Sunday, March 13, 2016

Breakfast With Benefits.

Saturday took an unanticipated turn here at the UCTMW World HQ yesterday morning.

It began like a typical Saturday morning.... some robust wake-up sex in Mistress's "executive suite". Then we were off to some of our typical activities.  Slave had time scheduled with my cute grand kids, then  visits to the grocery store and my fading mother at her nursing home.

Mistress had scheduled a breakfast meeting with her Lover Jay.... and I use "lover" somewhat conditionally these days. Jay's has a problem with his ankle, and ongoing problems arranging for child care for his son. So it's been a few weeks since Mistress and slave actually got together for anything other than a chaste meal or a meeting over some mutual business activities.

"He's dropping by at 9:15, slave and  we are walking up to [a local greasy spoon diner].  Then he's got to go pick up his son."  Mistress had lunch with her mother scheduled after breakfast with Jay.

I did my "fun with grandkids" routine. A trip to a local donut shop and then visiting a  playground downtown for a couple of hours. Then dropped them home and headed to my next stop. It was around 11:15 am when I called to check in on Mistress. But . . . no answer.

"Hmmmm..... I wonder if Mistress persuaded Jay to linger after breakfast?" I thought to myself.  That's the benefit of the empty nest. No daughter lingering around or potentially stopping by to interfere with unscheduled fun.

Confirmation of my suspicion came about 30 minutes later, when Mistress rang me back.

"Sorry slave.... but Jay and I were having a 'quickie' when you called....."

"No problem.... how did that evolve, Mistress?"

"He had a little extra time before picking up his son, slave.... so there was a little oral worship and then some actual sex before he left...."

"And where was all this happening, Mistress? "

"Up in our bedroom, slave.....I'm still a little pants or panties....just here in my top and bra."

"Poor Mistress.... that's a lot of sex for one morning."

"It was, slave....,"  Mistress conceded, with a little giddy giggle.

She explained the quickie unwound the way Jay like's it.... him standing and Mistress on the side of the bed, legs spread and available to him.

"I guess Jay's ankle is feeling a little better, Mistress?"

One does need some leverage using that position.

"It seemed to be working pretty well, slave...."

Later, once I was home, Mistress and her slave headed out for a nice bike ride on a spring like afternoon, and then lazed about in our bed before a neighborhood party.

But one thing was clear, Mistress had her fill for the day.

"I'm guessing that sex is off the table this afternoon, Mistress?  Sounds like you've had enough for one day."

"That was a busy morning slave....."

But she did allow her slave to gently  salve her well worn clean shaven folds with my skilled lips and tongue.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Cuckolding in the White House?

Before we get to our provocative headline, let me pause briefly to mark the sad passing of this year's tights season here in UCTMW Land.  After (hopefully) a final blast of winter last week, warm weather has returned to our quaint river valley here in the heartland. Slave's been able to ride his bike to work, and Mistress has declared that her tights have been put away until next November.

It's a shame in a way. Slave certainly has a lingering fetish for Mistress in those smooth, silky black tights that she wears during the winter months. But when she appeared at my office on Wednesday before we headed to dinner downtown with some friends, she was back into the bare legs / black boots look.  Rest assured I made sure to provide a little late afternoon worship before we headed out into a warm, rainy night on the town.

Now, onto another subject....Mistress and slave have been binge watching the latest season of House of Cards, the dark political thriller starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright as a first couple so manipulative and cynical that they make our current crop of Presidential candidates look like characters from Sesame Street.

There have been a few choice moments of sexual adventure over the past three seasons: Frank providing some skillful oral worship while a young female reporter talks to her father on the phone; Claire in bed with a NYC artist lover; and a brief three way with a loyal secret service agent.

But this year, Frank and Claire have plunged full bore into the world of cuckolding, with Frank indulging his wife's flirtation with a much younger novelist / speech writer. The episode we watched last night ended with a tableau familiar on a few occasions here, and maybe in the homes of some of our cuckolding compatriots.

After getting "permission" from her husband, Claire has a White House sleepover with her younger lover. And there they are in the morning, in the kitchen upstairs in the Presidential residence, all quietly sharing breakfast:

Living the cuckold dream!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Accommodations For An Aging Slave

It's been a laid back and slightly dull week here in River City.

No early morning lover visits.

No ski break (at least until next week).

Just some work and a few evenings at home binge watching the latest season of "House of Cards", which, sadly, is replete of kinky sex this year.

Of course, Mistress and slave have enjoyed some satisfying wake up sex. And Mistress has been worshipped at the end of the day.

Speaking of worship, slave has noticed a persistent nag from his aging body.

Our typical worship position is Mistress laying on our bed, and slave wiggling down to align my face with her tender, clean shaven bits, my legs and hips off to the side.

What I find after my task is complete is that my right hip is tight and stiff, and a bit painful as I try to straighten it in order to exploit my opportunity to "have my way" with Mistress. Of course, one advantage of this position is that my cock gets to friction against Mistress's firm and shapely leg while I am doing my worship.

But boy, that hip gets ouchy.  I suppose it's time to look at alternative worship positions.  There is the face ride:
 But would that put too much stress on Mistress's back?  Obviously, we don't want to make her do the work.

There is kneeling as Mistress reclines comfortably on the bed or couch:

And maybe a special chair:

And there is always the possibility of some custom made furniture, though this would seem pretty uncomfortable for the recipient of a slave's devoted attention:

I suppose one option would be to recruit a surrogate worshipper. But that would deny me the opportunity to enjoy the personal satisfaction of worshipping Mistress. I would be curious to hear how the rest of you suggest I handle my  tender hip while sufficiently serving Mistress' s needs.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Night On The Town

Mistress and slave have had a laid back weekend here in River City.
On Friday evening, slave came home at the appointed hour and made sure Mistress had some early evening worship.

Then we were off to a local watering hole owned by a friend that features a jazz vocalist on weekends. It is one of those romantic, well lit joints where Mistress could feel comfortable wearing some sexy black tights and a black dress that displayed her fit and shapely legs to best advantage.

We know the owner of this joint, who joined us for a while on a cozy couch not far from the music.  M is about Mistress's age, and has an Irishman's charm. Mistress has looked on M with an admiring eye in the past.

"He's kind of handsome, slave....."

"No doubt, Mistress...."

And for his part, M has never been shy to comment on how lovely Molly looks to him. Just polite complements, right?

In any event, M was sitting next to Mistress and we chatted on a bit about his new joint and local politics.  Mistress and M were clearly enjoying each other's company. At some point Mistress excused herself to go to the ladies room, and M said he would take the opportunity to follow along.

Now this is where slave's imagination can run wild.

What if J and M were now cornered in some back room, exploiting each other's mutual attraction?
I pondered the possibility that there was an owner's office in the back, where M might even now be spreading Mistress's firm thighs, his tongue and lips enjoying the privilege that slave had so recently exploited.

Or maybe Mistress was popping open M's trousers, and sinking to her knees to provide some pleasure of her own?

Slave's little bubble burst when Mistress returned, unrumpled, and looking freshened instead.

But of course I shared my little fantasy with Mistress.

"Oh slave, it's a nice thought, but I think M is happily married.  He's never come onto me other than some innocent flirting....."

"Well, it's the thought that counts, Mistress....."

"True, slave... true."