Thursday, June 18, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day -- Disciplined by Her Boss

She called  on her way home from work.

"My bottom is sore slave....."

"Hmmm.... why's that, Mistress?"

"The boss spanked me."


"What?  ... Why?  ...Where?"

"He said I was a tease...."

I remembered then what she had worn to work that day....short black dress.  And I commented on the black stockings she had shimmied up her long, well toned legs.   "Isn't that a little provocative for the office, Mistress?" 

She had giggled a bit.  "I thought I'd tart it up a bit for him, slave.....Haven't you been encouraging me to take it to the next level?"

Yeah.  I suppose I had.  Before she left for work, she closed the lock on my cage, pocketing the key in her purse.

"let me know how he reacts?"

"Don't worry......I will keep you up to date.....", she smiled, kissing me good bye as her hand gently slid over my locked cage.

Back to Mistress on her cell....

"Well you were trying to tease him with that outfit, Mistress....did you flash the stocking tops....?"

"I have a feeling he caught them during a long conference call.... couldn't help crossing my legs a few times on the other side of his desk...."

"You are a tease....."

She just laughed.

"So the spanking.....where and how?"

"In his office. At the end of the day. Our secretaries were gone.  He closed the door.   Said, over my knee.....I was a little shocked at first.  Tried to laugh it off.  But he was serious.... so ....."

"So you let him?"

What was I to do..... he's the boss....."

"Go on....."

"I settled over his knee .... he pulled up my dress... pulled my hands behind me and held them there with one hand....pawed me a little through my panties...."

"I bet that made you squirm...."

"Oh yes....."

"And wet....."

"You know me, slave....."

Yes.  She can be a slut on occasion.

"And then....."

"Then he lit into me.... had me count to ten strokes....."

"Did it hurt?"

"Some.... not too bad.... he was relatively gentle....all the while lecturing me on how my dress and stockings made him horny through that long call...."too distracting" he claimed...."

"So what happened when he was done with the spanking....."

"What do you expect?  I'll fill you in on the rest when I get home.  Be ready for worship!"

"Yes, Mistress."

I hoped she remembered where she had parked the key.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Changing of the Guard

Mistress and her lover had arranged for an after-work get together in our bed that Tuesday afternoon. She let me know as via cell phone as I was on my way home.

"He's stopping by after  work.  It was a little spur of the moment....I think he's horny for me, slave."

"Do you like that idea, Mistress?"

"Of I know it makes you horny too."

It did. My cock lurched against the hard steel of the cage she'd locked me in that morning. Ouch.

"Should I just get lost until you tell me he's gone....."

"Not yet.  Come home.  Make us both a drink when he arrives.  And then you can "get lost".  But be sure to thank him for fucking me before you that?"

"Yes, Mistress....."

Monday, June 8, 2020

Cuckold Meme - Business Trip, Part III

When Mistress finally got home from her business trip,  we fell into a warm welcome home hug and deep kiss.  I was already on edge waiting for a full "read out" on the night she had spent with her boss. And the fact that my cock had been caged for more than 48 hours had left me frustrated and straining for relief.

As we broke the hug, her hand drifted down to my crotch, giving the cage a quick, teasing squeeze.

It was about then that I noticed her new jewelry - two platinum cuffs on each of her wrists.

"What's with the new bracelets, Mistress."

"He gave them to me on the plane ride home. Said they were a "bonus" for landing that big account.  He sealed them with a tiny screw driver.  Now only he can take them off."

She flashed them for a quick inspection.  Sure enough, there was no way to unfasten them without the special tool. 

"How did you react, Mistress...."

"It was kind of hot, slave.  Him fixing these on me in first class.  And he showed me the  matching  lock he bought, to seal them together, like handcuffs...."

"He did that on the plane ?"

"Yeah.... it was kind of a turn on....particularly when his land slid up under my dress...."

"Wow..... did that make you wet, Mistress?'

"What do you think.... he had me squirming and frustrated..... and there was no time for a quickie after we landed."

"Awww.... poor Mistress."

She gave me a fake sulk, lip protruding. 

"Why don't we adjourn to your chambers, Mistress and get you into something more comfortable....And maybe me out of this cage?"

All this talk about handcuffs and quickies had her "work-a-day cock" straining fruitlessly against hard steel.

"Hmmmm..... well there's one problem slave...."

"What would that be, Mistress...."

"While we were in bed last that big king sized bed in his hotel suite.... he noticed the key ....on the silver chain you gave me, around my neck."


"And he asked me what it was......"

"And you told him? .... about my cage?"


"I did, slave.  You had to be there...."

"I can imagine.  So what did he say......"

"He was amused, to say the least.  About the whole cuckold thing.  And you locked up until I decided to free you....."

"No doubt."

That's when I noticed that the key was no longer on her necklace.  And began to panic.

"Uhhh.....What happened to the key?"

"He took it slave....he said it was in trade for the bracelets...."

"You mean?"

"He says he'll be the key holder for at least a few days..... and that the three of us have to talk."

"Oh shit...."

"But at least you can still worship....."