Friday, August 18, 2017

Who's In Charge?

After our early morning sexual rituals on Thursday, Mistress and slave spent the day on our foot, hiking for the 2nd time this summer to the top of New Mexico.  We are in about as good a cardio and endurance shape as we have been in some years, preparing for our leave of absence in early September for a journey to the roof of Africa. As you can see, Mistress's legs are particularly fit and fetching as a result of all this hiking and cycling. Unfortunately, the trail was a little too crowded yesterday for any on mountain oral attention to those fit and fabulous clean shaven folds.

After we got back from the mountain (and showered off all the distilled and crud), we had a long conversation with the WC.  It is getting to sound like he and B really will be coming down to see us on Monday.  We even did a little meal planning, and had a candid conversation about what really might happen when they arrive.

Poor B is the one person who has been out of the loop when it comes to the adventures of Molly, Mick and our Western Correspondent over the years. What will really happen when they show up at our door here at the UCTMW HDH?  We made it clear that it's all up to B. Maybe we just have some pleasant dinners and vanilla tourism activities during their visit. Or maybe more.... it's her call.

The WC must have passed that onto B last night, because when I woke up this morning there was a text message from him on my phone.

"Mick- I told B that you said she would be in charge, She wants you caged when we get there. :)."

My response....

"It shall be done."

Of course, was that smiley face a sign that Mike was only pulling our legs.  Or does B really want me in the cage?  I guess I'd better play it safe and make sure I have the cage on.


  1. Lovely legs! It appears there is a chance that you might be pegged by someone besides Molly. Oh my! I'm looking forward to Monday. :-) As I imagine you are.

  2. WC here

    That would be best Mick


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