Saturday, May 21, 2016

Free Terri!

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we had a quiet evening at home Friday. Mistress visited Trader Joe's and collected some goodies for a little "picnic" dinner.  There was some time in bed - and some worship - before we enjoyed our dinner and caught up on some TV episodes we had in the "Q". (The People vs. O.J. Simpson, a surprisingly compelling re-telling of a very familiar story). Today should be equally laid back, and Mistress has even threatened to pull out her strap - on this afternoon if Slave is well behaved.

Speaking about  submissives behaving badly, I woke this morning to discover that Diane, the lady of the house over at A Married Sissy has pulled the plug on Terri's blogging privileges. It's a little unclear what motivated this crack down on Terri's right of free expression, as well as our daily source of amusement about the adventures of Diane, her "sissy" husband Terri, and her lover Paul. But I suspect the "crime" was a little sustained whining by Terri that he has been cut off from sexual satisfaction for the rest of the month. And considering the fact that he is perpetually cock caged by Diane, she does have the ability to keep a very literal lid on Terri's fun.

But consider this Diane:  Terri has willingly agreed to hand you the key to his sexual release, without any apparent whining about the rigors of your daily confinement of his family jewels. He has also written an (almost)  daily blog documenting his devotion to you and your sexual contentment. You are on the pedestal that Terri constructed, and all of us get to admire the view.

Considering all that, what's the harm in a little public whining about his desire for some sexual gratification. You can always say "Hell No". And when he reports your hardcore insistence that he remain on lock down, I suspect that triggers a whole lot of sexual fantasizing about you and your hardcore Domme-ish ways.  Now what's the harm in that? Don't you get a little thrill at the thought of all those guys and gals getting off vicariously on your handling of your hubby?

And if you are determined to impose a punishment upon your impertinent sissy husband, can't it be something that doesn't involve a disruption of his always entertaining blog?  Maybe something like on the left?

Free Terri! (Not from his cage, but to communicate his pent up angst to the rest of us).

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Gizmo of the Century

Reading Terri's "A Married Sissy"  entry this morning I realized that I had missed  the arrival of this year's "National Masturbation Month".  That's not something slave thinks about much.  I am so pampered by open access to Mistress's clean shaven folds that I rarely have the yearning for "self help". Instead, I follow the "no touch" rule, unless given specific authorization from Mistress.

But it seems timely to note something that Donna, our Senior correspondent passed along this week: Notice that Time magazine has listed the (formerly) Hitachi Magic Wand as one of its top ten most influential gizmos of all time - up there with the I-phone, Sony Walkman, and HP DeskJet printer.  Here is a chunk of the press release from the current Magic Wand maker:

Time Magazine notes that fans and therapists have “extolled the Wand’s virtues”, and that it appeared on Sex and the City in 2002. It also notes the Magic Wand’s enduring association in popular vernacular with the company that invented it, Hitachi.
The Magic Wand, previously the “Hitachi Magic Wand”, became widely known after sex educators like Betty Dodson, Joni Blank and Dell Williams recommended the massager to their clients, starting in the 1970s. Since then consumers have loved it for its power, quality and reliable satisfaction. In 2015, the Magic Wand Original was joined on store shelves by the Magic Wand Rechargeable, a cordless massager offering the freedom to enjoy the wand’s pleasures almost anywhere, anytime.
“We are humbled that the Magic Wand has been recognized in this way by Time Magazine,” says Shay Martin, Vice President of Vibratex, Inc., exclusive importer of the Magic Wand since 2000. “Consumers, therapists and reviewers have praised and recommended the Magic Wand for over thirty years; still it is an honor to see the ‘Cadillac of vibrators’ on this iconic one-time list by Time Magazine,” adds Martin.

Of course, the Hitachi has been at the top of Mistress's favorite gizmos for a long time too.  It's a nice supplement for fun and games here at the UCTMW World HQ when she gets bored with my avid lips and tongue. And it would not surprise me if it gets whipped out from time to time when Slave is working late or away for business.  I also know that her occasional side-dish Jay enjoys watching Mistress put on a little show for him with her favorite power tool.  Apparently it is now a universally acknowledged go to tool for discerning women world wide - and for a few men too, based on Terri's candid disclosures about how Diane uses it while he remains confined to his cock cage.

I did a little research this morning for some illustrations and had not realized all of the accessories available for this classic gizmo. Check out this tumblr page if you are magic wand original

Here is a photo of one woman's elaborate accessory collection:

Obviously, Slave needs to be helping Mistress add to her collection.  I particularly liked this one, which would be nice to have around should we get back into our "switch day" ritual:

 Anyone know where I can find one?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Ideas For A Reader Looking to Scratch a "Femdom" Itch.

Mistress and slave made it safely home from our 5 day work/leisure getaway late yesterday afternoon, with some time left for a nice bike ride before dinner.

Our weekend went as (un)planned. The weather was  grey and cold on Saturday, giving us an excuse to “shelter in place” in our rustic room after a long walk to and from breakfast. Another “two-a-day” was part of our plan, and Mistress punctuated our afternoon session with some vigorous cock riding.

Sunday dawned with some bright sunshine. And though it was still unseasonably cold out we took a long walk on the beach after some cozy wake-up sex. 

All in all, our getaway was a nice chance to spend some time together before heading into a few challenging weeks of work and family duties.

When we arrived home we noticed some hefty comments to Saturday morning’s blog. Our anonymous blog historian presented an  interesting perspective on Mistress and slave’s style of communicating. And “Lapsed Catholic” responded in detail to my question about whether her husband was clued in on her own AM fueled couplings:

Thank you so much for the wonderful responses. No my husband is not aware, I tried to spice up the sex life before joining AM but alas no joy, he would not even entertain a vibrator. I have tried to swing our lives around and am slowly dripping information to him re a cuckold lifestyle. However this has to be done gently. I like the idea of denying him sex and using it as a "reward" basis. I am going to introduce a chastity device as a method of introducing the whole subject but am working the best way to do this. He is very traditional! A true British gentleman so it is taking some planning. I think he perceives me as this quiet gentle mother, fortunately Ashley Madison has provided the sex so sorely needed. Fortunately he does know I have a humour so therefore that is my "gateway" to starting the ball rolling. Oh and a fettish for boots he has! I hope you had a wonderful exploration of a weekend.

All of this might be fuel for our own readers’ imaginations and ideas.  How do you introduce an unsuspecting husband to the “benefits” of a chastity device?  And when a wife has an unfulfilled appetite  for some Femdom adventures, what do you do with a clue less husband?

It seems that the more typical situation is where the husband has an inner submissive  nagging to come out, and is searching for a way to get his wife to tag along. Surely there may be some ideas out for LC as she schemes to release her inner Domme.  Any ideas, dear readers?

My own thought ties to LC’s comments that her “British gentleman” husband has a bit of a boot fetish.  Now there’s something to start with.  LC, maybe you should start posing around the house in a get-up like the one on the left. If you get him started focused on the boots, he might start enjoying the accessories too!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Answering Reader Questions

Mistress and slave learned yesterday morning that a family event we were obligated to attend on Sunday afternoon was cancelled. And while we weren't celebrating the cancellation, we were fully prepared to take advantage of the sudden open spot on our calendar. The decision was quickly made to adjourn our little junket to Chicago to a quaint little lake front lodge we enjoy on the opposite side of  the Windy City's lakefront.  The fact that the Innkeeper is still offering a "2 for 1" night off-season rate made sticking around until Sunday all the more attractive.

So rather than the posh king sized bed and lake view we enjoyed on Wednesday and Thursday nights, we are now hunkered down in a more rustic but equally cozy king sized bed with a forest view. We arrived in time for a long walk on the deserted beach, some dinner at a local ethnic restaurant, and, of course, a couple of rounds of worship for Mistress. T he sound of the Lake surf and a pop up rain storm gently soothed us to sleep last night.

We plan some bike riding and reading and a very restful day today....and at least two rounds of sex!

But today's edition is not simply a travelogue. Our reader Lapsed Catholic (Author of the "Lapsed Catholic Wife" blog had some questions I wanted to answer:

"Do you wear a chastity device to work? What is the longest time you have been denied sex as well? I am curious. I want my husband to worship me."

LC, thanks for the question, and your interest in the blog. I checked out your blog which I have listed on our UCTMW "blog role". It sounds like you've been making good use of your Ashley Madison subscription. Mistress met some interesting folks using AM a few years back - she encountered some losers and a handful of  keepers, including her current side dish Jay.

In response to your question, I do wear my chastity cage to work on occasion, based on Mistress's desires, though not as often as some  heckling readers (like Terri) would prefer. Mistress cuts me a lot of slack, and allows me to "hang loose" when I ride my bike, or have business appointments where a metal detector might come into play. More typically, she makes me wear the cage if she is seeing another lover, or if I am going to a social occasion solo which might involve potentially attractive members of the opposite sex.

Since she likes to have her cock available on command, she does not make me wear the cage when we are together, such as while we are on this current "business" trip. An exception might be when we go to dinner with one of her lovers, or one of them visits the house, and my own appendage is not her primary source of pleasure for the evening.

How long have I gone with sustained abstinence?  This is another sore point with some of our readers. I can't think of any situations on the recent past when more than 2-3 days have gone by without a good cum. Though Mistress and I travel solo on occasion, business trips are short. If we are away longer then Mistress usually lifts her "no touch" rule and requires me to engage in a little "self abuse". Her philosophy seems to be that she does not want a horny slave on the loose without her direct supervision.

In terms of how to arrange for your husband to worship you, I can't be of much help. We all come to these arrangements in our own circuitous ways. Every marriage is a mystery to outsiders, and more often than not to insiders. Maybe our readers have some clues they can share?

I tend to think that the carrot and stick method works best, but I don't know what makes your husband tick.

Hope you continue to enjoy the blog. I've enjoyed reading about your exploits, including your culinary exploits whilst enjoying the company of your lovers. One question: is your husband aware of your escapades, or so far are they a secret? If a secret, you never know whether he might got off on the whole "cuckold" thrill. Not many of us do, but it can be a very potent accellerant for your domestic sex life.