It was a little too busy here in River City over the holiday weekend. I had a new granddaughter to visit, and there was much hoopla associated with that, including some extra time tending to my cute grandkids, and a visiting daughter. For her part, Mistress was catering to the needs of our older daughter, who was in town with her earnest fiance, running a variety of wedding planning errands. And there was a Monday morning brunch hosted by the Dowager Domme
By Monday afternoon, when all of the family duties were discharged, Mistress and slave were ready to crash. (Rest assured we were able to squeeze in some early morning wake up sex, though we had to "stifle" to avoid disturbing the engaged couple across the hall).
But by Tuesday evening, we were back into our empty nesting groove, meeting with another OKCupid "prospect" at a local watering hole in a downtown hipster neighborhood.
This one seems to have potential. JJ (what is it about J's?) is a local guy, tall and about 50, who meets Mistress's exacting standards on a physical level. He also piques her interest on an intellectual level as well --- JJ is very well traveled, with some interesting stories about his adventures growing up on South Africa and Antwerp, and then as a member of the merchant marine living in the Caribbean.
One thing that was a little amusing (or unnerving) was that we clearly know many of the same people. We were sitting at the window of this corner bar. Several mutual acquaintances walked by, giving the three of us a wave. One local politico even came inside to chat with the three of us, not expressing much surprise that we knew one another.
After said politico took the opportunity to ask us for a campaign donation, he ambled on. We laughed about the coincidence. "Think he's now speculating about how we know one another?, I offered.
But I know what all of you are asking....."get to the point Mick? Was their any sexual sizzle betwixt JJ and Mistress?"
There certainly is some potential.
JJ clearly "gets" the cuckold dynamic. He's had some experience with other couples, but they are all out of town and / or faded away.
He wasn't reluctant to press Mistress for her "expectations" and "hard limits" when it came to potential interactions. On her part, Mistress was a little timid, not willing to venture too much about what she might like or dislike so early on in this mutual exploration.
We did share our own pecking order with JJ, in response to his query.
Looking at both of us, he bluntly asked, "So who's in charge here?"
I made it clear that Mistress is in charge, though I did not share that she had me in my cock cage for this particular rendezvous. TMI, at least for the moment.
JJ also wanted to know if we are open to some 3-way interactions, something he claimed to have experience with. Looking at me, he said. "Does he watch, or do you just tell him about it afterwards?"
We shared that we had only one real "watching" experience, but were certainly open to more.
JJ he was clearly taken with Mistress, making it clear that he was ready to move onto a more intimate exploration of her charms.
One drink turned into three. The sun set. The bar emptied. We all headed home after nearly three hours of chat. I stood to pay the bill and let the two of them negotiate next steps. When I came back to the table, JJ was putting Mistress's phone number into his I-phone. Mistress then asked if he was busy Saturday evening, and he said he was, if it involved spending time with Mistress. I wasn't sure what Mistress had in mind -- a solo date maybe? It was her call, and she made it.
"Then you can come over to our house. Mick will cook. "
He readily accepted her invitation for an evening at home with us, but took the opportunity to make clear what his expectations of Mistress were for their second encounter.
"Wear something revealing....".
Mistress actually blushed at that directive. But brooked no dissent.
"I can do that.....", she said.
By the time we got home, Mistress reported that she already had a text from JJ.
"He says I'm very sexy, slave....."
No doubt about that. And I'm wondering what sort of revealing outfit Mistress has planned.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Mistress Shops for a Dom
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Slave Gets Used for Mistress's Pleasure
Mistress and slave met with OKCupid prospect #2 on Thursday evening. "Sam" is tall, skinny, and in very good shape. About 50. He's a former paratrooper with a southern accent who now works for River City's biggest employer's. Sam is into motorcycles. Definitely the alpha type, but not in a redneck sort of way. He and his wife have recently dipped into the "open relationship" waters. She took the opportunity presented by her husband's meet and greet with us to spend the evening with her "boy toy".
We met at a local restaurant, shared drinks and a meal, and chatted about our respective backgrounds and experience. There seemed to be quite a few synchronicities, including tastes in music and an affection for the outdoors and the west. He sat across from Mistress at our table, and it wasn't long before I was feeling like a "chaperone", trying to leave the conversation to the two prospective lovers, and feeling like an unnecessary third wheel. I could tell Mistress was at least somewhat open to the new prospect when she ordered a second beverage as our plates were cleared. But although we had arranged in advance for her to signal me if she wanted me to get lost for a while, I never got that signal.
Sam seemed enthralled with Mistress (who wouldn't be?), never letting his eyes scan the room away from Mistress's fetching visage. But he didn't seem too annoyed that her husband was tagging along. "I get it. I'm very antsy when my wife meets someone for the first time. I'm always nearby, ready to come to the rescue if needed."
By the time the meal ended, they were making plans to get in touch again. Unfortunately, Sam and his wife are heading to Italy for a vacation this week, and after that Mistress and slave will be traveling too. It won't be until Mid-July that there will be time for them to go on an unchaperoned date. In the morning, there was a very nice email from him by the next morning. "I had a wonderful time meeting you. You are funny, intelligent and gorgeous. I must confess I was a bit distracted by your piercing eyes. I hope it wasn't too mitigable." Clearly, the guy knows how to sweet-talk a lady. Mistress was impressed.
Friday was a busy day for us. After some early wakeup sex, there was a bike ride, then a trip to the airport to fetch our daughter and her fiancé. They are here for the holiday weekend for some wedding planning activities. Luckily, slave did not have to go on the girls' trip to pick a wedding dress.
By the end of that expedition (which was a success), Mistress was ready for an evening at home. The happy couple were off with their friends, leaving us empty nesters for the night. Slave grilled some salmon and we ate in our placid secret garden, the birds serenading us. As the sun set, we came back inside to watch the final few episodes of "I Love Dick". Cuckold fans will be happy to know that those magic works "Please Fuck My Wife" make their appearance in the penultimate episode. But I won't disclose the ending for those of you who may want to watch.
Suffice it to say that the sexual action in a few scenes were enough to prime Mistress's pump. She was lying there next to me on the couch, in one of those short nighties I have gifted her over the years. Slave's acute, well conditioned senses detected her mounting arousal. I naturally came to her rescue, using my experienced digits to bring her to a rather dramatic climax before the semi-cliffhanger ending of Season 1.
I assumed that my work on that from was done. But I was wrong.
As we climbed the stairs to bed, Mistress made clear that all that cuckold action had left her with an itch that needed more scratching.
"I need my cock, slave."
It was late and I had a little uncertainly about my ability to perform. But it turned out that I was able to rise to the occasion. There was more worship and some robust cockriding before the night was done. Rest assured that Mistress's itch was very well scratched before our two little lovebirds reinfested the nest sometime after midnight.
We met at a local restaurant, shared drinks and a meal, and chatted about our respective backgrounds and experience. There seemed to be quite a few synchronicities, including tastes in music and an affection for the outdoors and the west. He sat across from Mistress at our table, and it wasn't long before I was feeling like a "chaperone", trying to leave the conversation to the two prospective lovers, and feeling like an unnecessary third wheel. I could tell Mistress was at least somewhat open to the new prospect when she ordered a second beverage as our plates were cleared. But although we had arranged in advance for her to signal me if she wanted me to get lost for a while, I never got that signal.
Sam seemed enthralled with Mistress (who wouldn't be?), never letting his eyes scan the room away from Mistress's fetching visage. But he didn't seem too annoyed that her husband was tagging along. "I get it. I'm very antsy when my wife meets someone for the first time. I'm always nearby, ready to come to the rescue if needed."
By the time the meal ended, they were making plans to get in touch again. Unfortunately, Sam and his wife are heading to Italy for a vacation this week, and after that Mistress and slave will be traveling too. It won't be until Mid-July that there will be time for them to go on an unchaperoned date. In the morning, there was a very nice email from him by the next morning. "I had a wonderful time meeting you. You are funny, intelligent and gorgeous. I must confess I was a bit distracted by your piercing eyes. I hope it wasn't too mitigable." Clearly, the guy knows how to sweet-talk a lady. Mistress was impressed.
Friday was a busy day for us. After some early wakeup sex, there was a bike ride, then a trip to the airport to fetch our daughter and her fiancé. They are here for the holiday weekend for some wedding planning activities. Luckily, slave did not have to go on the girls' trip to pick a wedding dress.
By the end of that expedition (which was a success), Mistress was ready for an evening at home. The happy couple were off with their friends, leaving us empty nesters for the night. Slave grilled some salmon and we ate in our placid secret garden, the birds serenading us. As the sun set, we came back inside to watch the final few episodes of "I Love Dick". Cuckold fans will be happy to know that those magic works "Please Fuck My Wife" make their appearance in the penultimate episode. But I won't disclose the ending for those of you who may want to watch.
Suffice it to say that the sexual action in a few scenes were enough to prime Mistress's pump. She was lying there next to me on the couch, in one of those short nighties I have gifted her over the years. Slave's acute, well conditioned senses detected her mounting arousal. I naturally came to her rescue, using my experienced digits to bring her to a rather dramatic climax before the semi-cliffhanger ending of Season 1.
I assumed that my work on that from was done. But I was wrong.
As we climbed the stairs to bed, Mistress made clear that all that cuckold action had left her with an itch that needed more scratching.
"I need my cock, slave."
It was late and I had a little uncertainly about my ability to perform. But it turned out that I was able to rise to the occasion. There was more worship and some robust cockriding before the night was done. Rest assured that Mistress's itch was very well scratched before our two little lovebirds reinfested the nest sometime after midnight.
I Love Dick
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
I Love Dick

The second episode features some rather explicit marital sex inspired by the mutual fantasy that Dick is in the bedroom, supervising and deciding when Katherine and cum.

In the meantime, Mistress is fending off entreaties from the guy we met Sunday night for a quick step to the "horizontal" aka "test fuck" phase. She has two more "interviews" to conduct before deciding with whom or whether to move forward.
Tonight we are meeting a guy at a local bar who is new to the "open marriage" scene. He's about 50, and his wife is 40 (according to her own OK Cupid profile). Sounds as if his wife has had a little more luck in scoring. (Big surprise!) When we suggested that maybe his wife should join, he demurred on her behalf. "When she heard I was occupied Thursday night, she immediately set up her own date with her 'boy toy'". Sounds like another wife who likes them fresh out of diapers. So unfair to us old farts!
We will let you all know how this evening's encounter goes.
I Love Dick,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Night With the Swingers
Mistress and slave had an interesting evening out last night. We shared some beverages and greasy bar food with a couple from the ex-urbs who have been "playing" in the world of swinging and open marriage for more than a decade. The husband - James - had found Mistress via her new OKCupid profile. The wife has her own less wordy profile too, and the two cross-post their spouse's profiles. They are both 49 yrs. old, so just a tad younger than Mistress.
Of the two, the wife (Laura) was a little more "colorful" and loquacious. She's an English professor turned personal trainer. Somehow she made the transition from Shakespeare to body building, and her physique is rather . . . impressive. She claims she can bench press 500 lbs., and I would not be the one to argue with her.
The husband - James - is a bearded guy (what's with beards and polyamory?) who works in IT. Laura and James met in the Air Force in some godforsaken town in Arkansas, where, in the absence of a Wal-Mart or a decent cable package, nature took it's course. They had kids, and are now empty nesters, like us.
Both had some entertaining stories to share about their adventures, which started with swinging. The problem with swinging, they explained, is that it's extremely rare when both spouses in a swinging couple are appealing to their potential swinging mates.
"Someone always has to take one for the team", Laura explained.
So they evolved into an open marriage where they play separately.
Laura, who is smart, funny and very gabby, has a thing for younger guys, who she finds on OKCupid and some sort of swinger's web site. And by younger, maybe 20 years younger, or even more. (Clearly, Slave is outside of her preferred demographic by about 40 years.) She's got a flexible schedule, so she's able to host at her house in the mornings or afternoons when her husband is off at work. The only problem is the nosy neighbor across the street, who seems to raise an eyebrow when that strange SUV shows up in the driveway shortly after James heads to work.
And Laura - unlike Mistress - has no problems with the married guys looking for some side action on the sly. They scratch her particular itch, without being all clingy or wanting to crowd her personal life.
Laura is also a very busy lady, somehow balancing 3-4 guys at a time.
"Some weeks there might be only two", she explained. "But the other week, it was four. Sometimes it can be a little hard to juggle them all." There's the married guy who's wife won't have sex with him. The guy in his 20's who is very "enthusiastic". A barely out of his teens guy who offered to share his own girlfriend with James. And some Italian soccer player who will be stopping by Friday evening to make her an Italian meal while James is out on his own play date.
Mistress and Laura hit it off instantly, bonding over literature and swimming, which James found to be amusing. Wasn't this supposed to be his chance to get into Mistress's pants?
James was pleasant and easy going, but considerably more taciturn than his wife. He's only got three on and off ladies to please. He mentioned one married lady - her husband is in on the deal - who insists that for their dates he spends at least three hours "on task". "There's a glass of wine. Some conversation. And then things get more physical", he explained.
Laura's only problem is that when James returns from these encounters "he stinks of cocoanut oil. I send him straight to the shower."
On the other hand, It seems that Laura's encounters are much more purpose driven. I doubt those SUV's are in her driveway for more than an hour on those weekday mornings or afternoons. It's just a part of her exercise routine.
The two clearly are comfortable with their choices. Like me, James gets a kick out of hearing all the steamy details following his wife's extra-curricular encounters. But Laura doesn't need the smutty play-by-play. She "just wants to make sure he had a good time....."
So where do we go with this? Mistress seems open to the next step with James. What he and Laura called the "test fuck" phase. We now know that there is a degree of social compatibility. "I thought his personality was attractive, slave." But who knows if the chemistry is sufficient to get beyond that initial audition for the role of "side dish"?
As for me? I am way outside the age range that Laura goes for. But I couldn't help consider what it might be like to "serve" Laura. If I didn't please her, those powerful weight lifter's thighs could crack my cranium like a walnut! Or maybe she'd pick me up and toss me out a window. Better stick to the ground floor if I ever mess around with her!
BTW, Mistress has two more interviews of potential suitors in the next week or so.
Stay tuned.
Of the two, the wife (Laura) was a little more "colorful" and loquacious. She's an English professor turned personal trainer. Somehow she made the transition from Shakespeare to body building, and her physique is rather . . . impressive. She claims she can bench press 500 lbs., and I would not be the one to argue with her.
The husband - James - is a bearded guy (what's with beards and polyamory?) who works in IT. Laura and James met in the Air Force in some godforsaken town in Arkansas, where, in the absence of a Wal-Mart or a decent cable package, nature took it's course. They had kids, and are now empty nesters, like us.
Both had some entertaining stories to share about their adventures, which started with swinging. The problem with swinging, they explained, is that it's extremely rare when both spouses in a swinging couple are appealing to their potential swinging mates.
"Someone always has to take one for the team", Laura explained.
So they evolved into an open marriage where they play separately.
Laura, who is smart, funny and very gabby, has a thing for younger guys, who she finds on OKCupid and some sort of swinger's web site. And by younger, maybe 20 years younger, or even more. (Clearly, Slave is outside of her preferred demographic by about 40 years.) She's got a flexible schedule, so she's able to host at her house in the mornings or afternoons when her husband is off at work. The only problem is the nosy neighbor across the street, who seems to raise an eyebrow when that strange SUV shows up in the driveway shortly after James heads to work.
And Laura - unlike Mistress - has no problems with the married guys looking for some side action on the sly. They scratch her particular itch, without being all clingy or wanting to crowd her personal life.
Laura is also a very busy lady, somehow balancing 3-4 guys at a time.
"Some weeks there might be only two", she explained. "But the other week, it was four. Sometimes it can be a little hard to juggle them all." There's the married guy who's wife won't have sex with him. The guy in his 20's who is very "enthusiastic". A barely out of his teens guy who offered to share his own girlfriend with James. And some Italian soccer player who will be stopping by Friday evening to make her an Italian meal while James is out on his own play date.
Mistress and Laura hit it off instantly, bonding over literature and swimming, which James found to be amusing. Wasn't this supposed to be his chance to get into Mistress's pants?
James was pleasant and easy going, but considerably more taciturn than his wife. He's only got three on and off ladies to please. He mentioned one married lady - her husband is in on the deal - who insists that for their dates he spends at least three hours "on task". "There's a glass of wine. Some conversation. And then things get more physical", he explained.
Laura's only problem is that when James returns from these encounters "he stinks of cocoanut oil. I send him straight to the shower."
On the other hand, It seems that Laura's encounters are much more purpose driven. I doubt those SUV's are in her driveway for more than an hour on those weekday mornings or afternoons. It's just a part of her exercise routine.
The two clearly are comfortable with their choices. Like me, James gets a kick out of hearing all the steamy details following his wife's extra-curricular encounters. But Laura doesn't need the smutty play-by-play. She "just wants to make sure he had a good time....."
So where do we go with this? Mistress seems open to the next step with James. What he and Laura called the "test fuck" phase. We now know that there is a degree of social compatibility. "I thought his personality was attractive, slave." But who knows if the chemistry is sufficient to get beyond that initial audition for the role of "side dish"?
As for me? I am way outside the age range that Laura goes for. But I couldn't help consider what it might be like to "serve" Laura. If I didn't please her, those powerful weight lifter's thighs could crack my cranium like a walnut! Or maybe she'd pick me up and toss me out a window. Better stick to the ground floor if I ever mess around with her!
BTW, Mistress has two more interviews of potential suitors in the next week or so.
Stay tuned.
open marriage,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Strap-on Saturday
Mistress and slave have gotten into a comfy routine here now that slave no longer goes to an office most "work" days. While we are both serving some clients (her more than me), we have been able to carve out some afternoon "nap" time, which more often than not includes either some post-nap worship or a 2nd round of more conventional sex. But yesterday, after she lunched with the Dowager Domme and I entertained my cute grandkids, there was a little more time for us to indulge....
Slave had gotten a "warning" earlier in the day.
"It's been a long time since you've gotten a good ass-fucking, slave...."
"So true, Mistress."
We woke from our late afternoon snooze at around 5 pm, and Mistress was feisty and ready for action.
"Time to get out my supplies, slave...."
I dutifully went on task.
Harness. check.
Simulated plastic cock. Check.
Lube. Check.
Mistress gave me a pass on the usual preliminary.
"You've been so good lately slave, that I'm going to pass on the punishment."
So no ass warm up with her crop.
"Sounds good to me, Mistress".
So it was down to business. Mistress promptly slid into her harness, and mounted it's important accessory (not quite as big as the helpfully illustrative video might suggest). A generous helping of lube assisted as she drove home, finding her target with her typical precision.
Mistress worked her magic on her slave, while pumping herself into a rather robust cum of her own. She generously allowed me to take my own pleasure on top as she caught her breath from her more alpha exertions. And I gratefully did.....
It was a nice prequel to a quiet evening at home.
Tonight will be a little busier. We are meeting a couple from out in the 'Burbs who found Mistress via her new OKCupid page. They are into the "Open marriage" / Poly scene. He's clearly interested in getting to know Mistress a little more personally. I'm along for the ride, purely as a curious amateur social scientist, of course. I'm sure our readers will be interested to hear all of the details.... purely for sociological reasons, of course.
Slave had gotten a "warning" earlier in the day.
"It's been a long time since you've gotten a good ass-fucking, slave...."
"So true, Mistress."
We woke from our late afternoon snooze at around 5 pm, and Mistress was feisty and ready for action.
"Time to get out my supplies, slave...."
I dutifully went on task.
Harness. check.
Simulated plastic cock. Check.
Lube. Check.
Mistress gave me a pass on the usual preliminary.
"You've been so good lately slave, that I'm going to pass on the punishment."
So no ass warm up with her crop.
"Sounds good to me, Mistress".
So it was down to business. Mistress promptly slid into her harness, and mounted it's important accessory (not quite as big as the helpfully illustrative video might suggest). A generous helping of lube assisted as she drove home, finding her target with her typical precision.
Mistress worked her magic on her slave, while pumping herself into a rather robust cum of her own. She generously allowed me to take my own pleasure on top as she caught her breath from her more alpha exertions. And I gratefully did.....
It was a nice prequel to a quiet evening at home.
Tonight will be a little busier. We are meeting a couple from out in the 'Burbs who found Mistress via her new OKCupid page. They are into the "Open marriage" / Poly scene. He's clearly interested in getting to know Mistress a little more personally. I'm along for the ride, purely as a curious amateur social scientist, of course. I'm sure our readers will be interested to hear all of the details.... purely for sociological reasons, of course.
Strap On Play
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Sap? Or Sapio-Sexual?
It’s amazing how you can still teach an old slave new tricks. Over the weekend I opened an OKCupid account for Mistress under the name “MollyCollins” (check it out if you are on that App). It was just an “experiment” right? Since then I’ve been “curating” Mistress’s suitors, showing her the supplicants that might entertain or amuse or attract her. Deleting the rest. Interestingly, OK Cupid has a much wider array of (seemingly) eligible guys than AM, particularly under the category of “open marriage” types.
I’ve also been reminded of a few of Mistress’s quirks in the process ----
“What’s with all the beards, slave?”
Mistress definitely prefers the clean shaven look. Maybe it’s because beards or mustaches tickle “down there”? Who knows? But it does seem an extraordinarily high percentage of guys who claim to be in open marriages also have facial hair. What’s that about?
She also has interesting thoughts on fashion selection. Like the guy who self-identifies as a “Dom”, but has a pic of himself in blue-ish plaid Bermuda shorts.
‘What sort of Dom wears shorts like that, Slave?”
But what was particularly interesting was a new terms I first saw on several profiles: “Sapio-sexual”. I had to look at the definition:
1. 1.
(of a person) finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
"I met a PhD student from Germany who told me that he was sapiosexual"
1. 1.
a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
"I'm a sapiosexual and I like to talk"
I guess I fall into this category… sort of. I am attracted to intelligent women, and Mistress is the best example of that. But then she also has some other attractive qualities too.
As for Mistress. Well she does have high standards when it comes to the brain power of potential suitors.
“What is it about these guys who say they don’t read, slave…..? “
Being a fan of “The Big Bang Theory” doesn’t make you a rocket scientist. Or even someone who can carry on a post-coital conversation.
In the meantime, the sorting goes on. Mistress has set up one “meet and great” with a gentlemen who lives nearby for next Thursday evening. We told him he could bring his “open marriage” wife. But he says she’s already used his date as an excuse to set up an evening out with her “boy toy”.
And Sunday evening we have a dinner engagement with an “open marriage” couple to compare notes and see if any sparks fly betwixt Mistress and the hubby.
At least it should be good blog-fodder for our readers. Things have been a little dull on these pages lately!
OK Cupid,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Slave On the Shelf?
Slave has spent a lovely 3 day weekend with my daughter and her husband in the NYC region. Lots of ethnic food, and today an all day outing to Brooklyn, It was "take your dad to work day", sort of. But while she went to work, I rode bikes through Prospect Park and explored some neighborhoods that were new to me.
In the meantime, poor Mistress, left to her own devices, has been spending time with the Dowager Domme and working. There was also a night out on Monday evening with two lady friends.
The common denominator is that we've both been in the sexual wilderness, with not even some "finger fiddling" to tide us over. Maybe we can be retired as exhibits in the Museum I saw advertised in the subway?
Without an available side dish, poor Mistress is not getting the attention (and service) that she surely deserves.
But I let her know that there may be helming on the way. Inspired by the NY Times article referenced in our last post, I opened a profile for her on OKCupid (under MollyCollins in case you want to check it out). There have been quite a few supplicants, and her mailbox is filling up. She may have to take the time to review what is available to her when I get home tomorrow night. But I suspect we'll be having sex first.
At least I sure hope so!

The common denominator is that we've both been in the sexual wilderness, with not even some "finger fiddling" to tide us over. Maybe we can be retired as exhibits in the Museum I saw advertised in the subway?
Without an available side dish, poor Mistress is not getting the attention (and service) that she surely deserves.
But I let her know that there may be helming on the way. Inspired by the NY Times article referenced in our last post, I opened a profile for her on OKCupid (under MollyCollins in case you want to check it out). There have been quite a few supplicants, and her mailbox is filling up. She may have to take the time to review what is available to her when I get home tomorrow night. But I suspect we'll be having sex first.
At least I sure hope so!
Museum of Sex,
OK Cupid
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Slave took the long drive to the east coast yesterday to visit one of my daughter's. Now that she and her husband have a house of their own, it was an opportunity to haul all of the crap in boxes filling up a corner of our attic that have her name on them. You know.... high school memorabilia, old posters, college books that somehow can't be thrown away.
Poor Mistress is left at home to her own devices. And the worst part is that rather than canoodling with a lover, she's stuck entertaining her sister and the Dowager Domme for Mother's Day weekend. Now what fun is that?
In the absence of any active cuckolding to report on, let's discuss instead this week's big spread in the NY Times Magazine about open marriages. It's a long complicated story touching on some couples that have had varying degrees of success or failure. Sadly, there's no focus at all on the cuckold kink --these are marriages where both sides have permission, not just the wife. But then, there is some psychobabble that opens the door just a little. The author explains that more oftern than not it’s the wife who wants to add some variety to her sex life:
Conventional wisdom has it that men are more likely than women to crave, even need, variety in their sex lives. But of the 25 couples I encountered, a majority of the relationships were opened at the initiation of the women; only in six cases had it been the men. Even when the decision was mutual, the woman was usually the more sexually active outside the marriage. A suburban married man on OkCupid told me he had yet to date anyone, in contrast to his wife, whom he called “an intimacy vampire.” There was a woman in Portland whose husband had lost interest in sex with anyone, not just her. A 36-year-old woman in Seattle said she opened her marriage after she heard about the concept from another young mom at her book club.
Perhaps the women in the couples I encountered were more willing to tell their stories because they did not fit into predictable unflattering stereotypes about the male sex drive. But it was nonetheless striking to hear so many wives risk so much on behalf of their sexual happiness.
It took decades for sex researchers to consider the possibility that women’s fabled low libido might be a symptom of monogamy. An entire scientific field, well chronicled by Daniel Bergner (a contributing writer for the magazine) in his book “What Women Want,” has evolved to try to understand the near-total diminishment of lust for their partners that so many women in long-term monogamous relationships feel. One 2002 study found that men and women in committed relationships shared equal desire at the onset of their relationships, although for women, that desire dropped precipitously between one and four years into the relationship; for men, the desire remained high throughout that period. In his book, Bergner cites research suggesting that women desire novelty as much as men. The recent attempts to formulate medication to address waning sexual interest has been predicated on the assumption that one possible response — indulging an interest in newer partners — would never be practical and could be destabilizing.
The women I met who initiated openness seemed to be defying some stereotypes about gender, but their interest was also consistent with more familiar ideas about women and intimacy: They seemed to be doubling down on building relationships in their lives.
So at least this research throws a little light on why in the cuckold world the ladies want to add a little spice to what their less than compelling hubbies may be able to offer in the bedroom. And towards the end of the ariticle there is some focus on a couple where the wife’s male lover has moved into the house full time. There’s no mention of the husband having any of his own outside fun. I guess that is cuckolding without the label.
Maybe the author will circle back and focus on relationships like ours, where the marital door (and bed) only opens one way.
There is some mention of OK Cupid as an on-line dating portal where one has the option of listing as “non-monogamous”. Have any of our readers had much luck there?
Mother's Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Into The Wild

Fortunately, we didn't exactly "rough it" on Saturday night. We found a lovely room at a local state park lodge. There was time for worship and a nap before dinner at the Lodge's restaurant on Saturday evening.
As we ambled into the dining room, we realized we weren't in River City anymore.
Dinner was the buffet variety, and consisted of fried chicken or fried catfish, and some rather leathery mystery ribs, with some cooked-for-days green beans to provide a color other than brown for your plate. And as we looked around the room we observed that 1) 3/4's of the males were wearing baseball caps over dinner; 2) almost all of the ladies were dyed blondes with big poofy hair; and 3) the average adult weight was about 240 lbs (although the long haired guy in the tie-dye wife beater tee shirt probably through the average out of kilter some).
"This is definitely pre-existing condition country, Mistress".
"You're bad, slave....."
After we licked our fingers of accumulated deep fried chicken grease, and indulged in the dessert bar, we headed down to the "tavern" for an after dinner bourbon. (What else would you drink in KY?) The bar tender had a haircut that was some sort of tribute to John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. And their were more loud and brassy blondes at the bar, cackling about their disdain for football, as they watched the Yankees and Cubs on the overlarge TV screen above the bar.
Rest assured we quickly consumed our beverages and headed back to the quiet shelter of our room.
It was nice to sleep in, and engage in some languid wake up sex with Mistress, before we departed for another few hours on nearby trails. We had some fried chicken to walk off.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Photo Op(s)

As I was retrieving this photo for publication, I came across one from a few weeks ago that is also worth sharing. Here is Mistress relaxing at a bizarre arts venue in Santa Fe called Meow Wolf. Don't you like those cowboy boots?

On a typical day it was clogged with tourists, kids and stoners all getting lost in its various nooks and crannies. But one can imagine what a kinkcter night would be like there.... lots of slaves, masters and mistresses wandering about in various states of restraint and dress (or undress). I wonder if there is a local kink community in town that might take up the challenge.
Dowager Domme,
Meow Wolf
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Home Office
Have I really been too busy to post this last week? Rest assured there have been plenty of opportunities for daily sex, worship, cock riding, and the deployment of Mistress's favorite power tool. Sadly, her "side dish" has been MIA since his sleepover about two weeks ago, I hope Mistress has not missed her daily allotment of cums. That's what slaves are for, right?
Mistress and slave have been sharing a work space these last few weeks. We both work from home now. I am down on the ground floor where I have pulled together a man cave of sorts. Mistress works on our middle floor, where her computer and desk are located.
Of course, having officially "retired", my work load has been erratic, and certainly less than Mistress. I've tried to fill up the balance of my days with some sundry tasks in the nature of home improvements, as well as serving a few loyal clients. I have been writing for some local publications, and dabbling in some local politics too. But I am a little concerned that Mistress may decide her slave has been a little too lazy of late. Underproductive is not a quality your want in a slave, is it?
If I don't pick up my game, Mistress may have to adopt a new and more assertive style of workplace supervision.

Of course, having officially "retired", my work load has been erratic, and certainly less than Mistress. I've tried to fill up the balance of my days with some sundry tasks in the nature of home improvements, as well as serving a few loyal clients. I have been writing for some local publications, and dabbling in some local politics too. But I am a little concerned that Mistress may decide her slave has been a little too lazy of late. Underproductive is not a quality your want in a slave, is it?
If I don't pick up my game, Mistress may have to adopt a new and more assertive style of workplace supervision.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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