Monday, August 21, 2017

Mistress On Simmer

If you read our comment section here yesterday, you saw that our WC has imposed a temporary orgasm embargo on the UCTMW household, in anticipation of his arrival with his wife B later this evening.

Fortunately, the news did not arrive here in the remote shadow of the Sangre de Christo mountains until mid-morning, long after Mistress and slave had indulged in our Sunday morning sexual rituals. That means Mistress had a couple of final cums before the embargo took effect.  She seemed pleased that slave deployed her favorite power tool, and even asked my permission to cum.  And slave enjoyed the chance to take his pleasure after the power tool was thumbed off.

Mistress took the news of Mike's edict with a certain resigned indignation. At least at first. After a pre-breakfast bike ride, and some languishing on our patio, we took a nap together, but avoided the typical post-nap worship.  Then, before dinner we spent some time on our patio, enjoying the cool damp breeze on an unusually rainy day here in the high desert.

That's when Mistress sounded out in a bit of rebellious fit of pique.

"Mike would never know if we cheat, slave....and had just one before he gets here."

"But Mistress, that would be wrong!"

She looked at me with a certain disgust.

"If you're not co-operating, maybe I'll have to take things into my own hands then....."

But did she?  There was a bit of time yesterday when I was showering and Mistress was resting in bed in her robe, before we went out for dinner.

Only Mistress knows for sure.

Mike, maybe you will have to interrogate her later today to get to the bottom of it. Until then I will do my best to make sure your embargo holds, at least until this evening.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Twi-Night Double Header

Back when I was just a wee slave wannabe, River City's local baseball team often had winning records. They were Big and Machine like as they piled up victories, not like the pathetic teams of the last 20 years or so. Often, as a treat to fans (or maybe to make up for a rain cancellation) the team would play a "double header", with one ticket buying a frugal fan 18 innings or more of major league action.  Action would begin win the afternoon, and end sometime in the late evening.

Of course, those days are long gone. Owners aren't giving away a game that when they can charge their fans an inflated ticket price. And, frankly, with the games growing in length and tedium in recent years, who could actually sit through two games, back-to-back?

But here at the UCTMW HDH yesterday, Mistress and slave rolled back the clock and staged our own twi-night double header. First, there was our traditional wake up sex.  That was spiced a bit by an introductory phone call from the WC.  He texted me early yesterday morning, asking to talk to Mistress "before you have sex....." Hmmm, I thought to myself. Is the WC going to play one of those cards from yesteryear?  Back in the day when he and Mistress has regular phone sex appointments, he would sometimes impose an orgasm embargo on her, ordering her to refrain from any intervening cums so she would be primed and ready for him.  Fortunately, those embargoes never applied to slave!

But it turned out that the WC just wanted to confirm that if things turned torrid when he and B are visiting, she remained game. It was the proper and polite thing to do, and Mistress indicated that she remained "willing", despite the passage of time. Of course, we both also indicated that it was up to B, the person least familiar with this odd dynamic to make the call.  Maybe things will develop in  a kinky direction. Maybe we will just have some vanilla grown up fun over dinners and beverages, with some sight seeing tossed in.  Who knows?

After that call, Mistress and slave exercised their normal sexual yearnings, with some conventional but always hot sex, before heading out on our obligatory Saturday morning errands.  We stocked the larder at the Farmer's Market with all sorts of fresh goodies for the week ahead.

At home, there was a bike ride, and some work for both of us out on our patio before we adjourned to bed for a late afternoon nap.  But when we woke, Mistress was in a feisty mood.

"Fetch my supplies, slave....."

I took that to mean her strap on and its attachment, along with lube.  It had been a while, but slave was ready to take his medicine. I obediently assembled her equipment and placed them on the bed for her.

"What about the riding crop, slave?"


I found that protruding from a cowboy boot in our closet, a little dusty but ready for her use.

At her direction, I assumed the desired position.

She laced into me, not too hard, but with sufficient authority to remind me of my place.

"This is because you have us scheduled to be in River City for too long this fall, slave......"

True. It won't be a while until we return. It's not anything to be pleased about, and I probably deserved to take the fall. Both of us are happier out here at our HDH, than amidst the sharper elbows and more demanding family members back in River City.

But my chastisement did not last long. Soon Mistress was mounting her slave, my ass reddened and awaiting her assault. She found her target and was soon reaching a crescendo that had her slave panting and Mistress cumming in a long dramatic moan of delight. Then she collapsed onto me, catching her breath after her successful assault on her slave.

When she recovered, she climbed off me, leaving her harness on the floor for her slave to clean and put away until the next time.  Back in bed, She rolled over onto her back.

"You may fuck me now, slave.... if you're up to it."

Rest assured, her slave was more than up to it. Did that count as extra innings?

It was a very dramatic conclusion to a prolonged day at our little high desert ball yard.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Who's In Charge?

After our early morning sexual rituals on Thursday, Mistress and slave spent the day on our foot, hiking for the 2nd time this summer to the top of New Mexico.  We are in about as good a cardio and endurance shape as we have been in some years, preparing for our leave of absence in early September for a journey to the roof of Africa. As you can see, Mistress's legs are particularly fit and fetching as a result of all this hiking and cycling. Unfortunately, the trail was a little too crowded yesterday for any on mountain oral attention to those fit and fabulous clean shaven folds.

After we got back from the mountain (and showered off all the distilled and crud), we had a long conversation with the WC.  It is getting to sound like he and B really will be coming down to see us on Monday.  We even did a little meal planning, and had a candid conversation about what really might happen when they arrive.

Poor B is the one person who has been out of the loop when it comes to the adventures of Molly, Mick and our Western Correspondent over the years. What will really happen when they show up at our door here at the UCTMW HDH?  We made it clear that it's all up to B. Maybe we just have some pleasant dinners and vanilla tourism activities during their visit. Or maybe more.... it's her call.

The WC must have passed that onto B last night, because when I woke up this morning there was a text message from him on my phone.

"Mick- I told B that you said she would be in charge, She wants you caged when we get there. :)."

My response....

"It shall be done."

Of course, was that smiley face a sign that Mike was only pulling our legs.  Or does B really want me in the cage?  I guess I'd better play it safe and make sure I have the cage on.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Homework Assignment Graded as "Incomplete"

If it's Sunday at the UCTMW HDH (High Desert Hideaway) it's not MTP (Meet the Press).  It's Switch Day!

Slave has been a little too submissive recently when it comes to exercising my switch day privileges. But a "homework assignment" from the WC provided a little inspiration.  He wanted a semi-suspension - Mistress's legs up in the air, exposed for who knows what. ( I certainly had my own ideas).  But the concept was better than the execution.

On Saturday I installed some hooks in our viga beamed ceiling to implement my plan.  There was already some rope on hand in a dresser drawer.  On Sunday morning, Mistress was co-operative. I tied her arms spread to the corners of the bed. Then  I got her left leg up in the desired position.

Looks hot doesn't it?

But the problem was with the right leg.  Mistress broke that ankle more than 20 years ago. It still can get stiff and ouchy for her.  When I got her right leg up into the desired position, it became clear that her ankle had no plan to co-operate. And with all our upcoming hiking, slave decided a little kinky display was hardly worth the risk of permanent damage. I am prepared to pay the price for my "incomplete" homework assignment.

But slave wasn't giving up all together.  Mistress's leg was lowered, but then both were secured to the corners of the bed. A classic spread eagle.

I toyed with my bound prize for a while. Kissing. stroking. Teasing. Taunting. At some point her favorite power tool was deployed to take her close to the edge.  She begged her slave nicely. And of course I buckled, allowing her a cum that had her straining and bucking against her bonds.

After she caught her breath, slave took full advantage of his opportunity.

Later I texted our WC the photo above, and explained why I failed to complete his assignment. He seemed magnanimous about our failure to fulfill his vision. But in response he texted us a few pictures of his own.

Apparently he and B have a collection of toys at their disposal.  Will they be bringing some with them? It got me wondering if there would be some "consequences" for slave's failure to complete that homework assignment.

And now I just remembered something: I was supposed to paddle Mistress for her failure to respond to the WC's texts earlier this week.  Oops!  I guess I need to wait until our next Switch Day!

That would be the day before the WC and B are planning to visit us.  Mistress may have a sore bottom when (and if) they show up.