Friday, December 23, 2016

When Cuckold Worlds Collide

Mistress and slave had a rather odd evening with her lover Jay last night, complicated by Mistress's disclosure that her ex-husband (the guy she married back in the 1980's and divorced in 1992 before marrying me) was "stopping by" to drop off something.

Slave was planning an intimate dinner for three, but Mistress said "not to worry". Her Ex (let's call him John) would only be here briefly.  Maybe at 9:30 or 10 pm.

Jay, who was sitting comfortably next to Mistress on our couch, enjoying a pre-dinner beverage, was the first to ask the question....

"So how do you explain who I am....."

"Oh, just a friend who came over for dinner", Mistress scoffed at his concern.....

"But if it's around 10 pm....isn't that gonna seem like I'm sticking around a little too late....."

Of course, Jay did not fully appreciate the irony.

You see, back in the late 80's early 90's, I was the guy who was cuckolding John.

Now, 25 or so years on, here's John stopping by to meet the guy who is cuckolding me.

Of course, it is a tad different.  I'm not sure that John was really clued in and / or turned on by the whole cuckold thing back then.  Heck, back in those early internet days, when there was only "dial up" service via AOL or other primitive providers, I am not sure there was a "cuckold" thing going on.  Dod anyone celebrate the kinky side of a wife "betraying" her husband with his full knowledge back in those "dark ages"?

Who knows, maybe John would have gotten all hot and bothered had he known that Molly had a "side--dish" back in the George H. W. Bush Era.

In any event, the only problem posed by John's "drop by" was that it was getting late.  We had finished dinner, and it was just 9 pm.  Typically, this would have been the time for Mistress and Jay to adjourn to the UCTMW Executive Suite for a little nooky.  Well, typically, a lot of nooky.

To bide the time, slave found some entertainment. We surfed through some old classic TV "Christmas Specials" via You Tube on our not so big screen.... Dino, Frank, Sonny and Cher, Judy Garland.  Lots of schmaltz and kitch.  And why did Frank and Dino wear tuxedos to sing "White Christmas"?

When Cuckold No. One finally arrived, a little past 10 pm, we were sampling Johnny Cash's Christmas Special from the early 1970's. Lots of big hair, pommade and twang going on. Plus the whole Carter family too.  And we were all a little buzzed.

Mistress offered John a glass of wine, and a chance to sit and chat. There we all were, Mistress, the original cuck, their original cuckolder, the current cuck, and the current cuckolder.  And Johnny Cash singing Jerry Lee Lewis singing "Great Balls of Fire" in the background. It was enough to make a kinkster's head swim!

John seemed to accept the notion that Jay was just a "friend".  Fortunately he did not catch Mistress stretched out on the couch, her black-tighted legs stretched across his lap as his hands fondled her thighs, much to slave's pent up frustration.

And while he declined a beverage, and never really sat down, he stayed..... and stayed....chatting with Mistress, cordial (as always) to me, no doubt curious about who this 4th wheel was, sitting on the couch,  trading wise cracks with Mick about the whole Cash/Carter clan singing "Amazing Grace".

It turns out that Jay and John were in the same fraternity! Who-da-thunk?

After a few false starts, finally John left.  One sensed that he sensed the faint hint of sexual tension in the air.  But he could not exactly figure out where it was coming from.

"Well that was . . . different", I commented, shutting off the Cash Family Christmas as John finally headed off into the dark night.

We were all ready for bed.

Mistress and Jay promptly headed upstairs. Before Jay had arrived, I made sure to move all my "necessaries" to our daughter's room . So all I had to do was kiss Mistress good night before she politely shut the door to her now private little love nest.

"Sleep tight, Mistress".

I had a feeling that sleep might be deferred for a while.


  1. Mic, that was the total best! You couldn't make up a story like that, yet there it was playing out right in your living room. haha Too bad the old frat buddies couldn't enjoy an old fashioned three way. That would rock Molly's world!

  2. Let me echo Penney's comment and add that truth can indeed be stranger than fiction! The scene would be a great pilot for a TV series on cuckolding. You'd make a great producer or director Mick!

    sissy terri

    1. We would have to use Johnny Cash songs as background music, Terri.


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