Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Mistress and slave have wrapped all the Holiday presents and are awaiting the arrival on Friday of our recently engaged daughter and her boyfriend.  Mistress will be touring potential wedding venues with them on Friday afternoon, a tour that slave hopes to avoid.  I'm happy to let others make decisions like where, when and how my little darling will be "given away".  Slaves are meant to be seen, not heard, right?

On the cuckold front, it's reported that Mistress's lover Jay will pay a call on her tomorrow night. One last opportunity for the two love birds to spend some time together before Christmas guests arrive and our journey west on Monday.  Look for an update on their mischief here on Friday morning!

But today's blog is intended as an exploration of a budding controversy across the pond amongst our former colonial rulers concerning the attire of their latest Prime Minister Theresa May. Over here we are confronting the likelihood that our prospective Il Duce is actually a Kremlin Mole, determined to dismantle our civil liberties (other than the right of white folks to pack heat) and round up racial and religious minorities. I;m considering investing in rail car manufacturer stock.

But over in London the buzz is about Theresa May's leather pants, which reputedly cost north of $1000 (including VAT)!  Here is a brief update, among a plethora of accounts available on the web, including ultra-fop Boris Johnson's allusion to lederhosen. Johnson Ridicules May's Leather Pants

It's not the first time that the British Press has obsessed about the PM's attire.  Earlier there was much buzz about her penchant for colorful pricey pumps. So much more on entertaining than speculating about the consequences of a trade war with Europe once that "hard Brexit" is imposed and all the laborers from Poland are sent back across the channel.

And those high black boots as she showed her respects for her Majesty!  The horror! 

Now I for one find it hard to categorize Ms. May as "hot".  But  those boots and black tights would have earned a second glance from me. Plus she clearly has a tad more sex appeal than her most recent female predecessor, who looked better with the helmet on.

But let's be fair folks! Sure $1000 for a pair of pants may seem pricey to the average "Shrimpy" (do people in England really have nick names like that?). But compared to the fop-ish bespoke suits of  high born, Oxford educated  twits like David Cameron, is that too much to pay for the PM's leather breeches?  How much do you think Davey Boy paid for that white tie ensemble?  Or was it a rental?
While it would be nice to see Mrs. May accessorize her leather ensemble with a stiff leather riding crop, at least she seems sartorially competent enough to keep her blouse properly buttoned when in public.  The former PM clearly does know how to use his studs. Let's hope his lovely wife has more aptitude in that area, since I can't think of a better cuckold.

No wonder the "Empire" is a sad, fading part of history!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Missed Opportunity

We've had a festive few days here in River City. No snow, but a night at a local jazz club with a holiday show was enough to stoke the Christmas mood. Without kids at home, we are too lazy to do the whole decorated tree thing....but a few lights on a large house plant and "fest".

We even snuck in a "double header" yesterday, with our afternoon foray featuring some robust and satisfying cock riding by Mistress.

The timing was just had been cold here the last few days. And the UCTMW World HQ is a tad drafty when temperatures get below 25 F.

"No cock riding if I have to shed the covers, slave...."

But after a busy day - me with the cute grand kids and Mistress with the dowager domme - the weather suddenly warmed up, giving Mistress a window of opportunity to take a ride on her slave's work-a-day cock. You have to take your opportunities when you get them!

Speaking of which, on Friday night there was one missed opportunity.

We met one of Mistress's old high school friends at a downtown cocktail lounge for a few beverages and some chit chat. Mistress was all decked out in her tights, which gave slave a good show as she say across from me on a cozy couch.  I even was asked to take a photo of the two of them, giving me cover for one of those "tights shots" I enjoy.

When our evening came to an end at around 10 pm, we headed a few blocks back to my office tower, where our car was parked.  We had talked about heading up to my office for one more "quickie with a view" from the 28th floor. But, alas, that's when the freezing rain started to fall.

"Maybe we better get home before the streets get scary, Mistress...."

What a shame though.  There are a few fantasies we have yet to fulfill from my perch and only a few more days left before I bail out for good.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Slim Pickins'

With an extended trip to our SW hideaway planned, slave had the “clever”  idea that it might be fun to help Mistress recruit a Southwestern side-dish on AM. All you have to do is change one’s zip code on your profile and, “wa-la”, instant access to a pool of sexy cowboys and rugged individualists itching to please an exotic, sexually adventurous  beauty such as Molly Collins.

Well…. that was the theory. Maybe all those guys have moved to some other web site that I’m not aware of. But so far the pool seems pretty fished out.

There is one guy from Santa Fe we’ve exchanged some emails with, along with an offer to meet for a drink one afternoon. But he’s gotten a little tedious already, with a little too much bragging about the size of his wine cellar and his forays to upscale restaurants.

“If we’re talking about size slave, I’m not sure it’s a wine cellar I’m interested in.”

Then there is his reaction to Mistress’s candid statement that her husband gives her permission and would be fully updated on any of their prospective interactions.

“I hope he doesn’t want to watch or listen in” was his response,
“that would be a little creepy….”  He clearly has never heard of the cuckold thing.

There is another persistent fellow who fancies himself as a latter day Ricardo Montalban, who’s picture features a bushy head of white hair and matching moustache. No doubt he drives a fancy car with “fine Corinthian leather”.  But at 64 he’s really not what Mistress is looking for…. After all she’s already got one aging consort. Who needs another? Unless he brings some other guy along for a threesome?

There have been several creepy looking guys who like to send photos showing off all their tattoos. 

“Yuck”, was Mistress’s only reaction.

Then there is this guy who at least makes it clear what he’s looking for:

We both know why we are here and there is no reason to play games. I'm a 100% heterosexual man who enjoys sex with a woman, concentrating on her erogenous zones and am looking for open minded and sensual women who desire to receive as well as give sensual pleasure. I like conversation and foreplay, but also like to cut to the chase and enjoy, as I am a busy and well educated small business owner who works in a physical profession. Not really kinky but you only live once so definitely open to some different experiences... tell me what really turns you on!

What turns me on the most is a confident, adventurous woman who does not play head games and is ready for not just friendship but also sexual intimacy at all times.

Now at least he can cut to the chase….my guess is he doesn’t have a wine cellar, but that “at all times” line makes you wonder if he’s  looking for the Uber version of a sexual partner.

Then there’s a guy from Colorado – purportedly single who’s profile name is “Likes to Sneak Around”.  He claims he is “ready to get crazy naked”, and notes that “I really love pleasing women, taking them to the brink and keeping them there until they can’t take it no more.”

While Mistress might appreciate Mr. Sneak Around’s aspirations, I think she’d be taken aback by his notion of good grammar.

The bottom line: it may be hard to find a suitable match for Mistress on line in a part of the country that is sparsely populated.  Not enough fish in the sea.  Compare that to the rather prolific adventures of Rebecca over at Lapsed Catholic Wife as summarized this week in her year end up date.  Becs, I’m wondering how you find the time to fit them all in?

So at this point Mistress is still shopping. Maybe  Slim Pickens will just fall out of the sky some day and surprise her with his moves.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Our Long Lost Western Correspondent Checks In

It’s been sometime since we’ve heard from our long lost Western Correspondent. We had assumed that he had either been lost in a haze of Ricky Mountain Highness or drowned in a vat of that high end lubricant he uses to keep his special occasion cock from rusting up on him.

In any event we came home from a movie last night to find this surprise dispatch nailed to our cyber wall.  We know Mike’s fans will be anxious to see it raw and unedited. (Mike’s keyboard lost the punctuation keys back in the Dubya era).

Well Mick and Molly leave the country for a few days


We get the orange haired 8th grader for president

At least the Russians and the Billionaires won

The rest of us not so much

I kind of was looking forward to Medicare And social security

Im sure glad those white working class have no need of such big government

Fucking morons

I've seen this movie twice before 

1980 and 2000

I know what is going to happen

Well on to the sex front

Congrats Mick on your retirement!

I can only imagine the hijinks U2 will be up to with the two of you home

Mick you better double your efforts to find stud cuckolders for Molly 

Molly you might have to send him on trips to get him out of the house and search for Cuckolders 

The local gym?

The elks club?

Pussycat's practice?

Maybe the Reds?

Or just a garden variety sports bar?

And of course there id always Ashley  Maddison

Just kidding

Love you two lunatics

Have fun 

Can't wait to hear all bout it

Your fateful western reporter

Mike- I’m not sure what “fate” awaits you, or us.  But don’t be a stranger. We can always get you back into the rotation!  But no expense acount this time. I’m still paying off the UCTMW corporate Amex card!