Friday, June 18, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

More Cage Time for Mick?

 In recounting Mistress's adventure with K last Friday night,  I failed to include a few sordid details.

First, Mick was required to spend some relatively rare "cage time" while Mistress was out. The same policy applied when K came by for that introductory dinner on the prior Tuesday evening.  Fortunately, Mistress was in a benign mood when she returned from her "ordeal" and before collapsing into a deep sleep, she authorized me to unlock and remove my cage.

I know, some of you would describe this as too permissive, but, fortunately for me, Mistress is compassionate about slave's comfort level.  Or maybe she just wanted to make sure her beauty sleep was not disturbed by a tossing and turning slave.

Whether Mistress will ratchet up slave's cage time in the weeks to come remains to be seen. But I can expect it when she and Mistress get together. 

Another item I failed to mention is that K has a submissive inclined partner with whom he shares an "open" relationship.  He mentioned to Mistress that she sometimes likes to join in his play with another woman. She's been out-of-town for a few weeks, but Mistress assumes we will have a chance to meet her and get together at some point in the future.

That certainly raises some interesting prospects for kinkiness as this relationship develops in the future. 

Finally, as we discussed the evening's activities, Mistress confirmed that she not only enjoyed K's oral attentions - leading to at least one orgasm - but also applied her own oral skills to K's exceedingly large cock. 

"It was a real challenge,'s so BIG!"

Fortunately, Mistress tender lady parts seem to have recovered from her Friday Night with K.  She's been generous enough to allow Slave an all access pass every morning since then.  Let's hope that policy continues!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Mistress's First Night With A New Lover

 Mistress made it home at about 11 pm Friday - way past our typical mountain west bedtime. And she was very tired.

"I'm exhausted slave....."

"Poor Mistress".

From her fashionable purse she pulled out a plastic baggie. No, it did not contain  a used condom.  But a necklace I had gotten her years ago from a local craft jeweler.  It was in tatters.

"Things got so raucous, and, well, I forgot to take this off.  Somehow amid all the hot and heavy it just broke.  But I think I got all the beads." She already was thinking through where to take it for repairs.

She focused on removing her makeup, and we quickly headed to bed.

"I'm even too tired - and sore -- for any worship tonight slave.  Raincheck in the morning?"

"Of course, Mistress."

It took her several days to share much of the details of her first night with a "sidedish" in about two years. And it was quite a story. 

She arrived at around 6:30 pm, and K eased into things with restraint and courtesy.

"He made a light dinner for us, and we sat out on his patio, nice views, and just talked.  I heard about his girlfriend who sounds interesting....they have an open relationship. She lives there part time. But I must say the house looks more like a single guy's  pad than one for a couple...."

"So after dinner.....?"

"After a drink and dinner and conversation,  he suggested we go inside."

Mistress had left the house not sure about whether she would actually have sex with K on what amounted to their first "date" (not counting that dinner on Tuesday night with the three of us). But apparently K had a manner that persuaded her to shed any remaining inhibitions.

"So what happened then...."

"Inside he pressed me against the wall....pulled my arms over my head....held them there... and kissed me...."

"Is he a good kisser, Mistress?"

"Very good slave...."

"Then he told me from that point forward I would call him 'Sir'....."

"How did that work...."

"I did my best, but forgot sometimes...."

"And then?"

"He spanked me slave... for not calling him 'Sir' or if I laughed at something he was doing....."

"And how did you react to the spanking?"

"It was hot, slave....very hot."

"So how did he get you out of your dress....."

Mistress had left the house in a long swirling tie-dye dress that showed lots of back.

"It took a while....he just pushed it up and had me that way for a while, just taking my parties off....."

"This was in his room?"

"yes...and by the way....he had some red rope hanging from the wall of his bedroom. But I told him no rope the first time.  I needed to get more comfortable first."

But let's not digress.

"Did he make you come, Mistress?"

"Oh yes.  With his tongue....he likes that unlike some guys.  With his fingers.  And with his very big cock."

"How big?"

"Bigger than any I've had before slave....that's why I had to ask him to take a few was .....well almost too big....."


"Oh there were a few... him on top. him from riding his cock, which seemed to be the most comfortable for me."

The next morning, Mistress indulged her slave with some worship and wake up sex.  But she was clearly tender from the "abuse" she suffered at the hands of her new dominant lover. I've tried to go easy in our sex, knowing she could just as easily shut me down until she was fully recovered. In fact, it seemed to take at least 3 days for her to recover from the tenderness caused by that huge "bull" cock.

Where does this go from here?

Seems they are both interested in a return engagement, though it may take a few weeks for that to happen due to competing travel plans.

But at least we know there is a cuckolding life after COVID! And with a dominant lover to add extra spice.

"Did you enjoy submitting to him, Mistress?

"Oh yes, slave....."

Friday, June 11, 2021

Date Night for Mistress

 This is not one of those fan fiction posts!  No....this is for real.

After a long pandemic-induced draught, Mistress is actually going on a "date" tonight with a local gentleman we met via fetlife.  He in his mid-40's, tall, fit and definitely of the dominant persuasion.

We had him over for dinner earlier this week.  He was polite and respectful.  Over drinks, the conversation focused on common interests with Mistress, which involved lots of outdoor activities - from biking to hiking to downhill skiing. 

As we ate dinner, we touched a bit on our past experiences with other lovers for Molly, and mick's odd cuckold turn on.  We even mentioned that we had a "contract" that allowed Mistress to have "side dishes" of her choice. No one mentioned that slave was actually wearing a cock cage for the occasion. In time, possibly. 

Mistress was intrigued, and attracted.  But K was not pushy, asking for a hug (but nothing more) before he headed home. He told Mistress to talk it over with me before deciding whether to pursue things further.  Of course, that was Mistress's call.

And the call she made was to let K know she was ready to take "the next step".  That involves a Friday night date tonight, we Mistress flying solo over to K's house on the other side of our sleepy little town.

"But if I do that what will you do, slave?"  

"Well there's always the NBA playoffs on TV."

"Whatever you'll be doing, slave,  one thing is for'll be back in that cage on Friday night."