Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Mistress has been a bit under the weather this week.... a winter cold and cough. Combine that with the first snow and the coldest temperatures of the winter and it's been hard to pry her from our warm and toasty bed this week.

She's hoping her head cold clears up so she can enjoy a delightful nooner in Friday with her lover Jay.  It's been several weeks, and I can tell that there is some pent up demand for his more athletic brand of sexual exploits.

Now it's snowing again, and Slave is annoyed he has to go to work in all of it. And there will be some shoveling to do even before I head to the office.

Sure would be nice to take a snow day and force Mistress to stay in bed all day.

If only.....

(Hope you enjoy the final shot of Mistress in her new V-Day panties.)


  1. I must say we have been enjoying the view! It puts a little heat in an otherwise very cold day.

  2. Ditto! Those panties are beautiful and is Mistress. Is it me, or does Mistress appear a little slimmer?

    Doesn't matter, because all the photos of her have me straining in my cage!

    sissy terri

  3. A wonderful pair of panties something I'd love to wear for Mistress. I'm sure she could use J's talents. Is it about time for you to watch him using his talents?


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