Sunday, March 6, 2016

Night On The Town

Mistress and slave have had a laid back weekend here in River City.
On Friday evening, slave came home at the appointed hour and made sure Mistress had some early evening worship.

Then we were off to a local watering hole owned by a friend that features a jazz vocalist on weekends. It is one of those romantic, well lit joints where Mistress could feel comfortable wearing some sexy black tights and a black dress that displayed her fit and shapely legs to best advantage.

We know the owner of this joint, who joined us for a while on a cozy couch not far from the music.  M is about Mistress's age, and has an Irishman's charm. Mistress has looked on M with an admiring eye in the past.

"He's kind of handsome, slave....."

"No doubt, Mistress...."

And for his part, M has never been shy to comment on how lovely Molly looks to him. Just polite complements, right?

In any event, M was sitting next to Mistress and we chatted on a bit about his new joint and local politics.  Mistress and M were clearly enjoying each other's company. At some point Mistress excused herself to go to the ladies room, and M said he would take the opportunity to follow along.

Now this is where slave's imagination can run wild.

What if J and M were now cornered in some back room, exploiting each other's mutual attraction?
I pondered the possibility that there was an owner's office in the back, where M might even now be spreading Mistress's firm thighs, his tongue and lips enjoying the privilege that slave had so recently exploited.

Or maybe Mistress was popping open M's trousers, and sinking to her knees to provide some pleasure of her own?

Slave's little bubble burst when Mistress returned, unrumpled, and looking freshened instead.

But of course I shared my little fantasy with Mistress.

"Oh slave, it's a nice thought, but I think M is happily married.  He's never come onto me other than some innocent flirting....."

"Well, it's the thought that counts, Mistress....."

"True, slave... true."

Friday, March 4, 2016

Tuckered Mistress

Slave quietly slipped out of the house yesterday morning, after consuming a bowl of cornflakes and strawberries.  I did not try to creep up the stairs or listen at the keyhole to catch any "live action" as Mistress and K went at it.

But rest assured that my cock cage seemed particularly tight as I dusted some light snow off my windshield and climbed into my car for the short drive to work.

I hunkered down at the officer and finally heard from Mistress at around 10 am.

"Well he's gone, slave.... and I really would rather go back to sleep now, but I have to get to work myself...."

Luckily, Mistress had scheduled a "work from home day", so she did not have to go through the transformation from well fucked Mistress to polished professional.

"How's the cage, slave?"

"Tight, Mistress."

When I arrived home at around 5:30 pm (I was not in the mood for late work) Mistress was back in bed, wearing her sleek, tight fitting black riding pants and jacket, though it seemed the damp, blustery weather had conspired to keep her inside all day.

Fortunately, the first order of business was to pop me free from that tight, confining cage.

"Poor slave..... were you frustrated?"

"You could say that, Mistress".  I mean it had been nearly 36 hours since Slave's last opportunity to enjoy his privileges with Mistress, and there was the extra stimulation of Mistress's early morning caller.

"Did you tell K I was in the cage, Mistress."

"I did.... he seemed.... amused.....and asked who's idea it was, mine or yours."

'What did you tell him?"

"That it was sort of both of our ideas, slave...."

(I guess she skipped the crowd sourcing part).

Mistress slithered out of her riding pants, and It was not long before I was in my proper position, tasting the sweet juices betwixt Mistress's firm thighs. And as I savored the mix of Mistress's natural flavors with those left behind by K, she downloaded a bit of her morning experience.

"It was actually pretty conventional, slave.... him on top.... but my body is pretty sore.  He really pounded me."

"Poor Mistress...."

"He did have a fantasy he recounted....something involving him arriving while you are fucking me, and then me sucking his cock...."

"Hmmmm..... I suppose we can get around to that, Mistress.... his wish is our command, after all."

But there was something else I wanted to get around to first.  Fortunately, and despite her tender body, Mistress was very accommodating.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Turning Mistress Over to Her Early Morning Lover

Slave is sitting here in our downstairs kitchen, eating breakfast, and listening to the Donald railing about little Marco Rubio on Morning Joe.

Meanwhile Mistress is upstairs in the UCTMW Executive Suite in the skilled hands (and other body parts) of her lover K.

Rest assured that slave delivered on his part of the deal.

Cage On.


Serviced Mistress with those experienced lips and tongue, up to the very brink of orgasm.


I showered and dressed before 7:45, K's scheduled arrival time.

And he was punctual. I saw his BMW pull into the drive from our bedroom window.

"Does he drive a BMW, Mistress?"

"Yes, a black one, slave."

"Well then, he's here."

Mistress had ordered me to keep the door unlocked for him.

"He'll let himself in, slave."

There was a little uncomfortable small talk about the day ahead as we waited for him to find his way up the stairs. I was standing beside the bed, dressed now, Mistress all tucked into our warm bed, with nothing on but a very see through black nightie.

The one I got her for V-Day, only a few weeks ago.

"Maybe next time I should tie you to the bed for him, Mistress....."


But there seemed to be  a bit of a blush at the thought of it.

We heard footfalls on our creaky steps. Then K strode into the room. He's a tall (maybe 6'2") rugged looking guy in his 40's.  Still plays hockey and looks the part of a sleek aggressive forward on the ice.

It had been a couple of years since I had last seen him in person. There was a dinner and sleepover a while back, in our old house.

K and I  shook hands.  What else do guys do?

He seemed comfortable with the situation, an easy smile, dressed in "business casual", a waist length jacket over a button down shirt.

Mistress was in bed, giggling a bit.  Basking in the attention and the circumstances. Clearly happy to have her husband and lover in attendance at the same time.

"I got her ready for you, K...."

He just smiled.

"Mick wants me to give you his number, K. So he can send instructions."

"Actually, so you can send me instructions....."

"Not a bad idea", he said, eyeing Mistress in bed, presumably contemplating what lie beneath the covers.

I explained I was heading downstairs, eating some breakfast, then heading to work.

"So I'll leave you to it....."

As you might expect, I will be looking forward to Mistress's "read out" later this morning.  In the meantime, that cage seems mighty tight.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Deferred But Not Denied

Monday was a bit of a circus here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Mistress and slave had a regular work day, with Mistress out the door very early. There was no chance to have our traditional wake-up sex.

Then we also got drafted to host a family dinner for daughters, grandkids, my niece and her new child. So we raced home from work duties to prepare and serve dinners with smiles on our faces.

And we were also hosting said niece and baby for the night.

Plus I had agreed to accompany one of my older daughters to a concert downtown.

Lots of balls in the air and all those moving parts had both of us exhausted by the time we went to bed. It was one of those very rare days when poor Mistress had no chance for even a tongue induced orgasm.... a rare and very big goose egg on the cum calendar! (If there was one).

Slave slept a little later than normal on Tuesday morning, and Mistress had to get up earlier than typical, so there was a very tight window of opportunity for any wake-up sex. Slave barely had time to sip his coffee before heading back upstairs to make sure Mistress did not have another goose egg to start her day.

And things were going well.... Mistress was given her starter cum with slave's highly skilled lips and tongue. Slave's work-a-day cock was eager and fully deployed. . .  But.... the baby woke and was crying.  Mistress's alarm went off....  It was not to be.

"Sorry slave.....our time has run out....."


Slave was left with a hard cock, and a long work day ahead.  I suppose I was fortunate that Mistress did not require me to wear my cage to prevent any "self-help".  But she had no reason to be concerned about a violation of the "no touch" rule.  I figured there would be some time at home at the end of the day before we headed out to a political event.

Sure enough, when slave arrived home, Mistress was back in our bed, and our two house guests were out at a dinner with friends.  The window of opportunity was re-opened and Mistress and slave took full advantage.  There was some robust cock riding, and slave was able to feast where he had famished only hours earlier.

So all things "came" out well in the end. Delayed, but not denied.

When the dust settled, Mistress and slave had a chance to talk about tomorrow morning's scheduled get together with K.  They've been texting about their plans, and Mistress was willing to share a little about their communications.

"So what are his expectations, Mistress?"

"I told him you'd be here when he arrives, but would be going to work thereafter, slave...."

"And what about your state of preparation?"

"He knows we will NOT be having sex beforehand...."

"But I do get to warm you up, right?"

"Yes, you do Slave...."

"Does he know about the cock cage?"

"Hmmmm..... I'm not sure I've mentioned that ..... at least not yet...."

I'll be curious to know whether that will be our little secret, or if Mistress let's know K that her husband will be on lockdown while he enjoys the privileges of her lush and sensual body.  If he is as pervy as I suspect, that might be an extra turn on for him, don't you think?

Now I'd better shut down here, and make sure there is plenty of time in bed this morning to avoid the tragic events of Tuesday morning.