spitting image of B

We saw them at the bar one night and walked up to them

We all looked at each other and then just started laughing

"Twins"   Franz says laughing 

We had a very enjoyable 30 minute or so conversation wherein we all decided it could be pretty kinky to see the twins side by side naked bottoms in the air.

We were eating in different places so we agreed to look for each other later

When it was time to go to dinner Franz gave Sylvia a mighty slap on the bottom off they went. 

Later that night there was no sign of Franz but Sylvia was dancing with a beautiful naked woman on a leash wearing a beautiful feathers mask on her face and high heels.

Sylvia kept giving her might slaps on her bare bottom 

The whole thing was kinky as shit! 

Somedays they would have a "workshop" at 4 in the afternoon.

I talked to the couple that ran the Tuesday and Thursday workshop, the were an incredibly sexy American couple who lived in Cancun.

The Tuesday workshop consisted of teaching the man to worship his partnerโ€™s genitals for an hour

The Thursday workshop consisted of teaching the woman to worship her mans genitals for an hour.

I met the couple on Thursday........I told B about the great workshop 

B said I should have asked on Tuesday .........Oh well...........

We were standing about knee deep in the surf talking to 5 other couples

Two of the couples were describing a workshop they attended last year

It was a squirting workshop, they had an Gyn chair set up in the middle of the floor with 12 or so couples attending

The workshop was for women who have never squirted........but want to

The guy running the show was apparently a master masturbator who claimed he could make any woman squirt

The ladies were telling the story and said they found it quite exciting to be in the gyn chair in front of all these folks

But they raved about the master masturbator , he even changed gloves for each patient:)

Apparently he would oil their genitals and then insert two finger into their vaginas and rub the roof of their vaginas right near the entrance 

And off they would got squirting a far as 12 feet!

The women said the orgasms were spectacular.....

Thanks for the reporting Mike.  But Mistress and I would love to hear Beth's version of all this. Did she get any "extracurricular" action from any of these itinerant cocks?

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Our Western Correspondent Turns Travel Reporter

Mistress and slave are back to the gloom and grind of River City.  Nothing like the heartland in late January to test oneโ€™s mettle. Itโ€™s like a Protestant Work Ethic theme park. And neither of us are Protestants! Fortunately, for those of you who want something more than an aging blogger whining about gloomy, damp skies and 38 degree temperatures, we have the following โ€œtravel pieceโ€ from our Western Correspondent, who seems to be enjoying his retirement:

Well B and I went to a swingers hotel on The Mayan Rivera just south of Cancun

We stayed a week and had a great time,  The hotel is fairly small, 141 rooms, and is an all inclusive

Itโ€™s pretty pricy but the cliental is affluent in general, made up of about 50% Americans and Canadians and the rest from the rest of the world 

The food was excellent as was the high end liquor,  but the cloud tended to eat lightly and not drink to hard

The rooms were nice all within 60 feet of the ocean and the service was exceptional.

Dress was classy slutty at night for the evenings for the ladies and nice slacks and shirts for the men

During the day the dress was some form of nudity by all
There were 43 beds/cabanas along the beach facing the ocean, Beds all around the pool and the roof top jacuzzi pool and beds around the dance floor

Both the pool and the jacuzzi had swim up bars

During the day each couple would have a bed at the pool or the ocean and most couples would sun them selves and read or chat with others

Most of the ladies seemed to find a soft cock insulting so their cure was to softly stroke her mateโ€™s cock until hard then suck said cock, then go for a cock ride usually with some pussy worship thrown in for good measure

You know a typical morning or afternoon at Mick and Mollyโ€™s house

Except a lot of people were watching!

I believe we watched almost every couple follow this general pattern at least once

Ages ran from say 35 or so to 70's body types all fairly fit but defiantly from perfect fashion model to very average people

It was the  finest  a group of strangers I have ever been around with every one friendly to a fault 

Guess nobody had anything to hide for long!, but even the extremely beautiful people mixed and laughed and partied with not so attractive people 

Itโ€™s hard to describe but it was different from any social group I have been around

About 4;30 in the afternoon most retired to watch the sunset from the roof top heated pool and bar, lots of afternoon fucking and sucking up there

Then the peeps took and nap and dressed for dinner around 8 and a show at 9 30. Then partying till late in the roof top pool or a roof top dance club

At night the roof top pool was basically an orgy

As far a cuckolding, there was a lot going on but I don't know if these people called it that

Turns out January is swingers month and the people were pretty hard core in their sex

But I saw many ladies fucking men who were not their husbands and their husbands were just watching

For example I would say that Molly could approach pretty much any man there and be getting laid by him within a couple of hours

They also had a spa there with the usual massage menu

Except for an extra $100 they would flat out jerk you off

B got a Swedish massage and I offered to buy the happy  ending

Supposedly Arturo has magic hands!

B said she was not paying $100 to get jerked if as that what I was for!

It is a couples only resort, you just cant stay there as a single

This is a very good policy, no creepy guys lurking around

I got Brazilian  waxed before I went there and good thing I did

Every single guy there was bare as was every single lady

Even B after the first day so I guess that debated is over

She loves it

As for kink I bought some heavy metal cock rings cause it turns  me on to wear them and they keep my cock about half hard all day long

I didn't see any cock cages but no body would bat an eye and I sure it would start a lively conversation

Did not see any overt femdom but it was going on with many you could tell

Lot of the ladies wore slave chokers and some were leashed at times wearing fetish wear that almost always left their  genitals and anus and breast fully exposed

I would say that most people there were both exhibitionists and voyeurs 

It was pretty cool.  for example you would see two ladies in adjacent beds both naked on their hand and knees bottoms in the air for all to see and ready to be mounted by somebody

One would look like a movie star and the other like the local librarian

Makes you look at everyone walking down the street with renewed curiosity!

Cock sizes varied but tended to be on the large size but you can only really tell when they get full erect

The variety of labias was impressive
The other funny thing was there was an about 15 foot right of way for the public alone the beach

So a lot of tourists managed to walk by with the wifes generally looking fairly mortified!

Its enough of a shock to see a bunch of naked people standing or laying around

Its over the top when they are fucking around too

was pretty funny to watch

Long and short it was the best hotel I have ever stayed in

Oh well...  had a great time and would recommend the mighty Mick and Molly run not walk to make a reservation!

Plus we get two free nights if you do!!!

Love Mike and B

Thanks for your gritty investigative reporting, Mike.  Sounds like a great trip. I am not looking forward to getting your UCTMW Amex account bill for January. 

Since I never had the chance to examine B before her move to the clean shaven folds look, I guess I will never have a chance to decide what look is best for her!  BTW, what makes you think it would take Mistress a couple of hours to get some guy to take her on?  My experience is that she works much more efficiently than that!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Heading East

Mistress and slave have enjoyed a warm and dry January here at our high desert hideaway. While our friends and family back in River City have suffered through cold, snow and ice, we have been unseasonably warm here where it should be snowing.

But all good things come to an end, and it's time to take our show back on the road and hunker down with work for a few weeks back in the heartland.

Rest assured there has been daily wake-up sex for us here, though nothing too kinky. There has been daily skiing, and apres ski worship to keep Mistress's orgaasm count robust and stable.

We did have dinner here with Bachelor #2 last week, a former investment advisor from the East who is now building his own house in some dry as a bone backwater across the gorge from us. He remains a potential project for Mistress on our return here in March.  But, truthfully, it's hard to say that sparks were flying. She sent him home after dinner without any action, but with a promise that we would get back in touch when we return to town.  He seemed patient with the notion, if a tad disappointed.

"Not much of a sense of humor, slave."

Mistress has a hard time warming up to someone who can't make her laugh, or takes himself too seriously.

So, for the meantime, Mistress is sans side dish.  We will see if her slave can help her improve that status when we return to River City. But in the meantime, at least she has my highly evolved oral skills, and work-a-day cock to tide her over!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Update from Our Western Correspondent

Our report earlier this week provoked a response from our Western Correspondent, who did a bit of skiiing back in the days before his budget for high end lubricant exploded. It seems he and Beth are headed to one of those "shithole" countries we've been reading about:

Well in light of Mick and Molly's great foray  into the great state of Colorado

I decided to write a post about the WC's life at this time

Crested Butte is a very nice little ski area

Been there many times and loved it!

BTW they have the biggest Elk rack ever shot in the Gas  station there

But it gets cold there 


Nevertheless I hope the had a good dispensary there to help ward off the terrible cold:)

The WC meanwhile has been playing golf in the mile hi city

In shorts!!!!

Thank god for the carbon industry!!!

Going with B to Mexico Monday for a week

Hope no "bad hombres" kill us

As for our Dear Leader

I have no comment

Not even taking my clubs to Mexico

Its a nude resort

Rather lay around in a cock ring in the sun than play golf!!!

Will keep all of you updated!!!

Love Mike and B

We look forward to your report, WC. Let's hope the senoritas don't get distracted by your special occasion cock and mistakenly fall into a large vat of guacamole. Let's also hope that you and B get back to the Mile High City before that big assed wall gets constructed. And remember not to sun burn. Here's good idea for catching some shade!

By the way, we are still waiting for your investigative piece on Mistress Kiva. Maybe she will let you and Beth spend the night in her cage sometime?

P.S.... We did find a helpful dispensary that help my aging legs and back recover from a few days on the slopes.

Friday, January 12, 2018

In Her Dreams

Mistress and slave took a brief vacation from our vacation this week, heading north into Colorado for some deeper and fresher snow than we've been able to enjoy here during a very dry winter in our high desert environs.

Oddly, we discovered that one fading side dish prospect, a fiction writer we had met on the ski lift down here, has now decamped to Crested Butte, where we were powder hounds in exile for a few fun days.  He noticed out posts on facebook, reached out, and then met us up on the mountain for a few runs.  Later that evening her joined us  for coffee at our charming little B&B. While C certainly has caught Mistress's eye, it's a little hard to break the cuckolding ice with him.

"Not sure how you broach the subject with a guy like that, slave."

"Agreed Mistress. He clearly sees us as a happily married couple, and is mining us for ideas for his fiction and that screen play he's working on....."

C is single, twice divorced, about Mistress's age, and refers occasionally to a "girlfriend", though they clearly don't cohabitate. Would he be interested in being Mistress's occasional side-dish? Who knows? And how do you even ask without (potentially) creeping him out?

Do our readers have any ideas on how to break the ice with a male acquaintance who could recoil when it's suggested that that happily married couple might be willing to "share" some spousal booty?

Regardless, we aren't likely to see C again until this summer.

In the meantime, we decided to pass on the rather large and somewhat goofy guy we met for drinks and dinner last week, and have moved onto S, the only other local prospect from OK Cupid. We met S for drinks last Thursday, and plan to invite him over for dinner on Sunday night. He's a former "investment advisor" from the East Coast, who has come to ground here in the high desert where he is building a new home (solo) out in the hills across the Mesa from us. The jury is still out on whether any sparks will fly, but he's an interesting fellow worth getting to know.

But that's not to say Mistress hasn't been getting any action. Of course, our daily sexual rituals remain  healthy and on schedule. And on Wednesday night, Mistress got a little outside action, if only in her dreams.

"I had a sex dream last night, slave..... with [a former politico employer who is now a big whig in DC]. "

"Funny, we were just talking about him last night with C."

Politico's name came up as one of those guys of a certain age who, amazingly, has not been swept up into the #MeToo moment.  He certainly crossed a few lines with Mistress when she worked for him back in her 20's. But then Mistress has always been the type who could confidently rebuff  inappropriate overtures from bosses or co-workers. As she did with Poltico back in the day.

"So how was he, Mistress..... and was he the old guy we now see on CNN, or the guy you knew back in the 80's...."

"He was the guy I knew, I suppose. And it was pretty good, slave......"

"Hmmmm..... does that mean you now regret blowing him off all those years ago?"

"No, slave....."

Well at least Mistress has gotten a little outside action in the new year, if only in her dreams.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bachelor #1

Mistress and slave had an entertaining evening last night, with "R", her first local OkCupid prospect. We met at a local bar/radio station, and broke the ice over conversation concerning his early days in California and his participation in the "lifestyle" in Albuquerque, which is a few hours drive from here.

We later adjourned to a local pizza joint for a shared meal.

The most entertaining part of the evening? R told us about his sort of girl friend down in Albuquerque, who often plays the field via various social media sites. In fact, the two met via Tindr, an app Mistress has never tried, for various reasons, mostly the need for anonymity. In River City her face might be a little too well known, possibly triggering double takes during that swipe process.

He mentioned that he and his girlfriend recently visited his "ex" up in Denver,  over the Christmas holidays. His Ex turns out to be  a professional Dominatrix named "Mistress Kiva". He even showed us her webpage on his I-phone (Mistress Kiva).   He also shared that when he and his girlfriend visited, they slept in the cage in her "dungeon".  Apparently there was no guest bedroom. Of course, both Mistress and I had the same question that many of you are asking:

"Were you locked in?"

His response: "No. But I guess that could have been arranged."

Mistress also had a follow up.

"So when you were with Mistress Kiva, did you play the sub role?"

"No. Although she sure tried to make me submit to her.  It wasn't in me, I guess."

So I guess this is not a photo of R with Mistress Kiva that I found on google images?

Of course, this revelation offers an opportunity for Mike, our Western Correspondent, to do some further investigation. Maybe he'd like to do a "profile" of Mistress Kiva. R tells us she could be persuaded to offer a "friends and family discount" which I am sure could be extended to you Mike.  Just give us the word.

So where did things end with R?  Mistress seems intrigued. At this point she's not sure there is chemistry, but she is willing to give it a further shot. She invited him over for dinner on Friday evening.

And there is another prospect lined up for a similar meet and greet on Thursday.

We will keep all of you updated.