Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Slave Caged While Mistress "Lunches" With Her Lover

Mistress let me know yesterday that she's finally been able to coordinate her schedule with her lover Jay. After a few weeks of out of town travel, and a frustrating week of school closings here in the frozen heartland, the stars have aligned. Mistress will be joining Jay for some lunch and other "amenities" at his home out in the 'burbs at noon today.

"And I think that means it's a good day for you to dust off that cage, slave...."

I suppose it is. Slave has been a bit of  a cage slacker these last few weeks. And certainly the cold temperatures have not made me too efficient about asking Mistress whether I should wear it in the morning.

Yesterday, as an example, it was minus 11 when I wandered out onto the tundra to warm up my car for the ride downtown. I don't even want to think about how quickly that metal would have chilled down to an uncomfortable level. Would my tender parts have stuck to the steel cage like a tongue to a proverbial flag pole in those temperatures?..... yikes!

So it's fortunate that today it may actually get up into the 20's. There shouldn't be too much risk of permanent damage to my work-a-day cock as long as I don't walk too far to lunch, right?

Regardless, I think Mistress has been missing time with Jay. Although I've done my best to fill in these last few weeks, an hour or so of hard core fucking is surely a good remedy after two weeks of chilling snow and cold here in River City.

Hopefully she'll let me soothe those well exercised folds with my devoted tongue when we get home this evening.


  1. The thought of my being caged in those dreadful temperatures makes me more appreciative of our relocation here to the sunny southwest several years ago. The temps are much more amenable to a chastity lifestyle. But when Diane is with Her lover Paul, the cage is always a little more uncomfortable.

    sissy terri

  2. up here in the great white north we have something called hotties, that you can put in your pocket or in your mittens to keep you warm. I could send you a box to use as "Peter heaters" if you like?


  3. If you use the Peter Heaters suggested by F, Molly would be even more accurate in referring to you as "Mr. Hot-Stuff"!

    Might I suggest you carry a tube of burn gel in your briefcase? And you might also want to brush up on the words to that wonderful old song, Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls on Fire...I think that's the name of it.



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