Tuesday, April 30, 2013

One Slave's Cure for Insomnia

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it was a particularly busy Monday. Mistress was out the door way too early for a bi-weekly meeting at a client's office. And Slave had some work to catch up with after a few days out of the office last week. By the time we got back to the HQ by around 6:30 we were both pretty bushed, and passed on the bike ride we had planned.

Of course, Slave did remember to offer to worship once Mistress stripped out of those work clothes and into a sexy olive green nighty. But once she had been sufficiently pleasured, there was no further hanky panky.

All of that might explain what happened at around 3 am in the executive suite this morning.  Slave had awoken, and I could sense that Mistress was awake too.

"I'm having trouble sleeping, Slave."

"What's wrong.... that's not like you."

(Typically, Mistress could sleep through an NFL football game.... while sitting in the stands. But then that's for our Pussycats")

"Oh... just some work stuff, I guess...."

I pondered what a good Slave should do under these circumstances, but quickly rejected the warm milk option. Just an old wives tale, and well.... it had been since Sunday morning for Slave.....

"Sex, Mistress?"

"Good idea, Slave....."

So Slave did his best to clear Mistress's mind of those festering work distractions with some attention from my lips and tongue to privide a little starter cum, followed by a good hard fucking that seemed to cure whatever had distracted her.

Now Mistress is sound asleep, and likely will be none too thrilled when I wake her at the appointed time this morning.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

When Slave is Away, Mistress Will.....

Amazingly, Slave arrived home almost exactly when scheduled last night. Mistress tore herself away from a little neighborhood gathering, and I collected her at a little cul de sac up the hill from the UCTMW World HQ.

After a kiss across the console, I asked her how the party was.

"Lots of my high school classmates there....All the ladies wanted to know where Mick was, Slave....."

"I don't even know them, Mistress...."

"Yes, I know, but they seem to get all antsy when a woman shows up solo without her husband in tow....."

"Only if the woman looks like you Mistress...."

"Hmmmm.... that might be it....."

At home, Slave pored some wine, but it was not long before we adjourned to the executive suite to "catch up".

Mistress informed me earlier in the day that she had invited her former lover, Jay over for a salad of her making at lunch time, and naturally, I speculated what they had been up to since it seemed like I had not heard from her for a good block of time at mid-day.

"We chatted.... I made us a nice smoked salmon salad...."

"But did the clean shaven folds get attended to, Mistress....."

"No Slave.... but there was some making out on the couch after lunch.... very high school....."

"Sounds like he wants you. but he's confused....."

"Very confused, Slave...."

By now Slave had stripped away his travel clothes and was trying to make up for lost time, settling between Mistress's spread thighs and commencing the worship she surely deserved. The conversational thread was lost as I made sure she had a rousing cum before I asked for permission to break my long and torturous sexual fast.

When the dust settled in our bed, Mistress confirmed that she had not been fasting herself.

"In case they are curious, you can tell our readers that the Hitachi was put to good use in your absence,, Slave.... Mistress does not need to follow the 'no touch' rule...."

Certainly not.

We also laughed a bit about a message she had received from an AM suitor earlier in the day. I had noted it as her social secretary, and suggested she read it to.  It came from an "attached" male from an ex-urban town to our North, a place we sometimes refer to as Boehner-ville based on their Congressional representation and Tea Party mindset. This fellow had taken upon himself to send Mistress one of those tacky self portraits, using a bathroom mirror and clunky I-Pad in his hand to show her his "six pack", and had then sent an unsolicited soft core porn "story", as follows:

I arrange a special room for something I have wanted to do with you for along time. You enter the room and we almost tear each others clothes off and soon we are standing together with just our skin seperating our two wanting wet and wanting bodies. Your sexy legs I have scene are a perfect complement to your sexy body. I take your hand and lead you into the bathroom with an oversized shower lined in marble. There are multilpe shower heads and as we step in it is like walking into a warm summer shower. I smile as I notice your beautiful body glisten in the water - you are so attractive! We lock in a long passionate kiss as the warm water coats our bodies. I feel your amazing curves against me and once again I am so turned on by you. I never want this to end. I spread soap over you shoulders and soon down to your breasts. I love them and my hands glide over and around them as I hear you begin to moan in approval. Your nipples are erect and I can tell you love it as I touch and pinch them. My hands drift to the rest of your body - spreading soap in my wandering hands on your glistening hot body. Your thighs are so smooth and as you move your legs apart my hands wander to explore the most sensitive parts of your body. We are both enjoying how I explore and touch your clit and suck on your nipples. Next, a surprise for you. I reach over and as we kiss I take a shower massage in my hand and hold it between your legs as the pulses of warm water stimulate you in pleasure as your clit approves as you moan. Our kissing is intense and the water continues to arouse you and excite you! As we kiss I tak my other hand and massage and pinch your nipples as the water contnues to excite the soft skin between your legs. The sensation after minutes and minutes of pulsing water, kissing, and caresssing lead you to the most amazing orgasm you have felt in years. The rush of feelings make you explode and we continue to kiss then embrace in a wonderful passionate moment.

Mistress was amused, but not too impressed.

"All those spelling errors Slave....."

"And a little confusion between "scene" and "seen".

We surmised that this fellow had this little tale in the can, and shared it with any woman who caught his eye. And although he did seem to have a grasp of basic punctuation, he clearly lacked the primal energy and twisted imagination of our Western Correspondent. 

"Should I bother to respond on your behalf to him, Mistress?"

"I don't think it's worth a response, Slave.... If I say something nice he'll just be encouraged to send more of that drivel. And it might be too mean to say what I really think.

Another bad sign for the AM crowd was an article we saw posted on Facebook last night, linked here. Top Ten restaurants for cheaters. 

The article purports to reflect a survey of AM users on where they might  share a meal as part of their illicit courtship mating ritual.  The gist is that it's best to use chain restaurants, which are a little larger and more anonymous. Steak houses like Morton's or Ruth Criss  are also conveniently located near downtown hotels for a quicky after the cheesecake. Fair enough I suppose, if unimaginative.  And sex on a tummy crammed with beef can be less than optimal. But at least those places  have some nice wines on the list and suitable lighting.
But some of the other places highlighted on the list: Cheesecake Factory. Outback Steak House.  Lobster House!

"Nothing says romance like 'all you can eat popcorn shrimp night' at Lobster House, Mistress."


"But that free bib might come in handy afterwards in the parking lot, if your "date" expects a blowjob in the front seat after he treated you to that "fine dining"."

"Any guy who wanted you to meet him at Red Lobster would probably expect me to split the tab, Slave."

Maybe we need to find a more discerning pool of candidates for Mistress to select her next cuckold coupling from.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Slave Hoping to End His Drought Tonight

Slave is heading home this afternoon, as long as the furlough taxed air traffic controllers have enough attention to spare to my humble mini-jet back to River City.

As you might imagine, I'm getting a little horny while following the "no touch" rule imposed by Mistress. (I can already hear the cynical snickering from certain quarters).

I do feel a little guilty that she's been going without any worship or other sexual attention back at home. It's like I let her down as a social secretary on AM. Of course, there are some guys who continue to keep knocking on her cyber "door".

"Shane (the Witchita Lineman) keeps tecting me Slave.... he;s kind of sweet, and wanted to take me to lunch yesterday."

"Maybe throw him a bone and text back."

Ultimately, she must have relented, and said she might consider lunch next week.

"At least he's trying hard to impress, Slave."

"He knows you're worth it."

Mistress also had what she described as a  chaste dinner with her former lover Jay on Wednesday night, along with his son.  But he's still in his "I don't want to get too attached to you" phase.  A little bizarre, but Mistress still enjoys his company, even if it does not involve those marathon fucking sessions.

Here on the East coast, I've treated our younger cute Co-Ed to a couple of dinners, and had a little time to walk around, running into one of the characters that still haunts our friends in Boston:

It's a young Babe Ruth, watching over the new / retro stadium in his hometown. He's the guy the Red Sox traded for chump change to the dreaded Yankees all those years ago. Some say that unfortunate  trade triggered the "curse of the Bambino" that long World Series draught that only ended a few years ago, and now may be getting a 2nd wind. (I'm wondering if the Patriots might suffer a similar fate after unceremoniously dumping their over-achieving smurf-like receiver, Wes Welker?)

Fortunately,  even though Slave has gone without these last few days, I am optimistic that  I can count on my "drought" ending tonight, well short of the record set by the Sox...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Slave of the Road

Your managing editor is off this morning for a two day trip to the East coast, just in time to enjoy the fruits of sequestration. I mean who needs air traffic control? It's a threat to our freedom to fly wherever we want whenever we want, right?

It's been pretty rare for me to travel for work these last few years. I'm not used to leaving the warmth of Mistress's bed here at the UCTMW World HQ.  And last night, after some robust love making after a long day at work, Mistress brought up the subject of my cage:

"It's a shame I can't lock you away before you leave tomorrow, Slave.... I guess I'll just have to trust you to behave."

The problem is the steel cage that we have for such purposes would make the TSA go bonkers. I guess we could get a "travel cage", the less sturdy plastic kind, like we used to use. They tend to break, and pinch a bit more than our current model, but can make it through a conventional metal detector.

But what about those full body scanners?  Has anyone figured out whether a plastic cage pops up and gets the screeners all slack jawed when you "assume the position" hands overhead, waiting for the "all clear"? (I'm sure we'll hear from Suzanne on this subject.)

I also feel badly that I'm leaving Mistress to her own devices for the next few days. Despite my best efforts as her corresponding secretary, the pickings on AM have been particularly slim this time around. Of course, it may be that Mistress has been getting better at screening out the pretenders, posers and dorks than last fall, when she had her "Cougar Week" adventures.

She's decided to simply blow off the guys who fail to "court" her sufficiently. If you don't have enough energy to show a lady why you are interested before you bed them, then we all can imagine how they might behave afterwards.

Guys who have cock shots in their "private showcase", or send said photos unsolicited also get tossed.

Guys who don't bother to send a real message,  but just a "wink" or photo request are ignored to.

"I think they're just looking for something to wank off to, Mistress."

"Sad, but probably true, Slave.... they should just read the blog."

Mistress did get a text from the erstwhile 35 year old Latin Lover, wondering "how she was doing ", and asking if she'd like to meet for a drink.

"I think he still can't get over that you blow him off after he sent you those cock shots, Mistress."

He's a mucho machismo sort of guy who probably hasn't heard "No" much from women in his young life. So I suppose he's hoping Mistress will ultimately succumb to his charms. At least once.

"I don't think I'm interested, Slave."

So Mistress may have to resort to the power tool while I am gone. Let's just hope we don't see too much of a spike in the electric bill.